StatinSanjoy Kumar SahaStatins are a class of drugs that lower cholesterol by inhibiting its production in the liver. They have been shown to significantly reduce risks of cardiovascular events. While generally safe and effective for primary prevention when LDL is over 190 mg/dL, statins can cause side effects like muscle pain and cognitive issues. They work best when started before or after CABG to improve graft patency. Rosuvastatin and atorvastatin may provide the greatest benefits for postoperative CABG patients by allowing LDL to be lowered below 100 mg/dL. Maintaining LDL at this level can nearly double venous graft patency rates.
A Recipe For $uccess: Tracking & Converting Supporters for Maximum ResultsCare2Team*Watch or download the full webinar (with audio and slides) at:
"So you've acquired them. Now what?!"
Converting new subscribers to donors of course depends on the RIGHT communication strategy; but maximizing the return on your online constituency growth investment depends on the RIGHT data and the RIGHT interpretation.
Do you have a plan? Do you know what to look for? ...and what it all means?
Join Janna Chan of the Center for Reproductive Rights (formerly of Lambda Legal and M+R Strategic Services) and two Grams (Jaime Grams of Integral and Dane Grams of Care2, formerly of GLSEN and HRC) for our latest Expert Webinar:
"A Recipe for $uccess: Tracking & Converting to Maximize Returns" on Tuesday 5/22 at 2PM ET
Learn from this real-life example how to manage and track new online subscribers and how it can help guide you on your communications and fundraising, as well as pinpoint the real value of your nonprofit's supporters.
In this webinar you will learn:
Why it is important to recruit new supporters
How to keep online subscribers engaged, involved and converting to donors
What are the right metrics for measuring success, short term and long term
How to compare your online investment to other direct response and marketing channels
Struts2Satyanarayana PampanaStruts is a MVC framework that uses design patterns like MVC, Command, Adapter and Template Method. It handles exceptions through configuration files and passes control to error pages. It has tag libraries for beans, HTML, logic and nesting tags. Struts controllers act as front controllers and exceptions are defined in configuration files to redirect to error pages.