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Stop-motion Animation Collection
Moving pictures
In a digital age, there’s something quite satisfying about seeing traditional
techniques put into practice.
In this collection, we’ve listed the top 6 stop-motion animation ads for
your viewing pleasure.Read blog
Honda: Hands
Celebrating 65 years of innovation, Honda's ad
is as informative as it is amusing.Refreshing as
a glass of water squeezed from the FCX Clarity
Starbucks: Monday Can Be Great!
Monday seems to be everyone’s least favourite
day of the week. But at Starbucks, we don’t think
Mondays are all bad.
Moleskine: A Year in Full Colour
382 Moleskine notebooks were used to create
A Year in Full Colour. A stop-motion animation
that introduces the new Moleskine colors.
Chanel: Here Comes the Beauty Pack
In the video, Chanel’s make ups gets moving , a
robot, a model, a spider, etc…Enough said! Now
enjoy this cute video!
McDonald's: The Little Big Town
A bird’s eye view of this tiny world, which must
have incredibly tiny nuggets. Can't wait to take
a bite!
Hyundai: Hyundai Card
This amazing stop-motion ad is designed to
encourage you to try the new touch screens in
Korea's bus stops.
Scan the Qrcode on the left to read on mobile devices.
Up till now, more than 800 videos and 46 Playlists have been stored in SEEISEE official
video bank in Tudou.com and Youku.com. We will keep updating the latest and best
videos all the time.
Previous Blog Posts :
1. 微影院第 19 期:耀目星光
2. 微影院第 18 期:以童话和魔法之名
3. 微电影第 17 期:和未来有关的高科技产物微电影
4. 微影院第 16 期:用 Vine 制作 6 秒病毒视频
5. 微影院第 15 期:香氛奇缘 weibo.com/seeisee Wechat ID:seeiseeCHAT
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Viral Video Cinema vol.20:Stop Motion Animation Collection

  • 1. Stop-motion Animation Collection Moving pictures In a digital age, there’s something quite satisfying about seeing traditional techniques put into practice. In this collection, we’ve listed the top 6 stop-motion animation ads for your viewing pleasure.Read blog Honda: Hands Celebrating 65 years of innovation, Honda's ad is as informative as it is amusing.Refreshing as a glass of water squeezed from the FCX Clarity Starbucks: Monday Can Be Great! Monday seems to be everyone’s least favourite day of the week. But at Starbucks, we don’t think Mondays are all bad. Moleskine: A Year in Full Colour 382 Moleskine notebooks were used to create A Year in Full Colour. A stop-motion animation that introduces the new Moleskine colors. Chanel: Here Comes the Beauty Pack In the video, Chanel’s make ups gets moving , a robot, a model, a spider, etc…Enough said! Now enjoy this cute video! McDonald's: The Little Big Town A bird’s eye view of this tiny world, which must have incredibly tiny nuggets. Can't wait to take a bite! Hyundai: Hyundai Card This amazing stop-motion ad is designed to encourage you to try the new touch screens in Korea's bus stops. Scan the Qrcode on the left to read on mobile devices. Up till now, more than 800 videos and 46 Playlists have been stored in SEEISEE official video bank in Tudou.com and Youku.com. We will keep updating the latest and best videos all the time. Previous Blog Posts : 1. 微影院第 19 期:耀目星光 2. 微影院第 18 期:以童话和魔法之名 3. 微电影第 17 期:和未来有关的高科技产物微电影 4. 微影院第 16 期:用 Vine 制作 6 秒病毒视频 5. 微影院第 15 期:香氛奇缘 weibo.com/seeisee Wechat ID:seeiseeCHAT Contact Us :