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Giving away money When your in need you finally see what others face every day
This man practices the art of giving
His name is Reed Sandridge
Info Reed Sandridge lost his job last year and took up a new hobby. He gives away $10 every day to someone who looks as if they could use it, a different person every day.
Info cont GNN reports, each day for a year, Sandridge explores his community, finding one individual to be the recipient of his daily $10 gift. He uses his blog to document each person's story and what they plan to do with the money. Sandridge is already over 100 days into his project.

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Giving away money

  • 1. Giving away money When your in need you finally see what others face every day
  • 2. This man practices the art of giving
  • 3. His name is Reed Sandridge
  • 4. Info Reed Sandridge lost his job last year and took up a new hobby. He gives away $10 every day to someone who looks as if they could use it, a different person every day.
  • 5. Info cont GNN reports, each day for a year, Sandridge explores his community, finding one individual to be the recipient of his daily $10 gift. He uses his blog to document each person's story and what they plan to do with the money. Sandridge is already over 100 days into his project.