This document lists and summarizes various tools that are useful for competitive programming on AtCoder. It includes websites for problem archives, rating simulators, online databases for integer sequences, tools for replaying past contests, comparing ratings, and more. It also lists several Chrome extensions that provide additional features for AtCoder, such as coloring solved problems or displaying statistics.
This document discusses the relationship between control as inference, reinforcement learning, and active inference. It provides an overview of key concepts such as Markov decision processes (MDPs), partially observable MDPs (POMDPs), optimality variables, the evidence lower bound (ELBO), variational inference, and the free energy principle as applied to active inference. Control as inference frames reinforcement learning as probabilistic inference by defining a generative process and performing variational inference to find an optimal policy. Active inference uses the free energy principle and minimizes expected free energy to select actions that resolve uncertainty.
1. The document discusses various social media and video sharing platforms and tools for integrating them, including YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, iTunes, and Facebook.
2. It mentions several services that allow embedding or sharing content between platforms, such as CDTube for YouTube, ZonTube for Amazon, and for shortening Amazon URLs for Twitter.
3. Programming languages and APIs mentioned include JavaScript, jQuery, Twitter API, and YouTube APIs for building integrations and plugins.
1. The document discusses various social media and video sharing platforms and tools for integrating them, including YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, iTunes, and Facebook.
2. It mentions several services that allow embedding or sharing content between platforms, such as CDTube for YouTube, ZonTube for Amazon, and for shortening Amazon URLs for Twitter.
3. Programming languages and APIs mentioned include JavaScript, jQuery, Twitter API, and YouTube APIs for building integrations and plugins.