The document introduces various gold investment options such as physical gold, gold futures contracts, and gold funds. It discusses the pros and cons of each option, including their liquidity, risks, costs, and purposes for speculation or delivery. Risk analysis is provided for high and low risk options. The document also covers gold investment concepts and poses questions for discussion.
1. The document discusses the exploration of financial technology by Waicai, an Internet finance company. It focuses on how Waicai is not just an accounting app, but explores areas like microservices, messaging, asynchronous programming, immutability, security, redundancy, and reactive systems.
2. The key techniques discussed include separating systems into microservices, using message passing, designing everything asynchronously, making systems immutable by using Kafka as journals, implementing security everywhere through interception, bulkheads and monitoring, and ensuring redundancy through clustering and commercial solutions.
3. The document advocates for applying concepts like separation, messaging, asynchrony, immutability, security, and redundancy everywhere as the company grows from handling individual
This document provides a summary of an architecture talk given by WangFuqiang on July 14, 2013. It discusses various architecture principles and patterns, including consistency, layering, isolation, immutability, clustering, buffering, asynchronous programming, throttling, caching, and more. It emphasizes managing dependencies wisely and applying these principles and patterns to scale systems both vertically and horizontally.
Continuations in scala (incomplete version)Fuqiang Wang
The document discusses continuations, which capture the state of a computation to be invoked later. It covers continuation passing style (CPS), delimited continuations, usage in coroutines, exception handling, web frameworks, and programming languages with first-class support for continuations like Scala. Code examples demonstrate resetting and shifting continuations in Scala.
This document summarizes some of the good parts of the Scala language based on feedback from Java developers who have used Scala. It highlights features like type inference, expression syntax everywhere, case classes, pattern matching, functions, the ecosystem including REPL, libraries, frameworks and tools, concurrency with actors, and the strengths of the type system. It also provides some warnings about using features like implicits and annotations wisely.
This document summarizes a presentation about concurrency models beyond what is available in Java. It discusses share-state concurrency using locks and synchronization in Java. It also covers share-nothing concurrency using the actor model and message passing. Additionally, it discusses software transactional memory and data-flow concurrency. The presentation provides examples and case studies of applying these different concurrency approaches.
This document provides an overview of ZooKeeper, describing it as a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, providing naming services, and enabling distributed synchronization and group services for distributed applications. It then discusses what ZooKeeper can do, how it is structured like a hierarchical file system, how it works using the Zab consensus algorithm, how to deploy it either on a single server or quorum cluster, how to interact with it using command line tools or APIs, and some key features like notifications, ordering, and high availability.
6. モナド
class Monad m where
(>>=) :: m α → (α -> m β) → m β
return :: α → m α
return a >>= k ≡ k a
m >>= return ≡ m
m >>= (x → k x >>= h) ≡ (m >>= k) >>= h
α → m β なる計算をつなぐ便利な何か