The student group contacted the Hong Kong Shark Foundation to get approval for their plan to raise shark awareness and funds. The Foundation responded positively, encouraging the students' initiative. They will join the Foundation's "Students for Sharks" program. To raise funds, the group will design and sell t-shirts. They researched t-shirt designs and companies. A survey of public preferences informed the design process. The group outlined timelines for design, production, sales and donation of profits to the Foundation.
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Research & planning - Sophie Walker
Our description and main objective:
We plan to raise shark awareness in Island School Hong Kong.
This process will be part of our ICT IE award project. Create and
sell a product successfully, make a profit which we would then
donate to the HKSF.
-Raise the awareness of the HKSF in
Discovery Bay
-Get Parents and children involved with the
-Earn profit from selling a product that we
can later donate to the foundation.
Aims: We aim to:
- Make profit from products we will sell
- Get more people involved with the HKSF (E.g volunteering)
- Create the product on a computer based application
- By the end of the project we hope to have at least 5 student volunteers for the HKSF
- Make notice of our Project through posters around db.
- Design and make t-shirts to sell on Photoshop
4. They replied with
Thanks for your email and support!
Your idea is fantastic. HKSF encourages the young
Here is the email thread
ones to take action in raising the awareness on shark
Original Message
conservation. You have our full support!
Subject: Island School
You might already know that HKSF also sells
From: Teresa MCGILLIVRAY [11D]
merchandise to raise funds.
We are running a programme called Man & Shark
Date: Sun, August 26, 2012 9:24 pm
Book Donation. Anyone donates a HK$100 would
becomes a donor of a copy of the book.
The book will then be sent to a school chosen by the
Dear Hong Kong Shark Foundation,
donor. Or people can simply go to our online shop to
We are a group of students from Island School who are keen to help the
HKSF raise money in order to help the sharks and aid the foundation.
We also have a student organization called students for
We have decided to incorporate this work into our ICT IE award
project. What we would like to do is to raise money within Island
School for the HKSF, which we would then donate. We would be making
our own product and a website or blog which will be part of the IE
award. We aim to gain awareness for our project from the island school
community through this website/blog and to make money off the product
we sell. But in order to do this we will need permission from the
Please consider our proposal and get back to us,
Thank you
After we have confirmation with Hong Kong Shark foundation we will go forward
and start to plan what technical skills we would like to show to raise shark
finning awareness. My partner emailed our desired client. As you can see
from the email HKSF wants to work with us. They already have a program for
students raising awareness. TheHKSF has accepted our offer to raise
awareness, we now have to start our ultimate project within the school. The
first is using photoshop to design t-shirts to sell. The T-shirts must include
the HKSF sign and must look good enough for younger teens to wear.
This is the program we will be working with
to achieve our goals. We plan to join a
school programe that HKSF is going to
launch in September, its called
Students for Sharks.
We are going to engage students to
support the Government introducing
enhanced shark conservation
measures. A webpage under HKFS
website will go live in which students
acquire the background information, fill
in their details and customize the letter
template HKSF drafted. They can then
send the letter to the designated
District Councillor by one click. The
sent records will be stored in our
system and they will be used for further
government the link for the student for shark website. It is easily
This is lobbying actions.
accessible form their website and you can sign up straight away.
This is the program we will be working with as i am a student and
this would be the better option to helping promote shark
awareness for students around the school.
Promotional Promotional elements Strategies for
Campaign success
Hong Kong shark Flash mobs Celebrity endorsement
funning Awareness Website Instantly recognizable
Protests Moral obligation to
Campaigns support charity
logo (HKSF)
Making it look like fun
These are just a few promotinal ideas that the HLSF have already
used to promote their campaign. We plan to have a stall outside of
school to sell our t-shirts. (preferably somewhere busy) we can
advertise our stall buy asking the HKSF to advertice it on their
website and also either hand out flyers and create a facebook page.
This is the link of the flashmob HKSF did to promote shark fin
Since i will be designing my own t shirt to sell, i will have to look at
products that are already being sold. this way i can find a unique selling
pointwithin my design. this will also mean that my tshirt will be different
towards any others being sold. HKSF already have a specific design:
As you can see from this snapshot.
On the Hong Kong shark foundation
website they sell the same t-shirt for
men, women and children. the men
and women designs are the same
but the childrens one is in a orange
colour. From looking at this i can
now make a decision of making a
more visually appealing shirt at a
cheaper price.
What I have learnt form this mood board is that most of the shark
awareness shorts out there are very similar. Most of them include funny
puns, either cute or scary images of sharks and also lack colour.
After researching I have come to a conclusion that my shirt will:
1 have more then one basic shirt colour
2 promote the cute side of sharks rather then the scary
3 have a fact about shark finning on it
4 make the shirt memorable either by having a funny pun or picture.
Some inspiration from the shirts from the mood boards:
Because of our survey results the public is now our key audience, and
customers for our t-shirt. We plan to ask random people in the streets
of all ages what they think of selling shark shirts for the HKSF. (cost
about $30) I will design a number of design which the public will then
decide which one is their favorite. Once we count up our result we can
then decide which design to use, where we are going to sell our product
and how we are going to advertce our event.
Questions we will ask
1- How old are you?
2- Are you aware of the HKSF?
3- Which is your preferred design?
4- Would you purchase a t-shirt when the proceeds go toward the HKSF
5- Would you donate money?
Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How old
are you? 34 15 47 28 52 31 44 19 21 58
Are you No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes
aware of
the HKSF?
Which is Design Design design Design design design design design design design
preferred 3 1&3 2 1 2 2 5&6 3 2 5
Would you yes yes yes depend yes maybe depend yes yes maybe
purchase a
t-shirt s s
when the
go toward
the HKSF
Would you yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
From our survey we realized only a few people knew who the HKSF were
and what they were trying to do. We also realized that most people
preferred design 2. We can now progress further into designing the final
t-shirt on Photoshop and how we can advertise. From the survey we
also found out that not many people know about the HKSF.
The next stage is to
1 design the final t shirt
2 - raise awareness through media (posters, video, leaflets)
3 contact the client with our final idea
These are the two most popular T-shirt printing companies in hong kong.
- Over 10 years of service
- Range of shirt colours and designs
- Slightly more expensive
- Have to order in big quantities
- Worked with many famous brand (adidas, panasonic, nokia, xbox, cocacola)
T-Shirt Man
- Can prodce a smaller number of shirts
- Lower price
- Less designs
In conclusion I think we will be working with Buddy. Although it is not the cheapest It has
the main shirt structure that we require which is very important. If the shirt doesn'tt look
good then people wont buy it.
Final T-shirt Design 11/11/12: This is the date n which we hope to have the deign complete on Photoshop. I
will be designing the t-shirt on illustrator and Photoshop. We can finalize this design with an extra survey
to determine weather or not the public like it.
Printed 28/11/12: We would like at least one trial t shirt to be printed by this date. This way we can see if
the product is worthwhile to print from this t shit company. If not we will till have time to change the T-shrit
printing company.
DB flea Market2/12/12: This is the date when we first plan to sell our t-shirts.
Christmas holiday selling 27/12/12-5/1/13: During our Christmas holidays we will sell our t-shirts
throughout areas in Hong Kong. Specifically busier areas such as Stanley and central.
School Bake sale 8/1/13: We will then hold a bake sale to the school to raise some more added profit and
spread awareness around the school.
Final sales 19/1/13: This is when any leftover shirts will be sold. We will then collect our money and give it
to the HKSF as soon as possible.
Editor's Notes
#15: BUDDYOrder 10 shirts first so whats the logo describe the logo colour and the sizeShort sleeve t shirt round neck collar and sleeves red and the rest of the shirt right and save the sharks at the front4 colours for the logoBack any logo: two logo coloursGive you an estimate total for 10 pieces such colourful logos will cost expensive price is about 161 per pieceSpecial discount offer price will be around 150 per piece as special student and non profit organisation2-3 weeks every Friday TSHIRT MAN100 shirts is the absolute minimumSolution: sew our own shirts in DIY fashion Transfer paperMrwindle