Cubism was an early 20th century avant-garde art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture. Developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in Paris between 1907-1914, Cubism was influenced by Paul Cezanne and depicted subjects from multiple viewpoints to represent three-dimensional forms on a two-dimensional surface. Cubist works utilized geometric shapes and fragments to depict objects, people and landscapes from various angles simultaneously in a fragmented form. Major Cubist artists included Picasso, Braque, Juan Gris, Marcel Duchamp and Fernand Leger. Cubism opened the door to further abstract movements like Orphism, Futurism, Vorticism and Suprematism.
Leslie Cabarga -- Logo, Font & Lettering Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to the ...Didi Kasa
Put the power to design logos and type in your own hands!Why be a designer who must rely upon preexisting typefaces and clip art when you can become the kind of designer who creates logos, fonts and lettering of your own? Leslie Cabarga, author of the bestselling "Designer's Guide to Color Combinations," has created a textbook of type for the experienced graphics professional as well as the beginning student of design.
You'll learn how to: Create innovative logo design traditionally and on the computer; Develop a discerning eye for quality lettering and logo design; Design your own custom-made fonts; Build a profitable business as a logo, font and lettering designer It's the most comprehensive treatise on logos, fonts and lettering available!
The easy-to-read, fun-to-browse, picture-heavy format makes learning to letter a snap. The "Logo, Font & Lettering Bible" provides the start-to-finish information you need to succeed in today's competitive design market.
2. クロージャ変換
? 関数定義から自由変数の参照をなくす
? 関数は,自由変数が格納されたレコード(クロージャレコー
? 自由変数の参照はレコードの対応するフィールド参照に置き換
? 例:
let sum = (let c = ref 0 in fn n -> c := n)
in sum 3
let sum =
( let c = ref 0 in
let f clos n = let c = clos[1] in c := n
in { f; c } )
in sum[0] sum 3
自由変数 c をクロージャレコードに格納
5. CPS 式の構文(少し変更)
? K ::= E
? | let x1 = E1 and … and xn = En in K
? | let rec x1 = E1 and … and xn = En in K
? | if V then K1 else K2
? | case V of l1 x1 -> K1 | … | ln xn -> Kn
? | V k V | k V
? E ::= V
? | let x1 = E1 and … and xn = En in E
? | let rec x1 = E1 and … and xn = En in E
? |{ l1=V1;…; ln = Vn } | l(V)
? | fn k x -> K | fn x -> K
? | V.l | V1.l <-V2
? | op(V1, … ,Vn)
? V ::= c | x | k --- ただし, k, x∈Variable
6. ネストした let/let rec の簡約
? クロージャ変換の前に, let x = (let y = E1 in E2) in
E3 のようにネストした let 式を let y = E1 in let x =
E2 in E3 のような形に変換しておく
? このとき, y のスコープが E3 にまで拡大するので,もし
, E3 に y の自由な出現があった場合, y を rename ( α
? let x = (let y = E1 in E2) in E3
? let y’ = E1 in let x = E2[y←y’] in E3
? let rec の場合は以下のように変換する
? let rec x = (let y = E1 in E2) in E3
? let rec y’ = E1 and x = E2[y←y’] in E3
7. クロージャ変換後の式の構文
? K ::= E
? | let x1 = E1 and … and xn = En in K
? | let rec x1 = E1 and … and xn = En in K
? | if V then K1 else K2
? | case V of l1 -> K1 | … | ln -> Kn
? | p V k V | p k V
? E ::= V
? |{V1;…; Vn }
? | code p k x = K in E
? | V#l | V1#l <- V2
? | op(V1, … ,Vn)
? V ::= c | x | k --- ただし, k, x∈Variable
? l ∈ Nat
8. クロージャ変換
? 関数定義
[[fn x1 … xn -> K]] ?
code f clos x1 … xn =
let y1 = clos#1 and … ym = clos#m
in [[K]]
in { f; y1; … ; ym }
? 関数適用
[[V V1 … Vn]] ?
let f = V#0 in f V V1 … Vn
y1, y2, … ym は関数定
9. 自由変数の定義
? FV(E) は式 E に出現する自由変数の集合であ
? FV(c) = φ
? FV(x) = {x}
? FV(fn x -> E) = FV(E)/{x}
? FV(let x = E1 in E2) = FV(E1) FV(∪ E2)/{x}
? FV(let rec x = E1 in E2) = (FV(E1) FV(∪ E2))/{x}
? FV(E1 E2) = FV(E1) FV(∪ E2)
11. タグ付きデータの変換
? タグ付きデータをレコードに変換する
? タグに対応する整数値とデータの2つのフィールドを含んだレ
? 例: @Foo(3) ? { 0; 3 }
? 事前にタグにあらかじめ整数値を割当てておく
? こちらも型検査フェーズなどで
? タグ付きデータ生成
? [[l(V)]] { num_of(l); V }?
? case 式
? [[case V of l1 x1 -> K1 | … | ln xn -> Kn]] ?
let x = V#0 in case x of
num_of(l1) -> let x1 = V#1 in [[K1]]
| …
12. いくつかの最適化
? 再帰呼び出しの場合,クロージャから関数のコード
? code fact’ fact n =
? … let fact’ = fact#0 in fact’ fact (n-1) …
? code fact’ fact n =
? … fact’ fact (n-1) …
? 呼び出し先の関数がわかっていて(直接関数を呼び
? let f x = x + x in f (f 10)
? 自由変数を含まないで,かつ, escape しない関数
13. 参考: lambda lifting
? クロージャを作る代わりに,自由変数を引数で明示的に渡すよ
? 例:
let rec sum n =
if n = 1 then 1
else let f x = n + x in
f (sum (n - 1))
in sum 100
let rec sum n =
if n = 1 then 1
else let f w x = w + x in
f n (sum (n - 1))
in sum 100
n は自由変数