Constructor is a special member function that initializes objects of a class. Constructors have the same name as the class and do not have a return type. There are two types of constructors: default constructors that take no parameters, and parameterized constructors that allow passing arguments when creating objects. Constructors are automatically called when objects are created to initialize member variables, unlike regular member functions which must be explicitly called.
Pointers,virtual functions and polymorphism cpprajshreemuthiah
This document discusses key concepts in object-oriented programming in C++ including polymorphism, pointers, pointers to objects and derived classes, virtual functions, and pure virtual functions. Polymorphism allows one name to have multiple forms through function and operator overloading as well as virtual functions. Pointers store the memory address of a variable rather than the data. Pointers can be used with objects, arrays, strings, and functions. Virtual functions allow calling a derived class version of a function through a base class pointer. Pure virtual functions define an abstract base class that cannot be instantiated.
This document discusses C++ friend functions and classes. It explains that friend functions have access to private and protected members of a class, but are not members themselves. Friend functions are declared using the friend keyword within the class definition. Friend classes also have access to private members, and are declared using the friend class syntax. Examples are provided to illustrate friend functions for operator overloading and accessing members of multiple classes.
The program accepts 5 items from the command line and stores them in a Vector. It then demonstrates deleting an item, adding an item at a specified position, adding an item at the end, and printing the Vector contents. The Vector implements a dynamic array that can hold any type of objects and any number of elements. It is contained in the java.util package and is synchronized.
Inner classes ,annoumous and outer classes in javaAdil Mehmoood
The document discusses different types of inner classes in Java:
1. Member classes are classes declared within another class and have access to all members of the outer class, even private ones. They cannot contain static members.
2. Local classes are declared within a method, constructor or block. They can only access final variables and methods of the outer class.
3. Anonymous classes are defined and instantiated in a single expression without a class name. They are commonly used as event handlers in GUI code.
Constructors, Destructors, call in parameterized Constructor, Multiple constructor in a class, Explicit/implicit call, Copy constructor, Dynamic Constructors and call in parameterized Constructor
This is an intermediate conversion course for C++, suitable for second year computing students who may have learned Java or another language in first year.
- Java inner classes are classes declared within other classes or interfaces. They allow grouping of logically related classes and interfaces and can access all members of the outer class, including private ones.
- There are three main advantages of inner classes: they can access private members of the outer class, they make code more readable by grouping related classes, and they require less code.
- The two types of inner classes are non-static (inner) classes and static nested classes. Non-static classes can access outer class members like private variables while static classes cannot access non-static members only static ones.
- Examples demonstrate member inner classes, anonymous inner classes, local inner classes, and static nested classes in Java and how they can
The document discusses functions in C programming. It defines what functions are and their advantages, such as modularity, reusability and avoiding code repetition. It covers different types of functions based on arguments and return values. Additionally, it discusses function definitions, prototypes, scope, storage classes, recursion, call by value vs reference and examples of functions.
This document discusses polymorphism in C++. It defines polymorphism as the ability for functions or operators to have different meanings depending on the context. It describes different types of polymorphism including static and dynamic polymorphism. It then provides examples of method overloading, operator overloading, and virtual functions to illustrate polymorphism concepts in C++.
Collections Framework is a unified architecture for managing collections, Main Parts of Collections Framework
1. Interfaces :- Core interfaces defining common functionality exhibited by collections
2. Implementations :- Concrete classes of the core interfaces providing data structures
3. Operations :- Methods that perform various operations on collections
This document discusses abstract classes in C++. It defines an abstract class as a class designed to be used as a base class that cannot be instantiated and must contain at least one pure virtual function. It provides an example of how to declare an abstract class with a pure virtual function and how to derive a class from an abstract class, overriding the pure virtual functions. The importance of abstract classes is that they allow common functionality to be defined for derived classes while leaving implementation details to the derived classes.
The document discusses key concepts in object-oriented programming including objects, classes, messages, and requirements for object-oriented languages. An object is a bundle of related variables and methods that can model real-world things. A class defines common variables and methods for objects of a certain kind. Objects communicate by sending messages to each other specifying a method name and parameters. For a language to be object-oriented, it must support encapsulation, inheritance, and dynamic binding.
Data abstraction is the process of hiding unnecessary implementation details and exposing only essential information to the user. It separates the interface from the implementation. In Python, data abstraction can be achieved through abstract classes, which cannot be instantiated directly but can be inherited. Abstract classes define a common API for subclasses and allow concrete methods to be implemented only once for all subclasses. Data abstraction improves flexibility, reusability, and makes working on large codebases with teams easier.
Learn the various forms of polymorphism in Java with illustrative examples to explain method overloading(Compile-time polymorphism) and method overriding(Run-time polymorphism)
This document discusses polymorphism and inheritance concepts in Java. It defines polymorphism as an object taking on many forms, and describes method overloading and overriding. Method overloading allows classes to have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. Method overriding allows subclasses to provide a specific implementation of a method in the parent class. The document also discusses abstract classes and interfaces for abstraction in Java, and explains access modifiers like public, private, protected, and default.
The document discusses operator overloading in C++, which allows existing operators like + and - to work with user-defined types by defining corresponding operator functions, and covers topics like restrictions on overloading, syntax for member and non-member operator functions, overloading unary and binary operators, and overloading stream insertion and extraction operators. Operator overloading is an important feature of C++ that implements compile-time polymorphism while preserving the meaning of operators.
This document provides information about a class on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with C++ taught by Venkatadri.M, an Assistant Professor at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies in Dehradun, India. The class covers the evolution of OOP, the history of C++, organizing data and functions in OOP, features of object oriented languages, and polymorphism. The instructor uses diagrams, animations and PowerPoint presentations to teach the concepts and address frequently asked questions from students.
Virtual functions allow derived classes to override base class functions. A virtual function is declared with the virtual keyword in the base class and redefined in derived classes. When called via a base class pointer, the correct overridden function in the derived class will be called based on the actual object type. Pure virtual functions are declared with =0 and force derived classes to provide an implementation. Virtual functions enable runtime polymorphism in C++.
The document discusses functions in C++, including how they can be used to break programs into modular and reusable parts. Functions allow for passing of data between caller and callee functions through arguments. There are different ways functions can handle arguments, including call by value, call by address, and call by reference.
Inheritance allows one class to inherit properties and behaviors from another base class. There are two main types of inheritance: implementation inheritance, where a derived class takes on all members of the base class; and interface inheritance, where a derived class inherits only function signatures without implementations. Key aspects of inheritance in C# include defining virtual methods that can be overridden, using modifiers like sealed to restrict inheritance, and implementing interfaces that define common behaviors without implementations.
Inheritance allows one class to inherit attributes and behaviors from another existing class. This helps with code reuse by extending an existing class without modifying it. A derived class inherits from a base class, and any changes to the base class will also affect the derived classes. Abstract classes define common behaviors for other classes to inherit from but cannot be instantiated themselves, instead forcing subclasses to implement abstract methods.
The document discusses sorting and searching algorithms. It covers the goals of understanding sorting algorithms like selection sort and their performance, measured using Big O notation. Selection sort works by finding the minimum element and swapping it into place during each pass through the array. The performance of selection sort is O(n^2) as it may examine each element twice in the worst case.
A friend function in C++ can access the private and protected members of a class. It is declared inside the class using the friend keyword. A friend function is not a member of the class and is defined outside the class like a normal function. It can access private and protected members of its friend class but cannot access members directly. A friend class can also access private and protected members of another class where it is declared as a friend.
This document discusses inheritance in Java. It defines inheritance as a mechanism where a subclass inherits the properties and behaviors of its parent class. It provides an example of single inheritance in Java where class B extends class A, inheriting its attributes and methods. The document also describes different types of inheritance like multilevel inheritance where a class inherits from another subclass, and hierarchical inheritance where a parent class has multiple subclasses. It provides an example of inheritance between different animal classes to demonstrate these concepts.
A pointer can point to an object by holding the object's address value. This is known as a "this pointer". A derived class inherits properties from its base class. A pointer to the base class can point to a derived class object, allowing access to both base and derived class members. Virtual functions ensure the correct overridden function is called at runtime based on the actual object type, rather than the pointer type. They are declared with the virtual keyword in the base class.
Example for Virtual and Pure Virtual function.pdfrajaratna4
Virtual functions allow functions to be overridden in derived classes. They are useful for runtime polymorphism. A pure virtual function is a virtual function in a base class that has no definition, serving as a placeholder that must be overridden in derived classes. Derived classes that override all pure virtual functions from their base classes can have objects instantiated.
- Java inner classes are classes declared within other classes or interfaces. They allow grouping of logically related classes and interfaces and can access all members of the outer class, including private ones.
- There are three main advantages of inner classes: they can access private members of the outer class, they make code more readable by grouping related classes, and they require less code.
- The two types of inner classes are non-static (inner) classes and static nested classes. Non-static classes can access outer class members like private variables while static classes cannot access non-static members only static ones.
- Examples demonstrate member inner classes, anonymous inner classes, local inner classes, and static nested classes in Java and how they can
The document discusses functions in C programming. It defines what functions are and their advantages, such as modularity, reusability and avoiding code repetition. It covers different types of functions based on arguments and return values. Additionally, it discusses function definitions, prototypes, scope, storage classes, recursion, call by value vs reference and examples of functions.
This document discusses polymorphism in C++. It defines polymorphism as the ability for functions or operators to have different meanings depending on the context. It describes different types of polymorphism including static and dynamic polymorphism. It then provides examples of method overloading, operator overloading, and virtual functions to illustrate polymorphism concepts in C++.
Collections Framework is a unified architecture for managing collections, Main Parts of Collections Framework
1. Interfaces :- Core interfaces defining common functionality exhibited by collections
2. Implementations :- Concrete classes of the core interfaces providing data structures
3. Operations :- Methods that perform various operations on collections
This document discusses abstract classes in C++. It defines an abstract class as a class designed to be used as a base class that cannot be instantiated and must contain at least one pure virtual function. It provides an example of how to declare an abstract class with a pure virtual function and how to derive a class from an abstract class, overriding the pure virtual functions. The importance of abstract classes is that they allow common functionality to be defined for derived classes while leaving implementation details to the derived classes.
The document discusses key concepts in object-oriented programming including objects, classes, messages, and requirements for object-oriented languages. An object is a bundle of related variables and methods that can model real-world things. A class defines common variables and methods for objects of a certain kind. Objects communicate by sending messages to each other specifying a method name and parameters. For a language to be object-oriented, it must support encapsulation, inheritance, and dynamic binding.
Data abstraction is the process of hiding unnecessary implementation details and exposing only essential information to the user. It separates the interface from the implementation. In Python, data abstraction can be achieved through abstract classes, which cannot be instantiated directly but can be inherited. Abstract classes define a common API for subclasses and allow concrete methods to be implemented only once for all subclasses. Data abstraction improves flexibility, reusability, and makes working on large codebases with teams easier.
Learn the various forms of polymorphism in Java with illustrative examples to explain method overloading(Compile-time polymorphism) and method overriding(Run-time polymorphism)
This document discusses polymorphism and inheritance concepts in Java. It defines polymorphism as an object taking on many forms, and describes method overloading and overriding. Method overloading allows classes to have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. Method overriding allows subclasses to provide a specific implementation of a method in the parent class. The document also discusses abstract classes and interfaces for abstraction in Java, and explains access modifiers like public, private, protected, and default.
The document discusses operator overloading in C++, which allows existing operators like + and - to work with user-defined types by defining corresponding operator functions, and covers topics like restrictions on overloading, syntax for member and non-member operator functions, overloading unary and binary operators, and overloading stream insertion and extraction operators. Operator overloading is an important feature of C++ that implements compile-time polymorphism while preserving the meaning of operators.
This document provides information about a class on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with C++ taught by Venkatadri.M, an Assistant Professor at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies in Dehradun, India. The class covers the evolution of OOP, the history of C++, organizing data and functions in OOP, features of object oriented languages, and polymorphism. The instructor uses diagrams, animations and PowerPoint presentations to teach the concepts and address frequently asked questions from students.
Virtual functions allow derived classes to override base class functions. A virtual function is declared with the virtual keyword in the base class and redefined in derived classes. When called via a base class pointer, the correct overridden function in the derived class will be called based on the actual object type. Pure virtual functions are declared with =0 and force derived classes to provide an implementation. Virtual functions enable runtime polymorphism in C++.
The document discusses functions in C++, including how they can be used to break programs into modular and reusable parts. Functions allow for passing of data between caller and callee functions through arguments. There are different ways functions can handle arguments, including call by value, call by address, and call by reference.
Inheritance allows one class to inherit properties and behaviors from another base class. There are two main types of inheritance: implementation inheritance, where a derived class takes on all members of the base class; and interface inheritance, where a derived class inherits only function signatures without implementations. Key aspects of inheritance in C# include defining virtual methods that can be overridden, using modifiers like sealed to restrict inheritance, and implementing interfaces that define common behaviors without implementations.
Inheritance allows one class to inherit attributes and behaviors from another existing class. This helps with code reuse by extending an existing class without modifying it. A derived class inherits from a base class, and any changes to the base class will also affect the derived classes. Abstract classes define common behaviors for other classes to inherit from but cannot be instantiated themselves, instead forcing subclasses to implement abstract methods.
The document discusses sorting and searching algorithms. It covers the goals of understanding sorting algorithms like selection sort and their performance, measured using Big O notation. Selection sort works by finding the minimum element and swapping it into place during each pass through the array. The performance of selection sort is O(n^2) as it may examine each element twice in the worst case.
A friend function in C++ can access the private and protected members of a class. It is declared inside the class using the friend keyword. A friend function is not a member of the class and is defined outside the class like a normal function. It can access private and protected members of its friend class but cannot access members directly. A friend class can also access private and protected members of another class where it is declared as a friend.
This document discusses inheritance in Java. It defines inheritance as a mechanism where a subclass inherits the properties and behaviors of its parent class. It provides an example of single inheritance in Java where class B extends class A, inheriting its attributes and methods. The document also describes different types of inheritance like multilevel inheritance where a class inherits from another subclass, and hierarchical inheritance where a parent class has multiple subclasses. It provides an example of inheritance between different animal classes to demonstrate these concepts.
A pointer can point to an object by holding the object's address value. This is known as a "this pointer". A derived class inherits properties from its base class. A pointer to the base class can point to a derived class object, allowing access to both base and derived class members. Virtual functions ensure the correct overridden function is called at runtime based on the actual object type, rather than the pointer type. They are declared with the virtual keyword in the base class.
Example for Virtual and Pure Virtual function.pdfrajaratna4
Virtual functions allow functions to be overridden in derived classes. They are useful for runtime polymorphism. A pure virtual function is a virtual function in a base class that has no definition, serving as a placeholder that must be overridden in derived classes. Derived classes that override all pure virtual functions from their base classes can have objects instantiated.
pure virtual function and abstract classes.pptWaheedAnwar20
This document discusses virtual functions, dynamic binding, pure virtual functions, and abstract classes in C++. Some key points:
- Virtual functions allow derived classes to override base class functions. The decision of which function to call is made at runtime.
- Dynamic binding occurs at runtime and chooses the function to call based on the actual object type. It requires pass by reference.
- A pure virtual function is a virtual function with no implementation in the base class, forcing derived classes to override it.
- An abstract base class contains at least one pure virtual function and cannot be instantiated directly, only derived from. Abstract classes define common interfaces for derived classes.
Pure virtual function and abstract classAmit Trivedi
This document discusses pure virtual functions and abstract classes. It provides an introduction and schedule, then covers rules for virtual functions, pure virtual functions, virtual base classes, virtual destructors, abstract classes, and limitations of virtual functions. It also discusses the difference between early binding and late binding.
Virtual functions allow polymorphism by implementing a common interface in base and derived classes that can be called dynamically at runtime. They are declared with the virtual keyword in the base class and overridden with the same name and parameters in derived classes. Pure virtual functions are virtual functions without a body declared using =0, making a class abstract that cannot be instantiated until overridden in derived classes. Virtual destructors ensure the correct derived class destructor is called when deleting polymorphic objects through a base class pointer.
Virtual functions allow functions in derived classes to override functions in a base class. When calling a virtual function through a base class pointer or reference, the version of the function in the most derived class is executed. This allows for runtime polymorphism. Pure virtual functions are declared in a base class but not defined, requiring derived classes to define them to avoid making the base class abstract. While constructors cannot be virtual, destructors can be, ensuring the proper destruction order when a derived class object is deleted through a base class pointer.
Virtual functions allow functions to be overridden in derived classes. The virtual keyword before a function in the base class specifies that the function can be overridden. When a virtual function is called using a base class pointer, the version from the most derived class will be executed due to late binding. This allows runtime polymorphism where the function call is resolved based on the actual object type rather than the pointer variable type.
2 BytesC++ course_2014_c6_ constructors and other toolskinan keshkeh
This document discusses various C++ concepts like constructors, static members, nested and local classes, and vectors. Constructors initialize class objects and have the same name as the class. Static members are initialized once outside the class. Nested classes can be public or private, while local classes are defined within a function. Vectors are like dynamic arrays that initialize elements using default constructors and add elements with push_back().
Virtual function complete By Abdul Wahab (moon sheikh)MoonSheikh1
this presentation topic is might be taught in 2nd semester of BS-IT
in these slides you can find the working concepts of virtual function in c++ programming language
JVM is the abstract machine that executes Java bytecode. JRE provides the runtime environment and implements the JVM. JDK includes JRE plus development tools.
The JVM loads class bytecode into memory areas like the method area and heap. Each thread gets its own stack for method calls.
Core OOP concepts in Java include encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. Access modifiers control visibility. Methods can be overloaded or overridden. Classes and variables can be marked as final, abstract, or static.
Java supports primitive types and reference types. Reference variables point to objects in memory rather than containing values. Primitive types are passed by value while references are passed by reference.
Abstract classes allow for incomplete implementations and common functionality to be shared among subclasses, interfaces define a contract for methods without implementations, and both are useful for abstraction and polymorphism by defining types independently of their concrete implementations.
This document discusses key concepts of classes and objects in C++ including access specifiers, constructors, destructors, mutators and accessors, inline functions, polymorphism through operator and function overloading, static class members, friend functions and classes, inheritance, and virtual functions. It provides examples of how these concepts are implemented in C++ code.
Scala is a general purpose programming language that supports both object-oriented and functional programming. It was developed by Martin Odersky in 2001. Scala runs on the Java Virtual Machine and is fully interoperable with Java. Everything in Scala is an object, including functions, which are first-class citizens that can be passed as arguments to other functions. Scala uses the REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) for interactive use and supports features like immutable collections, pattern matching, lazy evaluation, and traits similar to interfaces.
This document discusses using object-oriented programming with ABAP in Business Warehouse (BW) applications. It provides an overview of ABAP object-oriented classes and methods. It then presents several scenarios for using classes and methods in BW transformations, the class constructor, custom functions for the formula builder, and BADIs for BW loading. The motivation for using ABAP OO in BW is discussed, including increased reusability, organization, and a more modern programming approach. Details are given on how to call class methods in BW routines using the ABAP editor's patterns button.
This document discusses object-oriented programming concepts in C++ including inheritance, pointers, virtual functions, abstract classes, and pure virtual functions. It provides examples of using virtual functions to allow derived class objects to be passed to base class parameters. It also explains how abstract classes can define pure virtual functions that derived classes must implement, preventing abstract classes from being instantiated.
The document discusses various concepts related to classes in C++. It defines scope resolution operator as used to access static data members of a class. It differentiates between local and global classes and objects. It describes how to declare and access arrays of objects, pass objects as function arguments, return objects from functions, and allocate memory for classes and objects. It also explains inline functions, friend functions, constant member functions, and static member functions.
The document discusses key concepts in Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java including classes, objects, references, constructors, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, and generics. It defines classes as blueprints for objects, and objects as instances of classes that have state and behavior. Constructors are used to initialize new objects. Inheritance and abstraction allow classes to extend and implement other classes and interfaces. Polymorphism enables different classes to implement the same methods in different ways. Generics provide type safety for collections of objects.
Introduction, graphics primitives :Pixel, resolution, aspect ratio, a frame buffer. Display devices, and applications of computer graphics.
Scan conversion - Line drawing algorithms: Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA), Bresenham’s Circle drawing algorithms: DDA, Bresenham’s, and Midpoint.
he capability that show some part of object internal a specify window is called windowing and a rectangular region in a world coordinate system is called window. ... Points and lines which are outside the window are "cut off" from view. This process of "cutting off" parts of the image of the world is called Clipping.
A constructor is a special member function that initializes objects of a class. Constructors are automatically called when an object is created. There are different types of constructors like the default constructor, parameterized constructor, copy constructor, and dynamic constructor. A destructor is used to destroy objects and is called automatically when an object goes out of scope.
Inheritance allows one class to inherit properties from another base class, creating a hierarchy from general to specific classes. Derived classes inherit all public and protected members of the base class and can add new, class-specific features. This allows for code reuse and reduces time/effort. Access specifiers like public, private, and protected determine which members are inherited. Constructors and destructors execute in order of derivation, with base constructors first and destructors last. Virtual functions support runtime polymorphism by allowing overriding in derived classes. Pure virtual functions define an interface without implementation.
Classes allow binding of data and functions together through encapsulation. A class declaration specifies the data members and member functions, dividing them into private and public sections. Objects of a class are instantiated, allocating memory for each object. Member functions can access private data, while public functions are accessible to outside code. Friend functions declared in a class can also access private members but are not class members.
Introduction to Operating Systems: Function, Evolution, Different Types, Desirable Characteristics and features of an O/S, Operating Systems Services: Types of Services, Different ways of providing these Services – Utility Programs, System Calls.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Master’s degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APM’s People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
• A virtual function is a member function which is
declared within a base class and is re-defined
(Overridden) by a derived class.
• When you refer to a derived class object using a
pointer or a reference to the base class, you can call a
virtual function for that object and execute the
derived class’s version of the function.
3. Virtual functions ensure that the correct function
is called for an object, regardless of the type of
reference (or pointer) used for function call.
They are mainly used to achieve Runtime
Functions are declared with a virtual keyword in
base class.
The resolving of function call is done at Run-
4.  Virtual functions cannot be static and also cannot be a
friend function of another class.
 Virtual functions should be accessed using pointer or
reference of base class type to achieve run time
 The prototype of virtual functions should be same in base
as well as derived class.
 They are always defined in base class and overridden in
derived class. It is not mandatory for derived class to
override (or re-define the virtual function), in that case
base class version of function is used.
 A class may have virtual destructor but it cannot have a
virtual constructor.
7. NOTE: If we have created a virtual function in the base class and it is
being overridden in the derived class then we don’t need virtual
keyword in the derived class, functions are automatically considered
as virtual functions in the derived class.
8. Working of virtual functions
(concept of VTABLE and VPTR)
If a class contains a virtual function then compiler itself
does two things:
 If object of that class is created then a virtual
pointer(VPTR) is inserted as a data member of the
class to point to VTABLE of that class. For each new
object created, a new virtual pointer is inserted as a
data member of that class.
 Irrespective of object is created or not, a static array
of function pointer called VTABLE where each cell
contains the address of each virtual function
contained in that class.
Abstract Class is a class which contains at least
one Pure Virtual function in it.
Abstract classes are used to provide an
Interface for its sub classes.
Classes inheriting an Abstract Class must
provide definition to the pure virtual function,
otherwise they will also become abstract class.
• Abstract class cannot be instantiated, but
pointers and references of Abstract class type can
be created.
• Abstract class can have normal functions and
variables along with a pure virtual function.
• Abstract classes are mainly used for Up casting,
so that its derived classes can use its interface.
• Classes inheriting an Abstract Class must
implement all pure virtual functions, or else they
will become Abstract too.
 Pure virtual Functions are virtual functions
with no definition.
 They start with virtual keyword and ends
with = 0. Here is the syntax for a pure
virtual function.
virtual void f() = 0;
17. Why can't we create Object of an Abstract
When we create a pure virtual function in
Abstract class, we reserve a slot for a function
in the VTABLE, but doesn't put any address in
that slot. Hence the VTABLE will be
As the VTABLE for Abstract class is incomplete,
hence the compiler will not let the creation of
object for such class and will display an error
message whenever you try to do so.
Pure Virtual functions can be given a small
definition in the Abstract class, which you
want all the derived classes to have. Still you
cannot create object of Abstract class.
Also, the Pure Virtual function must be defined
outside the class definition. If you will define
it inside the class definition, complier will give
an error. Inline pure virtual definition is Illegal.