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Section 5Decisive Battles
The Tide Turns1862 Battle of AntietamAfter this battle war began to go badly for the NorthPoor leadership was the resultMcClellan replaced with General Ambrose Burnside
Confederate VictoriesDecember 1862Burnside marched army of 120,000 men toward RichmondGeneral Lee massed 75,000 men at Fredericksburg, VA to block his pathBurnside ordered charge after charge during this battleUnion lost 13,000 men to the Confederates 5,000Lincoln replaced Burnside with General Joseph HookerMay 1863Hooker marched Union army toward RichmondUnion army was smashed at the Battle of Chancellorsville by a force half its sizeBattle was costly for the South; Stonewall Jackson was shot and wounded & later died
The Battle of GettysburgAfter Lees army defeated Union forces at Chancellorsville he gained confidence & headed north to PennsylvaniaUnion forces now under the command of General George G. Meade meet Lee accidentally at GettysburgConfederates were in search of shoes desperately needed in the SouthBloody battle marked a turning point in the warUnion troops took position on the crest of a low ridgeConfederates task was to dislodge them from their positionConfederate attempts failed several times, concluding with a suicidal charge across an open field by General George Pickett on July 3After 3 days 23,000 Union soldiers & 28,000 Confederate soldiers had been killed or woundedLincoln wired Meade, Do not let the enemy escapeJuly 4, Lee retreated to Virginia & the Union army failed to pursue him
Gettysburg AddressBoth sides suffered heavy casualties at GettysburgSparsely populated South could not recover fromNovember 19, 1863 President Lincoln visited Gettysburg to dedicate the battlefield cemetery & to honor the soldiers buried thereHe promised, these dead shall not have died in vain
The Fall of VicksburgJuly 4, 1863Vicksburg surrendered to General grantWas last city on the Mississippi River in Confederate handsGrant was able to capture Vicksburg not by force, but by surrounding the city & cutting it off from suppliesDay after day the Union bombarded VicksburgResidents took shelter in cellars & caves they had dug in hillsidesThey ate mules & rats to keep from starvingAfter 6 weeks the Confederate troops gave upLast Confederate stronghold at Port Hudson, LA fell a few days laterLees defeat at Gettysburg along with loses at Vicksburg & Port Hudson made July 1863 a major turning point in the war
Closing in on the Confederacy1864Grant given command of Union forcesDecided to attack Richmond no matter how large the Union losses
Grant vs. LeeGrants huge army hammered the Confederates in several battles in northern VirginiaThey were unable to break through, but continued to attackGrants army suffered 55,000 casualties in 7 weeks of fighting; Confederates suffered 35,000Grant knew he could count of a steady supply of men & supplies while Lee was running low on bothPetersburgGrant used the same tactic he used a Vicksburg of besieging the Confederate troopsWhile Grant & Lee battled, Union forces under command of William T. Sherman advanced toward Atlanta
Shermans MarchSherman believed in total warAll-out attacks aimed at destroying an enemys army, its resources, & its peoples will to fightConfederates were unable to stop Shermans advanceUnion troops captured Atlanta, GA on September 2, 1864Victory gave Lincolns reelection campaign a boostNortherners were growing tired of the war prior to this event & support for Lincoln was also lagging; Lincoln won election victory over General George McClellanNovember 1864Sherman ordered Atlanta to be burned & he continued his march to the Atlantic OceanAlong the way Union forces set fires to buildings, seized crops & livestock, & pulled up railroad tracks leaving a 60 mile path of destruction
Section 5
Peace at lastMarch 1865Grants army continued to besiege PetersburgGrant extended his battle lines east & westLee knew the city would fallLincoln also saw end of war too2nd inaugural addressWith malice toward none; with charity for all; let us strive together to bind up the nations wounds
Surrender at AppomattoxApril 2Grants troop broke through Confederate linesRichmond was captured by the UnionLee retreated to Appomattox Court HouseApril 9, 1865Lee surrenderedGrant offered:Confederates to give up their weapons & leave in peace
The Wars Terrible TollBloodiest conflict U.S. ever foughtConfederates: 260,000 men diedUnion: exceeded 360,000 men including 37,000 African Americans遜 million were woundedMany returned home disfigured for lifeKey results of the warReunited the nationPut an end to slavery

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Section 5

  • 2. The Tide Turns1862 Battle of AntietamAfter this battle war began to go badly for the NorthPoor leadership was the resultMcClellan replaced with General Ambrose Burnside
  • 3. Confederate VictoriesDecember 1862Burnside marched army of 120,000 men toward RichmondGeneral Lee massed 75,000 men at Fredericksburg, VA to block his pathBurnside ordered charge after charge during this battleUnion lost 13,000 men to the Confederates 5,000Lincoln replaced Burnside with General Joseph HookerMay 1863Hooker marched Union army toward RichmondUnion army was smashed at the Battle of Chancellorsville by a force half its sizeBattle was costly for the South; Stonewall Jackson was shot and wounded & later died
  • 4. The Battle of GettysburgAfter Lees army defeated Union forces at Chancellorsville he gained confidence & headed north to PennsylvaniaUnion forces now under the command of General George G. Meade meet Lee accidentally at GettysburgConfederates were in search of shoes desperately needed in the SouthBloody battle marked a turning point in the warUnion troops took position on the crest of a low ridgeConfederates task was to dislodge them from their positionConfederate attempts failed several times, concluding with a suicidal charge across an open field by General George Pickett on July 3After 3 days 23,000 Union soldiers & 28,000 Confederate soldiers had been killed or woundedLincoln wired Meade, Do not let the enemy escapeJuly 4, Lee retreated to Virginia & the Union army failed to pursue him
  • 5. Gettysburg AddressBoth sides suffered heavy casualties at GettysburgSparsely populated South could not recover fromNovember 19, 1863 President Lincoln visited Gettysburg to dedicate the battlefield cemetery & to honor the soldiers buried thereHe promised, these dead shall not have died in vain
  • 6. The Fall of VicksburgJuly 4, 1863Vicksburg surrendered to General grantWas last city on the Mississippi River in Confederate handsGrant was able to capture Vicksburg not by force, but by surrounding the city & cutting it off from suppliesDay after day the Union bombarded VicksburgResidents took shelter in cellars & caves they had dug in hillsidesThey ate mules & rats to keep from starvingAfter 6 weeks the Confederate troops gave upLast Confederate stronghold at Port Hudson, LA fell a few days laterLees defeat at Gettysburg along with loses at Vicksburg & Port Hudson made July 1863 a major turning point in the war
  • 7. Closing in on the Confederacy1864Grant given command of Union forcesDecided to attack Richmond no matter how large the Union losses
  • 8. Grant vs. LeeGrants huge army hammered the Confederates in several battles in northern VirginiaThey were unable to break through, but continued to attackGrants army suffered 55,000 casualties in 7 weeks of fighting; Confederates suffered 35,000Grant knew he could count of a steady supply of men & supplies while Lee was running low on bothPetersburgGrant used the same tactic he used a Vicksburg of besieging the Confederate troopsWhile Grant & Lee battled, Union forces under command of William T. Sherman advanced toward Atlanta
  • 9. Shermans MarchSherman believed in total warAll-out attacks aimed at destroying an enemys army, its resources, & its peoples will to fightConfederates were unable to stop Shermans advanceUnion troops captured Atlanta, GA on September 2, 1864Victory gave Lincolns reelection campaign a boostNortherners were growing tired of the war prior to this event & support for Lincoln was also lagging; Lincoln won election victory over General George McClellanNovember 1864Sherman ordered Atlanta to be burned & he continued his march to the Atlantic OceanAlong the way Union forces set fires to buildings, seized crops & livestock, & pulled up railroad tracks leaving a 60 mile path of destruction
  • 11. Peace at lastMarch 1865Grants army continued to besiege PetersburgGrant extended his battle lines east & westLee knew the city would fallLincoln also saw end of war too2nd inaugural addressWith malice toward none; with charity for all; let us strive together to bind up the nations wounds
  • 12. Surrender at AppomattoxApril 2Grants troop broke through Confederate linesRichmond was captured by the UnionLee retreated to Appomattox Court HouseApril 9, 1865Lee surrenderedGrant offered:Confederates to give up their weapons & leave in peace
  • 13. The Wars Terrible TollBloodiest conflict U.S. ever foughtConfederates: 260,000 men diedUnion: exceeded 360,000 men including 37,000 African Americans遜 million were woundedMany returned home disfigured for lifeKey results of the warReunited the nationPut an end to slavery