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IHS  Making Cities Work Knowledge Centre of Urban Management and Development
Who are we? An institute of EUR Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands Leading international institute   with 50 years of experience in applied knowledge  for housing and urban development Top school   for urban management and development     We lead cities into the future !
Strong Academic Credibility Erasmus University Rotterdam Top 50 university in Europe Netherlands Flemish Accreditation Organization
Strong Academic Credibility City Development Corporation, Municipality of Rotterdam  Lund University Sweden Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, United States of America  Cordaid, Hague, the Netherlands
Where are we? Rotterdam, the Netherlands Port of Europe
Where are we? Rotterdam,the Netherlands City of Urban Renewal
Where are we? Rotterdam, the Netherlands City of Modern Architecture
IHS History 1948 Bouwcentrum founded Bouwcentrum International Education (BIE ) Direct involvement in overseas projects From BIE to IHS, Institute for Housing Studies IHS - Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies   IHS reorganization and integration with Erasmus University Rotterdam New organizational structure 1958 1976 1991 1982 present 2003 1996 Present Winner of the UN-HABITAT Scroll of Honour Award Leading international institute for housing and urban development studies 50 years  investing in people who  Make Cities Work
IHS Education Masters Programme  12 months MSc programme with 7 specializations in urban management and development PhD Programme Full-time and part-time in depth research on specific themes in housing and urban development  Short Courses 1-3 months short courses on specific topics in housing, land management and urban development Executive Courses 1-2 weeks intensive courses with strong practical focus designed for post experience professionals   Tailor Made Courses Problem-solving and practical oriented course on various problems related to urban development
IHS Education Masters Programme MSc : Urban Management and Development 12 months MSc programme addresses the economic, social, physical, managerial and political aspects of urban  management and development in a comprehensive way
Truly international environment  Small-scale with personal attention and support International guest lectures Strong link between theory and practice Practical focus and problem solving approach Wide range of specializations Balanced training of analytical and practical skills MSc : Urban Management and Development Key Features
MSc : Urban Management and Development Specializations Urban Social Development   Land Development Strategies and the Future of Cities Urban Environmental and Infrastructure Management Urban Management and Governance Housing: Making it Accessible for All Urban Development Strategies
MSc : Urban Management and Development Course Structure
Urban Planner Entrepreneur Consultant and advisor Academic and lecturer Politician Government official Project manager NGO officer Real estate agent  MSc : Urban Management and Development Career prospects
IHS Global Connections:  More than 7,000 Alumni all over the world form    strong networks for IHS graduates career prospects MSc : Urban Management and Development Career prospects
 Studying at IHS has been an academic experience which has given me: the skills and knowledge of urban management necessary to contribute to the improvement of urban development in my country. Ms. Alejandra Samudio Matiz Colombia Master Student 2007-2008
International Courses on Housing and Urban Development 3-month post- graduate diploma course Designed for middle and senior level professionals Practical orientation with field experience Land management and Informal Settlement Regularization 1 month intensive diploma course Designed for professionals involved with housing and land policies Innovative nature with various teaching methods Academic Short course 2 - 4 weeks in-depth diploma course Designed for professionals in urban management and development In-depth study addresses the latest findings   Short   Courses
Admission Requirements For Master Programmes and Short Courses Bachelors degree for MSc programme At least three years of related experience for the 1-month Land Management course English Fluency if English is not mother tongue: - IELTS min.6.0 with subtest not lower than 5.5 - TOEFL min. 550 (paper based)  213 (computer based) 79 (Internet based)  www.toefl.org   www.ielts.org
Application form Transcript and IELTS or TOEFL test result Financial support Apply before  July 01  for MSc Programme    Feb 01  for ICHUD short course   June 01  for LMISR short course   Application
IHS personal attention and support (Housing, visa, insurance, financial supports, etc.) IHS social activities (social drinks, cultural evenings, visits, sports days, etc.) Rotterdam, Gateway to Europe (Paris, Amsterdam, London, Brussels, Berlin)   Student Life at IHS   Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Student Life  Rotterdam, The Netherlands Students City Cultural  City City with World Events Fun City International City
IHS: Making Cities Work Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies For More information www. IHS. NL [email_address]

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IHS Education information

  • 1. IHS Making Cities Work Knowledge Centre of Urban Management and Development
  • 2. Who are we? An institute of EUR Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands Leading international institute with 50 years of experience in applied knowledge for housing and urban development Top school for urban management and development We lead cities into the future !
  • 3. Strong Academic Credibility Erasmus University Rotterdam Top 50 university in Europe Netherlands Flemish Accreditation Organization
  • 4. Strong Academic Credibility City Development Corporation, Municipality of Rotterdam Lund University Sweden Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, United States of America Cordaid, Hague, the Netherlands
  • 5. Where are we? Rotterdam, the Netherlands Port of Europe
  • 6. Where are we? Rotterdam,the Netherlands City of Urban Renewal
  • 7. Where are we? Rotterdam, the Netherlands City of Modern Architecture
  • 8. IHS History 1948 Bouwcentrum founded Bouwcentrum International Education (BIE ) Direct involvement in overseas projects From BIE to IHS, Institute for Housing Studies IHS - Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies IHS reorganization and integration with Erasmus University Rotterdam New organizational structure 1958 1976 1991 1982 present 2003 1996 Present Winner of the UN-HABITAT Scroll of Honour Award Leading international institute for housing and urban development studies 50 years investing in people who Make Cities Work
  • 9. IHS Education Masters Programme 12 months MSc programme with 7 specializations in urban management and development PhD Programme Full-time and part-time in depth research on specific themes in housing and urban development Short Courses 1-3 months short courses on specific topics in housing, land management and urban development Executive Courses 1-2 weeks intensive courses with strong practical focus designed for post experience professionals Tailor Made Courses Problem-solving and practical oriented course on various problems related to urban development
  • 10. IHS Education Masters Programme MSc : Urban Management and Development 12 months MSc programme addresses the economic, social, physical, managerial and political aspects of urban management and development in a comprehensive way
  • 11. Truly international environment Small-scale with personal attention and support International guest lectures Strong link between theory and practice Practical focus and problem solving approach Wide range of specializations Balanced training of analytical and practical skills MSc : Urban Management and Development Key Features
  • 12. MSc : Urban Management and Development Specializations Urban Social Development Land Development Strategies and the Future of Cities Urban Environmental and Infrastructure Management Urban Management and Governance Housing: Making it Accessible for All Urban Development Strategies
  • 13. MSc : Urban Management and Development Course Structure
  • 14. Urban Planner Entrepreneur Consultant and advisor Academic and lecturer Politician Government official Project manager NGO officer Real estate agent MSc : Urban Management and Development Career prospects
  • 15. IHS Global Connections: More than 7,000 Alumni all over the world form strong networks for IHS graduates career prospects MSc : Urban Management and Development Career prospects
  • 16. Studying at IHS has been an academic experience which has given me: the skills and knowledge of urban management necessary to contribute to the improvement of urban development in my country. Ms. Alejandra Samudio Matiz Colombia Master Student 2007-2008
  • 17. International Courses on Housing and Urban Development 3-month post- graduate diploma course Designed for middle and senior level professionals Practical orientation with field experience Land management and Informal Settlement Regularization 1 month intensive diploma course Designed for professionals involved with housing and land policies Innovative nature with various teaching methods Academic Short course 2 - 4 weeks in-depth diploma course Designed for professionals in urban management and development In-depth study addresses the latest findings Short Courses
  • 18. Admission Requirements For Master Programmes and Short Courses Bachelors degree for MSc programme At least three years of related experience for the 1-month Land Management course English Fluency if English is not mother tongue: - IELTS min.6.0 with subtest not lower than 5.5 - TOEFL min. 550 (paper based) 213 (computer based) 79 (Internet based) www.toefl.org www.ielts.org
  • 19. Application form Transcript and IELTS or TOEFL test result Financial support Apply before July 01 for MSc Programme Feb 01 for ICHUD short course June 01 for LMISR short course Application
  • 20. IHS personal attention and support (Housing, visa, insurance, financial supports, etc.) IHS social activities (social drinks, cultural evenings, visits, sports days, etc.) Rotterdam, Gateway to Europe (Paris, Amsterdam, London, Brussels, Berlin) Student Life at IHS Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  • 21. Student Life Rotterdam, The Netherlands Students City Cultural City City with World Events Fun City International City
  • 22. IHS: Making Cities Work Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies For More information www. IHS. NL [email_address]