Social Networks in Education From Ning to Twitterreuw
This document discusses the use of social networks in education. It notes that educational networking can help improve opportunities for teachers to find both emotional support and ideas by connecting them while also being isolating. It provides examples of networking platforms like Ning and Twitter that allow things like profiles, friending, blogs, forums, media sharing, and calendars. It also lists some education-focused social networks on these platforms and provides additional resource links on the topic.
The document summarizes the curriculum implemented at Neveh Channah High School for Girls to develop 21st century skills in their students. The curriculum focuses on developing information literacy, efficient use of ICT skills, inquiry-based research abilities, and collaborative work skills. It utilizes the Big Six skills model and involves project-based learning across subjects. One example highlighted is an international collaborative English literature project between the school and a school in Montreal, where students exchange reviews and research on a wiki platform. The document emphasizes the need for passion, support, resources, and social networks to succeed in implementing such a modern curriculum.
This document summarizes the curriculum developed at Neveh Channah High School for Girls in Israel to teach information literacy and technology skills to students. The curriculum is based on the "Big Six" model of information problem solving and aims to prepare students for the 21st century by teaching them to acquire, evaluate, and use information effectively and ethically. It incorporates project-based learning on various subjects facilitated through a virtual learning platform. An example collaborative English literature project between the school and a Canadian partner is described, highlighting the development of students' research, writing, and peer review skills.
The document discusses online collaborative projects between Neveh Channah Girls High School in Israel and schools in Montreal, Canada. It provides an overview of the schools and outlines the benefits of collaborative projects, including motivating students, developing collaboration and technology skills, and promoting multicultural understanding. Recommendations are provided for finding partners, organizing projects, choosing tools, and what is needed to succeed in global collaboration.
Nearly 30 educators from over 10 countries attended a one day workshop in Coruna, Spain to learn about planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating international e-learning projects. The workshop leaders, who were experienced coordinators of collaborative projects, effectively prepared the participants to run their own international computer-supported collaborative learning projects. Resources from the workshop are available online.
The document discusses online collaborative projects between Neveh Channah Girls High School in Israel and schools in Montreal, Canada. It provides an overview of the schools and outlines the benefits of collaborative projects, including motivating students, developing collaboration and technology skills, and promoting multicultural understanding. Recommendations are provided for finding partners, organizing projects, choosing tools, and what is needed to succeed in global collaboration.
Nearly 30 educators from over 10 countries attended a one day workshop in Coruna, Spain to learn about planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating international e-learning projects. The workshop leaders, who were experienced coordinators of collaborative projects, effectively prepared the participants to run their own international computer-supported collaborative learning projects. Resources from the workshop are available online.
This document summarizes the information literacy curriculum implemented at Neveh Channah High School for Girls in Israel. The curriculum aims to teach students important 21st century skills like inquiry-based learning, efficient use of ICT skills, collaborative work, and developing research abilities. It utilizes frameworks like the Big Six skills model and involves projects on various subjects that integrate research, technology use, and collaboration both locally and internationally through a virtual learning platform. The success of the program relies on passionate educators, supportive administration, engaged students, adequate technology, and professional learning communities.
1. High School Curriculum forHigh School Curriculum for
the 21st Centurythe 21st Century::
The Wiki WayThe Wiki Way
Reuven WerberReuven Werber
YU Azrieli InstituteYU Azrieli Institute
22. From Jerusalem to MontrealFrom Jerusalem to Montreal
International CollaborativeInternational Collaborative
English Literature ProjectEnglish Literature Project
– English Matriculation Research Project
– Collaboration with Lower Canada College –
– Project interfaced on collaborative wiki
– Students exchange profiles and get to know
each other
– Students study their own literature and
then share with colleagues.
– Students research topics and post to wiki
– Students carry out formative peer reviewing
and rewrite research
24. Student Peer Review onStudent Peer Review on
Jerusalem - MTL ProjectJerusalem - MTL Project
emassoud writes:
Hey Reut! I’m Erika and I read your
research project. First of all, I’d like to say
that you did a good job on your wiki page.
You provided the reader with good
information that was easy to read, and the
pictures were great.
I learned many different things about the
Nachlaot Neighborhood. One of the things
that struck me the most, was the
significant history of the small
neighborhood. Nachlaot Neighborhood has
gone through so much: immigrants
settling, overpopulation, renewing and
rebuilding the city, etc. It also has many
synagogues that all have their own styles,
making each one of them unique.
25. Student Peer Review onStudent Peer Review on
Jerusalem - MTL Project - 2Jerusalem - MTL Project - 2
After reading the research paper, I did have a few
questions though. Do you know who founded the Nachlaot
Neighborhood? I was also curious to know, why did the
immigrants want to settle in Nachlaot (before the
overpopulation); what was so special about it? I was
wondering, why did they name the neighborhood
Nachlaot; does it have a special meaning? I hope you are
able to clear up these questions for me.
As for the formatting, I thought it was perfect. A few
suggestions would be to maybe add a bit more
information, here and there. Also, be careful with
organizing your info and one or two spelling mistakes.
Apart from that it was fine, and I really liked the piece of
literature about Jerusalem. I found it very interesting and
significant. I would love to come and visit the Nachlaot
Neighborhood one day.
26. Student Response onStudent Response on
Jerusalem - MTL ProjectJerusalem - MTL Project
reutbruck writes: re: Comments
Dear Erica,
Thank you for taking the time to read my paper. I was
touched by your warm words and the gentle criticism. Yes,
some of the spelling should be edited and I didn't want to
burden the reader with too many details and information.
People, who tour Nachlaot, come with a guide book or a
guide who adds personal anecdotes and jokes to each of
the sites.
Today Nachlaot is being renovated. New ideas for
protecting its unique beauty are combined with maintaining
a memory of what it once was. The old and new are
intertwined giving it a real touch of home.
I would love to host you here in Jerusalem and to join you
personally on a walking tour through the streets of
Nachlaot. Thank you,
And as we say on our holidays “Next Year in Jerusalem.â€
27. Teacher’s ReflectionsTeacher’s Reflections
Jerusalem - MTL ProjectJerusalem - MTL Project
Ms. Karen Guth – NC
I would say that this became a project that engaged the
minds, skills, and hearts of our students. It turned the
English Bagrut project into an international research,
writing, thinking, and teaching opportunity. Thanks to
Sharon Peters of LCC. Her input and participation has been
essential to the success of our students' communication,
learning, and inspiration.
28. Teacher’s ReflectionsTeacher’s Reflections
Jerusalem - MTL ProjectJerusalem - MTL Project
Ms. Sharon Peters – LCC
Participation in this project was a definite highlight for
my students last year. Knowing that they had an
audience from a different culture to whom they had to
explain and describe their own culture and literature
transformed their own understanding of the literature
and the theme of tolerance in society. My students
also were asked to peer review the research projects
of their Israeli partners and the critical thinking and
cross-cultural communication skills expressed on both
sides were truly exceptional. Having a real audience of
peers made an incredible difference. The tools and
spaces of the Internet have never been easier to use
in order to facilitate such an enriching experience
between global partners.
34. â€«×‘×—×™× ×•×šâ€¬ ‫ויקי‬ ‫על‬ â€«×¢×•×“â€¬â€«×‘×—×™× ×•×šâ€¬ ‫ויקי‬ ‫על‬ ‫עוד‬
‫הווב‬ ‫בסביבת‬ ‫והור×ה‬ ‫למידה‬‫הווב‬ ‫בסביבת‬ ‫והור×ה‬ ‫למידה‬22‫×ורעד‬ ‫יור×‬ -‫×ורעד‬ ‫יור×‬ -
Wiki Walk ThroughWiki Walk Through
50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More
Collaborative and Interactive Classroom -Collaborative and Interactive Classroom - SmartTeaching.OrgSmartTeaching.Org
The Wiki Way - Rachel BoydThe Wiki Way - Rachel Boyd
Examples of Educational WikisExamples of Educational Wikis
Eight Ways to Use School Wikis - Tech & LearningEight Ways to Use School Wikis - Tech & Learning
7 Things7 Things You Should Know about Wikis - EducauseYou Should Know about Wikis - Educause
35. MOFET JTEC Jewish Ed PortalMOFET JTEC Jewish Ed Portal
#3: Availability of Information of all sorts, at finger tips of anyone who wants it Immediately!
Result – Information overload! Choosing Relevant, authoritative useful information from the tons of available information.s
#5: Girls HS – grades 9-12, 250+ students, Modern Orthodox Jewish, partial dorming, rich social & community activities. Infolit – ICT based curriculum. Located 20 kms. South of Jerusalem.
#6: Aims of Integrated Information Literacy – Inquiry Learning Curriculum at NC
Acquiring and improving Information Processing skills
Intelligent usage of ICT skills
Acquiring Inquiry Research skills in a wide range of subjects
Developing Collaborative Work skills
Skills for the 21st Century
#9: Historical Geography – What is the Most Important Biblical Location
Biology – Vitamins and the Human Body Project
Weekly Bible Portions Wiki Book
Israel @ 60 Animoto Clip Project
From Jerusalem to Montreal International Collaborative English Literature Project.
Web2.0 Computer Club
Art Dept. Annual Exhibit