Social media at Microsoft outlines guidelines for using social media in marketing. It recommends auditing current social media activity and ensuring goals are tied to business outcomes. Key roles include subsidiary marketing owning social programs and PR owning engagement strategies. It provides tips on listening first before engaging, using paid media to promote owned content, and measuring according to goals rather than focusing solely on ROI. Guidance and resources are available to support social media efforts.
Presentation of woodward & nanlohy's paper of digital portfolios fact or fash...Dongyi Guo
The document summarizes Woodward & Nanlohy's paper on digital portfolios. It discusses how the research focused on the value of digital portfolios through a student project, similarities and differences between paper and digital portfolios, and unique learning opportunities offered by digital portfolios. The research aimed to investigate multimedia authoring strategies, increase understanding of ICTs through digital portfolios, and assess student learning during the process. Digital portfolios offer opportunities for learning, support, reflection, and presenting work in a way that improves self-confidence compared to paper portfolios.
Genetic engineering involves directly manipulating and altering genes. It is commonly used in medicine, such as producing insulin and exploring gene therapy. Genetic engineering is controversial due to various ethical issues regarding human and animal testing. A variety of scientific fields, including genetics, medicine, biology, and biochemistry, contribute to studying genetic engineering. Many careers utilize this technology, such as microbiologists, researchers, and genetic engineers.
This document discusses the role of probiotics in maintaining a healthy vaginal ecosystem and preventing recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). It provides background on the normal vaginal flora dominated by lactobacillus species and how disturbances can lead to issues like bacterial vaginosis (BV) and UTIs. Probiotics like certain lactobacillus and bifidobacterium species are believed to help restore normal flora through mechanisms like inhibiting pathogens, producing antimicrobials, and modulating immunity. The document reviews several clinical trials that showed probiotic supplements reduced BV recurrences and improved cure rates when combined with other therapies.
This document discusses the normal microbial flora of the skin, intestines, and vagina. It describes the most common bacteria that normally inhabit these areas, including Staphylococcus epidermidis and Streptococcus on the skin. In the intestines, it notes the high numbers of anaerobic bacteria and how the flora changes along the GI tract. It also explains how disruption of the normal flora through factors like antibiotics or medical procedures can allow pathogenic bacteria to colonize.
Genetic engineering involves directly manipulating and altering genes. It is commonly used in medicine, such as producing insulin and researching gene therapy. Genetic engineering is controversial due to various ethical issues regarding human and animal testing. A variety of scientific fields, including genetics, medicine, biology, and biochemistry, contribute to studying genetic engineering. Many careers utilize this technology, such as microbiologists, researchers, and genetic engineers.
This presentation gives an brief idea about the applications of genetic engineering which is of at most importance to humans. Provided along with this slide is an example which makes it easier to understand the concept.
Genetic engineering involves transferring DNA between organisms. It uses recombinant DNA techniques where the gene of interest is isolated and inserted into a vector like a plasmid or virus, which is then used to introduce the gene into a host cell. This allows the production of useful proteins like insulin through genetically modified bacteria. While genetic engineering has benefits like producing important medicines, there are also potential health and environmental risks to consider.
Social media at Microsoft outlines guidelines for using social media in marketing. It recommends auditing current social media activity and ensuring goals are tied to business outcomes. Key roles include subsidiary marketing owning social programs and PR owning engagement strategies. It provides tips on listening first before engaging, using paid media to promote owned content, and measuring according to goals rather than focusing solely on ROI. Guidance and resources are available to support social media efforts.
Presentation of woodward & nanlohy's paper of digital portfolios fact or fash...Dongyi Guo
The document summarizes Woodward & Nanlohy's paper on digital portfolios. It discusses how the research focused on the value of digital portfolios through a student project, similarities and differences between paper and digital portfolios, and unique learning opportunities offered by digital portfolios. The research aimed to investigate multimedia authoring strategies, increase understanding of ICTs through digital portfolios, and assess student learning during the process. Digital portfolios offer opportunities for learning, support, reflection, and presenting work in a way that improves self-confidence compared to paper portfolios.
Genetic engineering involves directly manipulating and altering genes. It is commonly used in medicine, such as producing insulin and exploring gene therapy. Genetic engineering is controversial due to various ethical issues regarding human and animal testing. A variety of scientific fields, including genetics, medicine, biology, and biochemistry, contribute to studying genetic engineering. Many careers utilize this technology, such as microbiologists, researchers, and genetic engineers.
This document discusses the role of probiotics in maintaining a healthy vaginal ecosystem and preventing recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). It provides background on the normal vaginal flora dominated by lactobacillus species and how disturbances can lead to issues like bacterial vaginosis (BV) and UTIs. Probiotics like certain lactobacillus and bifidobacterium species are believed to help restore normal flora through mechanisms like inhibiting pathogens, producing antimicrobials, and modulating immunity. The document reviews several clinical trials that showed probiotic supplements reduced BV recurrences and improved cure rates when combined with other therapies.
This document discusses the normal microbial flora of the skin, intestines, and vagina. It describes the most common bacteria that normally inhabit these areas, including Staphylococcus epidermidis and Streptococcus on the skin. In the intestines, it notes the high numbers of anaerobic bacteria and how the flora changes along the GI tract. It also explains how disruption of the normal flora through factors like antibiotics or medical procedures can allow pathogenic bacteria to colonize.
Genetic engineering involves directly manipulating and altering genes. It is commonly used in medicine, such as producing insulin and researching gene therapy. Genetic engineering is controversial due to various ethical issues regarding human and animal testing. A variety of scientific fields, including genetics, medicine, biology, and biochemistry, contribute to studying genetic engineering. Many careers utilize this technology, such as microbiologists, researchers, and genetic engineers.
This presentation gives an brief idea about the applications of genetic engineering which is of at most importance to humans. Provided along with this slide is an example which makes it easier to understand the concept.
Genetic engineering involves transferring DNA between organisms. It uses recombinant DNA techniques where the gene of interest is isolated and inserted into a vector like a plasmid or virus, which is then used to introduce the gene into a host cell. This allows the production of useful proteins like insulin through genetically modified bacteria. While genetic engineering has benefits like producing important medicines, there are also potential health and environmental risks to consider.
2. Title: ACTION RESEARCH: A guide for the Teacher Researcher (3rd Edition)Author: Geoffrey E. MillsYear: 2007Publication: Pearson Education Ltd.Judulbuku
4. Kajiantindakanmerupakanagendalammembuatperubahandalampendidikan. Kajiantindakanjugamembantumembinasikap professional guru. Dengankata lain, proseskajiantindakanmemperkasakan guru dalampenyelidikan.Kajiantindakanadalahsebarangsiasatanbersistematik yang dijalankanolehseorang guru, pengetua, guru kaunselingataumana-manabadan yang terlibatdalampersekitaranpengajaran & pembelajaranuntukmendapatkanmaklumattentangpengeporasiansekolah, perjalanansesipengajarandansejauhmanapelajar-pelajarbelajar.Definisikajiantindakan
5. Melaluimaklumat yang diperolehidengansasaranpembangunandalaman, pembinaanlatihan, perubahankesanpositifdalampersekitaransekolahsertamemperbaikikualitipenghasilanpelajar .Terdapat 4 langkahdalammenjalankankajianiniiaitu:i) mengenalpastifokuskajianii) mengumpul dataiii) menganalisisdanmenginpretasi dataiv) membangunkanpelan-pelantindakanTerdapat 2 perbezaankajian yang dibincangkaniaituKajianTradisionaldanKajianTindakan.
7. Model Kurt Lewin(1952) yang menerangkanproseskitaran spiraling yang merangkumiprosesmerancang, melaksanakan, danmemantau.Stephen Kemmis ( 1988) yang menerangkanproseskajiantindakan spiral yang merangkumiciri-ciri model Lewin. Model Kemmismelibatkanpemantauan, perancangan, langkahpertama,refleksi, berfikirsemuladanpenilaian.Emily Calhoun (1994) menerangkankitarankajiantindakan yang merangkumipengumpulan data, pengolahan data, analisisdanmengambiltindakan.Gordon Wells (1994) memperkenalkan Idealized Model iaituprosespemerhatian, pengolahan, pengubahanperancangan, tindakan, dan the practitioners personal theory Proseskajiantindakan
8. Richard Sagor (2000) menyatakantujuhlangkah yang merangkumiprosesmemilih focus, teori, mengenalpastipersoalankajian, pengumpulan data, penganalisaan data, pelaporan data, dantindakanterhadapkeputusankajian.Ernest Stringer (2004) menerangkan Action Research Helix yang merangkumiprosesmelihat, berfikir, danmengambiltindakan .John Creswell (2005) menyatakankajiantindakansebagaidinamik, fleksibel yang melibatkanprosesberikut: mengenalpastijikakajiantindakanadalah design yang paling baikuntukdigunkan, mengenalpstimasalahuntukdikaji, mengenalpastimaklumat yang berkaitan, pengumpulan data, menganalis data, membinarancanganuntukkajian, danmelaksanakansertamembuatrefleksi.Cher Hendricks (2006) menyatakanbahawakajiantindakanmengikutprinsip systematic inquiry based on going reflection.
11. PelanKajianTindakanMenurut Elliot, 1991; Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988, terdapat 9 langkahdalammengaturpelankajiantindakaniaitu:MenuliskenyataanmasalahMenakrifpembolehubah-pembolehubahMembinasoalankajianMenghuraikanhalangandaninovasiMenghuraikananggotakumpulanpenyelidikankajiantindakanMenghuraikanrundingan yang perluuntukdiambiltindakanMembinagarismasa/ tempohmasaMembinasumber-sumberkenyataanMembina idea pengumpulan data
14. Kesahan & kebolehpercayaanKesahan validity merujuk kepada darjah atau pemerhatian saintifik yang mana mengukur apa yang sepatutnya diukur. Terdapat beberapa kriteria yang dicadangkan oleh:Guba (1981)Maxwell (1992)Anderson (1994)Wolcott (1994)Manakala, kebolehpercayaan reliability pula adalah konsistensi pada data yang diukur.
16. Membangunkan satu perspektif beretika iaitu berkenaan prinsip peribadi Meminta izin dari para peserta kajian tindakanMenentukan prinsip-prinsip sosial lebih luas yang menjejaskan pendirian beretika Menimbangkan prinsip-prinsip bagi utilitarian, deontological, etika-etika hubungan dan ekologi dalam memajukan kedudukan beretika andaMenimbangkan kerahsiaan dan ketidaktahuan bagi mengelak kerosakan data (rekod data adalah rahsia)Tidak terdapat ruang untuk penipuanMemastikan data dirakam dengan tepatEtikadalamkajiantindakan
31. PelantindakanperubahanpendidikanPersediaan tindakan merupakan salah satu usaha untuk menjawab persoalan : Berdasarkan apa yang telah saya pelajari dari penyelidikan saya, apa yang perlu saya lakukan sekarang?Terdapatbeberapalangkahuntuktindakaniaitu:Penemuan penyelidikan
37. Sumber-sumber rujukanTerdapat 8 faktordalammenghadapiperubahanpersekitaransekolahiaitu:Pihak guru danpentadbiranperlumerangkasemulahubungankuasaKedua-duastrategi top-down danbottom-up bolehdigunakanGuru yang terlibatdalamusahauntukperubahanharuslahdiberisokonganSetiaporangmerupakanagenperubahanMereka yang terlibatharusmengakuibahawaperubahan yang dilakukantidaksemestinyarapi, teraturdanrasionalGuru penyelidikmestilahmemberitumpuansepenuhnyapadabudayasekolahHasildaripadakesanperubahanharuslahbermakna/ memberikebaikanuntukditeruskan/ dilanjutkanMenjadiharapanadalahsatusumber yang kuat
47. Perkongsian, kritikan & penerimaankajiantindakanatastalianPenerbitanuntukkajiantindakanbolehmenggunakanelektroniksebagai medium, antaranyaperkongsianmelaluiatastalianTeknikinijugamerupakanalternatifkepadakaedahtradisional yang banyakmenggunakankertasterutamanyadalamkajiankepustakaanKemudahaninimembolehkanparapenyelidikuntukmencarisumberrujukan, berkongsi idea, memberikritikansertamembericadangandalamkomuniti global Namunbegitu, parapenyelidikharusberhati-hatidalammenghadapicabaran yang banyakterdedahdalamkemudahanatastalianterutamanyaapabilamelibatkan data peribadi/ sulit