???? ???? ???? ???
??? ???? ???? ????
??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?????.
?? ??? ??? ? ???? ?? ????? ?? ? ??? ?? ?????.
Fair and reasonable low performer(C-Player) management is essential to increase organizational productivity and efficiency and create healthy tensions.
Learn about the design and operation of a low performer management program based on labor law.
?? ???? ?? ????
Essentials of Human Resource Management Based on Labor Law
Objetivos de Aprendizagem:
? Identificar os antecedentes hist¨®ricos da gest?o de
? Identificar as principais fases e modelos de gest?o
de pessoas;
? Conceituar e caracterizar a organiza??o;
? Caracterizar a rela??o entre as organiza??es e as
O documento fornece dicas sobre recrutamento e sele??o. Resume conceitos e etapas dos processos de recrutamento e sele??o, al¨¦m de fornecer dicas para candidatos sobre curr¨ªculos, entrevistas de emprego e redes sociais.
This document discusses performance appraisal, including its purpose, design, and key success factors. It begins by defining the goals of performance appraisal as maximizing contribution to business objectives and providing an ongoing development cycle. It then covers designing an effective system, including using a competency-based approach, multi-rater feedback, and focusing on future development. The document emphasizes linking individual performance plans to business, functional, and team objectives. It concludes that clear communication and addressing cultural aspects are critical to the success of any performance appraisal system.
Employee empowerment involves increasing the enabling capacity of individuals by sharing authority and power with lower-level employees so they can make more decisions. This allows employees to better serve customers and feel more in control. Ways to empower employees include expressing confidence in them, including them in decision making, and giving them freedom and autonomy while limiting coercive power. Benefits include improved satisfaction and performance from employees and increased trust in the organization. However, some managers may be reluctant to give up control or share power. Overall, empowerment can be a positive element that develops loyalty if implemented based on organizational needs.
The document discusses different types of pay structures used by organizations, including:
1) Narrow-graded structures which have defined pay grades with small ranges and provide scope for progression.
2) Broadbanded structures which reduce the number of grades into wider bands for more flexibility.
3) Career family and job family structures which group jobs by common functions or processes into levels with consistent pay ranges.
4) Pay spines used in public sector with incremental pay points and grades attached. The document compares advantages and disadvantages of different structures.
This document discusses job evaluation, which is defined as a systematic process for determining the relative worth of jobs within an organization in order to establish pay structures. Job evaluation is important for maintaining accurate job descriptions, setting fair job rankings and pay scales, and reducing grievances. There are analytical methods that use quantitative factors and rankings, like point-ranking and factor comparison, and non-analytical methods like ranking, paired comparison, and job grading that rely more on subjective evaluations. To make job evaluation effective, organizations should involve employees, train evaluators well, get management support, clearly define job factors, focus on jobs not individuals, and consider union views.
The document discusses how to manage oneself effectively. It emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge, including understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and preferred work style. It recommends using feedback analysis over time to gain insights into one's abilities. Fitting work responsibilities to one's strengths, values, and preferred performance style is key to maximizing one's contributions and success. Managing oneself well involves continuous self-reflection to excel within one's capabilities.
The document discusses employee compensation, including the meaning and objectives of compensation systems. It provides examples of direct compensation such as basic pay and allowances, and indirect compensation like benefits. The objectives of an effective compensation plan are outlined, such as paying employees based on their abilities and motivating productivity. Examples of compensation plans are provided, including hourly wages, annual salaries, retirement savings, bonuses, health benefits, and more.
Job design has evolved over time from early concepts like division of labor to more modern approaches. Adam Smith introduced division of labor while Fayol emphasized administration. Taylor introduced scientific management focusing on specialization, standardization, and simplification. Herzberg later introduced job enrichment to provide intrinsic motivation through responsibility, achievement, and growth. Job analysis involves understanding job content, requirements, and context to effectively design jobs. Common job design approaches include enrichment, enlargement, rotation, and flexibility. The goal is to optimize productivity and satisfaction through meaningful, well-structured work.
Motiva??o teorias cl¨¢ssicas e contempor?neasPsicologia_2015
Este documento discute as principais teorias da motiva??o no trabalho, incluindo as teorias de Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor, Vroom e Skinner. Tamb¨¦m fornece implica??es para gestores em como motivar funcion¨¢rios por meio de desafios, autonomia, feedback e reconhecimento.
The document discusses performance management and performance appraisal. It defines performance management as a process where managers and employees work together to set expectations, review results, and reward performance. Performance appraisal is defined as a formal system to periodically review and evaluate an individual's or team's job performance. The document also discusses different methods of performance appraisal and common problems with performance appraisal systems.
1) Power refers to the ability to influence others and is present in any relationship. It derives from both personal attributes like skills and reputation as well as professional attributes like controlling resources.
2) There are different types of power including legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, and referent power which come from positions, ability to give rewards, ability to punish, expertise, and respect/liking respectively.
3) Organizational politics involves influencing the distribution of advantages through activities not formally required but that are used to achieve preferred outcomes when choices are disagreeable or uncertain. Common political strategies include forming alliances, selective use of information, and networking.
1-T¨ªtulo: O papel do analista de cargos e sal¨¢rios.2-Como ¨¦ a carreira de quem ¨¦ formado em Log¨ªstica?O Brasil, por ser um pa¨ªs muito extenso ¡ª cerca de 8.516.000 km? ¡ª precisa de processos bem consolidados de log¨ªstica. Com a precariedade do nosso sistema de transporte, por exemplo, um dos maiores desafios do profissional formado em log¨ªstica ¨¦ descobrir e selecionar o melhor meio para cada tipo de carregamento. Por¨¦m, essa ¨¦ apenas uma das in¨²meras atividades realizadas por esse profissional. A carreira do profissional de log¨ªstica.Dentro desse promissor mercado, existem in¨²meros cargos a serem ocupados. Mais adiante est?o listadas algumas das principais fun??es e sal¨¢rios no setor. Assim, ¨¦ poss¨ªvel conhecer um pouco mais sobre a carreira e para ent?o investir. 3-Quadro com os principais cargos ocupados pelo profissional de log¨ªstica. 4- Iniciando...5- Objetivos. 6-Defini??es. 7-Conceito de cargo.8-conceito de cargo.9-Conceito de Cargo.10- Import?ncia......
1. Leadership development, learning opportunities, and employee retention are correlated. When organizations invest in leadership training, employees are less likely to leave and engagement increases.
2. There are different learning approaches for different generations, including classroom, work projects, coaching, and exposure to events. Creating a challenging environment where employees can constantly learn and progress is important for retention.
3. Learning and professional growth should be acknowledged as core values for employee development, regardless of generation. Strategies like the Evergreen Project have shown organizations that focus on these areas can achieve superior long-term performance.
Scott Wheeler, the human resources director of International Forest Products Company, has to make the difficult decision to cut 30% of the workforce due to the economic recession. He must consider the impact on the union, surrounding community, competitors, and shareholders. The union will want to protect seniority-based layoffs. The community is already struggling economically and more layoffs will further depress it. Competitors have also cut hundreds of jobs, so IFP must cut costs to remain competitive. Finally, shareholders are primarily concerned with return on investment over social responsibility. Scott feels overwhelmed balancing these conflicting interests in developing a downsizing plan.
Breve apresenta??o sobre como funciona o sistema de integra??o de novos funcion¨¢rios em empresas. Apresentei para a mat¨¦ria de gest?o de pessoas no meu curso de log¨ªstica na ETEC
Job evaluation is the process by which companies determine employee compensation. It involves analyzing each job based on factors like education, responsibility, discretion, and impact levels. Jobs are then evaluated and assigned levels that determine salaries and financial/non-financial rewards. Techniques for job evaluation include non-quantitative methods like simple ranking, paired comparison, and grading. Quantitative methods include point, factor comparison, and Hay methods. Job evaluation aims to establish a fair wage structure by assessing the relative worth of different jobs.
O documento descreve as principais caracter¨ªsticas da teoria neocl¨¢ssica da administra??o, incluindo ¨ºnfase na pr¨¢tica, reafirma??o dos conceitos cl¨¢ssicos e ¨ºnfase nos objetivos e resultados. Tamb¨¦m discute princ¨ªpios como divis?o do trabalho, hierarquia e amplitude administrativa.
O documento apresenta o plano de remunera??o da empresa S¨®lida Edifica??es Ltda., definindo os sal¨¢rios de cada fun??o como pedreiros, carpinteiros, engenheiros, entre outros. O plano busca recompensar os funcion¨¢rios de forma justa e motiv¨¢-los, al¨¦m de oferecer benef¨ªcios como transporte, alimenta??o e confraterniza??es. A empresa monitora os custos para garantir a sustentabilidade do plano e o equil¨ªbrio entre os objetivos dos funcion¨¢rios e da organiza??o.
Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information about the duties, responsibilities, skills, and qualifications of a specific job. It involves systematically exploring the tasks and activities within a job to understand what the job entails. The key aspects of job analysis include determining the duties and skill requirements of a job, developing a job description and job specification, and using this information for human resource planning and other HR functions like recruitment, selection, training, and performance management.
Job analysis is the systematic process of collecting information about jobs within an organization. It involves analyzing tasks, duties, responsibilities, skills and qualifications required for each job. The key methods used for job analysis include observation, interviews, questionnaires, checklists and critical incident reports. The main uses of job analysis data include human resource planning, recruitment, training, performance evaluation, job design and health and safety compliance. Conducting regular job analysis helps organizations ensure their jobs and employees requirements remain aligned.
The document discusses employee compensation, including the meaning and objectives of compensation systems. It provides examples of direct compensation such as basic pay and allowances, and indirect compensation like benefits. The objectives of an effective compensation plan are outlined, such as paying employees based on their abilities and motivating productivity. Examples of compensation plans are provided, including hourly wages, annual salaries, retirement savings, bonuses, health benefits, and more.
Job design has evolved over time from early concepts like division of labor to more modern approaches. Adam Smith introduced division of labor while Fayol emphasized administration. Taylor introduced scientific management focusing on specialization, standardization, and simplification. Herzberg later introduced job enrichment to provide intrinsic motivation through responsibility, achievement, and growth. Job analysis involves understanding job content, requirements, and context to effectively design jobs. Common job design approaches include enrichment, enlargement, rotation, and flexibility. The goal is to optimize productivity and satisfaction through meaningful, well-structured work.
Motiva??o teorias cl¨¢ssicas e contempor?neasPsicologia_2015
Este documento discute as principais teorias da motiva??o no trabalho, incluindo as teorias de Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor, Vroom e Skinner. Tamb¨¦m fornece implica??es para gestores em como motivar funcion¨¢rios por meio de desafios, autonomia, feedback e reconhecimento.
The document discusses performance management and performance appraisal. It defines performance management as a process where managers and employees work together to set expectations, review results, and reward performance. Performance appraisal is defined as a formal system to periodically review and evaluate an individual's or team's job performance. The document also discusses different methods of performance appraisal and common problems with performance appraisal systems.
1) Power refers to the ability to influence others and is present in any relationship. It derives from both personal attributes like skills and reputation as well as professional attributes like controlling resources.
2) There are different types of power including legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, and referent power which come from positions, ability to give rewards, ability to punish, expertise, and respect/liking respectively.
3) Organizational politics involves influencing the distribution of advantages through activities not formally required but that are used to achieve preferred outcomes when choices are disagreeable or uncertain. Common political strategies include forming alliances, selective use of information, and networking.
1-T¨ªtulo: O papel do analista de cargos e sal¨¢rios.2-Como ¨¦ a carreira de quem ¨¦ formado em Log¨ªstica?O Brasil, por ser um pa¨ªs muito extenso ¡ª cerca de 8.516.000 km? ¡ª precisa de processos bem consolidados de log¨ªstica. Com a precariedade do nosso sistema de transporte, por exemplo, um dos maiores desafios do profissional formado em log¨ªstica ¨¦ descobrir e selecionar o melhor meio para cada tipo de carregamento. Por¨¦m, essa ¨¦ apenas uma das in¨²meras atividades realizadas por esse profissional. A carreira do profissional de log¨ªstica.Dentro desse promissor mercado, existem in¨²meros cargos a serem ocupados. Mais adiante est?o listadas algumas das principais fun??es e sal¨¢rios no setor. Assim, ¨¦ poss¨ªvel conhecer um pouco mais sobre a carreira e para ent?o investir. 3-Quadro com os principais cargos ocupados pelo profissional de log¨ªstica. 4- Iniciando...5- Objetivos. 6-Defini??es. 7-Conceito de cargo.8-conceito de cargo.9-Conceito de Cargo.10- Import?ncia......
1. Leadership development, learning opportunities, and employee retention are correlated. When organizations invest in leadership training, employees are less likely to leave and engagement increases.
2. There are different learning approaches for different generations, including classroom, work projects, coaching, and exposure to events. Creating a challenging environment where employees can constantly learn and progress is important for retention.
3. Learning and professional growth should be acknowledged as core values for employee development, regardless of generation. Strategies like the Evergreen Project have shown organizations that focus on these areas can achieve superior long-term performance.
Scott Wheeler, the human resources director of International Forest Products Company, has to make the difficult decision to cut 30% of the workforce due to the economic recession. He must consider the impact on the union, surrounding community, competitors, and shareholders. The union will want to protect seniority-based layoffs. The community is already struggling economically and more layoffs will further depress it. Competitors have also cut hundreds of jobs, so IFP must cut costs to remain competitive. Finally, shareholders are primarily concerned with return on investment over social responsibility. Scott feels overwhelmed balancing these conflicting interests in developing a downsizing plan.
Breve apresenta??o sobre como funciona o sistema de integra??o de novos funcion¨¢rios em empresas. Apresentei para a mat¨¦ria de gest?o de pessoas no meu curso de log¨ªstica na ETEC
Job evaluation is the process by which companies determine employee compensation. It involves analyzing each job based on factors like education, responsibility, discretion, and impact levels. Jobs are then evaluated and assigned levels that determine salaries and financial/non-financial rewards. Techniques for job evaluation include non-quantitative methods like simple ranking, paired comparison, and grading. Quantitative methods include point, factor comparison, and Hay methods. Job evaluation aims to establish a fair wage structure by assessing the relative worth of different jobs.
O documento descreve as principais caracter¨ªsticas da teoria neocl¨¢ssica da administra??o, incluindo ¨ºnfase na pr¨¢tica, reafirma??o dos conceitos cl¨¢ssicos e ¨ºnfase nos objetivos e resultados. Tamb¨¦m discute princ¨ªpios como divis?o do trabalho, hierarquia e amplitude administrativa.
O documento apresenta o plano de remunera??o da empresa S¨®lida Edifica??es Ltda., definindo os sal¨¢rios de cada fun??o como pedreiros, carpinteiros, engenheiros, entre outros. O plano busca recompensar os funcion¨¢rios de forma justa e motiv¨¢-los, al¨¦m de oferecer benef¨ªcios como transporte, alimenta??o e confraterniza??es. A empresa monitora os custos para garantir a sustentabilidade do plano e o equil¨ªbrio entre os objetivos dos funcion¨¢rios e da organiza??o.
Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information about the duties, responsibilities, skills, and qualifications of a specific job. It involves systematically exploring the tasks and activities within a job to understand what the job entails. The key aspects of job analysis include determining the duties and skill requirements of a job, developing a job description and job specification, and using this information for human resource planning and other HR functions like recruitment, selection, training, and performance management.
Job analysis is the systematic process of collecting information about jobs within an organization. It involves analyzing tasks, duties, responsibilities, skills and qualifications required for each job. The key methods used for job analysis include observation, interviews, questionnaires, checklists and critical incident reports. The main uses of job analysis data include human resource planning, recruitment, training, performance evaluation, job design and health and safety compliance. Conducting regular job analysis helps organizations ensure their jobs and employees requirements remain aligned.
?????, ??? ???? ? Off-shoring and ReshoringHRyon Lim
?? ?? ??? ????
Catching up with Global Business trends
???? ???? ???????? ???? ????. ? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????.
More and more overseas companies are returning to their countries. Find out why from a theoretical background.
? ??? ???? ?? "????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "Global Business" classes for undergraduates.
??? ????? ????? ? Urea water supply crisis and comparative advantageHRyon Lim
?? ?? ??? ????
Catching up with Global Business trends
??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ?????.
Learn about international trade theory based on the case of China's urea export restriction policy.
? ??? ???? ?? "????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "Global Business" classes for undergraduates.
??????? ???????? ? Misunderstanding about KODAKHRyon Lim
?? ??? ????
15? ??? ?? ???
??? ???? ???
??? ??? ?, ??? ??? ?? ?? ?????.
The arrogance of industry powerhouses?
15 years of patent war?
Entering a new market?
Let¡¯s learn about the path Kodak has taken and the path ahead.
??-?? ? ????? ??? ??? ? What is needed for perfect superiors-subordinate matc...HRyon Lim
??-?? ? ????? ??? ???
What is needed for perfect superiors-subordinate matching at work?
??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ????, ??? ?????? ?? ?????.
We learn about the leadership needs of superiors and subordinates and understand the leadership pipeline.
?? ?? ??? ????
Catching up with Global Business trends
?? ??? ??? ??? ????. ????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????.
The burger market is changing.
We examine the global business strategies of the burger market through examples of globalization and localization.
? ??? ???? ?? "????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "Global Business" classes for undergraduates.
?? ??? ?? ???
????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ???.
- ??? ? ????
- ????? ??
- ??? ? ???? ?? ?? ??
Complaints about assessment results should be resolved from a correct understanding of the assessment system.
- Why evaluate?
- Development of evaluation indicators
- Correcting the errors of the evaluator and the evaluated
?????? ??? ??? ???? l Leadership in Research OrganizationsHRyon Lim
???? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ????.
??? ? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ????,
?? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ??? ? ?????
The key to leadership is to take the center of the organization.
In order to balance the expectations of the organization and its members,
how can you show effective leadership especially in research organizations where goals and autonomy are important?
? 'eSg'??? l Why should we do 'eSg' management?HRyon Lim
"ESG, ? ?? ????¡±
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??? ???????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ???
ESG ??? ??? ??? ????, ??? ??? ?????.
??? ??(Social) ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ?? ???? ??? ???,
??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ? ??? ???.
? ??? ???? ??? ???????.
¡°ESG, do I have to?¡±
It's a particularly difficult topic for small and medium-sized companies.
For coexistence with various stakeholders and sustainable management, ESG management has become a new opportunity for companies and a matter of survival.
Therefore, social issues and corporate growth should no longer be a conflicting issue, but should be used as an active preemptive countermeasure for companies.
Dahyun, a labor corporation, presents the solution.
???? ??? ? Win-Win Leadership between Labor and ManagementHRyon Lim
???? ??? ??? ????? ??
??? ??? ?? ????? ?? ?? ????.
? ???? ?? ?, ?? ? ??? ????? ???? ??.
??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????.
???? ????? ??? ??? ???????.
People come together with like-minded people and join forces to enforce their positions.
In the process, confrontations between factions and powers inevitably arise.
However, companies without co-existence have no future survival.
Let's find a win-win model with logic and sensitivity.
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?? ? ??? ??? ????, ???? ????? ???!
???? ??? ????, ?? ? ??? ?? ???? ???!
???? ???, ????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????
Organizational culture is the cause of all problems, both large and small, in the organization.
When a case of sexual harassment in the workplace occurs, a sexist organizational culture is a problem!
When a workplace harassment incident occurs, the hierarchical organizational culture is a problem!
When a major disaster occurs, insensitivity to safety within the organization is a problem!
So, how well do we know about organizational culture?
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??? ??? ?? ????,
??? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????.
Easy-to-know Business Administration
These days, semiconductors have caused a stir around the world.
Lots of companies are suffering from a severe disruption of manufacturing plants and discontinuation of models because they couldn't get semiconductors.
Today, we're going to look at the semiconductor short-tage phenomenon that started early this year.
Why is japan like that? ? ??? ? ???? _ ???? ??? ????HRyon Lim
?? ?? ??? ????
Catching up with Global Business trends
?????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????.
Learn about Japan's behavior in the international community.
??? ?? ?? ????? ??/??? ??? ?????.
Look at the long-term recession they are experiencing(Lost Decade) and the backside of politics and economy.
?????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????.
?????? ????, ?? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?????.
Controversy is heating up in various circles over the introduction of the board level employee representation system.
Let's focus on what the BLER is and the effectiveness of the system's introduction.
Netflix Organizational Culture HR Case Study l ?????? ???? ????? ????HRyon Lim
??? ?? ??, ????? ????? ?? ?????.
Learn about the organizational culture of Netflix, a company without rules.
? ??? ???? ?? "??????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "Human Resource Management" classes for undergraduates.
US - China New Cold War l ?? ??? _ ???? ??? ????HRyon Lim
?? ?? ??? ????
Catching up with Global Business trends
?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????. ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ? ????? ?? ??????.
To understand the international business environment, we look at the current trade conflict between the United States and China. Through this, we think about the management strategies that global companies need to take.
? ??? ???? ?? "????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "International Management" classes for undergraduates.
????? ??? ?? ?? ??
?????? ??? ?? ???.
??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ? ???? ?????.
????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ?????.
Middle manager leadership capacity building course
The middle manager is the back of the organization.
Poorly centered around the back of the organization creates significant operational difficulties.
Introducing a mid-manager-centering leadership project that can be recognized by the boss and supported by the junior.
???? ??? ??? ??????!
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??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???.
??, ???? ????? ?? ???,
??? ??? ??? ? ??? ?? ? ??? ????? ????.
?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?????,
??? ??? ??,
?????? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????.
Leadership is not power but empowerment!
There are only a few causes of a happy family,
There are as many causes of unhappy families as there are unhappy families.
There are many reasons for success in leadership,
There are only a few causes of leadership failure.
Mainly because of individual desires
Aiming to improve communication capabilities for empowerment.