The document provides information about network layer concepts including routing, forwarding, routing tables, routing algorithms, and routing protocols.
It discusses key network layer duties like interconnecting networks, assigning unique addresses, and encapsulating data for transfer between networks. Forwarding techniques like next-hop routing and network-specific routing are covered. Popular routing algorithms like distance vector routing, link state routing, and path vector routing are summarized.
Common routing protocols for both unicast (RIP) and multicast (MOSPF, DVMRP, CBT, PIM) are introduced along with their basic operations and differences between source-based and group-shared routing trees. IPv4 addressing and IPv6 improvements like larger addresses
The document discusses network layer concepts including routing, forwarding, routing algorithms, and routing protocols.
It begins by explaining the duties of the network layer including interconnecting networks, assigning unique addresses, and encapsulating data from the transport layer. It then discusses routing concepts such as delivery, forwarding using techniques like next-hop routing, and routing tables.
Common routing algorithms are also summarized like distance vector routing using RIP, link state routing using OSPF, and path vector routing. Popular unicast routing protocols and multicast protocols are also briefly mentioned including MOSPF, DVMRP, CBT, and PIM.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in network layer delivery, forwarding, and routing. It discusses delivery and forwarding of packets, including direct vs indirect delivery and next-hop vs route forwarding methods. It also summarizes several unicast routing protocols, including distance vector protocols like RIP and link state protocols like OSPF. Finally, it discusses path vector routing and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for interdomain routing.
The network layer is responsible for routing packets from the source to destination. The routing algorithm is the piece of software that decides where a packet goes next (e.g., which output line, or which node on a broadcast channel).For connectionless networks, the routing decision is made for each datagram. For connection-oriented networks, the decision is made once, at circuit setup time.
Routing Issues
The routing algorithm must deal with the following issues:
Correctness and simplicity: networks are never taken down; individual parts (e.g., links, routers) may fail, but the whole network should not.
Stability: if a link or router fails, how much time elapses before the remaining routers recognize the topology change? (Some never do..)
Fairness and optimality: an inherently intractable problem. Definition of optimality usually doesn't consider fairness. Do we want to maximize channel usage? Minimize average delay?
When we look at routing in detail, we'll consider both adaptive--those that take current traffic and topology into consideration--and nonadaptive algorithms.
Routing algorithms in computer networks determine the best path for data transfer between nodes. There are two main types - non-adaptive algorithms which use static routes regardless of network conditions, and adaptive algorithms which can change routes dynamically based on conditions. Examples of routing algorithms include flooding, which broadcasts to all nodes, and link state routing which uses Dijkstra's algorithm to calculate the most efficient paths based on information shared between nodes.
This document discusses routing in IP networks. It begins by introducing routing and routing protocols. Routers use routing protocols to decide the best path between networks based on metrics like link costs and current congestion. It then provides an example of router and network configurations with link costs. The document discusses routing tables, which contain the next hop for each destination network. It also covers different types of routing like fixed, adaptive, flooding and random routing. Adaptive routing aims to dynamically change paths in response to failures or congestion but faces challenges. The document classifies adaptive routing strategies and algorithms like distance-vector, link-state, and path-vector routing. It concludes by explaining the Dijkstra's and Bellman-Ford least cost
Module 3 Part B - computer networks module 2 pptanushaj46
The document discusses several key issues in network layer design including store-and-forward packet switching, services provided to the transport layer, implementation of connectionless and connection-oriented services, and comparison of virtual-circuit and datagram networks. It also covers routing algorithms such as shortest path, flooding, distance vector, link state, and hierarchical routing.
This document provides a summary of key concepts related to routing and routing protocols. It discusses routing and how routers forward packets from source to destination using routing tables. Common routing algorithms and protocols like RIP, OSPF, BGP, DVMRP and PIM are explained at a high level. Network concepts like metrics, areas, autonomous systems, and multicast addressing are also covered briefly. The document is intended to provide an overview of routing fundamentals and protocols for a computer networks course.
Routing and IP in Advance Computer Network,Vikram SnehiMR. VIKRAM SNEHI
This document provides an overview of routing in IP networks. It discusses different routing protocols and algorithms used by routers to determine the best path between networks. Distance-vector protocols like RIP use hop count as the routing metric and exchange full routing tables periodically. Link-state protocols like OSPF use link costs and flood link state information to all routers to build a topology map and calculate shortest paths using Dijkstra's algorithm. BGP is used as the exterior routing protocol between autonomous systems. Areas are used in large OSPF networks to reduce routing overhead.
The document discusses routing algorithms used in computer networks. It describes how routing algorithms determine the path that packets take from source to destination. Dynamic routing algorithms adapt to changing network conditions by updating routing tables. Common dynamic algorithms include distance vector routing and link state routing. The document also covers challenges like routing in hierarchical networks, broadcast routing, multicast routing, and routing for mobile and ad-hoc networks.
routing table ,What is routing ? , what is static routing , what is dynamic routing , types of routing , routing protocols , routing strategy , Download Routing pdf , Download routing ppt , download routing notes , paper on routing
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The network layer is responsible for packet routing between different networks. It determines the best path for packet transmission and places the source and destination IP addresses in packet headers. Common routing algorithms include shortest path routing, flooding, distance vector routing, and link state routing. Shortest path routing finds the lowest cost path using algorithms like Dijkstra's. Flooding transmits packets to all neighbors, creating duplicates. Distance vector and link state routing adapt to network changes by exchanging routing information between routers.
Network routing algorithms aim to optimize two key performance measures: throughput (quantity of service) and average packet delay (quality of service). Adaptive routing algorithms dynamically change routes based on current network conditions, while nonadaptive algorithms use static routes. Common routing algorithms include shortest path routing, distance vector routing, link state routing, and flooding. Challenges include balancing optimality, fairness, and preventing problems like congestion.
Et3003 sem2-1314-9 network layers vi (routing protocols)Tutun Juhana
This document provides a summary of unicast routing protocols including RIP, OSPF, and BGP. It discusses key concepts in routing such as metrics, static versus dynamic routing tables, and interior versus exterior routing protocols. For distance vector protocols like RIP, it covers topics like the Bellman-Ford algorithm, split horizon, and convergence issues. For link state protocols like OSPF, it describes how routers flood the network with link state advertisements and use the Dijkstra algorithm to calculate shortest paths. It also provides an overview of path vector routing and BGP, including attributes, path selection, and the roles of different types of autonomous systems.
The document provides information about ad-hoc networks, including their characteristics, applications, design issues, and routing protocols. Some key points:
- Ad-hoc networks are infrastructure-less and use multi-hop wireless links between mobile nodes, requiring distributed routing protocols. They are suitable for situations requiring quick deployment like emergencies or military operations.
- Challenges for routing in ad-hoc networks include the dynamic topology, limited bandwidth and energy of nodes, and lack of a centralized entity. Traditional link-state and distance-vector routing protocols are examined.
- Popular link-state protocols like OSPF work by flooding link-state information to build a shared topology database and calculate the shortest path tree
The document discusses network layer design issues and protocols. It covers store-and-forward packet switching, the functions of the network layer including routing and congestion control. It then describes the implementation of connectionless and connection-oriented services, comparing virtual circuits and datagrams. Various routing algorithms are also summarized, such as shortest path, flooding, distance vector, and link state routing.
This document provides an overview of unicast routing protocols, including RIP, OSPF, and BGP. It begins by explaining key concepts like cost metrics and static versus dynamic routing tables. It then describes different types of routing protocols and how they support intra-domain and inter-domain routing. The document focuses on distance vector protocols like RIP and link state protocols like OSPF. It explains the Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra algorithms used to calculate optimal paths and build routing tables. It also covers topics like split horizon, poison reverse, and link state packet flooding in OSPF.
Routing and switching are key processes in computer networks. Routing involves selecting the optimal path for data transfer from source to destination using routers and routing algorithms. There are three main types of routing: static, dynamic, and default. Switching transfers information between networks using switches and occurs at the data link layer. There are different switching techniques, including circuit switching, packet switching, and message switching, as well as different switching modes and networks like datagram and virtual circuit networks.
The document discusses different routing methods used in computer networks, including:
- Network-specific routing which treats all hosts on the same network as a single entity in the routing table.
- Host-specific routing which explicitly defines routes to individual host addresses in the routing table.
- Default routing which uses a single default route for all unknown destinations.
It also covers routing protocols like RIP and OSPF, explaining how they establish and maintain routing tables dynamically as the network changes. Distance vector protocols like RIP propagate full routing tables between routers, while link-state protocols like OSPF flood link state information to build independent views of the network topology.
Lecture number 5 Theory.pdf(machine learning)ZainabShahzad9
This document discusses computer networks and routing protocols. It provides an overview of key topics including:
- The difference between routed protocols like IPv4 and IPv6 that transfer user data, and routing protocols like RIP and OSPF that send route update packets.
- Common routing and routed protocols including IGPs, EGPs, RIP, OSPF, EIGRP and BGP.
- Desirable properties of routing algorithms such as correctness, robustness, stability, fairness and efficiency.
- Types of routing including fixed, flooding, dynamic and default routing. Characteristics of distance vector and link state routing protocols are also outlined.
A routing table can be either static or dynamic. A dynamic table is updated automatically when there is a change on the internet. A routing protocol lets routers inform each other of changes. Distance vector routing uses hop counts as the metric and each router maintains a table of minimum distances. Link state routing uses flooding to disseminate link state packets and each router builds a shortest path tree to calculate routes.
OSPF is a link-state routing protocol used within an autonomous system. Each router maintains an identical link state database describing the network topology and calculates shortest paths using the SPF algorithm. Routers establish adjacencies to exchange routing information and databases are synchronized during the exchange process. OSPF supports features like equal-cost multi-path routing and areas to reduce routing traffic and provide protection.
Static routing tables require manual configuration and cannot automatically update when network changes occur. Dynamic routing tables use protocols like RIP, OSPF, or BGP to periodically update routing tables across routers when links or routers fail. Routing tables contain information like the network address, next hop address, interface, and flags to determine the best path for packet delivery.
Experimental Analysis Of On Demand Routing Protocolsmita gupta
The document discusses experimental analysis of on-demand routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. It provides an outline and introduces key terminologies for multi-hop networks, protocols, routers, hubs, switches, and network topologies. The literature review summarizes several research papers that analyze routing protocols like AODV, DSR, and DSDV using simulation tools to evaluate metrics such as packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and network throughput under different mobility conditions. The problem statement indicates the document will experimentally analyze and compare the performance of on-demand routing protocols.
A Scalable, Commodity Data Center Network ArchitectureGunawan Jusuf
A Scalable, Commodity Data Center Network Architecture
source :,d.dGc
The document defines key concepts related to graphs, including types of graphs (directed, undirected, weighted, unweighted), graph terminology (vertex, edge, path, cycle), representations of graphs (adjacency matrix, adjacency list), and algorithms for traversing graphs (breadth-first search, depth-first search). It also discusses minimum spanning trees, spanning tree properties, and algorithms for finding minimum spanning trees like Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms.
The document discusses different searching methods like linear search and binary search. It provides steps and algorithms for linear search and binary search. Linear search is the simplest searching method that sequentially checks each element of a list to find the target element. Binary search requires a sorted list and compares the target element to the middle element of the list to determine which half of the list to search next.
Routing and IP in Advance Computer Network,Vikram SnehiMR. VIKRAM SNEHI
This document provides an overview of routing in IP networks. It discusses different routing protocols and algorithms used by routers to determine the best path between networks. Distance-vector protocols like RIP use hop count as the routing metric and exchange full routing tables periodically. Link-state protocols like OSPF use link costs and flood link state information to all routers to build a topology map and calculate shortest paths using Dijkstra's algorithm. BGP is used as the exterior routing protocol between autonomous systems. Areas are used in large OSPF networks to reduce routing overhead.
The document discusses routing algorithms used in computer networks. It describes how routing algorithms determine the path that packets take from source to destination. Dynamic routing algorithms adapt to changing network conditions by updating routing tables. Common dynamic algorithms include distance vector routing and link state routing. The document also covers challenges like routing in hierarchical networks, broadcast routing, multicast routing, and routing for mobile and ad-hoc networks.
routing table ,What is routing ? , what is static routing , what is dynamic routing , types of routing , routing protocols , routing strategy , Download Routing pdf , Download routing ppt , download routing notes , paper on routing
To Download Complete Documentation Visit My Blog
Download completer BS Computer Science Degree Study Data
The network layer is responsible for packet routing between different networks. It determines the best path for packet transmission and places the source and destination IP addresses in packet headers. Common routing algorithms include shortest path routing, flooding, distance vector routing, and link state routing. Shortest path routing finds the lowest cost path using algorithms like Dijkstra's. Flooding transmits packets to all neighbors, creating duplicates. Distance vector and link state routing adapt to network changes by exchanging routing information between routers.
Network routing algorithms aim to optimize two key performance measures: throughput (quantity of service) and average packet delay (quality of service). Adaptive routing algorithms dynamically change routes based on current network conditions, while nonadaptive algorithms use static routes. Common routing algorithms include shortest path routing, distance vector routing, link state routing, and flooding. Challenges include balancing optimality, fairness, and preventing problems like congestion.
Et3003 sem2-1314-9 network layers vi (routing protocols)Tutun Juhana
This document provides a summary of unicast routing protocols including RIP, OSPF, and BGP. It discusses key concepts in routing such as metrics, static versus dynamic routing tables, and interior versus exterior routing protocols. For distance vector protocols like RIP, it covers topics like the Bellman-Ford algorithm, split horizon, and convergence issues. For link state protocols like OSPF, it describes how routers flood the network with link state advertisements and use the Dijkstra algorithm to calculate shortest paths. It also provides an overview of path vector routing and BGP, including attributes, path selection, and the roles of different types of autonomous systems.
The document provides information about ad-hoc networks, including their characteristics, applications, design issues, and routing protocols. Some key points:
- Ad-hoc networks are infrastructure-less and use multi-hop wireless links between mobile nodes, requiring distributed routing protocols. They are suitable for situations requiring quick deployment like emergencies or military operations.
- Challenges for routing in ad-hoc networks include the dynamic topology, limited bandwidth and energy of nodes, and lack of a centralized entity. Traditional link-state and distance-vector routing protocols are examined.
- Popular link-state protocols like OSPF work by flooding link-state information to build a shared topology database and calculate the shortest path tree
The document discusses network layer design issues and protocols. It covers store-and-forward packet switching, the functions of the network layer including routing and congestion control. It then describes the implementation of connectionless and connection-oriented services, comparing virtual circuits and datagrams. Various routing algorithms are also summarized, such as shortest path, flooding, distance vector, and link state routing.
This document provides an overview of unicast routing protocols, including RIP, OSPF, and BGP. It begins by explaining key concepts like cost metrics and static versus dynamic routing tables. It then describes different types of routing protocols and how they support intra-domain and inter-domain routing. The document focuses on distance vector protocols like RIP and link state protocols like OSPF. It explains the Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra algorithms used to calculate optimal paths and build routing tables. It also covers topics like split horizon, poison reverse, and link state packet flooding in OSPF.
Routing and switching are key processes in computer networks. Routing involves selecting the optimal path for data transfer from source to destination using routers and routing algorithms. There are three main types of routing: static, dynamic, and default. Switching transfers information between networks using switches and occurs at the data link layer. There are different switching techniques, including circuit switching, packet switching, and message switching, as well as different switching modes and networks like datagram and virtual circuit networks.
The document discusses different routing methods used in computer networks, including:
- Network-specific routing which treats all hosts on the same network as a single entity in the routing table.
- Host-specific routing which explicitly defines routes to individual host addresses in the routing table.
- Default routing which uses a single default route for all unknown destinations.
It also covers routing protocols like RIP and OSPF, explaining how they establish and maintain routing tables dynamically as the network changes. Distance vector protocols like RIP propagate full routing tables between routers, while link-state protocols like OSPF flood link state information to build independent views of the network topology.
Lecture number 5 Theory.pdf(machine learning)ZainabShahzad9
This document discusses computer networks and routing protocols. It provides an overview of key topics including:
- The difference between routed protocols like IPv4 and IPv6 that transfer user data, and routing protocols like RIP and OSPF that send route update packets.
- Common routing and routed protocols including IGPs, EGPs, RIP, OSPF, EIGRP and BGP.
- Desirable properties of routing algorithms such as correctness, robustness, stability, fairness and efficiency.
- Types of routing including fixed, flooding, dynamic and default routing. Characteristics of distance vector and link state routing protocols are also outlined.
A routing table can be either static or dynamic. A dynamic table is updated automatically when there is a change on the internet. A routing protocol lets routers inform each other of changes. Distance vector routing uses hop counts as the metric and each router maintains a table of minimum distances. Link state routing uses flooding to disseminate link state packets and each router builds a shortest path tree to calculate routes.
OSPF is a link-state routing protocol used within an autonomous system. Each router maintains an identical link state database describing the network topology and calculates shortest paths using the SPF algorithm. Routers establish adjacencies to exchange routing information and databases are synchronized during the exchange process. OSPF supports features like equal-cost multi-path routing and areas to reduce routing traffic and provide protection.
Static routing tables require manual configuration and cannot automatically update when network changes occur. Dynamic routing tables use protocols like RIP, OSPF, or BGP to periodically update routing tables across routers when links or routers fail. Routing tables contain information like the network address, next hop address, interface, and flags to determine the best path for packet delivery.
Experimental Analysis Of On Demand Routing Protocolsmita gupta
The document discusses experimental analysis of on-demand routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. It provides an outline and introduces key terminologies for multi-hop networks, protocols, routers, hubs, switches, and network topologies. The literature review summarizes several research papers that analyze routing protocols like AODV, DSR, and DSDV using simulation tools to evaluate metrics such as packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and network throughput under different mobility conditions. The problem statement indicates the document will experimentally analyze and compare the performance of on-demand routing protocols.
A Scalable, Commodity Data Center Network ArchitectureGunawan Jusuf
A Scalable, Commodity Data Center Network Architecture
source :,d.dGc
The document defines key concepts related to graphs, including types of graphs (directed, undirected, weighted, unweighted), graph terminology (vertex, edge, path, cycle), representations of graphs (adjacency matrix, adjacency list), and algorithms for traversing graphs (breadth-first search, depth-first search). It also discusses minimum spanning trees, spanning tree properties, and algorithms for finding minimum spanning trees like Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms.
The document discusses different searching methods like linear search and binary search. It provides steps and algorithms for linear search and binary search. Linear search is the simplest searching method that sequentially checks each element of a list to find the target element. Binary search requires a sorted list and compares the target element to the middle element of the list to determine which half of the list to search next.
The chapter discusses media level protocols including CSMA/CD, token passing, and polling. It describes the IEEE standards that apply to LANs based on different protocols. The key protocols discussed are Ethernet (CSMA/CD) under IEEE 802.3, token ring under IEEE 802.5, and token bus under IEEE 802.4. The chapter also provides an overview of the IEEE organization and its role in setting networking standards, particularly for the physical and data link layers.
The documents provide tutorials on various business topics including strategy designing, idea generation, business planning, pitch decks, business strategy, and patent drafting. The tutorials aim to teach learners how to design a marketing strategy, generate novel ideas, prepare business plans and pitch decks, develop business strategy, and draft patents. They provide outlines and guidelines for learners to follow on each topic.
- Wireless LANs use either wired or wireless infrastructure to connect computing devices within a local area. Wireless LANs provide flexibility, portability, mobility and ease of installation compared to wired LANs.
- The IEEE 802.11 standard defines the physical and data link layers for wireless LANs. It addresses issues like power management, security, and bandwidth that are important for wireless networks.
- The MAC layer uses either a contention-based distributed coordination function (DCF) or contention-free point coordination function (PCF). DCF uses CSMA/CA for channel access while PCF uses polling for contention-free access.
Unit II_Searching and Sorting Algorithms.pptHODElex
The document discusses various searching and sorting algorithms and data structures. It covers linear search and binary search algorithms. Linear search sequentially checks each element of a list to find a target value, while binary search works on a sorted list by dividing the search space in half at each step based on comparing the target to the middle element. The document also discusses asymptotic analysis techniques like Big O notation for analyzing algorithms' time and space complexity as input size increases.
Welcome to the March 2025 issue of WIPAC Monthly the magazine brought to you by the LinkedIn Group WIPAC Monthly.
In this month's edition, on top of the month's news from the water industry we cover subjects from the intelligent use of wastewater networks, the use of machine learning in water quality as well as how, we as an industry, need to develop the skills base in developing areas such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Enjoy the latest edition
This presentation provides an in-depth analysis of structural quality control in the KRP 401600 section of the Copper Processing Plant-3 (MOF-3) in Uzbekistan. As a Structural QA/QC Inspector, I have identified critical welding defects, alignment issues, bolting problems, and joint fit-up concerns.
Key topics covered:
Common Structural Defects Welding porosity, misalignment, bolting errors, and more.
Root Cause Analysis Understanding why these defects occur.
Corrective & Preventive Actions Effective solutions to improve quality.
Team Responsibilities Roles of supervisors, welders, fitters, and QC inspectors.
Inspection & Quality Control Enhancements Advanced techniques for defect detection.
Applicable Standards: GOST, KMK, SNK Ensuring compliance with international quality benchmarks.
This presentation is a must-watch for:
QA/QC Inspectors, Structural Engineers, Welding Inspectors, and Project Managers in the construction & oil & gas industries.
Professionals looking to improve quality control processes in large-scale industrial projects.
Download & share your thoughts! Let's discuss best practices for enhancing structural integrity in industrial projects.
Quality Control
Welding Inspection
Project Management
#QAQC #StructuralInspection #WeldingDefects #BoltingIssues #ConstructionQuality #Engineering #GOSTStandards #WeldingInspection #QualityControl #ProjectManagement #MOF3 #CopperProcessing #StructuralEngineering #NDT #OilAndGas
Integration of Additive Manufacturing (AM) with IoT : A Smart Manufacturing A...ASHISHDESAI85
Combining 3D printing with Internet of Things (IoT) enables the creation of smart, connected, and customizable objects that can monitor, control, and optimize their performance, potentially revolutionizing various industries. oT-enabled 3D printers can use sensors to monitor the quality of prints during the printing process. If any defects or deviations from the desired specifications are detected, the printer can adjust its parameters in real time to ensure that the final product meets the required standards.
Lecture -3 Cold water supply system.pptxrabiaatif2
The presentation on Cold Water Supply explored the fundamental principles of water distribution in buildings. It covered sources of cold water, including municipal supply, wells, and rainwater harvesting. Key components such as storage tanks, pipes, valves, and pumps were discussed for efficient water delivery. Various distribution systems, including direct and indirect supply methods, were analyzed for residential and commercial applications. The presentation emphasized water quality, pressure regulation, and contamination prevention. Common issues like pipe corrosion, leaks, and pressure drops were addressed along with maintenance strategies. Diagrams and case studies illustrated system layouts and best practices for optimal performance.
Engineering at Lovely Professional University (LPU).pdfSona
LPUs engineering programs provide students with the skills and knowledge to excel in the rapidly evolving tech industry, ensuring a bright and successful future. With world-class infrastructure, top-tier placements, and global exposure, LPU stands as a premier destination for aspiring engineers.
How to Build a Maze Solving Robot Using ArduinoCircuitDigest
Learn how to make an Arduino-powered robot that can navigate mazes on its own using IR sensors and "Hand on the wall" algorithm.
This step-by-step guide will show you how to build your own maze-solving robot using Arduino UNO, three IR sensors, and basic components that you can easily find in your local electronics shop.
3. Network Layer duties
networks and
making them
look the same
to the transport
addresses are
required to
define each
device/user in
the network
must be
packets and
sent to the
data-link layer
To fragment
smaller units so
that they can
be transferred
over various
data-link layer
network layer
packet is
ready, what
to do ?
4. Network Layer Part -III
Unicast Routing
Multicast Routing
Next Generation IP
6. Delivery
The network layer supervises the handling of the packets
by the underlying physical networks. This handling is
called as the delivery of a packet.
7. Forwarding
Forwarding means to place the packet in its
route to its destination.
Forwarding requires a host or a router to have a
routing table
Forwarding techniques are required to make the
size of the routing table manageable
Next-hop method versus route method
Network-specific method versus host-specific method
Default method
11. Routing Table
Static routing table: created manually
Dynamic routing table: updated periodically by using one of
the dynamic routing protocols such as RIP, OSPF, or BGP
Common fields in a routing table
Flag: U(up), G(gateway), H(host-specific), D(added by
redirection), M(modified by redirection)
Reference count: number of users of this route at the
Use: the number of packets transmitted through this router
for the corresponding destination
12. Communication in internet
Forwarding of a datagram by a router is normally
based on the prefix of the destination address in
the datagram, which defines the network to
which the destination host is connected.
13. Unicasting
1. One source and one destination network.
2. Each router in the path of the datagram tries to forward
the packet to one and only one of its interfaces.
14. Multicasting
1. One source and a group of destinations
2. The relationship between the source and the destination
network is one to many
3. The source address is a unicast address and the
destination address is a group address.
4. A group address defines the members of the group.
16. Multicasting versus Multiple Unicasting
1. Multicasting starts with a single packet from the source , further
duplicated by the routers; Multiple unicasting, several packets starts
from the source.
2. Destination address in each packet is the same for all duplicates;
source sends packets with each having a different unicast destination
3. Only a single copy of the packet travels between any two routers;
Multiple copies travels between two routers
17. Emulation of Multicasting with Unicasting
Multicasting is efficient than multiple unicasting (
requires less bandwidth ) and there is no delay
as only one packets is created by the source (
no delay) .
In multiple unicasting, links handle several
copies and packets are created with a relative
delay between packets.
18. Internet Structure
Made of a huge no. of networks and routers that connect
Changed from Tree-like structure, with a Single back-
bone, to a Multi-back bone structure , uses Hierarchical
19. Routing in internet
Why no single protocol?
Scalability problem:
Size of forwarding table becomes time-consuming
Updating creates a huge amount of traffic
Administrative issue
ISP is run by an administrative authority and controls
the system.
Impose some policy on the traffic passing through its
May wish to run a specific routing algorithm to meet
needs of system
20. Intra- and Interdomain Routing
AS (autonomous system): A group of networks and
routers under the authority of a single administration
Intradomain routing: inside an AS
Interdomain routing: between ASs
R1, R2, R3, and R4 use a intradomain and an
interdomain routing protocol.
The other routes use only intradomain routing protocols
22. Hierarchical Routing
Considers each Internet Service Provider (ISP) as Autonomous System (AS)
Stub AS
has only one connection to another AS
Does not allow the traffic to pass through it
Data traffic can be either initiated or terminated in stub AS
Example is the customer network, which is either the source or the sink
of data.
Multihomed AS
can have more than one connection to other AS
Does not allow the traffic to pass through it
Few customer networks that may use the services of more than one
provider network, but their policy does not allow data to be passed through
Transient AS
connected to more than one other AS
Allow the traffic to pass through it
Provider networks and backbone are example
23. Network-Layer Routing
Routing tasks are methods of finding the paths for
packet from their sources to their destinations.
Routers are responsible mainly for implementing
routing algorithms
24. Classification of Routing Algorithms
1. Static Routing and Dynamic Routing
2. Least Cost Path and Non-Least Cost Path
3. Intra Domain and Inter Domain Routing
26. Distance Vector Routing
To find best route
Each nodes creates its own least cost tree from basic
information about its neighbors.
Incomplete trees are exchanged between immediate
neighbors to make complete trees
Bellman-Ford equation is used to build new least-cost
path from previously established least-cost paths
27. Distance Vector Routing
Paths are joined together to form the Tree.
Distance- Vector routing creates a one-dimensional array
to represent the Tree.
In this method, a router continuously tells all of its
neighbors what it knows about the Internetwork.
28. Count to Infinity problem with Distance
vector routing
Any decrease in cost ( good news) propagates quickly,
but any increase in cost ( bad news) will propagate
if a link is broken i.e. cost becomes infinity, every other
router should be aware of it immediately
But in Distance-vector routing, this takes some time. This
problem is referred to as Count to infinity.
It sometimes takes several updates before the cost for a
broken link is recorded as infinity by all routers
30. Distance Vector Routing
The least-cost route between any two nodes is the route
with minimum distance
Each node maintains a vector(table)
distances to every node
Distance vector routing table
of minimum
31. Distance Vector Routing: Initialization
At the beginning, each node can know only the distance
between itself and its immediate neighbors
32. Distance Vector Routing: Sharing
In distance vector routing, each node shares its routing
table with its immediate neighbors periodically and when
there is a change
33. Distance Vector Routing: Updating
When a node receives a two-column table from a
neighbor, it need to update its routing table
Updating rule:
Choose the smaller cost. If the same, keep the old
If the next-node entry is the same, the receiving node
chooses the new row
34. When to Share
Periodic update: A node sends its routing table,
normally every 30 s
Triggered update: A node sends its two-column
routing table to its neighbors anytime there is a
change in its routing table
35. Link State Routing
Each node has the entire topology of the domain- the list
of nodes and links, how they are connected including
type, cost, and condition of the links(up or down)
Node can use Dijkstras algorithm to build a routing
36. Link State Knowledge
Each node has partial knowledge: it know the state (type,
condition, and cost) of its links. The whole topology can
be compiled from the partial knowledge of each node
37. Building Routing Table
1. Creation of the states of the links by each node, called
the link state packet (LSP)
2. Dissemination of LSPs to every other router, called
flooding, in an efficient and reliable way
3. Formation of a shortest path tree for each node
4. Calculation of a routing table based on the shortest path
Creation of LSP
LSP contains node identity, the list of links (to
make the topology), sequence number (to facilitate
flooding and distinguish new LSPs from old ones
LSPs are generated (1) when there is a change in the
topology of the domain, (2) on a periodic basis,
normally 60 min or 2 h
38. Building Routing Table
Flooding of LSPs
The creating node sends a copy of the LSP out of
each interface
A node compares it with the copy it may already have.
If the newly arrived LSP is older than the one it has, it
discards the LSP. If it is newer,
1.It discards the old LSP and keeps the new one
2.It sends a copy of it out of each interface except the
one from which the packet arrived
Formation of shortest path tree: Dijkstra Algorithm
After receiving all LSPs, each node will have a copy
of the whole topology. Need to find the shortest path
to every other node
The Dijkstra algorithm creates a shortest path tree
from a graph
40. Routing Table
Each node uses the shortest path tree protocol to
construct its routing table
The routing table shows the cost of reaching each node
from the root
41. Path Vector Routing
The goal is reachability, to allow the packet to reach its
destination without assigning costs to the route.
Path from a source to all destinations is determined by
best spanning tree, which is not the least-cost tree.
Tree is determined by the source by imposing its policy;
If there is more than one route to a destination, source
chooses the route that has minimum number of nodes to
be visited.
42. Path Vector Routing
Policy is defined by selecting the best of multiple paths.
Path vectors at booting time
Updating path vectors
43. Unicast Routing Protocols
needs to
define :
c) communication between routers and
d) interaction with protocols in other domains
44. Multicasting
In multicast routing, the router may forward the received
packet through several of its interfaces.
Broadcasting is a special case of multicasting
45. Multicasting vs. Multiple Unicasting
Emulation of multicasting through multiple unicasting is
not efficient and may create long delays, particularly with
a large group
46. Multicasting Applications
Access to distributed databases
Information dissemination
Dissemination of news
Distance learning
47. Multicast tree
Objectives of multicasting:
Every member of the group should receive one, and only
one, copy of the multicast packet. Nonmember must not
receive a copy
There must be no loops in routing
The path traveled from source to each destination must be
In a source-based tree approach, the combination of source
and group determines the tree (DVMRP, MOSPF, PIM-DM)
In the group-shared tree approach, the group determines the
tree (CBT, PIM-SM)
48. Multicast Routing
Optimal routing: Shortest path trees
Unicast Routing
Each router in the domain has a table that defines
a shortest path tree to possible destinations
49. Shortest Path Tree
Multicast Routing
Each involved router needs to construct a shortest path
tree for each group
Source-Based Tree and Group-Shared Tree
In the source-based tree approach, each router needs to
have one shortest path tree for each group
50. Shortest Path Tree
In the group-shared tree approach, only the core router, which has
a shortest path tree for each group, is involved in multicasting
53. Multicast Link State Routing: MOSPF
uses the source-based tree approach
n (the number of group) topologies and n shortest path trees
Each router has a routing table that represents as many
shortest path trees as there are groups
is an extension of the OSPF protocol that uses multicast link
state routing to create source-based trees
requires a new link state update packet to associate the
unicast address of a host with the group address or addresses
the host is sponsoring
is a data-driven protocol; the first time an MOSPF router see a
datagram with a given source and group address, the router
constructs the Dijkstra shortest path tree
54. 54
Multicast Distance Vector: DVMRP
uses the source-based trees, but the router never actually
makes a routing table
does not allow a router to send its routing table to its
neighbors. The idea is to create a table from scratch by
using the information from the unicast distance vector
Process based on four decision-making strategies. Each
strategy is built on its predecessor
Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF)
Reverse Path Broadcasting (RPB)
Reverse Path Multicasting (RPM)
55. DVMRP: Strategies
Flooding broadcasts packets, but creates loops in the systems
Reverse path forwarding: RPF eliminates the loop in the flooding
56. DVMRP: Strategies
Reverse path broadcasting: RPB creates a shortest path
broadcast tree from the source to each destination. It guarantees
that each destination receives one and only one copy of the packet
Problem with RPF
57. DVMRP: Strategies
Reverse path multicasting: RPM adds pruning and
grafting to RPB to create a multicast shortest path tree
that supports dynamic membership changes
58. Core-Based Tree (CBT)
CBT is a group-shared protocol that uses a core as the root of the
AS is divided into regions, and core (center router or rendezvous
router) is chosen for each region
Each router sends a unicast join message to rendezvous router
When the rendezvous router has received all join messages from
every member of the group, the tree is formed
59. Sending Multicast Packets
The source sends the multicast packet (encapsulated in a unicast
packet) to the core router. The core router decapsulates the packet
and forwards it to all interested hosts. Each router that receives the
multicast packet, in turn, forwards it to all interested ports
60. Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
PIM-DM (Dense Mode) and PIM-SM (Sparse Mode)
PIM-DM is used in a dense multicast environment, such
as a LAN
PIM-DM is a source-based tree routing protocol that
uses RPF and pruning and grafting strategies for
multicasting. However, it is independent of the underlying
unicast protocol.
PIM-SM is used in a sparse multicast environment such
as a WAN
PIM-SM is a group-shared routing protocol that has a
rendezvous point as the source of the tree
PIM-SM is similar to CBT but uses a simpler procedure.
61. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
is a protocol used by the Internet Protocol (IP)
[RFC826], specifically IPv4, to map IP network
addresses to the hardware addresses used by a
data link protocol.
The protocol operates below the network layer
as a part of the interface between the OSI
network and OSI link layer.
66. Routing Information Protocol
RIP: an intradomain routing protocol used inside an AS
Simple protocol based distance vector routing
Metric is simple, a hop count. The distance is defined as
the number of links (networks) to reach the destination
69. What is IPv6
Also known as IPng (next generation)
A new version of the Internet Protocol
Primarily designed to extend address space
Enhancements and new features
70. Why is IPv6 Here
IPv6 provides a platform for new Internet
functionality that will be needed in the
immediate future, and provide flexibility for
further growth and expansion.
71. Features of IPv6
128 bit Addressing
Quality of Service
72. IPv6 Addresses
An IPv6 address is 128 bits long
Hexadecimal colon notation:
73. IPv6
Destination address can belong
to any of three
1. Unicast Defines a single computer
2. Anycast Defines a group of computers with same prefix
3. Multicast-Defines a group with same prefix & delivers to
IPv6 address is divided in two parts. First part is called
as type prefix. This is variable length prefix defines the
purpose of the address (3 to 10 bits)
74. IPv6 Addresses
Unicast addresses: define a single computer
Two types: geographically based and provider-based
Prefixes for provider-based unicast address
Type id (3 bits), Registry id (5 bits)
Multicast addresses:
define a group of
75. IPv6 Addresses
Anycast addresses: define a group of nodes
Unlike multicast, a packet is delivered to only one of the
members of the anycast group, the nearest
Reserved addresses:
Local addresses: private networks
81. Compatible address
A compatible address is 96 bit 0 followed by 32 bit IPv4 address & used to
send to message to another IPv6 machine but intermediate path is IPv4.
We require IPv4 address in some cases which can be embedded in IPv6
address by two methods. 1. Compatible 2. Mapped
In compatible address 32 bit IPv4 address is preceded by 96 bits zeros.
For e.g. becomes
82. Mapped address
A mapped address is 80 bit 0 followed by 16 bits of 1s followed
by 32 bit IPv4 address. This is used for communicating to IPv4
client .
A mapped address uses 80 bit of zeros followed by 16 bits of
one, followed by 32 bit IPv4 address. For e.g. becomes 0::FFFF:020D:110E
These two methods are useful even calculating checksum for
IPv4 addresses.
83. Link local address
These are defined for private addresses. Block identifier is
1111111010. Next 70 bits set to 0 and last 48 bits define node address.
84. Site local address
These are defined for site local addresses. Block identifier is
1111111011. Next 38 bits set to 0 and last 80 bits define subnet
& node address
85. Multicast address
Multicast start with 8 bits 1 prefix. 4 bit flag defines permanent or
transient. Permanent can be defined by IANA & used all times
while transient used temporarily for e.g. teleconferencing.
88. IPv4 Header
Fragment Offset
Fragment Length
Datagram ID FLAG
TTL Protocol Header Checksum
Source Address
Destination Address
Options (if any)
1 byte
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte
4 for IPv4
89. 91
IPv6 Header
Hop Limit
Flow Label
Payload Length Next Header
1 byte
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte
6 for IPv6
Source Address (128 bits - 16 bytes)
Dest. Address (128 bits - 16 bytes)
90. 92
IPv6 Header Fields
VERS: 6 (IP version number)
Priority: will be used in congestion control
Flow Label: experimental - sender can label a
sequence of packets as being in the same flow.
Payload Length: number of bytes in everything
following the 40 byte header, or 0 for a Jumbogram.
91. 93
IPv6 Header Fields
Next Header is similar to the IPv4 protocol
field - indicates what type of header follows
the IPv6 header.
Hop Limit is similar to the IPv4 TTL field (but
now it really means hops, not time).
97. Three transition strategies from IPv4 to IPv6
Transition should be smooth to prevent any problems
between IPv4 and IPv6 systems
98. Dual stack
All hosts have a dual stack of protocols before migrating
completely to version 6
Uses both protocol stack & related other protocols.
Uses a DNS query, If DNS returns 32 bit IP it sends IPv4
packet otherwise IPv6.
99. Tunneling
IPv6 packet is encapsulated in an IPv4 packet
Tunneling can be of two types-
Automatic & Configured Tunneling
100. Automatic Tunneling
If destination uses IPv6 compatible address it uses
automatic tunneling. Here sender sends IPv6 compatible
packet which will be encapsulated by IPv4 address &
transition take place to the receiver. Receiver takes IPv4
packet , determines that it is encapsulated IPv6 packet.
Extract it & sends to IPv6 protocol.
101. Configured tunneling
If destination is not supporting IPv6 compatible address
it uses configured tunneling. Here sender sends IPv6
non compatible packet which will be encapsulated by
IPv4 address & transition take place to the receiver.
Router at boundary decapsulates IPv4 packet. Receiver
takes IPv6 packet & processes it.
102. Header translation
Necessary when the majority of the Internet has
moved to IPv6 but some systems still use IPv4
Header format must be changed totally through
header translation