Andy fallonMattRogeroAndy Fallon is a renowned music photographer and art director known for his intimate portraits that capture the essence of his subjects. Some of the biggest artists he has photographed include Morrissey, REM's Michael Stipe, The Killers, Beth Ditto, George Martin, Dave Grohl, and Dizzpee Rascal. This particular image stands out for its bright, contrasting background that makes the artist pop. The framing focuses on the artist against the buildings and clouds in the background. The shot was taken looking up at the artist to frame them dramatically against the setting.
Andy fallonMattRogeroAndy Fallon is a renowned music photographer and art director known for his intimate portraits that capture the essence of his subjects. Some of the biggest artists he has photographed include Morrissey, REM's Michael Stipe, The Killers, Beth Ditto, George Martin, Dave Grohl, and Dizzpee Rascal. This particular image stands out for its bright, contrasting background that makes the artist pop. The framing focuses on the artist against the buildings and clouds in the background. The shot was taken looking up at the artist to frame them dramatically against the setting.
Cosas que quizá no sabías sobre la comunicación internaLuis Miguel Díaz-MecoEste documento describe seis formas en las que la comunicación interna puede ayudar a una empresa, incluyendo mejorar la reputación externa, descubrir el talento oculto de los empleados, establecer valores culturales, estimular la innovación, ahorrar tiempo y dinero, y mejorar la productividad y resultados.
Programa de liderazgoEscuela de TA UCREl documento habla sobre un programa gratuito de la UCR para formar líderes, en el que se imparten charlas y talleres periódicos sobre habilidades para el mundo laboral. Las personas interesadas pueden inscribirse en línea para recibir notificaciones sobre las actividades a través de los enlaces de Facebook e inscripción provistos.
Prez alcatrucFlo FlonflonEtude virtuelle consulting en social média
Tarea1 2do parcialmate2Lorena CovarrubiasEste documento describe los temas que los estudiantes deben investigar, presentar por escrito y estudiar, incluyendo los tipos de ángulos, los ángulos formados por dos rectas paralelas cortadas por una transversal, y los tipos de triángulos según sus lados y ángulos, con el fin de prepararse para una evaluación sobre estos temas.
Beowulf activities (edtech demo week 1)Mark Angelo NatividadThe document provides pre-reading and post-reading activities related to analyzing the epic poem Beowulf. It includes questions about characters, themes, and events in the poem. The pre-reading activities ask students to make connections between Beowulf and modern superheroes, analyze text structure, and make initial observations. The post-reading activities prompt students to examine passages that depict Beowulf's heroism, consider the consequences of revenge, analyze representations of good and evil, and imagine creating another challenge for Beowulf.
The bermuda triangleElie MintsThe Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious area in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda where many ships and planes have disappeared under unusual circumstances without a trace. Over the years, dozens of ships and aircraft have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle, including Flight 19 in 1945, the USS Cyclops in 1962, and the USS Nereus in 1910. There are several theories for what may cause disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, such as unusual weather patterns like hurricanes, electromagnetic interference that causes equipment to malfunction, or supernatural explanations like ancient curses. However, scientists have found no evidence that the number of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle is disproportionate to any other similarly sized area of ocean
Taller entorno natural huerto_escolarRedAndaluzadeEcoescuelasEl documento resume las características del Centro Público Rural (CPR) Valle de Andarax, una escuela ecológica ubicada en la provincia de Almería, España. El CPR atiende a 80 estudiantes de infantil y primaria en 5 pueblos pequeños a lo largo del valle del río Andarax. La escuela se enfoca en proyectos prácticos como un huerto escolar para conectar a los estudiantes con el entorno natural y rural.
Snack S44-2015SNACK Snacl : L'actu retail qui se mange sans faim
How to Win at Paid SearchCampanjaThis document discusses how to win at paid search through advanced bid optimization. It recommends optimizing bids by increasing bidding frequency from once per day to over 200 times per day. Additional gains come from understanding click value and adjusting for market shifts. Optimizing bids for device, location, and other modifiers can provide further gains. Regular testing of bidding strategies is important to objectively measure results against the current solution.
AAI-Supply-StrategyEric DowseyThis document outlines the supply process and team structure for a company that acquires and sells used scientific equipment. It includes:
1. An overview of the supply team and their responsibilities in finding labs and items for acquisition, qualifying leads, and facilitating transactions.
2. Details on the supply process from initial contact through purchase/sale, including evaluating items, marketing qualified items, and converting supply into inventory or completing wholesale/retail deals.
3. A breakdown of the daily schedules and responsibilities of the supply manager and coordinators in areas like acquisitions, logistics, and marketing.
Supreme Group!!SUPREME PROPERTIESHaiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations, which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just 3 sentences, it promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations and publishing them to ݺߣShare.
radioshowpodcast (2)Shannon SmithThis document contains the script for a radio show segment. It includes introductions of a song and discussion of controversy over Glamour Magazine naming Caitlyn Jenner "Woman of the Year". The hosts ask listeners to call in and give their opinions on whether Jenner winning was offensive or if other women who have made real contributions to causes were more deserving. It also includes a weather report segment sponsored by Dunkin Donuts.
яркая осень Валерия КулешДанная работа - это практико - ориентированный познавательно - творческий проект для младших дошкольников. Основная цель - развитие познавательных способностей у малышей, т.е. интереса и желания узнавать что-то новое о мире, в котором они живут. Именно эти способности позволяют ребенку находить оригинальные способы решения задач, создавать и воплощать замысел игры или рисунка.
интегация образовательных областей в работе педагога психолога –Школа 1770Интеграция образовательных областей в работе педагога- психолога и воспитателей в условиях внедрения ФГОС ДО
Экологический проект «Зеленая елочка – живая иголочка»mk-shahterskЦель: формирование у детей дошкольного возраста ответственного отношения к природным ресурсам родного края.
1. С целью установления тесного сотрудничества педагога и родителей
для успешного воспитания и развития воспитанников, в нашей группе
прошла игра – викторина «Осенняя пора»
Основными задачами викторины были:
закрепление знаний детей о явлениях живой и неживой
природы осеннего времени года;
активизация психических процессов: памяти, внимания,
восприятия, речи, воображения;
формирование навыка коллективного общения и
создание положительных эмоциональных переживаний
и настроения весёлых состязаний детей и родителей.
Ребята соревновались с мамами и
бабушками в разгадывании загадок и
кроссвордов, успешно справились с
блиц-опросом о сезонных признаках
осени, выполняли задания на скорость,
находили опавшие с разных деревьев
листочки. А самое главное то, что
команда ребят выиграла у команды
родителей с разрывом в 5 баллов.
Победители получили призы,
а команда родителей декоративные