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An Overview on Accounting Manual and Fixed Assets Manual of
SJIBL. Banks Accounting System, Chart of Accounts - Consequences
of Wrong Posting and Misreporting on Profitability and Customer
Md. Jafar Sadeq FCA
Chief Financial Officer
Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited
An Overview on Accounting Manual
Fixed Assets Manual
Banks Accounting System
Chart of Accounts -
Consequences of Wrong Posting and
Misreporting on Profitability
2. Recording of transactions
in compliance with BAS and
BFRS and the circulars and
guidelines issued by
Bangladesh Bank (BB).
4. To enhance internal control
and compliance, integrity of
financial information and
efficiency in transaction
1. To provide a comprehensive
idea about the recording of
transactions in the System i.e.
BankUltimus in day to day
3. To ensure uniformity and
consistency of accounting entries
made across different department
/division/unit/branch over time.
Accounting Manual of the Bank
Objectives of Accounting Manual:
Accounting Manual of the Bank
1. Introduction [Objective, scope, chart of accounts, designed of manual, Bank Ul timus,
2. Significant Accounting Policies
3. Accounting Entries of Branch and different Divisions:
Branch (Investment, General Banking & Foreign Exchange)
Financial Administration Division (FAD)
Treasury Division
Alternative Delivery Channel (ADC) -Card Division
International Division (ID)
Central Processing Center (CPC)
Bangladesh Automated Clearing House (BACH)
Off-Shore Banking Unit (OBU)
4. GL Chart of Accounts
5. Definition of different items
6. Glossary
Contents of Accounting Manual:
Definition of Fixed Assets
Classification of Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets can be defined under the purview of Bangladesh Accounting
Standard 16 as tangible items that:
are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for
rental to others or for administrative purposes;
are expected to be used during more than one period.
Fixed Assets Manual
Tangible Assets
Land and Building
Furniture and Fixture
Office Equipment
Motor Vehicles
Computer and Network Equipment
Leased assets
Intangible Assets
Fixed Assets Manual
Content Here
Recognition of Fixed Assets
Acquisition of Fixed Assets
Recording of Fixed Assets
The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be recognized as an asset if, and
only if:
it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity;
the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
Assets may be acquired by the following two ways:
1. By Purchase
2. By Lease
Fixed Assets Register will be maintained in the system and no manual register is required.
Fixed Assets Register in the system shall reflect the following information:
Description of the asset
Date of acquisition
Cost of Assets
Method of depreciation
Rate of depreciation
Depreciation for the year
Accumulated depreciation
Written down value of the assets
Identification number
Location of the asset, etc
Fixed Assets Manual
The only asset which is not depreciated is land. Depreciation of fixed assets shall
be calculated in the straight line as well as reducing balance method.
Depreciation of the assets will be charged from the date of acquisition. The basis of
calculating depreciation will be as follows:
A summary of Rate and Method of Depreciation of Fixed Assets at a glance:
Name of the Assets Rates of
Method of Depreciation
Tangible Assets:
Building 2.25% Reducing balance method
Furniture & Fixtures 10% Reducing balance method
Furniture & Fixtures- residence 20% Straight Line Method
Office Equipment 20% Reducing balance method
Computer & Network Equipment 20% Straight Line Method
Vehicles 20% Straight Line Method
Books 20% Straight Line Method
Intangible Assets:
Software 20% Straight Line Method
Depreciation of Fixed Assets:
Accounting is a systematic
process of recording, analyzing
and summarizing transactions of
an entity.
The transactions are
recorded in the books of
original entry
The transactions are then
analyzed and posted in the
Finally, the transactions
are summarized in the
Financial Statements
What is accounting?
The Objective of
Financial Statements
The Objective of Financial Statements is to
provide information about the reporting
entitys financial position and financial
performance that is useful to a wide range of
users in making economic decisions.
Banks Accounting System
Present and
Suppliers and
other trade
and their
and their
Banks Accounting System
Users of
Accounting Conventions:
There are four main conventions in practice in accounting: conservatism; consistency; full disclosure; a
nd materiality.
Conservatism Materiality
Consistency Full disclosure
Business entity concept
Money measurement concept
Dual aspect concept
Going concern concept
Cost concept
Matching concept
Realization concept
Banks Accounting System
Accounting Concept:
Accounting concepts is basically the accounting rules that should be followed while preparing the
financial statements. Some Accounting concepts on which financial statements are prepared
Banks Accounting System
The Golden Rule of Accounting
Component of Financial Statements
Balance Sheet Income Statement
Cash Flow Statement Liquidity Statements
Notes to the Financial
Statement of
Changes in Equity
Banks Accounting System
Elements of
Balance Sheet
& Equity
Income Statement
The Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with:
The guidelines of Islamic Banking issued by
Bangladesh Bank through BRPD Circular # 15
dated 09.11. 2009
The Company Act 1994
The Bank Company Act 1991 (Amendment up
to 2018)
The Securities and Exchange Rules ,1987
Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards
International Accounting Standard (IAS) as
adopted by the ICAB
The Financial Reporting Act 2015
Listing Regulation of Dhaka Stock Exchange
& Chittagong Stock Exchange, and
Other applicable laws and regulations.
Banks Accounting System
Accounting Information System (AIS)
An accounting as an information system (AIS) is a system of collecting, storing and processing
financial and accounting data that are used by decision makers. An accounting information system is
generally a computer-based method for tracking accounting activity in conjunction with information
technology resources.
AIS is a structure that a business uses to collect, store, manage, process, retrieve and report its
financial data so that it can be used by accountants, consultants, business analysts, managers, chief
financial officers (CFOs), auditors, regulators and tax agencies.
Element of
Accounting &
There is no common
structure or template
of chart of accounts
available for the use
of all types of
Chart of accounts is
simply a list of account
names that a company
uses in its general ledger
for recording various
business transactions.
It provides guidance to
accountants or other relevant
persons in using specific
account names while entering
transactions in journal and
posting them to ledger.
Each company prepares its
own chart of accounts
depending on its individual
The structure of a chart of
accounts is normally as complex
as the business structure of the
Chart of Accounts
Balance Sheet
Liabilities &
Owners Equity
Income Statement
Operating Revenue
Non- Operating Revenue
Operating Expenses
Non- Operating Expenses
Chart of Accounts
Chart of Accounts
Asset GL
 It starts with the numeric 901. That means, all the GL numbers
starting with 901 are assets.
Liability and
Equity GL
 Liability and Equity GLs begin with the numeric 902. That is, all
the GL numbers starting with 902 are either Liability or Equity.
Income GL
 It starts with the numeric 904. Therefore, all GL numbers starting
with 904 are incomes.
Expense GL
 It starts with the numeric 903. So, all GL numbers starting with
903 are expenses.
Branch [GB,
Channel (ADC)
 Card Division International
Center (CPC)
Clearing House
The overstatement/
understatement of Assets
The overstatement/
understatement of
The overstatement/
understatement of Income
The overstatement/
understatement of
Typing errors
Record keeping  capital expenditure to
revenue expenditure or revenue
expenditure to capital expenditure
Human errors due to discrepancies in the
account number
Posting in wrong GL account
Total Income of X Bank Ltd. is Tk. 5,00,00,000 and Operating Expenses is Tk. 4,00,00 000 for the year 2019.
The Bank purchased an office equipment for Tk. 10,00,000/= during this year. Estimated useful life of the
equipment is 5 years. Use straight line method for depreciation. Calculate the Net Profit of the Bank for the year
2018. Rate of Depreciation is 20%.
1. If the cost of equipment is charged as revenue expenses, the result will be:
Particulars Taka Remarks
Operating Income 5,00,00,000
Less: Operating Expenses 4,00,00,000
Operating Profit 1,00,00,000
Less: Depreciation 2,00,000
Net Profit before tax 98,00,000
Income Tax @ 37.5% 36,75,000
Net Profit after Tax 61,25,000
2. If the cost of equipment is charged as capital expenditure, the result will be:
Particulars Taka Remarks
Operating Income 5,00,00,000
Less: Operating Expenses * 4,10,00,000
Operating Profit 90,00,000
Less: Depreciation ----
Net Profit before tax 90,00,000
Income Tax @ 37.5% 33,75,000
Net Profit after Tax 56,25,000
[ * Taka 4,00,00,000+10,00,000 = 4,10,00,000]
Thank You

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Class_1_20.11.20 (final).pptx

  • 1. An Overview on Accounting Manual and Fixed Assets Manual of SJIBL. Banks Accounting System, Chart of Accounts - Consequences of Wrong Posting and Misreporting on Profitability and Customer Satisfaction. Presented By Md. Jafar Sadeq FCA Chief Financial Officer Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited
  • 2. Contents An Overview on Accounting Manual 1 Fixed Assets Manual 2 Banks Accounting System 3 Chart of Accounts - 4 Consequences of Wrong Posting and Misreporting on Profitability 5
  • 3. 2. Recording of transactions in compliance with BAS and BFRS and the circulars and guidelines issued by Bangladesh Bank (BB). 4. To enhance internal control and compliance, integrity of financial information and efficiency in transaction processing. 1. To provide a comprehensive idea about the recording of transactions in the System i.e. BankUltimus in day to day operations. 3. To ensure uniformity and consistency of accounting entries made across different department /division/unit/branch over time. Accounting Manual of the Bank Objectives of Accounting Manual:
  • 4. Accounting Manual of the Bank 1. Introduction [Objective, scope, chart of accounts, designed of manual, Bank Ul timus, Review] 2. Significant Accounting Policies 3. Accounting Entries of Branch and different Divisions: Branch (Investment, General Banking & Foreign Exchange) Financial Administration Division (FAD) Treasury Division Alternative Delivery Channel (ADC) -Card Division International Division (ID) Central Processing Center (CPC) Bangladesh Automated Clearing House (BACH) Off-Shore Banking Unit (OBU) 4. GL Chart of Accounts 5. Definition of different items 6. Glossary Contents of Accounting Manual:
  • 5. Fixed Assets Definition of Fixed Assets Classification of Fixed Assets Fixed Assets can be defined under the purview of Bangladesh Accounting Standard 16 as tangible items that: are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others or for administrative purposes; are expected to be used during more than one period. . Fixed Assets Manual Tangible Assets Land and Building Furniture and Fixture Office Equipment Motor Vehicles Computer and Network Equipment Books Leased assets Intangible Assets Software
  • 6. Fixed Assets Manual Content Here Recognition of Fixed Assets Acquisition of Fixed Assets Recording of Fixed Assets The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be recognized as an asset if, and only if: it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity; the cost of the item can be measured reliably. Assets may be acquired by the following two ways: 1. By Purchase 2. By Lease Fixed Assets Register will be maintained in the system and no manual register is required. Fixed Assets Register in the system shall reflect the following information: Description of the asset Date of acquisition Cost of Assets Method of depreciation Rate of depreciation Depreciation for the year Accumulated depreciation Written down value of the assets Identification number Location of the asset, etc
  • 7. Fixed Assets Manual The only asset which is not depreciated is land. Depreciation of fixed assets shall be calculated in the straight line as well as reducing balance method. Depreciation of the assets will be charged from the date of acquisition. The basis of calculating depreciation will be as follows: A summary of Rate and Method of Depreciation of Fixed Assets at a glance: Name of the Assets Rates of Depreciation Method of Depreciation Tangible Assets: Building 2.25% Reducing balance method Furniture & Fixtures 10% Reducing balance method Furniture & Fixtures- residence 20% Straight Line Method Office Equipment 20% Reducing balance method Computer & Network Equipment 20% Straight Line Method Vehicles 20% Straight Line Method Books 20% Straight Line Method Intangible Assets: Software 20% Straight Line Method Depreciation of Fixed Assets:
  • 8. Accounting is a systematic process of recording, analyzing and summarizing transactions of an entity. The transactions are recorded in the books of original entry The transactions are then analyzed and posted in the Ledgers Finally, the transactions are summarized in the Financial Statements What is accounting? The Objective of Financial Statements The Objective of Financial Statements is to provide information about the reporting entitys financial position and financial performance that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions. Banks Accounting System
  • 9. Present and potential investors Employees Lenders Suppliers and other trade creditors Customers Governments and their agencies Governments and their agencies Banks Accounting System Users of Financial Statements
  • 10. Accounting Conventions: There are four main conventions in practice in accounting: conservatism; consistency; full disclosure; a nd materiality. Conservatism Materiality Consistency Full disclosure Business entity concept Money measurement concept Dual aspect concept Going concern concept Cost concept Matching concept Realization concept Banks Accounting System Accounting Concept: Accounting concepts is basically the accounting rules that should be followed while preparing the financial statements. Some Accounting concepts on which financial statements are prepared
  • 11. Banks Accounting System The Golden Rule of Accounting Liabilities Owners Equity Assets Component of Financial Statements Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow Statement Liquidity Statements Notes to the Financial Statements Statement of Changes in Equity
  • 12. Banks Accounting System Income Elements of Financial Statements Balance Sheet Expenses Assets Liabilities & Equity Income Statement The Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with: The guidelines of Islamic Banking issued by Bangladesh Bank through BRPD Circular # 15 dated 09.11. 2009 The Company Act 1994 The Bank Company Act 1991 (Amendment up to 2018) The Securities and Exchange Rules ,1987 Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS) International Accounting Standard (IAS) as adopted by the ICAB The Financial Reporting Act 2015 Listing Regulation of Dhaka Stock Exchange & Chittagong Stock Exchange, and Other applicable laws and regulations.
  • 13. Banks Accounting System Accounting Information System (AIS) An accounting as an information system (AIS) is a system of collecting, storing and processing financial and accounting data that are used by decision makers. An accounting information system is generally a computer-based method for tracking accounting activity in conjunction with information technology resources. AIS is a structure that a business uses to collect, store, manage, process, retrieve and report its financial data so that it can be used by accountants, consultants, business analysts, managers, chief financial officers (CFOs), auditors, regulators and tax agencies. Inputs Processes Outputs Storage Internal controls Element of Accounting & Information Systems
  • 14. There is no common structure or template of chart of accounts available for the use of all types of businesses. Chart of accounts is simply a list of account names that a company uses in its general ledger for recording various business transactions. It provides guidance to accountants or other relevant persons in using specific account names while entering transactions in journal and posting them to ledger. Each company prepares its own chart of accounts depending on its individual requirements. The structure of a chart of accounts is normally as complex as the business structure of the company. Chart of Accounts
  • 15. Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities & Owners Equity Income Statement Operating Revenue Non- Operating Revenue Operating Expenses Non- Operating Expenses Chart of Accounts
  • 16. Chart of Accounts Asset GL It starts with the numeric 901. That means, all the GL numbers starting with 901 are assets. Liability and Equity GL Liability and Equity GLs begin with the numeric 902. That is, all the GL numbers starting with 902 are either Liability or Equity. Income GL It starts with the numeric 904. Therefore, all GL numbers starting with 904 are incomes. Expense GL It starts with the numeric 903. So, all GL numbers starting with 903 are expenses.
  • 17. Misreporting Branch [GB, Investment, Foreign Exchange] Financial Administration Division Treasury Division Alternative Delivery Channel (ADC) Card Division International Division Central Processing Center (CPC) Bangladesh Automated Clearing House (BACH)
  • 18. Consequences: The overstatement/ understatement of Assets The overstatement/ understatement of Liabilities The overstatement/ understatement of Income The overstatement/ understatement of Expenses Typing errors Record keeping capital expenditure to revenue expenditure or revenue expenditure to capital expenditure Human errors due to discrepancies in the account number Posting in wrong GL account Wrong posting
  • 19. Example: Total Income of X Bank Ltd. is Tk. 5,00,00,000 and Operating Expenses is Tk. 4,00,00 000 for the year 2019. The Bank purchased an office equipment for Tk. 10,00,000/= during this year. Estimated useful life of the equipment is 5 years. Use straight line method for depreciation. Calculate the Net Profit of the Bank for the year 2018. Rate of Depreciation is 20%. 1. If the cost of equipment is charged as revenue expenses, the result will be: Particulars Taka Remarks Operating Income 5,00,00,000 Less: Operating Expenses 4,00,00,000 Operating Profit 1,00,00,000 Less: Depreciation 2,00,000 Net Profit before tax 98,00,000 Income Tax @ 37.5% 36,75,000 Net Profit after Tax 61,25,000 2. If the cost of equipment is charged as capital expenditure, the result will be: Particulars Taka Remarks Operating Income 5,00,00,000 Less: Operating Expenses * 4,10,00,000 Operating Profit 90,00,000 Less: Depreciation ---- Net Profit before tax 90,00,000 Income Tax @ 37.5% 33,75,000 Net Profit after Tax 56,25,000 [ * Taka 4,00,00,000+10,00,000 = 4,10,00,000]