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Unit 07 : Hotels
Look at the following pictures of famous places. Match them to the names of the countries.
China Taiwan Britain U.S.A. France Italy Germany Canada Australia Japan
Reservations  Phone Reservations
Receptionist: Good afternoon, Stanton Hotel. How may I help you?
Customer: Hello, I want to reserve a room, please.
Receptionist: Whats your name, please?
Customer: Its Green.
Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Green. When will you arrive?
Customer: Tomorrow night.
Receptionist: How many nights will you stay?
Customer: Three nights.
Receptionist: Do you want a single or double room?
Customer: A single room.
Receptionist: Thank you. And how will you pay?
Customer: By credit card.
Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Green. See you tomorrow.
Customer: Goodbye.
Listen to and practice the following dialogue.
Check-in the hotel rooms
Woman: Good afternoon, sir.
Man: Good afternoon. I have a reservation.
Woman: Whats your name, please?
Man: Jeff (1) _________________.
Woman: We have a single room for you, Mr. Green. It is
(2) _________________ 106.
Man: Where is that?
Woman: It is at the end of the (3) _________________.
Man: Thank you. Where can I buy a drink?
Woman: There is a vending machine at the front door. If you want a coffee,
there is a coffee shop at the back of the hotel.
Man: What if I want to eat?
Woman: The (4) _________________ shop sells food. And there is also
a Chinese restaurant. It is by the swimming pool.
Man: Where is the swimming pool?
Woman: The swimming pool is on the top floor.
Man: Do you have a bar?
Woman: Yes. There is a bar beside the coffee shop. If you need information, please call me.
The number for reception is 0000. There is a (5) _________________ in your room.
Man: Thank you. See you later.
Woman: Enjoy your stay.
Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks using the words below
coffee number guide Green hall
Grammar Check  Preposition of Place & Time
Fill the correct prepositions in the blanks below
Fill the correct prepositions in the blanks
1. ________ June
2. ________ six oclock
3. ________ three months
4. ________ the fifth of January
5. ________ the end of the month
Hotel Information
1. Open till 10 p.m. _____________________
2. Vending machine _____________________
3. Beside the Chinese restaurant _____________________
4. Serves drinks _____________________
5. Sells food on the first floor _____________________
Read the text, and match the locations below
to the information in the guide.
Example: A: Where is the coffee shop?
B: It is next to the bar.
Ask and answer questions
about the location of the various
hotel facilities. Refer to the hotel
information on the left.
Study the map
Sample Questions Sample Answers
Where can I go to exercise?
You can go running in the
Where can I go to buy some
There is a convenience
store near the hotel.
Is there anywhere
interesting near the hotel?
There is a museum near the
Where is the . . .?
How can I get to the . . .?
Can you give me
directions to the . . .?
. . . is on . . .
The . . . is opposite the hotel.
The . . . is on the right/left hand
Walk along . . .
Turn left/right at the corner.
Ask and answer questions about places near the hotel
Give directions to the places on your map.
Use the expressions below.
Guest : Can you give me directions to
the bank?
Concierge : The bank is on Madison
Walk down Main street.
At Madison avenue turn left.
The bank is on the right hand side.

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Unit 07 : Hotels

  • 2. Look at the following pictures of famous places. Match them to the names of the countries. China Taiwan Britain U.S.A. France Italy Germany Canada Australia Japan
  • 3. Reservations Phone Reservations Receptionist: Good afternoon, Stanton Hotel. How may I help you? Customer: Hello, I want to reserve a room, please. Receptionist: Whats your name, please? Customer: Its Green. Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Green. When will you arrive? Customer: Tomorrow night. Receptionist: How many nights will you stay? Customer: Three nights. Receptionist: Do you want a single or double room? Customer: A single room. Receptionist: Thank you. And how will you pay? Customer: By credit card. Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Green. See you tomorrow. Customer: Goodbye. Listen to and practice the following dialogue.
  • 4. Check-in the hotel rooms Woman: Good afternoon, sir. Man: Good afternoon. I have a reservation. Woman: Whats your name, please? Man: Jeff (1) _________________. Woman: We have a single room for you, Mr. Green. It is (2) _________________ 106. Man: Where is that? Woman: It is at the end of the (3) _________________. Man: Thank you. Where can I buy a drink? Woman: There is a vending machine at the front door. If you want a coffee, there is a coffee shop at the back of the hotel. Man: What if I want to eat? Woman: The (4) _________________ shop sells food. And there is also a Chinese restaurant. It is by the swimming pool. Man: Where is the swimming pool? Woman: The swimming pool is on the top floor. Man: Do you have a bar? Woman: Yes. There is a bar beside the coffee shop. If you need information, please call me. The number for reception is 0000. There is a (5) _________________ in your room. Man: Thank you. See you later. Woman: Enjoy your stay. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks using the words below coffee number guide Green hall
  • 5. Grammar Check Preposition of Place & Time Fill the correct prepositions in the blanks below Fill the correct prepositions in the blanks 1. ________ June 2. ________ six oclock 3. ________ three months 4. ________ the fifth of January 5. ________ the end of the month
  • 6. Hotel Information 1. Open till 10 p.m. _____________________ 2. Vending machine _____________________ 3. Beside the Chinese restaurant _____________________ 4. Serves drinks _____________________ 5. Sells food on the first floor _____________________ Read the text, and match the locations below to the information in the guide. Example: A: Where is the coffee shop? B: It is next to the bar. Ask and answer questions about the location of the various hotel facilities. Refer to the hotel information on the left.
  • 7. Study the map Sample Questions Sample Answers Where can I go to exercise? You can go running in the park. Where can I go to buy some toothpaste? There is a convenience store near the hotel. Is there anywhere interesting near the hotel? There is a museum near the hotel. Expressions Where is the . . .? How can I get to the . . .? Can you give me directions to the . . .? . . . is on . . . The . . . is opposite the hotel. The . . . is on the right/left hand side. Walk along . . . Turn left/right at the corner. Ask and answer questions about places near the hotel Give directions to the places on your map. Use the expressions below. Guest : Can you give me directions to the bank? Concierge : The bank is on Madison Avenue. Walk down Main street. At Madison avenue turn left. The bank is on the right hand side.