?Qué flores son apropiadas según la ocasión?Laura Lima
Una guía rápida para saber cuál es el mejor envío de flores según la ocasión. Encuentra más información sobre el regalo ideal aquí https://www.azapflores.com/
Prayer is communicating directly with God. It is not reserved only for clergy but is something anyone can do by speaking from the heart to God freely and spontaneously. The key aspects of prayer are that it allows us to develop a personal relationship with God and to talk to Him like a friend. When praying, people can ask for forgiveness, tell God their needs, give Him their worries and cares, and thank Him. The Bible provides guidance on how to pray, such as not using repetitive or empty prayers but praying with faith, worship, and expecting God to answer.
This document provides an agenda and guidelines for an in-class essay assignment. Students will write a 500-word essay arguing for the supplies they have chosen to take with them into the wild. The essay should have an introduction with a clear thesis, multiple body paragraphs supporting their chosen supplies, and a conclusion discussing the outcome of their adventure or ongoing challenges. Suggestions are provided for developing the essay, including using first-person perspective and specific examples to support arguments. Homework includes reading two chapters and posting four sample sentences demonstrating different styles.
L'interet de comparer des devis avant de créer son site internetOuelid Sassi
Devis-web est la plateforme de création de site internet. Nous accompagnons les projets dans leur choix technologies que leur évolution sur la toile.
Guangzhou Yinyun Clothing Co., Ltd is a clothing company established in 2009 that specializes in uniforms and personal protective equipment. The company started as a clothing processor but has since expanded to designing, manufacturing, and processing their own brand of uniforms and PPE. They have over 50 specialized machines and 80 employees. Yinyun sells their products overseas and also provides customized, event-based apparel through various printing and embroidery methods.
?Qué flores son apropiadas según la ocasión?Laura Lima
Una guía rápida para saber cuál es el mejor envío de flores según la ocasión. Encuentra más información sobre el regalo ideal aquí https://www.azapflores.com/
Prayer is communicating directly with God. It is not reserved only for clergy but is something anyone can do by speaking from the heart to God freely and spontaneously. The key aspects of prayer are that it allows us to develop a personal relationship with God and to talk to Him like a friend. When praying, people can ask for forgiveness, tell God their needs, give Him their worries and cares, and thank Him. The Bible provides guidance on how to pray, such as not using repetitive or empty prayers but praying with faith, worship, and expecting God to answer.
This document provides an agenda and guidelines for an in-class essay assignment. Students will write a 500-word essay arguing for the supplies they have chosen to take with them into the wild. The essay should have an introduction with a clear thesis, multiple body paragraphs supporting their chosen supplies, and a conclusion discussing the outcome of their adventure or ongoing challenges. Suggestions are provided for developing the essay, including using first-person perspective and specific examples to support arguments. Homework includes reading two chapters and posting four sample sentences demonstrating different styles.
L'interet de comparer des devis avant de créer son site internetOuelid Sassi
Devis-web est la plateforme de création de site internet. Nous accompagnons les projets dans leur choix technologies que leur évolution sur la toile.
Guangzhou Yinyun Clothing Co., Ltd is a clothing company established in 2009 that specializes in uniforms and personal protective equipment. The company started as a clothing processor but has since expanded to designing, manufacturing, and processing their own brand of uniforms and PPE. They have over 50 specialized machines and 80 employees. Yinyun sells their products overseas and also provides customized, event-based apparel through various printing and embroidery methods.
Este documento trata sobre la filiación en derecho civil venezolano. Explica que la filiación es el vínculo jurídico entre un padre/madre y su hijo/a. Describe los dos sistemas teóricos para establecer la filiación, los principios de la filiación, la importancia de la filiación, cómo se determina la filiación matrimonial y no matrimonial, y los efectos y derechos derivados de la filiación. Finalmente, clasifica la filiación en materna y paterna y explica las
Este documento describe el Proceso de Software Personal (PSP), un marco de trabajo estructurado para desarrollar software de manera eficiente y predecible. PSP ayuda a los desarrolladores a planear, medir y mejorar continuamente su trabajo mediante el uso de scripts, medidas, formularios y estándares. PSP fue creado por Watts Humphrey en la década de 1990 para que los desarrolladores generen software de calidad a tiempo mediante el control y mejora de su propio proceso de desarrollo.
This document lists spare parts kits for various assemblies and components of the P630i and P640i printers, including the enclosures, transport, cleaning station, printing station, flip station, laminator, and miscellaneous parts. Each kit is listed with a kit number, description, and price. There are over 70 individual spare parts kits listed.
The document provides an agenda and instructions for a peer review session for revising student essays. It explains that students should have three copies of their draft and a peer review worksheet. They will work in groups of three, taking turns reading their essays aloud while the other students follow along and mark errors. The readers will then use the worksheet to provide feedback on the organization, thesis, examples, comparisons, images, conclusion, and formatting based on a list of questions. The goal is revision rather than just editing for grammar or word choice. The oldest student in each group should read their essay first.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the Elixir programming language. It discusses key features of Elixir such as its syntax resembling Ruby but being built on the Erlang VM like Lisp, its support for metaprogramming, first-class documentation, interoperability with Erlang, and homoiconic nature. Examples are given of Fibonacci sequences, anonymous functions, macros, and quoting/reflecting on code as data. Installation steps are also outlined for various platforms like OS X, Windows, and Ubuntu.
8. factorial (Ruby / direct style / recursion)
def fact(n)
if n == 0
n * fact(n - 1)
9. factorial (Ruby / CPS)
def fact_cps(n, cont)
if n == 0
cont.call 1
fact_cps(n - 1, -> (x) { cont.call(n * x) })
fact_cps(10, -> (x) { x })
10. factorial (Ruby / direct style / tail recursion)
def fact_tail(n, acc = 1)
if n == 0
fact_tail(n - 1, n * acc)
11. benchmark
TIMES = 1000
FACT = 1000
Benchmark.bm 16 do |r|
r.report 'non tail call' do
TIMES.times do
r.report 'cps' do
TIMES.times do
fact_cps(FACT, -> (x) { x })
r.report 'tail call' do
TIMES.times do
12. benchmark result (1,0003mes 1000!)
user system total real
non tail call 0.570000 0.010000 0.580000 ( 0.575446)
cps 1.220000 0.060000 1.280000 ( 1.280935)
tail call 0.650000 0.060000 0.710000 ( 0.705097)
? Scheme版と同様の傾向になった。
13. Stack Over?ow (Ruby)
? 5000!
? 3パターンとも問題なし
? 10000!
? CPS版が stack level too deep
? 11000!
? 3パターンとも stack level too deep
16. benchmark result (1,0003mes 1000! / TCO)
user system total real
non tail call 0.570000 0.010000 0.580000 ( 0.575446)
cps 1.220000 0.060000 1.280000 ( 1.280935)
tail call 0.650000 0.060000 0.710000 ( 0.705097)
↓ TCO on
user system total real
non tail call 0.560000 0.020000 0.580000 ( 0.578095)
cps 1.130000 0.050000 1.180000 ( 1.183501)
tail call 0.640000 0.040000 0.680000 ( 0.688400)
? CPS で約 8%改善、末尾呼出で 4%改善
17. Stack Over?ow (Ruby / TCO)
? 10000!
? 3パターンとも問題なし
? 11000!
? 非末尾呼出版が stack level too deep
? 12000!
? CPS版が stack level too deep ← なぜ?
? 1000000! まで試したが、末尾呼出版では Stack Over?ow しない (10分かかった)
18. TCO Problems
? (1) backtrace: Elimina3ng method frame means elimina3ng
? (2) settracefunc(): It is di?cult to probe "return" event for tail-call
? (3) seman3cs: It is di?cult to de?ne tail-call in document (half is
joking, but half is serious)
Tail call op)miza)on: enable by default? から引用