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Specialized school 3
Khust, Ukraine
Sharing our cultural
emotions on world
art heritage with
European eTwinners
 Vyshyvanka is the collocquial name for the
embroidered shirt in Ukrainian national
costume. Vyshyvanka varies from region to
 The vyshyvanka not only speaks of its Ukrainian
origin but also of the particular region in which it
was made. The knowing eye could detect where
a person comes from by the ornament on the
 Embroidery is an important craft within Ukraine
and different techniques exist to suit local styles
with their own particular patterns and colours.
 Traditionally, the thread was coloured according
to local formulas using bark, leaves, flowers,
berries and so on. In this way, the local
environment is literally reflected in the colour of
the embroidery.
Ukrainian vyshyvanka
 Vyshyvanka was used as a talisman to
protect the person wearing it and to tell a
 Embroidery was used in vulnerable places
on the garment where evil spirits could
potentially enter the body: along the
neckline, cuffs, shoulders, back and hem.
Ukrainian vyshyvanka
 Vyshyvanka Day is celebrated on the third
Thursday of May.It is intended to unite all
Ukrainians over the world, regardless of religion,
language they speak or their place of
residence. It is a flash mob holiday, which is not
attached to any public holiday or feast day.On
this day many Ukrainians wear vyshyvankas to
demonstrate adherence to the idea of national
identity and unity and to show their patriotism.
Ukrainian vyshyvanka
 During Paris Fashion Week 2015, Ukrainian
fashion designer Vita Kin was featured
in Vogue magazine
 and Harper's Bazaar for introducing
vyshyvankas as modern Bohemian
style designs that attracted fashion icons
like Anna Dello Russo, Miroslava Duma,
and Leandra Medine.
Ukrainian vyshyvanka
Ukrainian vyshyvanka

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Ukrainian vyshyvanka

  • 1. Specialized school 3 Khust, Ukraine Sharing our cultural emotions on world art heritage with European eTwinners
  • 2. Vyshyvanka is the collocquial name for the embroidered shirt in Ukrainian national costume. Vyshyvanka varies from region to region
  • 3. The vyshyvanka not only speaks of its Ukrainian origin but also of the particular region in which it was made. The knowing eye could detect where a person comes from by the ornament on the clothes. Embroidery is an important craft within Ukraine and different techniques exist to suit local styles with their own particular patterns and colours. Traditionally, the thread was coloured according to local formulas using bark, leaves, flowers, berries and so on. In this way, the local environment is literally reflected in the colour of the embroidery.
  • 5. Vyshyvanka was used as a talisman to protect the person wearing it and to tell a story. Embroidery was used in vulnerable places on the garment where evil spirits could potentially enter the body: along the neckline, cuffs, shoulders, back and hem.
  • 7. Vyshyvanka Day is celebrated on the third Thursday of May.It is intended to unite all Ukrainians over the world, regardless of religion, language they speak or their place of residence. It is a flash mob holiday, which is not attached to any public holiday or feast day.On this day many Ukrainians wear vyshyvankas to demonstrate adherence to the idea of national identity and unity and to show their patriotism.
  • 9. During Paris Fashion Week 2015, Ukrainian fashion designer Vita Kin was featured in Vogue magazine and Harper's Bazaar for introducing vyshyvankas as modern Bohemian style designs that attracted fashion icons like Anna Dello Russo, Miroslava Duma, and Leandra Medine.