Pastmarkas un pieredzes. Zīmoli un identitāte digitālajā laikmetā.Zigurds ZakisPrezentācija vakardienas Latvijas Universitātes Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes Komunikācijas studiju nodaļas rīkotās diskusijas „Identitāte, zīmoli un patērniecība — vai mēs esam tas, ko mēs lietojam?” ievadam.
Valsts komunikācija: kāds simptoms un vairākas iespējasZigurds ZakisAtbalsta slaidi 15 minūšu prezentācijai seminārā "Veiksmes faktori ministriju komunikācijā"
Zīmoli šodienZigurds ZakisAtbalsta slaidi īsai prezentācijai IDEA House pasākumā par tendencēm zīmolvedībā. Šajā gadījumā - par vienu nozīmīgu, bet ne visaptveršu virzību (tendenci) efektīvu zīmolu stratēģijā.
WWE Horariosscorpionx95Este documento proporciona información sobre los principales programas de lucha libre de WWE, incluyendo días, horarios y sitios web para Monday Night Raw, NXT, Superstars y SmackDown, así como detalles sobre el próximo pago por evento Survivor Series.
Magnetic Resonance Navigation with Therapeutic MicrocarrierstacomeauDalDr. Sylvain Martel and colleagues developed therapeutic magnetic microcarriers (TMMCs) containing magnetic nanoparticles, doxorubicin, and a biodegradable polymer coating for targeted deep tissue delivery. TMMCs were successfully guided through rabbit liver vasculature to target regions using magnetic resonance navigation. Further optimization is needed to increase targeting efficiency across more bifurcations and for tumor applications. Major challenges remain in navigating TMMCs across multiple bifurcations and developing methods to target tumors deep within tissue.
Festival unplugged 2012promaenzaL'Associazione Pro Loco di Maenza promuove la prima edizione del festival “MaenzAcustica”, dedicato alla musica unplugged.
Il festival vuole valorizzare particolarmente i musicisti, singoli o gruppi, che producono musica originale nello stile e nell’interpretazione, attenti a definire un proprio percorso artistico ed una propria identità musicale e favorendo la valorizzazione non solo a livello locale.
Syrian RefugeesMihexWith the civil war in Syria raging for years now, the numbers of refugees that have escaped to the surrounding countries is in the hundred thousands and thousands are fleeing every day.
Advertising (copia) 28NMMPThis document discusses advertising and outlines the key components of developing an advertising campaign. It defines advertising as communicating information about products and services to consumers to encourage purchasing. The objectives of advertising are highlighted, such as bringing awareness to brands and products, communicating benefits, and motivating buying behavior. The document then covers how to design an effective campaign, including developing messages that reach and remain memorable to the target audience and motivating action. Campaign elements like budget, media selection, timing, and examples are also outlined.
Woork book7Meztli Valeriano OrozcoThis document appears to be an English workbook containing various activities and exercises. It includes sections for writing names, listening to audio clips and matching names, guessing occupations from short descriptions, labeling furniture in different languages, having conversations about family members' jobs, describing a dream home, asking questions about a new apartment, and filling in relationships. The workbook seems focused on practicing everyday English for topics like home, family, and work.
Work.portfoliocandicenovakThis document appears to list various services offered by an individual or company including corporate design, case study design, business development presentations, event planning, web advertisement design, localization projects in English and German, press relations, web reporting, and multimedia. The header also includes merging ideas and markets.
Ateglance flcbeefheartThis document advertises a product that provides the full text of the new Family Procedure Rules along with commentary and a thematic case index, all accessible on a laptop, for only £85 per year including updates and support.
Assessment of the market position of the telecommunications company Yuliana ZaharovaMy diploma project on imroving of the customer & technical
Cities Of The DeadMihexDeath is a major point of interest in many mystic communities, and so many of them developed complex rituals surrounding it and some even dedicated whole cities and city like compounds.
Plenary2 cap kees westrate port of rotterdamThe Netherlands Embassy in JakartaThe Port of Rotterdam has a complex legal structure with the Municipality of Rotterdam owning 70% and the Dutch State owning 30% of Port of Rotterdam N.V., which manages the port's operations. The Port of Rotterdam invests heavily in port infrastructure, averaging around €500 million per year and also taking on debt financing of €2.3 billion for the Maasvlakte 2 expansion project. The port generates most of its income from port dues paid on cargo volumes (52%) and leasing land and quay walls to private companies (45%). Lease contracts provide lessees with near full economic ownership of the land for 25-50 years to encourage major investments.
Car Vip Protection presentationriskisThe document describes a vehicle-mounted jamming system for blocking remote-controlled improvised explosive devices. It has 1530 watts of output power across multiple frequency bands from 20 MHz to 3000 MHz. The system uses modular components and antennas to provide 360-degree protection. It can operate in sweep, GSM, or open communication window modes and is designed for VIP protection and convoy security applications.
Session6 sutanto soehodo paparan deputi gub dkiThe Netherlands Embassy in JakartaThe document discusses plans to develop a special economic zone (SEZ) in Jakarta. It proposes integrating the SEZ into Jakarta's national logistics system to serve as a hub for industry, trade, and economic development. The presentation outlines strategies for the SEZ, including adopting value-added logistics services, facilitating trade, attracting investment through public-private partnerships, and incentivizing business through tax breaks. The goal is for the Jakarta SEZ to promote economic growth by connecting local and international markets.
Sociālie mediji un personāla vadībaEdgars PetersonsPrezentācija, kas veidota kopā ar Uldi Pāvulu, par sociālo mediju izmantošanu personālvadībā, kas tika prezentēta 2011. gada Personāla vadības forumā "Lidojums nākotnē".
Meistarība un prakse komunikāciju arodosZigurds ZakisPrezentācija LADC un Latvijas Institūta ikgadējā konferencē, 2012. gada 22. martā. Stāsts par meistarību, praksi un izaugsmi no stratēģiskās plānošanas skatu punkta.
Magnetic Resonance Navigation with Therapeutic MicrocarrierstacomeauDalDr. Sylvain Martel and colleagues developed therapeutic magnetic microcarriers (TMMCs) containing magnetic nanoparticles, doxorubicin, and a biodegradable polymer coating for targeted deep tissue delivery. TMMCs were successfully guided through rabbit liver vasculature to target regions using magnetic resonance navigation. Further optimization is needed to increase targeting efficiency across more bifurcations and for tumor applications. Major challenges remain in navigating TMMCs across multiple bifurcations and developing methods to target tumors deep within tissue.
Festival unplugged 2012promaenzaL'Associazione Pro Loco di Maenza promuove la prima edizione del festival “MaenzAcustica”, dedicato alla musica unplugged.
Il festival vuole valorizzare particolarmente i musicisti, singoli o gruppi, che producono musica originale nello stile e nell’interpretazione, attenti a definire un proprio percorso artistico ed una propria identità musicale e favorendo la valorizzazione non solo a livello locale.
Syrian RefugeesMihexWith the civil war in Syria raging for years now, the numbers of refugees that have escaped to the surrounding countries is in the hundred thousands and thousands are fleeing every day.
Advertising (copia) 28NMMPThis document discusses advertising and outlines the key components of developing an advertising campaign. It defines advertising as communicating information about products and services to consumers to encourage purchasing. The objectives of advertising are highlighted, such as bringing awareness to brands and products, communicating benefits, and motivating buying behavior. The document then covers how to design an effective campaign, including developing messages that reach and remain memorable to the target audience and motivating action. Campaign elements like budget, media selection, timing, and examples are also outlined.
Woork book7Meztli Valeriano OrozcoThis document appears to be an English workbook containing various activities and exercises. It includes sections for writing names, listening to audio clips and matching names, guessing occupations from short descriptions, labeling furniture in different languages, having conversations about family members' jobs, describing a dream home, asking questions about a new apartment, and filling in relationships. The workbook seems focused on practicing everyday English for topics like home, family, and work.
Work.portfoliocandicenovakThis document appears to list various services offered by an individual or company including corporate design, case study design, business development presentations, event planning, web advertisement design, localization projects in English and German, press relations, web reporting, and multimedia. The header also includes merging ideas and markets.
Ateglance flcbeefheartThis document advertises a product that provides the full text of the new Family Procedure Rules along with commentary and a thematic case index, all accessible on a laptop, for only £85 per year including updates and support.
Assessment of the market position of the telecommunications company Yuliana ZaharovaMy diploma project on imroving of the customer & technical
Cities Of The DeadMihexDeath is a major point of interest in many mystic communities, and so many of them developed complex rituals surrounding it and some even dedicated whole cities and city like compounds.
Plenary2 cap kees westrate port of rotterdamThe Netherlands Embassy in JakartaThe Port of Rotterdam has a complex legal structure with the Municipality of Rotterdam owning 70% and the Dutch State owning 30% of Port of Rotterdam N.V., which manages the port's operations. The Port of Rotterdam invests heavily in port infrastructure, averaging around €500 million per year and also taking on debt financing of €2.3 billion for the Maasvlakte 2 expansion project. The port generates most of its income from port dues paid on cargo volumes (52%) and leasing land and quay walls to private companies (45%). Lease contracts provide lessees with near full economic ownership of the land for 25-50 years to encourage major investments.
Car Vip Protection presentationriskisThe document describes a vehicle-mounted jamming system for blocking remote-controlled improvised explosive devices. It has 1530 watts of output power across multiple frequency bands from 20 MHz to 3000 MHz. The system uses modular components and antennas to provide 360-degree protection. It can operate in sweep, GSM, or open communication window modes and is designed for VIP protection and convoy security applications.
Session6 sutanto soehodo paparan deputi gub dkiThe Netherlands Embassy in JakartaThe document discusses plans to develop a special economic zone (SEZ) in Jakarta. It proposes integrating the SEZ into Jakarta's national logistics system to serve as a hub for industry, trade, and economic development. The presentation outlines strategies for the SEZ, including adopting value-added logistics services, facilitating trade, attracting investment through public-private partnerships, and incentivizing business through tax breaks. The goal is for the Jakarta SEZ to promote economic growth by connecting local and international markets.
Sociālie mediji un personāla vadībaEdgars PetersonsPrezentācija, kas veidota kopā ar Uldi Pāvulu, par sociālo mediju izmantošanu personālvadībā, kas tika prezentēta 2011. gada Personāla vadības forumā "Lidojums nākotnē".
Meistarība un prakse komunikāciju arodosZigurds ZakisPrezentācija LADC un Latvijas Institūta ikgadējā konferencē, 2012. gada 22. martā. Stāsts par meistarību, praksi un izaugsmi no stratēģiskās plānošanas skatu punkta.
Sistemātiska pieeja pasākumu komunikāciju plānošanai. Prezentācija Rīga2014 a...Zigurds ZakisAtbalsta slaidi 20 minūšu prezentācijai Rīga2014 projektu autoru marketinga un komunikāciju darbnīcā.
|| Systematic approach to planning communication for culture events. Presentation in marketing and communication workshop for Riga 2014 (Culture Capital of Europe 2014) project authors and communications partners.
Zigurds Zaķis "Sistemātiska pieeja pasākumu komunikācijai"RIGA 2014Prezentācija Rīga 2014 projektu autoru
komunikāciju un marketinga darbnīcā
2013. gada 10.janvārī
Sociālo mediju skola 2012PHD_LatviaNonākot citā valstī mēs cenšamies saprast vietējo kultūru, nerakstītos likumus un pieklājības frāzes. Twitter, FaceBook un citi sociālie mediji ir kā cita pasaule. Ar saviem noteikumiem, kultūru, vietējo izloksni un iezemiešiem.
Sistemātiska pieeja "spridzināšanai"Zigurds ZakisAtbalsta slaidi prezentācijai "BRIGĀDES" darbnīcā par to, ko jauni uzņēmumi var aizgūt no komunikāciju stratēģiskās plānošanas
Sociālie mediji un to izmantojums sabiedriskajās attiecībās, reklāmā un mārke...ZEAL CreativeŠī prezentācija ir no manas vieslekcijas pie Kultūras koledžas 2. kursa studentiem. To pavadīja krietni plašāks stāstījums - slaidi ir tikai ieskatam un struktūrai, atspoguļojot galvenās pamatnostādnes.
Šeit aplūkojama pirmā prezentācijas versija -
Dizaina domāšana biznesā un uzņēmējdarbībā (LIAA, 2009)Zigurds ZakisPrezentācija LIAA 2009. gada semināros Liepājā, Jelgavā, Valmierā, Daugavpilī un Rīgā par to, ko mazie un vidējie uzņēmumi var aizgūt no dizaina procesa, dizaina domāšanas un radošo kompāniju pieredzes.
Sociālie mediji un to izmantojums sabiedriskajās attiecībās, reklāmā un mārke...ZEAL CreativeŠī prezentācija ir no manas vieslekcijas pie Kultūras koledžas 1. un 2. kursa studentiem. To pavadīja krietni plašāks stāstījums - slaidi ir tikai ieskatam un struktūrai, atspoguļojot galvenās pamatnostādnes.
Šī ir atjaunota (statistika, dati) un papildināta iepriekšējā prezentācija (
Sociālo tīklu izmantošana tūrisma produktu pārdošanā„Kā veidot „Best enjoyed slowly” produktus ārpus Rīgas?” 2012.gada 10.maijā. Sociālo tīklu izmantošana tūrisma produktu pārdošanā. Liene Kupča, CRM Target Baltic valdes locekle
Sociālie medijiCentre for Public Policy PROVIDUSPrezentācija projektā "Apmācību cikls „17 soļi Eiropas nākotnē”".
Projekts tiek finansēts no Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondu 3. mērķa „Eiropas teritoriālā sadarbība” Centrālā Baltijas jūras reģiona INTERREG IVA pārrobežu sadarbības programmas 2007. - 2013. gadam projekta „Jauniešu iesaiste NVO, sporta un interešu izglītības programmās” Rīgas jaunatnes organizāciju kapacitātes veicināšanas projektu konkursa ietvaros.
Liene Bērziņa – “Ko mūsu mīlētākie zīmoli vēsta par mums?”nacionalaidentitateDiskusija „Identitāte, zīmoli un patērniecība – vai mēs esam tas, ko mēs lietojam?”
Inta Priedola – “Zīmolu izvēle latviešu un cittautiešu auditorijās”nacionalaidentitateDiskusija „Identitāte, zīmoli un patērniecība – vai mēs esam tas, ko mēs lietojam?”
Semantics in Visual Perception: Methodological Remarks, Issues and Perspecti...nacionalaidentitateThe document discusses methodological issues in researching the interaction between visual perception and semantics. It provides an outline of key topics including: (1) the role of psychophysics in visual perception, (2) how semantics arises from visual grouping, shape assignment, and meaning assignment processes, and (3) the role of invariants, affordances, events, and experience in visual perception and the emergence of meaning. The author argues that visual perception involves hierarchical processing from low-level stimuli to higher-level semantics and that experience holistically influences how meaning arises from visual information.
1. Par pastmarkām un par pieredzēm,
jeb dažas domas diskusijai par patēriņu
un par zīmolu un patērētāju identitāti digitālajā laikmetā
Zigurds Zaķis
Komunikāciju stratēģiskais plānotājs
blogs: Latvijas Universitātē
Rīga, 2012. gada 6. novembrī
12. “There is still a role
for advertising, but
less as a medium for
blasting messages at
people than as a way
of helping turn its
audience into
storytellers themselves”
“Change by Design”
Tim Brown, IDEO