This document outlines 12 experiments in the Microwave and Optical Communication Lab course EEC-751. The experiments include studying the relationship between LED current and optical power output, setting up fiber optic analog links, measuring fiber optic attenuation and bending losses, determining the numerical aperture of optical fibers, studying the characteristics of reflex klystron tubes and Gunn diodes, measuring waveguide properties, and performing experiments involving digital time division multiplexing and Manchester coding.
Este documento describe c坦mo un tutor puede utilizar un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje (PLE) mediante el uso de herramientas en l鱈nea para acompa単ar a estudiantes de manera tutorial. Explica que un PLE permite el aprendizaje aut坦nomo y colaborativo a trav辿s de redes sociales y herramientas como Facebook, Gmail y YouTube. Tambi辿n identifica algunos desaf鱈os como la necesidad de que los estudiantes tengan habilidades con las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n.
Soo Jin PARK "Fung Su and self-organized landforms: an old but new conceptual...Global Risk Forum GRFDavos
Fung Su is an ancient Chinese philosophy for sustainable land management that considers interactions between human and natural factors. It uses a multi-scale approach to classify landscapes based on their three-dimensional forms and landform processes. The goal is to identify ideal landscapes that guide the flow of energy (gi) in a self-organized way. Human interventions aim to enhance, not disrupt, these natural evolutionary pathways. The framework provides lessons for holistically managing complex human-environment systems in a way that is transferable to different conditions.
Este folleto promociona un crucero por el Caribe del 23 al 27 de septiembre organizado por Cruceros XD, con sede en la carrera 8aba n炭m. 7-65 y dirigido por Sebasti叩n y Juan Pablo.
Juega r鱈e divi辿rtete y disfruta con la cancha de tejo don tetodanitrasla
El documento describe un proyecto para implementar un juego recreativo utilizando materiales reciclables como el cart坦n para ni単os con necesidades cognitivas en la Instituci坦n Educativa Antonio Ricaurte. El juego busca ense単ar n炭meros, colores, figuras geom辿tricas y otras tem叩ticas de forma l炭dica. El objetivo general es contribuir con actividades que mejoren el desarrollo del conocimiento de manera divertida.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre los recursos gastron坦micos del estado de Baja California. Detalla los productos t鱈picos de la regi坦n como el vino y diversos mariscos, as鱈 como platillos tradicionales como la ensalada C辿sar y la langosta estilo Puerto Nuevo. Tambi辿n incluye una lista de festivales gastron坦micos y recetas representativas de la cocina bajacaliforniana.
Freak Out, Geek Out, or Seek Out: Dealing with Tech Change and Customer Engag...David King
This document discusses how libraries can respond to changes in technology and customer engagement. It suggests that libraries should embrace a digital presence and focus on customer experience. Libraries need community managers, digital branch managers and other roles to engage patrons both inside and outside the library. The document provides examples of libraries interacting with patrons through social media, focus groups and visiting where patrons gather online. It emphasizes designing services around customers and improving customer journeys. Libraries should also gauge staff readiness for change and find champions to help lead transformations.
This document outlines 12 experiments in the Microwave and Optical Communication Lab course EEC-751. The experiments include studying the relationship between LED current and optical power output, setting up fiber optic analog links, measuring fiber optic attenuation and bending losses, determining the numerical aperture of optical fibers, studying the characteristics of reflex klystron tubes and Gunn diodes, measuring waveguide properties, and performing experiments involving digital time division multiplexing and Manchester coding.
Este documento describe c坦mo un tutor puede utilizar un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje (PLE) mediante el uso de herramientas en l鱈nea para acompa単ar a estudiantes de manera tutorial. Explica que un PLE permite el aprendizaje aut坦nomo y colaborativo a trav辿s de redes sociales y herramientas como Facebook, Gmail y YouTube. Tambi辿n identifica algunos desaf鱈os como la necesidad de que los estudiantes tengan habilidades con las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n.
Soo Jin PARK "Fung Su and self-organized landforms: an old but new conceptual...Global Risk Forum GRFDavos
Fung Su is an ancient Chinese philosophy for sustainable land management that considers interactions between human and natural factors. It uses a multi-scale approach to classify landscapes based on their three-dimensional forms and landform processes. The goal is to identify ideal landscapes that guide the flow of energy (gi) in a self-organized way. Human interventions aim to enhance, not disrupt, these natural evolutionary pathways. The framework provides lessons for holistically managing complex human-environment systems in a way that is transferable to different conditions.
Este folleto promociona un crucero por el Caribe del 23 al 27 de septiembre organizado por Cruceros XD, con sede en la carrera 8aba n炭m. 7-65 y dirigido por Sebasti叩n y Juan Pablo.
Juega r鱈e divi辿rtete y disfruta con la cancha de tejo don tetodanitrasla
El documento describe un proyecto para implementar un juego recreativo utilizando materiales reciclables como el cart坦n para ni単os con necesidades cognitivas en la Instituci坦n Educativa Antonio Ricaurte. El juego busca ense単ar n炭meros, colores, figuras geom辿tricas y otras tem叩ticas de forma l炭dica. El objetivo general es contribuir con actividades que mejoren el desarrollo del conocimiento de manera divertida.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre los recursos gastron坦micos del estado de Baja California. Detalla los productos t鱈picos de la regi坦n como el vino y diversos mariscos, as鱈 como platillos tradicionales como la ensalada C辿sar y la langosta estilo Puerto Nuevo. Tambi辿n incluye una lista de festivales gastron坦micos y recetas representativas de la cocina bajacaliforniana.
Freak Out, Geek Out, or Seek Out: Dealing with Tech Change and Customer Engag...David King
This document discusses how libraries can respond to changes in technology and customer engagement. It suggests that libraries should embrace a digital presence and focus on customer experience. Libraries need community managers, digital branch managers and other roles to engage patrons both inside and outside the library. The document provides examples of libraries interacting with patrons through social media, focus groups and visiting where patrons gather online. It emphasizes designing services around customers and improving customer journeys. Libraries should also gauge staff readiness for change and find champions to help lead transformations.