A critique is an academic writing that offers a concise summary and critical assessment of a work. It begins with a summary of the author's main points, then provides a critical examination of the work's advantages and disadvantages. To critique a work, one must describe its goals, analyze how its language and organization convey its message, interpret each part's significance, and assess its overall worth. There are different types of critiques for various purposes, such as demonstrating close reading skills, providing feedback on published or unpublished works, or making recommendations. Effective critiques involve analyzing and evaluating the content and style, then writing the critique in a standard essay format with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
The document provides guidance on writing a critical review, which involves summarizing an article and critically evaluating it. A critical review demonstrates that the student can understand an article's main points, analyze its arguments and findings, evaluate it based on relevant criteria, and provide a critical assessment. The review should include an introduction identifying the article and its purpose, a summary of the article's key points, and an evaluation of its strengths, weaknesses and value.
This document outlines how to be a constructive reviewer for journal articles and conference papers. It discusses assessing papers based on criteria like title/abstract, audience, arguments, evidence, and references. Reviewers should produce a review presenting whether a paper needs minor revisions, substantial changes, or is inappropriate. The workshop aims to explore the reviewer's role through critical reading questions and a group review activity. Participants reflect on reviewing skills gained from hands-on experience and workshop targets achieved.
This document provides information and guidance on writing a critique. It defines a critique as a careful analysis and evaluation of an argument or work that examines what is said, how well the points are made, underlying assumptions, overlooked issues, and implications. The document discusses that critiques are important in academic writing as they provide a balanced perspective grounded in observations. It provides examples of works that can be critiqued such as creative works, research, and media. Finally, it offers tips for developing a critique such as relating it to broader contexts and outlines the structure and components of writing a critique.
CH 9 Summarizing at Work 12th edition.pptxVATHVARY
Identify what a good summary is;
Compare executive summary and evaluative summary;
Examine abstract and its two types including informative abstract and descriptive abstract
Discuss the news release.
This document provides guidance on writing a critique. It discusses what a critique is and how to structure a critique. A critique objectively analyzes a work by evaluating whether the author supported their points with evidence and facts. The document outlines how to write an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. It emphasizes using examples to back up points, considering the author's techniques and evidence, and providing an overall assessment of the work's contribution with areas for improvement. Readers are advised to question arguments and gather evidence to complicate their critique in a well-reasoned, objective tone.
The document provides guidance on how to write a thesis. It explains that a thesis should have an introduction that includes a thesis statement presenting the main idea in one or two sentences. The body should include sections on methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions. References and acknowledgments should also be included. The conclusion restates the main points and significance of the findings. The thesis should have a clear structure, with titles, abstract, table of contents, and consistent formatting.
The document provides guidance for writing a journal article review. It begins by defining what a journal article is and explains that a review asks the reader to evaluate an article beyond just summarizing it. The document then lists detailed questions to guide the evaluation of an article's purpose and argument, organization of information, methods, and data. It provides an example of a sample journal article review, which includes an annotated bibliography, summary, and actual review. Finally, it provides instructions for a student's first quarter exam, which involves choosing a journal article to review based on their research group's approved topic.
The document outlines the structure and key elements of research papers and proposals. It discusses analytical and argumentative papers, noting that analytical papers use evidence to study facets of an issue objectively, while argumentative papers take a stand and defend it. It also describes the typical sections of a research paper, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Finally, it provides guidance on writing proposals, emphasizing that effective proposals clearly define a problem, recommend solutions, make convincing arguments, anticipate questions, and call readers to action.
This document provides specifications for a level 7 assignment consisting of two components. It outlines the requirements, structure, assessment criteria, and deadlines for a literature evidence review (Component 1) and research design proposal (Component 2). Students must complete both components, each 2500-3000 words, to propose and design a comprehensive research project on an approved business-related topic. The assignment will be assessed based on the demonstrated ability to undertake research, apply appropriate methodologies, critically analyze literature, and propose and communicate research findings. Students must submit their work by the deadline of February 23, 2017.
L4 Workshop II - Annotating and grouping info.pptxEyalClyne
This document provides guidance to students on annotating and organizing information from academic sources. It discusses annotating texts while and after reading. Students are instructed to submit an annotated bibliography as a formative assessment. The annotated bibliography should include 5 annotated academic sources on the student's chosen essay topic, with full references and 50-150 word annotations summarizing, evaluating, or reflecting on each source. The document provides examples and advice on effective annotation strategies.
Using Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique.pptxJeralynPetilo
This document provides guidance on writing a critique using critical approaches. It discusses what a critique is, different approaches like formalism and feminism, and tips for writing a critique. Formalism examines a text's meaning, themes, and implications. Feminism analyzes how a text portrays women and gender issues. To write a critique, thoroughly study and understand the work, take notes, develop an understanding of its argument, and structure the critique with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
GOOD JOURNAL guideline panduan penulisan proposal dan jurnal .pptxSyahyuti Si-Buyuang
This document provides guidance for writing various sections of a journal article or publication, including the title, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, literature review, conclusion, and references. It recommends that the title be descriptive and concise, and that the abstract clearly summarize the purpose, approach, results, and conclusions. The introduction should provide context and identify a knowledge gap, while the method section explains the research design. The literature review critically discusses prior work and debates. The conclusion restates key findings and implications.
This document provides advice on various aspects of academic writing such as planning, researching, revising, and different types of writing assignments. Some key points covered include organizing an essay by developing a thesis and outline, avoiding plagiarism by properly citing sources, revising by checking organization and style, and writing different assignments like book reviews, annotated bibliographies, and comparative essays. The document offers guidance on structuring academic works and producing high-quality written work.
1Week 5Critiquing Research Articles to Prepare an Annotated B.docxfelicidaddinwoodie
Week 5:Critiquing Research Articles to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography
As mentioned, one component of becoming an independent scholar is learning how to provide an evaluative critique of the work of other scholars. A critique of scholarly work requires your ability to use high level critical thinking skills. In addition, you must be able to write constructively and communicate your ideas well with clear and focused writing.
The purpose of this assignment is two-fold. First, you are to demonstrate your ability to clearly and precisely summarize and critically evaluate specific information from peer-reviewed resources. Secondly, you are to demonstrate your ability to clearly present that evaluative information in writing that meets academic and professional expectations. These skills will be invaluable as you go on to develop your literature review and in your journey to become an independent scholar.
The result of this activity is produce annotated bibliographies based on the two peer-reviewed journal articles related to your chosen topic (you are welcome to include more articles for practice and feedback). Use the sections and questions below to help you critique each article. You do not need to answer every single question as some questions might not apply. The questions are listed as a means to help you generate ideas as you work on critiquing each article. You might also consider using this template in the future when critically analyzing articles.
Please REMOVE the instructions and questions listed below for your paper and submit an annotated bibliography for each article.
Link to peer reviewed article one:
1) APA reference for article #1
2)Introductionand core study elements
¡¤ Give an overview of the purpose of the study and the problem or issue discussed.
¡¤ Consider whether the problem is clearly described. Did the author(s) document and support the existence of the problem with scholarly sources and data? Were the sources credible and relevant (as defined by the readings you¡¯ve done for this course)?
¡¤ What were the research questions?
¡¤ What were the key findings and conclusions of the study?
3) Evaluate literature reviewed
¡¤ Examine the literature reviewed by the author(s). How relevant is the) cited literature? Do certain ideas or concepts appear to be over/underemphasized? Was there any bias in language or tone of the writing? What discussions need elaboration or could be more concise? What is missing?
4) Evaluate theoretical framework
¡¤ What theoretical or conceptual framework was used as the basis for the study? What are the key variables and from which theories do they originate? Are variables well-defined? What alternative theories might support this study?
5) Evaluate methods
¡¤ What research method and designs are used in this study?
¡¤ How well are the methods described (could a reader duplicate the research process if needed)?
¡¤ Do the m ...
This document provides advice on academic writing, including understanding essay topics, organizing essays, developing paragraphs, and revising writing. It recommends formulating a clear thesis statement, using an introduction to engage readers and provide context, and concluding by reinforcing the central argument. Well-organized paragraphs are key, with a topic sentence and logical progression of supporting ideas through techniques like definition, analysis, and illustration. Thorough revision is emphasized to transform a first draft into an excellent final paper.
This document provides an introduction and overview for a university unit on analyzing postmodern performance. The unit aims to introduce analytical skills for interpreting postmodern works and developing critical judgements. Students will learn tools like semiotics and how to analyze performances through lenses like postmodernism. They will write a 2,000-word essay investigating a text from their subject using these analytical methods. The essay is due on May 13th and is worth 100% of the unit's total assessment. Students are given example practitioners and texts to research for their analysis.
RSCH 600 Research Proposal writing
Due at the end of week 7 (Sunday February 28, 2021 at midnight)
You need to conduct some research related to your own interests or to serve the interests of some organization
(employer/client/sponsor). Before you start writing a formal proposal, you (or your employer/client/sponsor) would like to
gather some information about the problem as well as understand its importance.
Choose your research topic thoughtfully and submit the topic of your research proposal for approval the latest by the end of
Week 3 (Sunday January 31, 2021 at midnight). You can find the submission box in Week 3.
This part of your research proposal should be roughly 7-9 pages (excluding cover page, references and annex) and written
in paragraphs, report format. All citations and references for this course are to be done in the APA style.
Title of your research
Make it intriguing ¨C (BUT LESS THAN 120 CHARACTERS)
Provide a brief description of what the proposed research topic is about, why is it important and how you came to be
interested in it.
Literature Review
The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in finding and analyzing valid literary resources for your research.
The review should be written in an integral / synthetic style, and NOT as an annotated bibliography.
Please note: Use in-text citations to reference all ideas, concepts, text, and data that are not your own. If you make a
statement, back it up with a reference!
? Research a minimum of 15 relevant business-related literature sources (focus on material available in digital
format only for this course). Carefully choose your 15 "keepers" that are clearly related to your study. (Note: you
might need to find 30 to ¡°keep¡± only 15).
? Identify major common themes encountered in the selected literature sources. For each theme, create its own
subsection within the literature review.
? For each theme / subsection of the literature review, explain the opinions of the authors and show their
similarities, differences, methods of acquisition of data, methods of data analysis and other pertinent information.
State how the reviewed research results relate to your proposed study.
? Identify the gaps in the literature and explain what needs to be done to move forward in your research.
Statement of the Problem
Detail the problem that you are considering. Explain:
? How are you defining and delimiting the specific area of the research?
? What is the gap that will be addressed by this research?
? What it is that you hope to learn by conducting this research?
? Discuss the anticipated outcomes and benefits to the researcher, the organization, or society.
Research Questions
Provide focused ...
1 RSCH 600 Research Proposal writing RESEAAbbyWhyte974
RSCH 600 Research Proposal writing
Due at the end of week 7 (Sunday February 28, 2021 at midnight)
You need to conduct some research related to your own interests or to serve the interests of some organization
(employer/client/sponsor). Before you start writing a formal proposal, you (or your employer/client/sponsor) would like to
gather some information about the problem as well as understand its importance.
Choose your research topic thoughtfully and submit the topic of your research proposal for approval the latest by the end of
Week 3 (Sunday January 31, 2021 at midnight). You can find the submission box in Week 3.
This part of your research proposal should be roughly 7-9 pages (excluding cover page, references and annex) and written
in paragraphs, report format. All citations and references for this course are to be done in the APA style.
Title of your research
Make it intriguing ¨C (BUT LESS THAN 120 CHARACTERS)
Provide a brief description of what the proposed research topic is about, why is it important and how you came to be
interested in it.
Literature Review
The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in finding and analyzing valid literary resources for your research.
The review should be written in an integral / synthetic style, and NOT as an annotated bibliography.
Please note: Use in-text citations to reference all ideas, concepts, text, and data that are not your own. If you make a
statement, back it up with a reference!
? Research a minimum of 15 relevant business-related literature sources (focus on material available in digital
format only for this course). Carefully choose your 15 "keepers" that are clearly related to your study. (Note: you
might need to find 30 to ¡°keep¡± only 15).
? Identify major common themes encountered in the selected literature sources. For each theme, create its own
subsection within the literature review.
? For each theme / subsection of the literature review, explain the opinions of the authors and show their
similarities, differences, methods of acquisition of data, methods of data analysis and other pertinent information.
State how the reviewed research results relate to your proposed study.
? Identify the gaps in the literature and explain what needs to be done to move forward in your research.
Statement of the Problem
Detail the problem that you are considering. Explain:
? How are you defining and delimiting the specific area of the research?
? What is the gap that will be addressed by this research?
? What it is that you hope to learn by conducting this research?
? Discuss the anticipated outcomes and benefits to the researcher, the organization, or society.
Research Questions
Provide focused ...
A critique is a careful analysis of an argument or work to determine its key points, assumptions, issues overlooked, and implications. It involves a systematic yet personal evaluation of what was read. Writing a critique helps understand the work's purpose, audience, argument development, evidence structure, or creative style. To write a critique, one must thoroughly understand the work, take notes on important parts, and consider the work's main argument or purpose and how it relates to broader issues. A critique template includes an introduction naming the work and creator, a body analyzing the work using questions about its nature, objectives, design, assumptions, and biases, and a conclusion.
This document provides information about a workshop on publishing for success offered by Dr. Charlie C. Chen. The workshop aims to help participants improve their academic writing skills and ability to publish papers. Dr. Chen is a tenured professor who has authored multiple books and papers.
The workshop covers key elements of academic publications like abstracts, introductions, literature reviews, and conclusions. It teaches writing strategies for each element and has participants apply the strategies to improve their own works-in-progress. Participants will also provide peer reviews and receive feedback to further strengthen their papers. The goal is for attendees to gain confidence in their writing and publishing abilities.
The document provides guidance on writing a critical review. It explains that a critical review involves summarizing and evaluating a text such as a book, chapter, or journal article. It should present a fair assessment of the text's strengths and weaknesses based on analysis and consideration of different perspectives. The document outlines the typical structure of a critical review, which usually includes an introduction, summary, critique, and conclusion. It also provides examples of criteria that can be used to evaluate texts and suggestions for paraphrasing and summarizing information for the review.
The document provides guidance on writing a critical review. It explains that a critical review involves summarizing and evaluating a text such as a book, chapter, or journal article. It discusses what is meant by being critical, evaluation/judgement, and analysis in an academic context. The document also outlines the typical structure of a critical review, including an introduction, summary, critique, and conclusion. It provides examples of formatting the critique and lists some general criteria for evaluating texts.
HRM First Assignment and Guide on Article Review.pptx (1).pdfAbdirehmanArab
This document provides guidance on reviewing academic articles for a human resource management assignment. It discusses the key components of an article review, including summarizing the main points of the article and providing a critical analysis. The review should focus on evaluating the originality, methodology, findings, and conclusions presented in the article. When writing the review, the document instructs students to include an introduction, summary of the methodology and results, and critical analysis in a concise and organized format. Sources for finding reputable academic journals are also provided.
This document provides guidance on writing a critique. It discusses what a critique is and how to structure a critique. A critique objectively analyzes a work by evaluating whether the author supported their points with evidence and facts. The document outlines how to write an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. It emphasizes using examples to back up points, considering the author's techniques and evidence, and providing an overall assessment of the work's contribution with areas for improvement. Readers are advised to question arguments and gather evidence to complicate their critique in a well-reasoned, objective tone.
The document provides guidance on how to write a thesis. It explains that a thesis should have an introduction that includes a thesis statement presenting the main idea in one or two sentences. The body should include sections on methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions. References and acknowledgments should also be included. The conclusion restates the main points and significance of the findings. The thesis should have a clear structure, with titles, abstract, table of contents, and consistent formatting.
The document provides guidance for writing a journal article review. It begins by defining what a journal article is and explains that a review asks the reader to evaluate an article beyond just summarizing it. The document then lists detailed questions to guide the evaluation of an article's purpose and argument, organization of information, methods, and data. It provides an example of a sample journal article review, which includes an annotated bibliography, summary, and actual review. Finally, it provides instructions for a student's first quarter exam, which involves choosing a journal article to review based on their research group's approved topic.
The document outlines the structure and key elements of research papers and proposals. It discusses analytical and argumentative papers, noting that analytical papers use evidence to study facets of an issue objectively, while argumentative papers take a stand and defend it. It also describes the typical sections of a research paper, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Finally, it provides guidance on writing proposals, emphasizing that effective proposals clearly define a problem, recommend solutions, make convincing arguments, anticipate questions, and call readers to action.
This document provides specifications for a level 7 assignment consisting of two components. It outlines the requirements, structure, assessment criteria, and deadlines for a literature evidence review (Component 1) and research design proposal (Component 2). Students must complete both components, each 2500-3000 words, to propose and design a comprehensive research project on an approved business-related topic. The assignment will be assessed based on the demonstrated ability to undertake research, apply appropriate methodologies, critically analyze literature, and propose and communicate research findings. Students must submit their work by the deadline of February 23, 2017.
L4 Workshop II - Annotating and grouping info.pptxEyalClyne
This document provides guidance to students on annotating and organizing information from academic sources. It discusses annotating texts while and after reading. Students are instructed to submit an annotated bibliography as a formative assessment. The annotated bibliography should include 5 annotated academic sources on the student's chosen essay topic, with full references and 50-150 word annotations summarizing, evaluating, or reflecting on each source. The document provides examples and advice on effective annotation strategies.
Using Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique.pptxJeralynPetilo
This document provides guidance on writing a critique using critical approaches. It discusses what a critique is, different approaches like formalism and feminism, and tips for writing a critique. Formalism examines a text's meaning, themes, and implications. Feminism analyzes how a text portrays women and gender issues. To write a critique, thoroughly study and understand the work, take notes, develop an understanding of its argument, and structure the critique with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
GOOD JOURNAL guideline panduan penulisan proposal dan jurnal .pptxSyahyuti Si-Buyuang
This document provides guidance for writing various sections of a journal article or publication, including the title, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, literature review, conclusion, and references. It recommends that the title be descriptive and concise, and that the abstract clearly summarize the purpose, approach, results, and conclusions. The introduction should provide context and identify a knowledge gap, while the method section explains the research design. The literature review critically discusses prior work and debates. The conclusion restates key findings and implications.
This document provides advice on various aspects of academic writing such as planning, researching, revising, and different types of writing assignments. Some key points covered include organizing an essay by developing a thesis and outline, avoiding plagiarism by properly citing sources, revising by checking organization and style, and writing different assignments like book reviews, annotated bibliographies, and comparative essays. The document offers guidance on structuring academic works and producing high-quality written work.
1Week 5Critiquing Research Articles to Prepare an Annotated B.docxfelicidaddinwoodie
Week 5:Critiquing Research Articles to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography
As mentioned, one component of becoming an independent scholar is learning how to provide an evaluative critique of the work of other scholars. A critique of scholarly work requires your ability to use high level critical thinking skills. In addition, you must be able to write constructively and communicate your ideas well with clear and focused writing.
The purpose of this assignment is two-fold. First, you are to demonstrate your ability to clearly and precisely summarize and critically evaluate specific information from peer-reviewed resources. Secondly, you are to demonstrate your ability to clearly present that evaluative information in writing that meets academic and professional expectations. These skills will be invaluable as you go on to develop your literature review and in your journey to become an independent scholar.
The result of this activity is produce annotated bibliographies based on the two peer-reviewed journal articles related to your chosen topic (you are welcome to include more articles for practice and feedback). Use the sections and questions below to help you critique each article. You do not need to answer every single question as some questions might not apply. The questions are listed as a means to help you generate ideas as you work on critiquing each article. You might also consider using this template in the future when critically analyzing articles.
Please REMOVE the instructions and questions listed below for your paper and submit an annotated bibliography for each article.
Link to peer reviewed article one:
1) APA reference for article #1
2)Introductionand core study elements
¡¤ Give an overview of the purpose of the study and the problem or issue discussed.
¡¤ Consider whether the problem is clearly described. Did the author(s) document and support the existence of the problem with scholarly sources and data? Were the sources credible and relevant (as defined by the readings you¡¯ve done for this course)?
¡¤ What were the research questions?
¡¤ What were the key findings and conclusions of the study?
3) Evaluate literature reviewed
¡¤ Examine the literature reviewed by the author(s). How relevant is the) cited literature? Do certain ideas or concepts appear to be over/underemphasized? Was there any bias in language or tone of the writing? What discussions need elaboration or could be more concise? What is missing?
4) Evaluate theoretical framework
¡¤ What theoretical or conceptual framework was used as the basis for the study? What are the key variables and from which theories do they originate? Are variables well-defined? What alternative theories might support this study?
5) Evaluate methods
¡¤ What research method and designs are used in this study?
¡¤ How well are the methods described (could a reader duplicate the research process if needed)?
¡¤ Do the m ...
This document provides advice on academic writing, including understanding essay topics, organizing essays, developing paragraphs, and revising writing. It recommends formulating a clear thesis statement, using an introduction to engage readers and provide context, and concluding by reinforcing the central argument. Well-organized paragraphs are key, with a topic sentence and logical progression of supporting ideas through techniques like definition, analysis, and illustration. Thorough revision is emphasized to transform a first draft into an excellent final paper.
This document provides an introduction and overview for a university unit on analyzing postmodern performance. The unit aims to introduce analytical skills for interpreting postmodern works and developing critical judgements. Students will learn tools like semiotics and how to analyze performances through lenses like postmodernism. They will write a 2,000-word essay investigating a text from their subject using these analytical methods. The essay is due on May 13th and is worth 100% of the unit's total assessment. Students are given example practitioners and texts to research for their analysis.
RSCH 600 Research Proposal writing
Due at the end of week 7 (Sunday February 28, 2021 at midnight)
You need to conduct some research related to your own interests or to serve the interests of some organization
(employer/client/sponsor). Before you start writing a formal proposal, you (or your employer/client/sponsor) would like to
gather some information about the problem as well as understand its importance.
Choose your research topic thoughtfully and submit the topic of your research proposal for approval the latest by the end of
Week 3 (Sunday January 31, 2021 at midnight). You can find the submission box in Week 3.
This part of your research proposal should be roughly 7-9 pages (excluding cover page, references and annex) and written
in paragraphs, report format. All citations and references for this course are to be done in the APA style.
Title of your research
Make it intriguing ¨C (BUT LESS THAN 120 CHARACTERS)
Provide a brief description of what the proposed research topic is about, why is it important and how you came to be
interested in it.
Literature Review
The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in finding and analyzing valid literary resources for your research.
The review should be written in an integral / synthetic style, and NOT as an annotated bibliography.
Please note: Use in-text citations to reference all ideas, concepts, text, and data that are not your own. If you make a
statement, back it up with a reference!
? Research a minimum of 15 relevant business-related literature sources (focus on material available in digital
format only for this course). Carefully choose your 15 "keepers" that are clearly related to your study. (Note: you
might need to find 30 to ¡°keep¡± only 15).
? Identify major common themes encountered in the selected literature sources. For each theme, create its own
subsection within the literature review.
? For each theme / subsection of the literature review, explain the opinions of the authors and show their
similarities, differences, methods of acquisition of data, methods of data analysis and other pertinent information.
State how the reviewed research results relate to your proposed study.
? Identify the gaps in the literature and explain what needs to be done to move forward in your research.
Statement of the Problem
Detail the problem that you are considering. Explain:
? How are you defining and delimiting the specific area of the research?
? What is the gap that will be addressed by this research?
? What it is that you hope to learn by conducting this research?
? Discuss the anticipated outcomes and benefits to the researcher, the organization, or society.
Research Questions
Provide focused ...
1 RSCH 600 Research Proposal writing RESEAAbbyWhyte974
RSCH 600 Research Proposal writing
Due at the end of week 7 (Sunday February 28, 2021 at midnight)
You need to conduct some research related to your own interests or to serve the interests of some organization
(employer/client/sponsor). Before you start writing a formal proposal, you (or your employer/client/sponsor) would like to
gather some information about the problem as well as understand its importance.
Choose your research topic thoughtfully and submit the topic of your research proposal for approval the latest by the end of
Week 3 (Sunday January 31, 2021 at midnight). You can find the submission box in Week 3.
This part of your research proposal should be roughly 7-9 pages (excluding cover page, references and annex) and written
in paragraphs, report format. All citations and references for this course are to be done in the APA style.
Title of your research
Make it intriguing ¨C (BUT LESS THAN 120 CHARACTERS)
Provide a brief description of what the proposed research topic is about, why is it important and how you came to be
interested in it.
Literature Review
The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in finding and analyzing valid literary resources for your research.
The review should be written in an integral / synthetic style, and NOT as an annotated bibliography.
Please note: Use in-text citations to reference all ideas, concepts, text, and data that are not your own. If you make a
statement, back it up with a reference!
? Research a minimum of 15 relevant business-related literature sources (focus on material available in digital
format only for this course). Carefully choose your 15 "keepers" that are clearly related to your study. (Note: you
might need to find 30 to ¡°keep¡± only 15).
? Identify major common themes encountered in the selected literature sources. For each theme, create its own
subsection within the literature review.
? For each theme / subsection of the literature review, explain the opinions of the authors and show their
similarities, differences, methods of acquisition of data, methods of data analysis and other pertinent information.
State how the reviewed research results relate to your proposed study.
? Identify the gaps in the literature and explain what needs to be done to move forward in your research.
Statement of the Problem
Detail the problem that you are considering. Explain:
? How are you defining and delimiting the specific area of the research?
? What is the gap that will be addressed by this research?
? What it is that you hope to learn by conducting this research?
? Discuss the anticipated outcomes and benefits to the researcher, the organization, or society.
Research Questions
Provide focused ...
A critique is a careful analysis of an argument or work to determine its key points, assumptions, issues overlooked, and implications. It involves a systematic yet personal evaluation of what was read. Writing a critique helps understand the work's purpose, audience, argument development, evidence structure, or creative style. To write a critique, one must thoroughly understand the work, take notes on important parts, and consider the work's main argument or purpose and how it relates to broader issues. A critique template includes an introduction naming the work and creator, a body analyzing the work using questions about its nature, objectives, design, assumptions, and biases, and a conclusion.
This document provides information about a workshop on publishing for success offered by Dr. Charlie C. Chen. The workshop aims to help participants improve their academic writing skills and ability to publish papers. Dr. Chen is a tenured professor who has authored multiple books and papers.
The workshop covers key elements of academic publications like abstracts, introductions, literature reviews, and conclusions. It teaches writing strategies for each element and has participants apply the strategies to improve their own works-in-progress. Participants will also provide peer reviews and receive feedback to further strengthen their papers. The goal is for attendees to gain confidence in their writing and publishing abilities.
The document provides guidance on writing a critical review. It explains that a critical review involves summarizing and evaluating a text such as a book, chapter, or journal article. It should present a fair assessment of the text's strengths and weaknesses based on analysis and consideration of different perspectives. The document outlines the typical structure of a critical review, which usually includes an introduction, summary, critique, and conclusion. It also provides examples of criteria that can be used to evaluate texts and suggestions for paraphrasing and summarizing information for the review.
The document provides guidance on writing a critical review. It explains that a critical review involves summarizing and evaluating a text such as a book, chapter, or journal article. It discusses what is meant by being critical, evaluation/judgement, and analysis in an academic context. The document also outlines the typical structure of a critical review, including an introduction, summary, critique, and conclusion. It provides examples of formatting the critique and lists some general criteria for evaluating texts.
HRM First Assignment and Guide on Article Review.pptx (1).pdfAbdirehmanArab
This document provides guidance on reviewing academic articles for a human resource management assignment. It discusses the key components of an article review, including summarizing the main points of the article and providing a critical analysis. The review should focus on evaluating the originality, methodology, findings, and conclusions presented in the article. When writing the review, the document instructs students to include an introduction, summary of the methodology and results, and critical analysis in a concise and organized format. Sources for finding reputable academic journals are also provided.
The document provides guidelines for writing concise and clear broadcast copy. It outlines the "Six C's" of broadcast writing: clear, concise, conversational, complete, current and correct. It discusses writing in an understandable style using simple words and avoiding passive voice. It also covers punctuation, sentence structure, verbs and other grammar guidelines to help the reader write effectively for the ear.
This document discusses the importance of research and provides technical terms used in research. It defines research as the creation of new knowledge or using existing knowledge creatively to generate new understandings. The document then lists benefits of research such as expanding knowledge, providing the latest information, and helping with problem solving. Finally, it outlines various technical terms used in research, including introduction, methodology, literature review, data analysis, and thesis statement.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In this slide we¡¯ll discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots¡ªsystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI¡ªthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, we¡¯ll discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APM¡¯s Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APM¡¯s PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMO¡¯s within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Master¡¯s degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APM¡¯s People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation¡¯s legal framework.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, we¡¯ll discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the learners will be able
1.Define what literary critique is,
2.Apply the techniques / guidelines in writing a literary
3.Compose an independent critique of a chosen selection.
3. Why is it important for students to
be equipped with the knowledge and
skills in writing a critique paper?
? It is a genre of academic writing that briefly summarizes and
critically evaluates a work or concept.
? Critiques can be used to carefully analyze a variety of works
such as:
? Creative works ¨C novels, exhibits, film, images, poetry
? Research ¨C monographs, journal articles, systematic reviews,
? Media ¨C news reports, feature articles
6. Critique writing employs a formal, academic
writing style and has a clear structure, that
is, an introduction, body and conclusion.
Body work & detailed
? Help students to enhance their knowledge of the work¡¯s
subject area or related works.
? Provide students an understanding of the work¡¯s
purpose, intended audience, development of argument,
structure of evidence or creative style.
? Make sure to have a close reading of the literary piece
to be critiqued.
? Make notes on key parts of the work.
? Develop an understanding of the main argument or
purpose being expressed in the work.
? Consider how the work relates to a broader issue or
¡ñ Name the work being reviewed as well as the date it
was created and the name of the author/creator.
¡ñ Describe the main argument or purpose of the work.
¡ñ Explain the context in which the work was created.
¡ñ Have a concluding sentence that signposts what your
evaluation of the work will be.
Briefly summarize the main points and
objectively describe how the creator
portrays these by using techniques, styles,
media, characters, or symbols.
Read and study the selection to be
critiqued and form an opinion about it.
Criteria are systems or standards for
evaluation, rules or tests you can utilize
to make your judgment.
12. ? Examples of key critical questions that could help your assessment include:
? Is the work presented objectively or subjectively?
? What are the aims of the work?Were the aims achieved?
? What techniques or styles were used in the work? Are they effective in portraying
the purpose?
? What assumptions underlie the work? Do they affect its validity?
? What types of evidence or persuasion are used? Has evidence been interpreted
? How is the work structured? Does it favor a particular interpretation or point of
view? Is it effective?
? Does the work enhance understanding of key ideas or theories? Does the work
engage (or fail to engage) with key concepts or other works in its discipline?
13. This evaluation is written in formal academic style and logically presented.
1. Group and order your ideas into paragraphs.
2. Start with the broad impressions first and then move into the details of the
technical elements.
For shorter critiques, discuss the strengths of the works, and then the
In longer critiques, discuss the positive and negative of each key critical question
in individual paragraphs.
To support the evaluation:
? provide evidence from the work itself, such as a quote or example
? cite evidence from related sources.
This is usually a very brief paragraph, which includes:
¡ñ A statement indicating the overall evaluation of the
¡ñ A summary of the key reasons identified during the
critical evaluation, why this evaluation was formed.
¡ñ In some circumstances, recommendations for
improvement on the work may be appropriate.