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William Steen
Education: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Bachelor of Science Degree (1984)
Qualifications: Large Account Sales/Marketing Experience
Comprehensive Healthcare knowledge
Development and needs analysis skills
Proven problem solving abilities
Superior oral and written communication skills
Results oriented
Professional Experience:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama
Benefits Account Manager September 2000 to September 2016
 Directed the activities of 20 Professional/Salaried staff members to achieve departmental and
divisional goals and objectives.
 Directed my divisions participation in the Product Exchange Transition from the benefit
implementation perspective.
 Led my divisions participation in the implementation of the New Medicare Select Plan F along
with an updated version of C Plus and Plan A.
 Collaborated with Actuarial in determining pricing to benefit correlation.
 Led high level discussions of profitability for Small Account Package Plan as well as Individual
Products with Actuarial.
 Collaborate directly with Claims Divisional Managers during the implementation phase of
renewals and new business benefit patterns to ensure timely and accurate claims adjudication.
 Collaborated with Legal to establish compliant benefit patterns for both Mental Health Parity and
Healthcare Reform.
 Extensive knowledge of Medicare Supplement, Small Group, Individual and Self-Funded
marketing products.
 Collaborated with Underwriting, Marketing and Legal to refine the Employee Pay All Dental
 Established improvements to the Benefits Maintenance Workflow (CBA workflow tool) to better
isolate data for specific managers for inventory review.
Account Manager, Large Account Sales October 1986 to September 2000
 Sold a variety of health insurance products to accounts with 500 or greater employees.
 Provided specific technical and functional expertise and leadership for the large account clients.
 Project managed the successful implementation of several large national accounts.
 Built solid internal and external relationships with core operational areas and customers.
 Retained 100% of accounts while in this position.
 Extensive experience giving presentations to large and small groups varying from high level
executives to entry level employees.

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William Steen's Resume 2016

  • 1. William Steen Education: University of Alabama at Birmingham Bachelor of Science Degree (1984) Qualifications: Large Account Sales/Marketing Experience Comprehensive Healthcare knowledge Development and needs analysis skills Proven problem solving abilities Superior oral and written communication skills Results oriented Professional Experience: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama Benefits Account Manager September 2000 to September 2016 Highlights: Directed the activities of 20 Professional/Salaried staff members to achieve departmental and divisional goals and objectives. Directed my divisions participation in the Product Exchange Transition from the benefit implementation perspective. Led my divisions participation in the implementation of the New Medicare Select Plan F along with an updated version of C Plus and Plan A. Collaborated with Actuarial in determining pricing to benefit correlation. Led high level discussions of profitability for Small Account Package Plan as well as Individual Products with Actuarial. Collaborate directly with Claims Divisional Managers during the implementation phase of renewals and new business benefit patterns to ensure timely and accurate claims adjudication. Collaborated with Legal to establish compliant benefit patterns for both Mental Health Parity and Healthcare Reform. Extensive knowledge of Medicare Supplement, Small Group, Individual and Self-Funded marketing products. Collaborated with Underwriting, Marketing and Legal to refine the Employee Pay All Dental Benefit. Established improvements to the Benefits Maintenance Workflow (CBA workflow tool) to better isolate data for specific managers for inventory review. Account Manager, Large Account Sales October 1986 to September 2000 Sold a variety of health insurance products to accounts with 500 or greater employees. Provided specific technical and functional expertise and leadership for the large account clients. Project managed the successful implementation of several large national accounts. Built solid internal and external relationships with core operational areas and customers. Retained 100% of accounts while in this position.
  • 2. Extensive experience giving presentations to large and small groups varying from high level executives to entry level employees.