The official Vision Included Launch Event marks the start of our collective design practice.
We are an interdisciplinary and internationally engaged practice that pro-actively engages in contemporary design discourse; designing the conditions of life. It is specialized in the field of architectural and urban (research)-projects. It will reverse the traditional architecture practice that re-actively follows market trends, towards a pro-active, socially responsible entrepreneurship that defines it's own unique market and is trend setting.
Session 7 a 20140829 rotterdam bruckmeierIARIW 2014
This paper analyzes tax evasion in Italy by:
1. Estimating the total tax gap in Italy using a methodology that integrates top-down and bottom-up approaches.
2. Disaggregating the total tax gap into its components for different taxes and types of taxpayers.
3. Analyzing the effects of tax evasion on primary income distribution and finding it has a negative effect on income inequality.
The document summarizes information about the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) in the following three sentences:
IHS is a leading international institute for housing and urban development studies based in Rotterdam, Netherlands that is affiliated with Erasmus University Rotterdam and has over 50 years of experience. It offers Masters and PhD programs as well as short courses focused on urban management and development to help students and professionals make cities work better. IHS prides itself on its strong academic rigor and international network of over 7,000 alumni around the world.
The document describes an international design competition for the Delta City of the Future held in 2010 in Rotterdam. It discusses challenges of urban transformation related to climate change, restructuring residential areas, and providing flexible urban functions. It also describes innovative architectural and urban applications to improve neighborhoods through additional infrastructure components. The competition aimed to design for change and flexible sharing through strategies that consider long, short, and mid term goals for area upgrading.
Seminar: Cradle to Cradle速 in Design and Business
The impact of private equity investments on venture growth and performanceJan Oudeman
This document is a master's thesis that examines the impact of private equity investments on venture growth and performance. It analyzes data on high-growth ventures in the United States that received private equity investments. The thesis includes a literature review on private equity, venture performance, and new venture growth. It develops hypotheses about the relationship between private equity investments and venture growth and performance. The methodology section describes the data sources, measures, and statistical analyses used, including univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses. The results section presents the findings of the study.
BK 7210 Examples and imagination in Rotterdam Zuid ir. Els Betjornvorn
This document is a lecture on examples and imagination in Rotterdam-Zuid by Els Bet. It provides a cultural-historic exploration of pre-war neighborhoods in Rotterdam-Zuid through chronology maps, examining the layers of the polder landscape, harbour city and urbanization over time. It analyzes the spatial characteristics that emerged from the area's history as a polder landscape with dikes and basins, then as a harbour city with its zoning and architecture scaled for industry. The document explores the inner structure of neighborhoods through their weave lines, knots and public spaces.
The document summarizes key lessons learned from a study tour of new developments in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In Amsterdam, high-density new housing has doubled the population while maintaining quality street surfaces. Simple construction and complex facades have reduced costs. Balconies attract families while social housing caters to a range of households. In Vathorst, Amersfoort, connectivity and mixed uses were prioritized from the beginning. A diversity of builders, housing types, and community facilities help create a vibrant, appealing place. In Rotterdam, redeveloping former docklands with iconic architecture and cultural attractions has transformed the city's image.
The document discusses a Social Impact Bond program in Rotterdam called the Buzinezzclub that aims to reduce unemployment among youth. The Buzinezzclub provides business education, personal development assistance, and help with personal problems to unemployed youth over 4-6 months. It is funded through an initial investment in 2014-2015 of 300,000 to help 80 youngsters each year, with future profits shared between investors and the city based on the employment rates and reduced welfare costs achieved. An independent auditor, Deloitte, measures the results before and after participation to determine actual savings to the city government from reduced welfare payments.
OECD Metropolitan Review of Rotterdam-The HagueOECD Governance
Presentation of the OECD Metropolitan Review of Rotterdam-the Hague launch in the Netherlands on 1 February 2016.
Fiscal relations across levels of government and regional disparitiesOECD Governance
This document summarizes research on the relationship between fiscal decentralization and regional disparities. The key findings are:
1) Tax decentralization and higher fiscal authority are associated with lower regional disparities, especially for lower income regions, by stimulating sub-national governments to implement more pro-growth policies.
2) Revenue decentralization and higher vertical fiscal imbalances are linked to higher regional disparities.
3) The impact of fiscal decentralization on disparities depends on factors like countries' levels of development and quality of government institutions. Decentralization seems to reduce disparities more in developed countries with higher-quality government.
BK 7210 Urbanism Rotterdam and the Delta ir. Han Meyerjornvorn
This document summarizes a lecture on urbanism in Rotterdam and the Dutch delta region. It discusses the historical development of the delta through land reclamation and interventions to manage flooding, including the construction of dike rings and delta works projects. It also summarizes several student projects proposing new plans and interventions for the region, such as reinforcing dikes, creating new green-blue structures in Rotterdam, and developing outer dike areas as an archipelago. The lecture provides historical context on Rotterdam's development as a port city and how the region has been shaped by interactions with water through silting, erosion, and damming over the centuries.
BK 7210 Urban plan typology Rotterdam Zuid ir. Evelien Brandesjornvorn
This first part forms the introduction to the lecture series " Urban Analysis and Design" of the Minor Green Blue City. Focus is on urban residential typologies in Rotterdam Zuid. Exemined will be various forms of city maps that can be used for successful analytical methods. The lecture is given by Evelien Brandes, coordinator of the Urban Analysis and Design course.
Thousands of organizations in both the public and private sectors have incorporated geographic information system (GIS) technology into their daily operations. As the ten case studies in this e-book illustrate, the uses for this technology continue to evolve at a rapid rate.
This document discusses strategies for helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in various sectors internationalize, including wine, furniture, mechatronics, information and communications technology, green technology, and logistics services. It recommends collective approaches to exporting, anchoring SMEs in new sectors, ensuring international competitiveness, creating internationalized clusters, exploiting opportunities from digitalization, creating an internationalized environment, and integrating regional strategies.
A non-financial cost-benefit analysis of INSPIREsmespire
The document discusses a non-financial cost-benefit analysis of INSPIRE and opportunities for SMEs. It notes that while cost-benefit analyses of INSPIRE have found returns on investment ranging from 1:2 to 1:10, the economic benefits are extremely difficult to calculate. However, general agreement is that the initiatives are worthwhile. The document also suggests that benefits will profoundly improve public administrations and produce further significant indirect benefits for SMEs beyond just INSPIRE through positive feedback loops. Clear communication is needed to help maximize the impact.
This module discusses investment planning. It begins by explaining the importance of investment planning in the overall financial planning process. It then covers types of investment products and their associated risks and returns. The module discusses how to evaluate investment choices based on a client's goals and needs. It also explains how to create, monitor, and rebalance client portfolios over time. The module teaches how to recommend an appropriate investment portfolio for a client. It emphasizes that higher potential returns generally come with higher risks. Throughout, the module focuses on balancing risks and returns for clients based on their individual risk tolerance and time horizons.
The report summarizes the monthly investment trends, investments by scale, investments by business type/period,
investor companies, and annual M&A status in 2015 based on publicly released 233 deals of startups investments,
40 deals of M&A information.
This investment trends report excludes undisclosed investment cases as all data were based on publicly released information
over the last year.
This document discusses Dave McClure's investment thesis and experience in venture capital. It provides an overview of 500 Startups, including its history, strategy of making many small investments, and how it invests through its accelerator program and seed/follow-on funding. Details are given around 500's investment criteria, portfolio diversification approach, and generating deal flow through its brand and network.
The document discusses a Social Impact Bond program in Rotterdam called the Buzinezzclub that aims to reduce unemployment among youth. The Buzinezzclub provides business education, personal development assistance, and help with personal problems to unemployed youth over 4-6 months. It is funded through an initial investment in 2014-2015 of 300,000 to help 80 youngsters each year, with future profits shared between investors and the city based on the employment rates and reduced welfare costs achieved. An independent auditor, Deloitte, measures the results before and after participation to determine actual savings to the city government from reduced welfare payments.
OECD Metropolitan Review of Rotterdam-The HagueOECD Governance
Presentation of the OECD Metropolitan Review of Rotterdam-the Hague launch in the Netherlands on 1 February 2016.
Fiscal relations across levels of government and regional disparitiesOECD Governance
This document summarizes research on the relationship between fiscal decentralization and regional disparities. The key findings are:
1) Tax decentralization and higher fiscal authority are associated with lower regional disparities, especially for lower income regions, by stimulating sub-national governments to implement more pro-growth policies.
2) Revenue decentralization and higher vertical fiscal imbalances are linked to higher regional disparities.
3) The impact of fiscal decentralization on disparities depends on factors like countries' levels of development and quality of government institutions. Decentralization seems to reduce disparities more in developed countries with higher-quality government.
BK 7210 Urbanism Rotterdam and the Delta ir. Han Meyerjornvorn
This document summarizes a lecture on urbanism in Rotterdam and the Dutch delta region. It discusses the historical development of the delta through land reclamation and interventions to manage flooding, including the construction of dike rings and delta works projects. It also summarizes several student projects proposing new plans and interventions for the region, such as reinforcing dikes, creating new green-blue structures in Rotterdam, and developing outer dike areas as an archipelago. The lecture provides historical context on Rotterdam's development as a port city and how the region has been shaped by interactions with water through silting, erosion, and damming over the centuries.
BK 7210 Urban plan typology Rotterdam Zuid ir. Evelien Brandesjornvorn
This first part forms the introduction to the lecture series " Urban Analysis and Design" of the Minor Green Blue City. Focus is on urban residential typologies in Rotterdam Zuid. Exemined will be various forms of city maps that can be used for successful analytical methods. The lecture is given by Evelien Brandes, coordinator of the Urban Analysis and Design course.
Thousands of organizations in both the public and private sectors have incorporated geographic information system (GIS) technology into their daily operations. As the ten case studies in this e-book illustrate, the uses for this technology continue to evolve at a rapid rate.
This document discusses strategies for helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in various sectors internationalize, including wine, furniture, mechatronics, information and communications technology, green technology, and logistics services. It recommends collective approaches to exporting, anchoring SMEs in new sectors, ensuring international competitiveness, creating internationalized clusters, exploiting opportunities from digitalization, creating an internationalized environment, and integrating regional strategies.
A non-financial cost-benefit analysis of INSPIREsmespire
The document discusses a non-financial cost-benefit analysis of INSPIRE and opportunities for SMEs. It notes that while cost-benefit analyses of INSPIRE have found returns on investment ranging from 1:2 to 1:10, the economic benefits are extremely difficult to calculate. However, general agreement is that the initiatives are worthwhile. The document also suggests that benefits will profoundly improve public administrations and produce further significant indirect benefits for SMEs beyond just INSPIRE through positive feedback loops. Clear communication is needed to help maximize the impact.
This module discusses investment planning. It begins by explaining the importance of investment planning in the overall financial planning process. It then covers types of investment products and their associated risks and returns. The module discusses how to evaluate investment choices based on a client's goals and needs. It also explains how to create, monitor, and rebalance client portfolios over time. The module teaches how to recommend an appropriate investment portfolio for a client. It emphasizes that higher potential returns generally come with higher risks. Throughout, the module focuses on balancing risks and returns for clients based on their individual risk tolerance and time horizons.
The report summarizes the monthly investment trends, investments by scale, investments by business type/period,
investor companies, and annual M&A status in 2015 based on publicly released 233 deals of startups investments,
40 deals of M&A information.
This investment trends report excludes undisclosed investment cases as all data were based on publicly released information
over the last year.
This document discusses Dave McClure's investment thesis and experience in venture capital. It provides an overview of 500 Startups, including its history, strategy of making many small investments, and how it invests through its accelerator program and seed/follow-on funding. Details are given around 500's investment criteria, portfolio diversification approach, and generating deal flow through its brand and network.
2. Intro
How we will shape the future, Vision Included
Panel discussion
- Peter de Bois
- Ulrich Knaack
- Ivo Hagemans
6. Vi sion |vi zh n|
The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.
A mental image of what the future will or could be like.
IMAGINATION, creativity, inventiveness, innovation, inspiration, intuition, perception, insight, foresight,
25. Workshop:
Creating a multi-disciplinary platform/ mindmap.
Challenging you to re鍖ect on civilization; sharing
ideas of a possible crack and progressive setback in
cycli to generate a continuum.
Opbouw workshops
misschien omschrijven
aan de hand van wat ik
in die uitnodigingen
geschreven heb?
Workshop 1: invitation
32. multidisciplinaire
kern-groep hoofd-debat visionairs
(alle leeftijden)
aansturen van debat en genereert
mogelijkheden met elkaar in con-
tact te komen
debat multidisciplinaire
(alle leeftijden)
Workshop 3: opzet voorstel Albert Dijk
(workshop 1) RENSKE
51. Identiteit_kunstenplein
Openbare ruimte loopt door kunstencluster heen; Via de Pods ontstaan ook de verticale connecties en
programma manifesteert zich als verschillende iden- uitwisselingen tussen programmas. Deze ontmoeten
tieiten op maaivel niveau. Identity Pods elkaar ook op het horizontale vlak van het kunsten-
Bezoekers kunnen vrij tussen de identeiten rond-
binnen het kunstenprogramma. Bij-elkaar gebonden lopen en zich daarbij laten verleiden om een thema
door de overkoepeling kunnen programmas zich route in te gaan.
individueel manifesteren.
60. Hillekop/ Zuiderster Bronpunt Metrostation Rijnhaven Afrikaanderboog Bronpunt Metrostation Maashaven
richting A16/ Ahoy
richting kop van Zuid
Trekpunt Afrikaanderwijk
79. what?read and discuss with Vision Included where? stadhuisplein 9 Rotterdam when? 3 december 2009 time? 19.30 info?
Ecosystems and our habitat
How to de ne complex systems?