【Tech Trend Talk vol.17】社外向け勉強会「仮に同じ商品を売っても、競合の倍以上売る営業組織の作り方 -(GIG)」GIG inc.
※ 株式会社GIGでは毎月社内勉強会を実施しています
GIG inc.
Good is good.
We provide opportunities to the SEKAI by fusing technology and ideas.
Good is good. いいものはいい。GIGは、関わったユーザーやクライアントが前に進める“きっかけ”をつくりつづけます。
■ お問い合せ
This document summarizes an article from Gila Glatter in the TOC for Education journal about Eli Goldratt. [1] It discusses how Eli believed TOC would change education worldwide by teaching systematic and creative thinking at a young age. [2] Glatter is committed to continuing Eli's vision for education, though they have not fully incorporated TOC into the Israeli education system. [3] Small successes sowing the seeds of TOC in Israel help fulfill Eli's educational goals.