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Did You Know? Sacramento is among the top cities for Twitter? Ranks #4 on Twitter use by business people Ranks #33 for overall social media use New York #1, San Francisco #2, DC #3  LA #8, San Jose #15 West Coast cities ahead of East Coast cities CA and TX only states to have multiple cities in the top 15
What That Means. If youre NOT a Twitter or social media userYou are BEHIND
What That Means. If youre not tweeting, or using social media, your competition IS!!
Tweeting for Success
Tweeting for Success What is Twitter? Why Tweet?  The Language of Twitter Twitter Etiquette Twitter Platforms Integration with other Social Media  Questions
What is Twitter? Created in March 2006 Most popular form of microblogging  Based in San Francisco One of top 4 social media platforms Has over 106 million users 180 million unique visitors every month 300,000 new users every day 600 million search queries per day
What is Twitter? Of Twitter users, 37% use their phones to tweet 75% of Twitter traffic comes from outside twitter.com (via 3d party apps) Twitter gets 3 billion requests a day Twitter users tweet an average of 55 million tweets a day One of 10 most visited websites
Why Tweet? Brand yourself Bring value Direct people to you website, fan page, profile, etc Notify followers of activity Inform, entertain Build your product/yourself/your business If your brain is your medium tweet If you write of blog. tweet
The Language of Twitter @ - Twitter handle (@tonygates44)  # - Hashtag  group posts (#stmidtown) RT  Retweet  post someone elses tweet you like  140 character limit* #FollowFriday; #SexySaturday DMs (Direct Messages)
The Language of Twitter Looking forward to speaking to the Midtown Successful Thinkers Group about using Twitter for #business. http://on.fb.me/hjgarS #STMidtown RT @SignRobby: @tonygates44 is speaking on Twitter next Wednesday morning #starden Awesome! RT @tonygates44: Lkg fwd to speaking to the Mtown Successful Thinkers Grp abt using Twitter for business. http://on.fb.me/hjgarS
The Language of Twitter Love that movie! RT @tonygates44 Watching #LoveActually with the familial unit. Annual tradition that gets the #Christmasspirit going. RT @tonygates44: Ask her! RT @RaisingCEOKids: I have a ton of other gift ideas - just ask me! #ceokidschat #Sacramento <== Mornin' friend! @tonygates44 thank you for following me :)
Twitter Etiquette  Dont spam Dont hijack hashtags  stay on topic Generally follow back Follow thank-yous (DM v. Public) Try and keep followed/following ratio close to 1:1  Build up others  RT often Use hashtags #FollowFriday
Twitter Etiquette  Give a compelling reason to click on a link Asking for followers is okay (w/in reason) Asking for RTs is okay (w/in reason) Bio and pic Give to get No bots Respond to communications Be witty, compelling, valuable Love your followers
Twitter Platforms Twitter.com Tweetdeck HootSuite
Integration w/ Other Social Media Platforms   Links to Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube, most other social media platforms  On blogs LinkedIn app Time-saver Be conscious of your brand
Tweeting for Success Questions?
General Guidelines Reciprocal follow  IF theres value Learn and use hashtags # Look for: number of follower/followed; # of tweets, RTs; signs of interaction (@) Good, brand-reinforcing bio #FollowFriday Draw people to your stuff with targeted marketing and salesmanship, no spam, or auto thanks for following me msgs  (Love your followers) Be witty  Link to LinkedIn/Facebook? Pros and Cons
Summary Social media is here to stay LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are the biggies Proper branding and bringing value brings people to you Show a personal side Stay away from the Big 3  Love your followers Be consistent

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Tweeting For Success

  • 1. Did You Know? Sacramento is among the top cities for Twitter? Ranks #4 on Twitter use by business people Ranks #33 for overall social media use New York #1, San Francisco #2, DC #3 LA #8, San Jose #15 West Coast cities ahead of East Coast cities CA and TX only states to have multiple cities in the top 15
  • 2. What That Means. If youre NOT a Twitter or social media userYou are BEHIND
  • 3. What That Means. If youre not tweeting, or using social media, your competition IS!!
  • 5. Tweeting for Success What is Twitter? Why Tweet? The Language of Twitter Twitter Etiquette Twitter Platforms Integration with other Social Media Questions
  • 6. What is Twitter? Created in March 2006 Most popular form of microblogging Based in San Francisco One of top 4 social media platforms Has over 106 million users 180 million unique visitors every month 300,000 new users every day 600 million search queries per day
  • 7. What is Twitter? Of Twitter users, 37% use their phones to tweet 75% of Twitter traffic comes from outside twitter.com (via 3d party apps) Twitter gets 3 billion requests a day Twitter users tweet an average of 55 million tweets a day One of 10 most visited websites
  • 8. Why Tweet? Brand yourself Bring value Direct people to you website, fan page, profile, etc Notify followers of activity Inform, entertain Build your product/yourself/your business If your brain is your medium tweet If you write of blog. tweet
  • 9. The Language of Twitter @ - Twitter handle (@tonygates44) # - Hashtag group posts (#stmidtown) RT Retweet post someone elses tweet you like 140 character limit* #FollowFriday; #SexySaturday DMs (Direct Messages)
  • 10. The Language of Twitter Looking forward to speaking to the Midtown Successful Thinkers Group about using Twitter for #business. http://on.fb.me/hjgarS #STMidtown RT @SignRobby: @tonygates44 is speaking on Twitter next Wednesday morning #starden Awesome! RT @tonygates44: Lkg fwd to speaking to the Mtown Successful Thinkers Grp abt using Twitter for business. http://on.fb.me/hjgarS
  • 11. The Language of Twitter Love that movie! RT @tonygates44 Watching #LoveActually with the familial unit. Annual tradition that gets the #Christmasspirit going. RT @tonygates44: Ask her! RT @RaisingCEOKids: I have a ton of other gift ideas - just ask me! #ceokidschat #Sacramento <== Mornin' friend! @tonygates44 thank you for following me :)
  • 12. Twitter Etiquette Dont spam Dont hijack hashtags stay on topic Generally follow back Follow thank-yous (DM v. Public) Try and keep followed/following ratio close to 1:1 Build up others RT often Use hashtags #FollowFriday
  • 13. Twitter Etiquette Give a compelling reason to click on a link Asking for followers is okay (w/in reason) Asking for RTs is okay (w/in reason) Bio and pic Give to get No bots Respond to communications Be witty, compelling, valuable Love your followers
  • 14. Twitter Platforms Twitter.com Tweetdeck HootSuite
  • 15. Integration w/ Other Social Media Platforms Links to Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube, most other social media platforms On blogs LinkedIn app Time-saver Be conscious of your brand
  • 16. Tweeting for Success Questions?
  • 17. General Guidelines Reciprocal follow IF theres value Learn and use hashtags # Look for: number of follower/followed; # of tweets, RTs; signs of interaction (@) Good, brand-reinforcing bio #FollowFriday Draw people to your stuff with targeted marketing and salesmanship, no spam, or auto thanks for following me msgs (Love your followers) Be witty Link to LinkedIn/Facebook? Pros and Cons
  • 18. Summary Social media is here to stay LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are the biggies Proper branding and bringing value brings people to you Show a personal side Stay away from the Big 3 Love your followers Be consistent