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Unit III
Network Layer- Part II
Position of Network Layer
Network Layer duties
networks and
making them
look the same
to the transport
addresses are
required to
define each
device/user in
the network
must be
packets and
sent to the
data-link layer
To fragment
smaller units so
that they can
be transferred
over various
data-link layer
network layer
packet is
ready, what
to do ?
Network Layer Part -III
 Unicast Routing
 Multicast Routing
 Next Generation IP
The network layer supervises the handling of the packets
by the underlying physical networks. This handling is
called as the delivery of a packet.
 Forwarding means to place the packet in its
route to its destination.
 Forwarding requires a host or a router to have a
routing table
 Forwarding techniques are required to make the
size of the routing table manageable
 Next-hop method versus route method
 Network-specific method versus host-specific method
 Default method
Forwarding Techniques
Route method versus next-hop method
Forwarding Techniques
 Host specific versus network-specific method
 Default method
Forwarding Process
In classless addressing, at least four columns in a routing
table are needed.
Routing Table
 Static routing table: created manually
 Dynamic routing table: updated periodically by using one of
the dynamic routing protocols such as RIP, OSPF, or BGP
 Common fields in a routing table
 Flag: U(up), G(gateway), H(host-specific), D(added by
redirection), M(modified by redirection)
 Reference count: number of users of this route at the
 Use: the number of packets transmitted through this router
for the corresponding destination
Communication in internet
 Forwarding of a datagram by a router is normally
based on the prefix of the destination address in
the datagram, which defines the network to
which the destination host is connected.
1. One source and one destination network.
2. Each router in the path of the datagram tries to forward
the packet to one and only one of its interfaces.
1. One source and a group of destinations
2. The relationship between the source and the destination
network is one to many
3. The source address is a unicast address and the
destination address is a group address.
4. A group address defines the members of the group.
Multicasting versus Multiple Unicasting
Multicasting versus Multiple Unicasting
1. Multicasting starts with a single packet from the source , further
duplicated by the routers; Multiple unicasting, several packets starts
from the source.
2. Destination address in each packet is the same for all duplicates;
source sends packets with each having a different unicast destination
3. Only a single copy of the packet travels between any two routers;
Multiple copies travels between two routers
Emulation of Multicasting with Unicasting
 Multicasting is efficient than multiple unicasting (
requires less bandwidth ) and there is no delay
as only one packets is created by the source (
no delay) .
 In multiple unicasting, links handle several
copies and packets are created with a relative
delay between packets.
Internet Structure
 Made of a huge no. of networks and routers that connect
 Changed from Tree-like structure, with a Single back-
bone, to a Multi-back bone structure , uses Hierarchical
Routing in internet
Why no single protocol?
 Scalability problem:
 Size of forwarding table becomes time-consuming
 Updating creates a huge amount of traffic
 Administrative issue
 ISP is run by an administrative authority and controls
the system.
 Impose some policy on the traffic passing through its
 May wish to run a specific routing algorithm to meet
needs of system
Intra- and Interdomain Routing
 AS (autonomous system): A group of networks and
routers under the authority of a single administration
 Intradomain routing: inside an AS
 Interdomain routing: between ASs
 R1, R2, R3, and R4 use a intradomain and an
interdomain routing protocol.
 The other routes use only intradomain routing protocols
Hierarchical Routing
Hierarchical Routing
Considers each Internet Service Provider (ISP) as Autonomous System (AS)
 Stub AS 
 has only one connection to another AS
 Does not allow the traffic to pass through it
 Data traffic can be either initiated or terminated in stub AS
 Example is the customer network, which is either the source or the sink
of data.
 Multihomed AS 
 can have more than one connection to other AS
 Does not allow the traffic to pass through it
Few customer networks that may use the services of more than one
provider network, but their policy does not allow data to be passed through
 Transient AS 
 connected to more than one other AS
 Allow the traffic to pass through it
 Provider networks and backbone are example
Network-Layer Routing
 Routing tasks are methods of finding the paths for
packet from their sources to their destinations.
 Routers are responsible mainly for implementing
routing algorithms
Classification of Routing Algorithms
1. Static Routing and Dynamic Routing
2. Least Cost Path and Non-Least Cost Path
3. Intra Domain and Inter Domain Routing
Routing Algorithms
 Distance vector routing
 Link state routing
 Path vector routing
Distance Vector Routing
 To find best route
 Each nodes creates its own least cost tree from basic
information about its neighbors.
 Incomplete trees are exchanged between immediate
neighbors to make complete trees
 Bellman-Ford equation is used to build new least-cost
path from previously established least-cost paths
Distance Vector Routing
 Paths are joined together to form the Tree.
 Distance- Vector routing creates a one-dimensional array
to represent the Tree.
 In this method, a router continuously tells all of its
neighbors what it knows about the Internetwork.
Count to Infinity problem with Distance
vector routing
 Any decrease in cost ( good news) propagates quickly,
but any increase in cost ( bad news) will propagate
 if a link is broken i.e. cost becomes infinity, every other
router should be aware of it immediately
 But in Distance-vector routing, this takes some time. This
problem is referred to as Count to infinity.
 It sometimes takes several updates before the cost for a
broken link is recorded as infinity by all routers
Techniques to solve Count to Infinity
 Split Horizon
 Poison Reverse
Distance Vector Routing
 The least-cost route between any two nodes is the route
with minimum distance
 Each node maintains a vector(table)
distances to every node
 Distance vector routing table
of minimum
Distance Vector Routing: Initialization
At the beginning, each node can know only the distance
between itself and its immediate neighbors
Distance Vector Routing: Sharing
In distance vector routing, each node shares its routing
table with its immediate neighbors periodically and when
there is a change
Distance Vector Routing: Updating
 When a node receives a two-column table from a
neighbor, it need to update its routing table
 Updating rule:
 Choose the smaller cost. If the same, keep the old
 If the next-node entry is the same, the receiving node
chooses the new row
When to Share
 Periodic update: A node sends its routing table,
normally every 30 s
 Triggered update: A node sends its two-column
routing table to its neighbors anytime there is a
change in its routing table
Link State Routing
 Each node has the entire topology of the domain- the list
of nodes and links, how they are connected including
type, cost, and condition of the links(up or down)
 Node can use Dijkstras algorithm to build a routing
Link State Knowledge
 Each node has partial knowledge: it know the state (type,
condition, and cost) of its links. The whole topology can
be compiled from the partial knowledge of each node
Building Routing Table
1. Creation of the states of the links by each node, called
the link state packet (LSP)
2. Dissemination of LSPs to every other router, called
flooding, in an efficient and reliable way
3. Formation of a shortest path tree for each node
4. Calculation of a routing table based on the shortest path
 Creation of LSP
 LSP contains node identity, the list of links (to
make the topology), sequence number (to facilitate
flooding and distinguish new LSPs from old ones
 LSPs are generated (1) when there is a change in the
topology of the domain, (2) on a periodic basis,
normally 60 min or 2 h
Building Routing Table
 Flooding of LSPs
 The creating node sends a copy of the LSP out of
each interface
 A node compares it with the copy it may already have.
If the newly arrived LSP is older than the one it has, it
discards the LSP. If it is newer,
1.It discards the old LSP and keeps the new one
2.It sends a copy of it out of each interface except the
one from which the packet arrived
 Formation of shortest path tree: Dijkstra Algorithm
 After receiving all LSPs, each node will have a copy
of the whole topology. Need to find the shortest path
to every other node
 The Dijkstra algorithm creates a shortest path tree
from a graph
Dijkstra Algorithm
Routing Table
 Each node uses the shortest path tree protocol to
construct its routing table
 The routing table shows the cost of reaching each node
from the root
Path Vector Routing
 The goal is reachability, to allow the packet to reach its
destination without assigning costs to the route.
 Path from a source to all destinations is determined by
best spanning tree, which is not the least-cost tree.
 Tree is determined by the source by imposing its policy;
 If there is more than one route to a destination, source
chooses the route that has minimum number of nodes to
be visited.
Path Vector Routing
 Policy is defined by selecting the best of multiple paths.
Path vectors at booting time
Updating path vectors
Unicast Routing Protocols
needs to
define :
c) communication between routers and
d) interaction with protocols in other domains
 In multicast routing, the router may forward the received
packet through several of its interfaces.
 Broadcasting is a special case of multicasting
Multicasting vs. Multiple Unicasting
 Emulation of multicasting through multiple unicasting is
not efficient and may create long delays, particularly with
a large group
Multicasting Applications
 Access to distributed databases
 Information dissemination
 Dissemination of news
 Distance learning
Multicast tree
 Objectives of multicasting:
 Every member of the group should receive one, and only
one, copy of the multicast packet. Nonmember must not
receive a copy
 There must be no loops in routing
 The path traveled from source to each destination must be
 In a source-based tree approach, the combination of source
and group determines the tree (DVMRP, MOSPF, PIM-DM)
 In the group-shared tree approach, the group determines the
tree (CBT, PIM-SM)
Multicast Routing
 Optimal routing: Shortest path trees
 Unicast Routing
 Each router in the domain has a table that defines
a shortest path tree to possible destinations
Shortest Path Tree
 Multicast Routing
 Each involved router needs to construct a shortest path
tree for each group
 Source-Based Tree and Group-Shared Tree
 In the source-based tree approach, each router needs to
have one shortest path tree for each group
Shortest Path Tree
 In the group-shared tree approach, only the core router, which has
a shortest path tree for each group, is involved in multicasting
Popular (Unicast) Routing Protocols
Multicast Protocols
Multicast Link State Routing: MOSPF
 uses the source-based tree approach
 n (the number of group) topologies and n shortest path trees
 Each router has a routing table that represents as many
shortest path trees as there are groups
 is an extension of the OSPF protocol that uses multicast link
state routing to create source-based trees
 requires a new link state update packet to associate the
unicast address of a host with the group address or addresses
the host is sponsoring
 is a data-driven protocol; the first time an MOSPF router see a
datagram with a given source and group address, the router
constructs the Dijkstra shortest path tree
Multicast Distance Vector: DVMRP
 uses the source-based trees, but the router never actually
makes a routing table
 does not allow a router to send its routing table to its
neighbors. The idea is to create a table from scratch by
using the information from the unicast distance vector
 Process based on four decision-making strategies. Each
strategy is built on its predecessor
 Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF)
 Reverse Path Broadcasting (RPB)
 Reverse Path Multicasting (RPM)
DVMRP: Strategies
 Flooding broadcasts packets, but creates loops in the systems
 Reverse path forwarding: RPF eliminates the loop in the flooding
DVMRP: Strategies
 Reverse path broadcasting: RPB creates a shortest path
broadcast tree from the source to each destination. It guarantees
that each destination receives one and only one copy of the packet
 Problem with RPF
DVMRP: Strategies
 Reverse path multicasting: RPM adds pruning and
grafting to RPB to create a multicast shortest path tree
that supports dynamic membership changes
Core-Based Tree (CBT)
 CBT is a group-shared protocol that uses a core as the root of the
 AS is divided into regions, and core (center router or rendezvous
router) is chosen for each region
 Each router sends a unicast join message to rendezvous router
 When the rendezvous router has received all join messages from
every member of the group, the tree is formed
Sending Multicast Packets
 The source sends the multicast packet (encapsulated in a unicast
packet) to the core router. The core router decapsulates the packet
and forwards it to all interested hosts. Each router that receives the
multicast packet, in turn, forwards it to all interested ports
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
 PIM-DM (Dense Mode) and PIM-SM (Sparse Mode)
 PIM-DM is used in a dense multicast environment, such
as a LAN
 PIM-DM is a source-based tree routing protocol that
uses RPF and pruning and grafting strategies for
multicasting. However, it is independent of the underlying
unicast protocol.
 PIM-SM is used in a sparse multicast environment such
as a WAN
 PIM-SM is a group-shared routing protocol that has a
rendezvous point as the source of the tree
 PIM-SM is similar to CBT but uses a simpler procedure.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
is a protocol used by the Internet Protocol (IP)
[RFC826], specifically IPv4, to map IP network
addresses to the hardware addresses used by a
data link protocol.
The protocol operates below the network layer
as a part of the interface between the OSI
network and OSI link layer.
ARP operation
An ARP request is broadcast; an ARP reply is unicast
Four cases using ARP
ARP packet
Encapsulation of ARP packet
Routing Information Protocol
 RIP: an intradomain routing protocol used inside an AS
 Simple protocol based distance vector routing
 Metric is simple, a hop count. The distance is defined as
the number of links (networks) to reach the destination
Example of RIP Updating
 32 bit addressing
 Classful addressing
 Classless addressing
What is IPv6
 Also known as IPng (next generation)
 A new version of the Internet Protocol
 Primarily designed to extend address space
Enhancements and new features
Why is IPv6 Here
 IPv6 provides a platform for new Internet
functionality that will be needed in the
immediate future, and provide flexibility for
further growth and expansion.
Features of IPv6
 128 bit Addressing
 Quality of Service
IPv6 Addresses
 An IPv6 address is 128 bits long
 Hexadecimal colon notation:
 Destination address can belong
to any of three
1. Unicast  Defines a single computer
2. Anycast Defines a group of computers with same prefix
3. Multicast-Defines a group with same prefix & delivers to
 IPv6 address is divided in two parts. First part is called
as type prefix. This is variable length prefix defines the
purpose of the address (3 to 10 bits)
IPv6 Addresses
 Unicast addresses: define a single computer
 Two types: geographically based and provider-based
 Prefixes for provider-based unicast address
 Type id (3 bits), Registry id (5 bits)
Multicast addresses:
define a group of
IPv6 Addresses
 Anycast addresses: define a group of nodes
 Unlike multicast, a packet is delivered to only one of the
members of the anycast group, the nearest
 Reserved addresses:
 Local addresses: private networks
Format of an IPv6 datagram
Provider-based address
Address hierarchy
Unspecified address
Loopback address
Compatible address
A compatible address is 96 bit 0 followed by 32 bit IPv4 address & used to
send to message to another IPv6 machine but intermediate path is IPv4.
We require IPv4 address in some cases which can be embedded in IPv6
address by two methods. 1. Compatible 2. Mapped
In compatible address 32 bit IPv4 address is preceded by 96 bits zeros.
For e.g. becomes
Mapped address
A mapped address is 80 bit 0 followed by 16 bits of 1s followed
by 32 bit IPv4 address. This is used for communicating to IPv4
client .
A mapped address uses 80 bit of zeros followed by 16 bits of
one, followed by 32 bit IPv4 address. For e.g. becomes 0::FFFF:020D:110E
These two methods are useful even calculating checksum for
IPv4 addresses.
Link local address
These are defined for private addresses. Block identifier is
1111111010. Next 70 bits set to 0 and last 48 bits define node address.
Site local address
These are defined for site local addresses. Block identifier is
1111111011. Next 38 bits set to 0 and last 80 bits define subnet
& node address
Multicast address
Multicast start with 8 bits 1 prefix. 4 bit flag defines permanent or
transient. Permanent can be defined by IANA & used all times
while transient used temporarily for e.g. teleconferencing.
IPv6 datagram
Format of an IPv6 datagram
IPv4 Header
Fragment Offset
Fragment Length
Datagram ID FLAG
TTL Protocol Header Checksum
Source Address
Destination Address
Options (if any)
1 byte
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte
4 for IPv4
IPv6 Header
Hop Limit
Flow Label
Payload Length Next Header
1 byte
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte
6 for IPv6
Source Address (128 bits - 16 bytes)
Dest. Address (128 bits - 16 bytes)
IPv6 Header Fields
 VERS: 6 (IP version number)
 Priority: will be used in congestion control
 Flow Label: experimental - sender can label a
sequence of packets as being in the same flow.
 Payload Length: number of bytes in everything
following the 40 byte header, or 0 for a Jumbogram.
IPv6 Header Fields
 Next Header is similar to the IPv4 protocol
field - indicates what type of header follows
the IPv6 header.
 Hop Limit is similar to the IPv4 TTL field (but
now it really means hops, not time).
Extension header format
Extension header types
Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6
Comparison between IPv4 and IPv6
Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
Three transition strategies from IPv4 to IPv6
 Transition should be smooth to prevent any problems
between IPv4 and IPv6 systems
Dual stack
All hosts have a dual stack of protocols before migrating
completely to version 6
 Uses both protocol stack & related other protocols.
 Uses a DNS query, If DNS returns 32 bit IP it sends IPv4
packet otherwise IPv6.
IPv6 packet is encapsulated in an IPv4 packet
 Tunneling can be of two types-
Automatic & Configured Tunneling
Automatic Tunneling
 If destination uses IPv6 compatible address it uses
automatic tunneling. Here sender sends IPv6 compatible
packet which will be encapsulated by IPv4 address &
transition take place to the receiver. Receiver takes IPv4
packet , determines that it is encapsulated IPv6 packet.
Extract it & sends to IPv6 protocol.
Configured tunneling
 If destination is not supporting IPv6 compatible address
it uses configured tunneling. Here sender sends IPv6
non compatible packet which will be encapsulated by
IPv4 address & transition take place to the receiver.
Router at boundary decapsulates IPv4 packet. Receiver
takes IPv6 packet & processes it.
Header translation
 Necessary when the majority of the Internet has
moved to IPv6 but some systems still use IPv4
 Header format must be changed totally through
header translation

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Unit 3_Network Layer_Part II.pptx

  • 3. Network Layer duties Interconnecting different networks and making them look the same to the transport layer. Unique addresses are required to define each host/machine/ device/user in the network The coming PDUs from transport the layer placed must be in network-layer packets and sent to the data-link layer To fragment transport PDUs layer into smaller units so that they can be transferred over various data-link layer technologies network layer packet is ready, what to do ?
  • 4. Network Layer Part -III Unicast Routing Multicast Routing Next Generation IP
  • 6. Delivery The network layer supervises the handling of the packets by the underlying physical networks. This handling is called as the delivery of a packet.
  • 7. Forwarding Forwarding means to place the packet in its route to its destination. Forwarding requires a host or a router to have a routing table Forwarding techniques are required to make the size of the routing table manageable Next-hop method versus route method Network-specific method versus host-specific method Default method
  • 8. Forwarding Techniques Route method versus next-hop method
  • 9. Forwarding Techniques Host specific versus network-specific method Default method
  • 10. Forwarding Process In classless addressing, at least four columns in a routing table are needed.
  • 11. Routing Table Static routing table: created manually Dynamic routing table: updated periodically by using one of the dynamic routing protocols such as RIP, OSPF, or BGP Common fields in a routing table Flag: U(up), G(gateway), H(host-specific), D(added by redirection), M(modified by redirection) Reference count: number of users of this route at the moment Use: the number of packets transmitted through this router for the corresponding destination
  • 12. Communication in internet Unicasting Multicasting Broadcasting Forwarding of a datagram by a router is normally based on the prefix of the destination address in the datagram, which defines the network to which the destination host is connected.
  • 13. Unicasting 1. One source and one destination network. 2. Each router in the path of the datagram tries to forward the packet to one and only one of its interfaces.
  • 14. Multicasting 1. One source and a group of destinations 2. The relationship between the source and the destination network is one to many 3. The source address is a unicast address and the destination address is a group address. 4. A group address defines the members of the group.
  • 16. Multicasting versus Multiple Unicasting 1. Multicasting starts with a single packet from the source , further duplicated by the routers; Multiple unicasting, several packets starts from the source. 2. Destination address in each packet is the same for all duplicates; source sends packets with each having a different unicast destination address 3. Only a single copy of the packet travels between any two routers; Multiple copies travels between two routers
  • 17. Emulation of Multicasting with Unicasting Multicasting is efficient than multiple unicasting ( requires less bandwidth ) and there is no delay as only one packets is created by the source ( no delay) . In multiple unicasting, links handle several copies and packets are created with a relative delay between packets.
  • 18. Internet Structure Made of a huge no. of networks and routers that connect them Changed from Tree-like structure, with a Single back- bone, to a Multi-back bone structure , uses Hierarchical Routing
  • 19. Routing in internet Why no single protocol? Scalability problem: Size of forwarding table becomes time-consuming Updating creates a huge amount of traffic Administrative issue ISP is run by an administrative authority and controls the system. Impose some policy on the traffic passing through its ISP. May wish to run a specific routing algorithm to meet needs of system
  • 20. Intra- and Interdomain Routing AS (autonomous system): A group of networks and routers under the authority of a single administration Intradomain routing: inside an AS Interdomain routing: between ASs R1, R2, R3, and R4 use a intradomain and an interdomain routing protocol. The other routes use only intradomain routing protocols
  • 22. Hierarchical Routing Considers each Internet Service Provider (ISP) as Autonomous System (AS) Stub AS has only one connection to another AS Does not allow the traffic to pass through it Data traffic can be either initiated or terminated in stub AS Example is the customer network, which is either the source or the sink of data. Multihomed AS can have more than one connection to other AS Does not allow the traffic to pass through it Few customer networks that may use the services of more than one provider network, but their policy does not allow data to be passed through them. Transient AS connected to more than one other AS Allow the traffic to pass through it Provider networks and backbone are example
  • 23. Network-Layer Routing Routing tasks are methods of finding the paths for packet from their sources to their destinations. Routers are responsible mainly for implementing routing algorithms
  • 24. Classification of Routing Algorithms 1. Static Routing and Dynamic Routing 2. Least Cost Path and Non-Least Cost Path 3. Intra Domain and Inter Domain Routing
  • 25. Routing Algorithms Distance vector routing Link state routing Path vector routing
  • 26. Distance Vector Routing To find best route Each nodes creates its own least cost tree from basic information about its neighbors. Incomplete trees are exchanged between immediate neighbors to make complete trees Bellman-Ford equation is used to build new least-cost path from previously established least-cost paths
  • 27. Distance Vector Routing Paths are joined together to form the Tree. Distance- Vector routing creates a one-dimensional array to represent the Tree. In this method, a router continuously tells all of its neighbors what it knows about the Internetwork.
  • 28. Count to Infinity problem with Distance vector routing Any decrease in cost ( good news) propagates quickly, but any increase in cost ( bad news) will propagate slowly. if a link is broken i.e. cost becomes infinity, every other router should be aware of it immediately But in Distance-vector routing, this takes some time. This problem is referred to as Count to infinity. It sometimes takes several updates before the cost for a broken link is recorded as infinity by all routers
  • 29. Techniques to solve Count to Infinity problem Split Horizon Poison Reverse
  • 30. Distance Vector Routing The least-cost route between any two nodes is the route with minimum distance Each node maintains a vector(table) distances to every node Distance vector routing table of minimum
  • 31. Distance Vector Routing: Initialization At the beginning, each node can know only the distance between itself and its immediate neighbors
  • 32. Distance Vector Routing: Sharing In distance vector routing, each node shares its routing table with its immediate neighbors periodically and when there is a change
  • 33. Distance Vector Routing: Updating When a node receives a two-column table from a neighbor, it need to update its routing table Updating rule: Choose the smaller cost. If the same, keep the old one If the next-node entry is the same, the receiving node chooses the new row
  • 34. When to Share Periodic update: A node sends its routing table, normally every 30 s Triggered update: A node sends its two-column routing table to its neighbors anytime there is a change in its routing table
  • 35. Link State Routing Each node has the entire topology of the domain- the list of nodes and links, how they are connected including type, cost, and condition of the links(up or down) Node can use Dijkstras algorithm to build a routing table
  • 36. Link State Knowledge Each node has partial knowledge: it know the state (type, condition, and cost) of its links. The whole topology can be compiled from the partial knowledge of each node
  • 37. Building Routing Table 1. Creation of the states of the links by each node, called the link state packet (LSP) 2. Dissemination of LSPs to every other router, called flooding, in an efficient and reliable way 3. Formation of a shortest path tree for each node 4. Calculation of a routing table based on the shortest path tree Creation of LSP LSP contains node identity, the list of links (to make the topology), sequence number (to facilitate flooding and distinguish new LSPs from old ones LSPs are generated (1) when there is a change in the topology of the domain, (2) on a periodic basis, normally 60 min or 2 h
  • 38. Building Routing Table Flooding of LSPs The creating node sends a copy of the LSP out of each interface A node compares it with the copy it may already have. If the newly arrived LSP is older than the one it has, it discards the LSP. If it is newer, 1.It discards the old LSP and keeps the new one 2.It sends a copy of it out of each interface except the one from which the packet arrived Formation of shortest path tree: Dijkstra Algorithm After receiving all LSPs, each node will have a copy of the whole topology. Need to find the shortest path to every other node The Dijkstra algorithm creates a shortest path tree from a graph
  • 40. Routing Table Each node uses the shortest path tree protocol to construct its routing table The routing table shows the cost of reaching each node from the root
  • 41. Path Vector Routing The goal is reachability, to allow the packet to reach its destination without assigning costs to the route. Path from a source to all destinations is determined by best spanning tree, which is not the least-cost tree. Tree is determined by the source by imposing its policy; If there is more than one route to a destination, source chooses the route that has minimum number of nodes to be visited.
  • 42. Path Vector Routing Policy is defined by selecting the best of multiple paths. Path vectors at booting time Updating path vectors
  • 43. Unicast Routing Protocols its Protocol a) b) of the needs to domain messages define : operation exchanged c) communication between routers and d) interaction with protocols in other domains
  • 44. Multicasting In multicast routing, the router may forward the received packet through several of its interfaces. Broadcasting is a special case of multicasting
  • 45. Multicasting vs. Multiple Unicasting Emulation of multicasting through multiple unicasting is not efficient and may create long delays, particularly with a large group
  • 46. Multicasting Applications Access to distributed databases Information dissemination Dissemination of news Teleconferencing Distance learning
  • 47. Multicast tree Objectives of multicasting: Every member of the group should receive one, and only one, copy of the multicast packet. Nonmember must not receive a copy There must be no loops in routing The path traveled from source to each destination must be optimal In a source-based tree approach, the combination of source and group determines the tree (DVMRP, MOSPF, PIM-DM) In the group-shared tree approach, the group determines the tree (CBT, PIM-SM)
  • 48. Multicast Routing Optimal routing: Shortest path trees Unicast Routing Each router in the domain has a table that defines a shortest path tree to possible destinations
  • 49. Shortest Path Tree Multicast Routing Each involved router needs to construct a shortest path tree for each group Source-Based Tree and Group-Shared Tree In the source-based tree approach, each router needs to have one shortest path tree for each group
  • 50. Shortest Path Tree In the group-shared tree approach, only the core router, which has a shortest path tree for each group, is involved in multicasting
  • 53. Multicast Link State Routing: MOSPF uses the source-based tree approach n (the number of group) topologies and n shortest path trees made Each router has a routing table that represents as many shortest path trees as there are groups is an extension of the OSPF protocol that uses multicast link state routing to create source-based trees requires a new link state update packet to associate the unicast address of a host with the group address or addresses the host is sponsoring is a data-driven protocol; the first time an MOSPF router see a datagram with a given source and group address, the router constructs the Dijkstra shortest path tree
  • 54. 54 Multicast Distance Vector: DVMRP uses the source-based trees, but the router never actually makes a routing table does not allow a router to send its routing table to its neighbors. The idea is to create a table from scratch by using the information from the unicast distance vector tables Process based on four decision-making strategies. Each strategy is built on its predecessor Flooding Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) Reverse Path Broadcasting (RPB) Reverse Path Multicasting (RPM)
  • 55. DVMRP: Strategies Flooding broadcasts packets, but creates loops in the systems Reverse path forwarding: RPF eliminates the loop in the flooding process
  • 56. DVMRP: Strategies Reverse path broadcasting: RPB creates a shortest path broadcast tree from the source to each destination. It guarantees that each destination receives one and only one copy of the packet Problem with RPF
  • 57. DVMRP: Strategies Reverse path multicasting: RPM adds pruning and grafting to RPB to create a multicast shortest path tree that supports dynamic membership changes
  • 58. Core-Based Tree (CBT) CBT is a group-shared protocol that uses a core as the root of the tree AS is divided into regions, and core (center router or rendezvous router) is chosen for each region Each router sends a unicast join message to rendezvous router When the rendezvous router has received all join messages from every member of the group, the tree is formed
  • 59. Sending Multicast Packets The source sends the multicast packet (encapsulated in a unicast packet) to the core router. The core router decapsulates the packet and forwards it to all interested hosts. Each router that receives the multicast packet, in turn, forwards it to all interested ports
  • 60. Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) PIM-DM (Dense Mode) and PIM-SM (Sparse Mode) PIM-DM is used in a dense multicast environment, such as a LAN PIM-DM is a source-based tree routing protocol that uses RPF and pruning and grafting strategies for multicasting. However, it is independent of the underlying unicast protocol. PIM-SM is used in a sparse multicast environment such as a WAN PIM-SM is a group-shared routing protocol that has a rendezvous point as the source of the tree PIM-SM is similar to CBT but uses a simpler procedure.
  • 61. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol used by the Internet Protocol (IP) [RFC826], specifically IPv4, to map IP network addresses to the hardware addresses used by a data link protocol. The protocol operates below the network layer as a part of the interface between the OSI network and OSI link layer.
  • 62. ARP operation An ARP request is broadcast; an ARP reply is unicast
  • 66. Routing Information Protocol RIP: an intradomain routing protocol used inside an AS Simple protocol based distance vector routing Metric is simple, a hop count. The distance is defined as the number of links (networks) to reach the destination
  • 67. Example of RIP Updating
  • 68. IPv4 32 bit addressing Classful addressing Subnetting Supernetting Classless addressing
  • 69. What is IPv6 Also known as IPng (next generation) A new version of the Internet Protocol Primarily designed to extend address space Enhancements and new features
  • 70. Why is IPv6 Here IPv6 provides a platform for new Internet functionality that will be needed in the immediate future, and provide flexibility for further growth and expansion.
  • 71. Features of IPv6 128 bit Addressing Header Security Privacy Autoconfiguration Routing Quality of Service
  • 72. IPv6 Addresses An IPv6 address is 128 bits long Hexadecimal colon notation: Abbreviation:
  • 73. IPv6 Destination address can belong Categories to any of three 1. Unicast Defines a single computer 2. Anycast Defines a group of computers with same prefix 3. Multicast-Defines a group with same prefix & delivers to each IPv6 address is divided in two parts. First part is called as type prefix. This is variable length prefix defines the purpose of the address (3 to 10 bits)
  • 74. IPv6 Addresses Unicast addresses: define a single computer Two types: geographically based and provider-based Prefixes for provider-based unicast address Type id (3 bits), Registry id (5 bits) Multicast addresses: define a group of hosts
  • 75. IPv6 Addresses Anycast addresses: define a group of nodes Unlike multicast, a packet is delivered to only one of the members of the anycast group, the nearest Reserved addresses: Local addresses: private networks
  • 76. Format of an IPv6 datagram
  • 81. Compatible address A compatible address is 96 bit 0 followed by 32 bit IPv4 address & used to send to message to another IPv6 machine but intermediate path is IPv4. We require IPv4 address in some cases which can be embedded in IPv6 address by two methods. 1. Compatible 2. Mapped In compatible address 32 bit IPv4 address is preceded by 96 bits zeros. For e.g. becomes 0::020D:110E
  • 82. Mapped address A mapped address is 80 bit 0 followed by 16 bits of 1s followed by 32 bit IPv4 address. This is used for communicating to IPv4 client . A mapped address uses 80 bit of zeros followed by 16 bits of one, followed by 32 bit IPv4 address. For e.g. becomes 0::FFFF:020D:110E These two methods are useful even calculating checksum for IPv4 addresses.
  • 83. Link local address These are defined for private addresses. Block identifier is 1111111010. Next 70 bits set to 0 and last 48 bits define node address.
  • 84. Site local address These are defined for site local addresses. Block identifier is 1111111011. Next 38 bits set to 0 and last 80 bits define subnet & node address
  • 85. Multicast address Multicast start with 8 bits 1 prefix. 4 bit flag defines permanent or transient. Permanent can be defined by IANA & used all times while transient used temporarily for e.g. teleconferencing.
  • 87. Format of an IPv6 datagram
  • 88. IPv4 Header VERS HL Fragment Offset Fragment Length Service Datagram ID FLAG TTL Protocol Header Checksum Source Address Destination Address Options (if any) Data 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 4 for IPv4
  • 89. 91 IPv6 Header VERS PRIO Hop Limit Flow Label Payload Length Next Header 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 6 for IPv6 Source Address (128 bits - 16 bytes) Dest. Address (128 bits - 16 bytes)
  • 90. 92 IPv6 Header Fields VERS: 6 (IP version number) Priority: will be used in congestion control Flow Label: experimental - sender can label a sequence of packets as being in the same flow. Payload Length: number of bytes in everything following the 40 byte header, or 0 for a Jumbogram.
  • 91. 93 IPv6 Header Fields Next Header is similar to the IPv4 protocol field - indicates what type of header follows the IPv6 header. Hop Limit is similar to the IPv4 TTL field (but now it really means hops, not time).
  • 94. Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6
  • 97. Three transition strategies from IPv4 to IPv6 Transition should be smooth to prevent any problems between IPv4 and IPv6 systems
  • 98. Dual stack All hosts have a dual stack of protocols before migrating completely to version 6 Uses both protocol stack & related other protocols. Uses a DNS query, If DNS returns 32 bit IP it sends IPv4 packet otherwise IPv6.
  • 99. Tunneling IPv6 packet is encapsulated in an IPv4 packet Tunneling can be of two types- Automatic & Configured Tunneling
  • 100. Automatic Tunneling If destination uses IPv6 compatible address it uses automatic tunneling. Here sender sends IPv6 compatible packet which will be encapsulated by IPv4 address & transition take place to the receiver. Receiver takes IPv4 packet , determines that it is encapsulated IPv6 packet. Extract it & sends to IPv6 protocol.
  • 101. Configured tunneling If destination is not supporting IPv6 compatible address it uses configured tunneling. Here sender sends IPv6 non compatible packet which will be encapsulated by IPv4 address & transition take place to the receiver. Router at boundary decapsulates IPv4 packet. Receiver takes IPv6 packet & processes it.
  • 102. Header translation Necessary when the majority of the Internet has moved to IPv6 but some systems still use IPv4 Header format must be changed totally through header translation