F 11 1_merisana_grafiki_petijumsDaina BirkenbaumaMateriāls Jelgavas Vakara (maiņu) vidusskolas 11. klases skolēniem, gatavojoties diagnosticējošajam kontroldarbam. 1. daļa.
Izplat seminars 27.04.2017.Daina BirkenbaumaErasmus+ projekts „ Priekšlaicīgas mācību pārtraukšanas riska mazināšana Jelgavas Vakara (maiņu) vidusskolā”, identifikācijas Nr. 2016-1-LV01-KA101-022465
Elektronika dažās ierīcēs. Fizika medicīnā. Iespējamie enerģijas izmantošanas...Daina BirkenbaumaElektronika dažās ierīcēs. Fizika medicīnā. Iespējamie enerģijas izmantošanas veidi nākotnē. Nanotehnoloģijas
Elektronika dažās ierīcēs. Fizika medicīnā. Iespējamie enerģijas izmantošanas...Daina BirkenbaumaElektronika dažās ierīcēs. Fizika medicīnā. Iespējamie enerģijas izmantošanas veidi nākotnē. Nanotehnoloģijas
Varia in englishDaina BirkenbaumaVantaa Vocational College Varia provides vocational education and training to over 4,000 students annually across five locations in the city of Vantaa. The college has been operating since 1963 and offers qualifications in over 15 fields including hospitality, health care, technology, and construction. It aims to ensure all students can find employment, further education, or rehabilitation through cooperation with local employers and services like its One-Stop Guidance Center for young adults.
Presentation participation process_18042018Daina Birkenbauma- Havukoski School is undergoing renovations from 2018-2019 with a budget of 9.5 million euros to update its 30 year old building.
- The renovations aim to create a more extensive learning environment with open and flexible learning areas to support new pedagogical approaches.
- Teachers, students, and parents have provided input into the planning process through workshops and meetings with architects.
- The renovated school will feature both open learning spaces and traditional classrooms, with an emphasis on technology, well-being, and security.
Presentation (1)Daina BirkenbaumaLatvia is a Baltic country with a long history and rich culture. Some of the most important symbols of Latvia's independence include the Freedom Monument in Riga and the country's flag, one of the oldest in the world. Latvia celebrates its independence day on November 18th. Latvian culture is expressed through traditional folk dresses, Midsummer festivals, song and dance celebrations, and historical sites throughout the country in cities like Riga, Jelgava, and Stāmerienas. Latvia also takes pride in preserving its natural environments and being a center for sports like hockey, basketball, and football.
1. Astronomijas piedzīvojums
Kanāriju salās
Erasmus+ projekta „Priekšlaicīgas mācību pārtraukšanas riska mazināšana Jelgavas Vakara
(maiņu) vidusskolā”, līguma nr. 2016-1-LV01-KA101-022465, ietvaros
Daina Birkenbauma
Seminārs "Astronomijas izglītība Latvijā VI"
2016. gada 3. decembris, Rīgā