Om effektiv överlämning från testprojekt till förvaltningLars LinderothPresentation från SAST Q2 2014-04-02. Vanliga problem, tips och råd för att komma runt dem.
Introduction to Versioning (VCS) for DevelopersAmpersandIntroduction to Versioning: SVN, Git
•Manage your code efficiently
•Develop multiple features at the same time
•Allow you to go back if disaster strikes
•Know exactly what was changed, by who and when
•Code reviews
•Continuous integration
•Share code
NewsCastle - May 2012Dave PalmerThe document summarizes the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers participation in the 23rd annual EarthFair 2012 event in Balboa Park in San Diego. Members of the Corps shared information about environmental projects and regulatory permitting with an estimated 60,000 visitors. The fair allowed the Corps to educate the public about its work to preserve and restore habitats and regulate development impacts on waterways. The document also provides an update on leadership changes at the Corps, including the confirmation of Lt. Gen. Thomas Bostick as the new Chief of Engineers.
NewsCastle - February 2012Dave PalmerFederal programs focus on Los Angeles River and District commander helps students visualize a STEM life. All about Building Strong and Taking Care of People in the Los Angeles District!
NewsCastle - April 2012Dave PalmerThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District recently completed construction of a new 28,000 square foot indoor small arms firing range at March Air Reserve Base in California. Rep. Ken Calvert and officials from the Corps, base and local community celebrated the opening of the $8.5 million facility, which will provide a safe indoor range for small arms training. The new range replaces an outdated outdoor range and will serve not only military members but also local law enforcement agencies.
Intonation and gesturesCaro AcvdoThe document discusses the use of gestures and facial expressions when teaching pronunciation. It notes that stressing different syllables in multisyllable words and distinguishing long and short vowel sounds can be reinforced through appropriate gestures. Research shows that gestures tend to occur with stressed syllables and word stress. Good teachers use nonverbal features extensively in pronunciation teaching, while many learners use few gestures. The use of harmonizing gestures by both teachers and learners improves the classroom atmosphere and can increase rapport.
TV In the context of: “Uses and Gratification approach”Rijitha RUses & Gratifications approach arose originally in the 1940s and underwent a revival in the 1970s and 1980s. It presents the use of media in terms of the gratification of social or psychological needs of the individual (Blumler & Katz 1974). The mass media compete with other sources of gratification, but gratifications can be obtained from a medium's content (e.g. watching a specific program). Zillmann (cited by McQuail 1987: 236) has shown the influence of mood on media choice: boredom encourages the choice of exciting content and stress encourages a choice of relaxing content. The same TV program may gratify different needs for different individuals.
Aortic aneurysm and low back pain ... The forgotten red flag!Alan J TaylorAortic aneurysm is the forgotten red flag of low back pain. This short presentation is a reminder why structure and pathology do matter ... and why sound clinical reasoning is essential in physiotherapy practice.
Remember, today's CLBP may be tomorrow's surgical case!
Mean world syndromeRijitha RMean world syndrome refers to the theory that heavy television viewers believe the world is more dangerous than it actually is due to the violence they see portrayed on television. Heavy viewers are more likely than light viewers to overestimate their risk of being victims of crime and feel unsafe in their neighborhoods. Research has found that heavy television viewing is associated with increased fearfulness, distrust of others, and pessimism about society. To overcome mean world syndrome, reducing television consumption can help alleviate the distorted views of reality and negativity that frequent viewing may cultivate.
Kontextdriven test och kravhanteringChris HofstetterThe ݺߣshare version of this presentation about context-driven test and requirements management contains a selection of slides shown during the live talk on the subject. These are primarily intended for participants who have already seen and heard the presentation. If you would to know more about this presentation, or would like a specific slide in the original format, then you are welcome to contact us at Konsultbolag1. +46 765 48 78 82
Att göra användningstesterNiclas SiljedahlMetod som bibliotekspersonal kan använda för att utvärdera bibliotekets webbplats tillsammans med användare. Kort om användbarhet, kognitiv ergonomi, designprinciper. Jag har använt varianter av det här bildspelet vid föreläsningar för många olika bibliotek sedan 2006.
NewsCastle - February 2012Dave PalmerFederal programs focus on Los Angeles River and District commander helps students visualize a STEM life. All about Building Strong and Taking Care of People in the Los Angeles District!
NewsCastle - April 2012Dave PalmerThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District recently completed construction of a new 28,000 square foot indoor small arms firing range at March Air Reserve Base in California. Rep. Ken Calvert and officials from the Corps, base and local community celebrated the opening of the $8.5 million facility, which will provide a safe indoor range for small arms training. The new range replaces an outdated outdoor range and will serve not only military members but also local law enforcement agencies.
Intonation and gesturesCaro AcvdoThe document discusses the use of gestures and facial expressions when teaching pronunciation. It notes that stressing different syllables in multisyllable words and distinguishing long and short vowel sounds can be reinforced through appropriate gestures. Research shows that gestures tend to occur with stressed syllables and word stress. Good teachers use nonverbal features extensively in pronunciation teaching, while many learners use few gestures. The use of harmonizing gestures by both teachers and learners improves the classroom atmosphere and can increase rapport.
TV In the context of: “Uses and Gratification approach”Rijitha RUses & Gratifications approach arose originally in the 1940s and underwent a revival in the 1970s and 1980s. It presents the use of media in terms of the gratification of social or psychological needs of the individual (Blumler & Katz 1974). The mass media compete with other sources of gratification, but gratifications can be obtained from a medium's content (e.g. watching a specific program). Zillmann (cited by McQuail 1987: 236) has shown the influence of mood on media choice: boredom encourages the choice of exciting content and stress encourages a choice of relaxing content. The same TV program may gratify different needs for different individuals.
Aortic aneurysm and low back pain ... The forgotten red flag!Alan J TaylorAortic aneurysm is the forgotten red flag of low back pain. This short presentation is a reminder why structure and pathology do matter ... and why sound clinical reasoning is essential in physiotherapy practice.
Remember, today's CLBP may be tomorrow's surgical case!
Mean world syndromeRijitha RMean world syndrome refers to the theory that heavy television viewers believe the world is more dangerous than it actually is due to the violence they see portrayed on television. Heavy viewers are more likely than light viewers to overestimate their risk of being victims of crime and feel unsafe in their neighborhoods. Research has found that heavy television viewing is associated with increased fearfulness, distrust of others, and pessimism about society. To overcome mean world syndrome, reducing television consumption can help alleviate the distorted views of reality and negativity that frequent viewing may cultivate.
Kontextdriven test och kravhanteringChris HofstetterThe ݺߣshare version of this presentation about context-driven test and requirements management contains a selection of slides shown during the live talk on the subject. These are primarily intended for participants who have already seen and heard the presentation. If you would to know more about this presentation, or would like a specific slide in the original format, then you are welcome to contact us at Konsultbolag1. +46 765 48 78 82
Att göra användningstesterNiclas SiljedahlMetod som bibliotekspersonal kan använda för att utvärdera bibliotekets webbplats tillsammans med användare. Kort om användbarhet, kognitiv ergonomi, designprinciper. Jag har använt varianter av det här bildspelet vid föreläsningar för många olika bibliotek sedan 2006.
5. öܳٲäٳٲԾԲ Testförfarande Viktigt att tänkaSlutsatser
6. öܳٲäٳٲԾԲ
SAST vill öka
kunskapsutbytet inom
Vill dela med sig av sin
SAST vill erbjuda
en kunskapskanal
via webben
7. Designprocessen
Gör ändringar innan de blir dyra att
genomföra. Ju tidigare desto billigare.
Grafisk Det kommer alltid fram något
design nytt i användningstesterna.
Utveckling Systemtester, Acceptanstester, osv.
8. Testförfarandet
Rekrytering av Instruktioner till
testpersoner testpersoner
Fysiska Sammanställning
förutsättningar & analys
Förberedelser av
testunderlag ұԴdzöԻ
9. Rekrytering av testpersoner
Testpersoner är bara människor.
Planera för det.
Marios öܳٲäٳٲԾԲ
5 personer = 85% av användningsproblemen
12. Instruktioner till testpersonen
Tänk högt Testpersoner kan inte göra
fel, de gör rätt utifrån sin
”Inte du som testas”
Våga vara kritisk
13. ұԴdzöԻ
Testpersonerna vill vara dig
till mötes. Låt inte din
förväntan lysa igenom.
Minimal vägledning
Inte ledande frågor
Ingrid Svara med motfrågor
14. Sammanställning & analys
Lyssna inte till
Tolka resultatet testpersonerna
ordagrant, se till
vad de gör.
Omsätt till ny design
Alla problem är inte lika allvarliga.
Fokusera på de kritiska.
15. Det är inte användarna som testas, det Gör ändringar innan de blir dyra att
är designlösningen som testas. genomföra. Ju tidigare desto billigare.
Alla problem är
Det kommer alltid inte lika allvarliga,
fram något nytt i fokusera på de
användningstesterna. mest kritiska.
Vilka är våra bästa tips?
Testpersonerna Lyssna inte till
vill vara dig till testpersonerna
mötes så låt inte ordagrant, se till
din förväntan lysa vad de gör.
Testpersoner kan inte göra
Låt inte utrustningen eller miljön
fel, de gör rätt utifrån sin
bli ett hinder för testpersonen.