Social Media Workshop voor starters. Gegeven door Stefan Rooyackers op de startersdag 23 november 2011 in Rosmalen - Nederland
Social Media Workshop
23 november, Rosmalen
Stefan Rooyackers spreekt voor een grote groep starters op de startersdag in Rosmalen over Social Media.
Stefan Rooyackers is directeur van Internet Marketing Nederland die onder andere de volgende social media websites hebben
1. platform met vraag en aanbod social media producten en diensten
2. http://www.crowdhypotheek Hier worden hypotheken verkocht zonder bank maar met spaarders alles via notaris en kadaster.
3. een schil om Facebook en LinkedIn heen om snel vrienden en connecties te krijgen in je eigen land en sector.
Door de opkomst van social media stijgt de macht van de klanten c.q. het volk. De klant is niet langer alleen koning maar kan zich als dictator opstellen. Grote ondernemingen weten dit en monitoren de social media platforms en trachten klanten als kleine brandjes in de kiem te smoren. Het volk is immers via social media in staat om niet alleen regelingen te laten vallen maar ook bedrijven. Groot en klein.
Social media komt uit Amerika opzetten en is daar een rage. Je kunt niet meer zonder. Goede social media consultants zijn onbetaalbaar. In Europa is het nog niet zo ver. Echter er is toch een reden om vandaag al te beginnen met social media. De integratie tussen (SEO) en social media gaat er voor zorgen dat je straks simpelweg geen bezoekers meer krijgt van Google als je niet actief bent op social media. Een filmpje van Google toont dit aan. De opkomt van Google + zal dit alleen nog maar versnellen. Het wordt dan nog lastiger om in de top 10 van Google te komen. Immers je moet dan meer Likes / +1 / Share etc hebben dan de top 10 sites. Deze krijgen echter gratis veel bezoekers van Google en dus zullen daar de likes etc snel stijgen zodat ze nog steviger in de top 10 staan.
Is social media complex?
Ik wil eerst al degene die roepen Maak even een Twitter account aan en je zit op social media wakker schudden. Er zijn meer dan 100.000 social media platforms verdeeld over landen en doelgroepen. Daarnaast bestaat het social media uit meerdere vakgebieden zoals microbloggen, video marketing, livestream, livecast bookmarken, fora en sociale netwerken.
Desondanks hoeft social media niet zo complex te zijn. Voorwaarde is dat je weet wat je wilt bereiken.
Wat kan ik bereiken met Social Media?
In feite moet dit een afgeleide zijn van je businessplan, marketingplan en internetmarketingplan. Maar in 50% van alle gevallen gaan bedrijven social media bedrijven zonder een plan. Dit kan goed gaan. Het is in ieder geval wel beter om iets op papier te zetten. Bij een grotere organisatie zullen de doelstellingen per afdeling verschillend zijn, en dus de instrumenten om dit te realiseren.
This presentation focuses on:
How foreign assistance fits within in the Congressional budget process, the basics of foreign assistance funding
How foreign assistance fits into the current budget debates
How we can protect these programs aid effectiveness and circle of protection SO THAT YOU CAN BETTER FIGHT AND DEFEND FOREIGN ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS
This document provides information for participants attending Bread for the World's 2013 National Gathering held in Washington D.C. from June 8-11, 2013. The gathering's theme is "A Place at the Table" and will include workshops, presentations, worship services, a documentary screening, and a musical performance about ending hunger. On the final day, participants will engage in lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill. The document outlines the schedule, speakers, and logistics for attending the gathering.
The document outlines the agenda for a conference on sustaining political commitments to scaling up nutrition. The all-day event included opening and keynote addresses, panel discussions on taking stock of global and country-level progress in nutrition and looking ahead to future goals, workshops on best practices and the roles of different stakeholders, and breakout sessions. Panelists represented organizations such as USAID, the World Bank, IFPRI, and country-level participants from places like Tanzania, Bangladesh, and Guatemala. The goal was to discuss sustaining commitments and taking efforts to scale up nutrition to more people.
The document provides data on child and maternal mortality rates and immunization rates for various countries and regions. Some key details:
- Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest child mortality rates in the world at 76 deaths per 1000 live births for children under 1 and 121 deaths per 1000 for children under 5. Maternal mortality is also highest in this region at 500 deaths per 100,000 live births.
- Immunization rates for measles and DPT vaccines vary widely across countries from over 90% in some to under 50% in others like Central African Republic and Somalia.
- South Asia has the second highest child mortality rates globally at 52 deaths per 1000 for children under 1 and 67 for under 5. M
This document provides an overview of different text genres for senior high school students in Indonesia. It discusses 12 common text types including analytical exposition, anecdote, description, narrative, procedure, news, discussion, explanation, hortatory exposition, report, spoof, and recount. For each genre, it outlines the purpose, generic structure, and language features. It also provides examples of short texts for several genres. The document is intended to help students understand different text structures and how language is used to achieve the purpose of the text.
The document discusses Neways, a company that sells personal care and dietary supplement products without industrial chemicals. It provides an overview of Neways' history since the late 1980s when it was founded, locations it has opened around the world, and top-selling products over the years. It then outlines Neways' focus for 2011, which includes creating healthier homes by replacing products with Neways' items, increasing product innovation, and expanding carefully in Asia.
The document provides information about Bread for the World's 2013 National Gathering held from June 8-11, 2013 in Washington, DC. It includes the schedule of events, descriptions of general sessions and workshops, biographies of presenters, and logistical information. Special events at the gathering include a homiletics workshop on preaching to end hunger led by Rev. Dr. James Forbes Jr., a screening of the documentary "A Place at the Table", and a performance of the musical "Lazarus". The gathering aims to expand understanding of and commitments to ending hunger through worship, learning, and advocacy activities.
Table 1 provides demographic and economic indicators for countries around the world. It includes data on population size and growth, rural/urban distribution, life expectancy, GDP, employment rates, remittances, migration rates, debt levels, inflation rates, exports, imports, food trade, and income inequality from 2007-2010. The table contains this data for individual countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and elsewhere, and provides high-level comparisons between regions.
Table 4, md gs 2 & 3 primary education and gender equalityBread for the World
This table provides data on education and gender indicators for various countries and regions from 2007-2011. It shows statistics on primary, secondary, and tertiary school enrollment ratios, persistence to grade 5, youth and adult literacy rates, gender parity in education and literacy, and women's participation in the workforce and government. Overall, it finds that while progress has been made on education and gender goals, many developing regions still lag behind on various indicators.
Clappac is a leading manufacturer of clear plastic packaging such as clamshells, inlays, and trays. They employ over 50 people and specialize in designing and producing high quality thermoformed packaging for customers throughout Europe. Clappac has a large warehouse that allows them to offer logistical solutions and just-in-time delivery concepts tailored to their customers' needs. They work closely with customers to develop innovative and customized packaging solutions.
Table 8, mdg 8 partnership for development, low- & middle- income countriesBread for the World
This table provides data on key development indicators for low and middle income countries related to MDG 8, which calls for developing a global partnership for development. It includes data on net official development assistance, management of capital flows, investment in infrastructure such as electricity and roads, technology transfers, public spending, and corruption perceptions. The data is broken down by country and region, with Sub-Saharan Africa and Middle East & North Africa being the two regions highlighted.
This document provides the agenda for a conference on June 10, 2013 at the Mead Center for American Theater in Washington D.C. titled "Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition". The agenda includes an opening plenary session with keynote speakers from USAID and Ireland. Four panel discussions will take place on global and country-level perspectives on nutrition. Breakout group sessions will discuss capacity development, nutrition interventions, nutrition-sensitive development, and civil society's role. Closing remarks will review takeaways and look forward. A reception will follow.
1. Over 100 Christian leaders signed a statement calling on leaders to protect funding for programs that help the poor when reducing budget deficits.
2. They believe budgets are moral documents and reducing poverty should not come at the expense of increasing hardship for the vulnerable.
3. The statement urges reviewing all parts of the budget, including military spending and taxes, to find ways to share sacrifice instead of disproportionately burdening those in need.
Shahnon Ahmad adalah seorang penulis produktif yang banyak berjasa dalam perkembangan sastera Melayu. Beliau menghasilkan pelbagai karya seperti novel, cerpen, esei dan kritikan yang menggambarkan kehidupan masyarakat desa dan isu-isu semasa. Shahnon Ahmad telah berjaya menonjolkan bakatnya sebagai penulis yang peka terhadap masyarakat dan berani membawa mesej sosial melalui karyanya.
On Monday, June 10, Bread for the World and Concern Worldwide U.S. will host an event in Washington, D.C. called Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition to celebrate progress made over the last 1,000 days and look ahead to the possibilities and opportunities to accelerate progress towards a world free of malnutrition.
Perbezaan adat istiadat dan pantang larangFasihah Aziz
Pantang larang adalah larangan yang dianjurkan oleh masyarakat terhadap perkara tertentu yang dianggap tidak baik, dan pelanggarannya dapat mengakibatkan hukuman. Pantang larang wujud dalam setiap masyarakat untuk mendidik nilai-nilai yang baik dan membentuk perilaku yang mulia di kalangan masyarakat. Namun demikian, pantang larang dapat berubah seiring peredaran waktu dan perkembangan pemahaman sosial.
Calendario 06 Curso Intensivo Aplicaciones para Community Managers Honduras...Interlat
Este documento presenta un curso intensivo de 12 horas sobre aplicaciones y herramientas para community managers que se llevar叩 a cabo del 2 al 6 de septiembre de 2014 de forma virtual en tiempo real. El curso ser叩 dictado por Carlos Correa de Argentina y cubrir叩 temas relevantes para community managers. Se otorgar叩 certificaci坦n a quienes asistan al menos al 80% de las clases.
Herramientas para figurar en buscadores web SEO Posicionamiento en buscadoresInterlat
Herramientas para figurar en buscadores web SEO Posicionamiento en buscadores. Curso ebusiness Pymes dictado a las empresas afiliadas a la Camara de Comercio de Medellin para Antioquia - Colombia.
Sin embargo, tambi辿n se deben tener en cuenta en el entorno digital los riesgos y previsiones legales que hay que tomar para evitar que la publicidad por Internet no genere el efecto contrario, da単ando la imagen de las marcas y de los anunciantes. La publicidad en Internet implica generaci坦n o transferencia de contenidos, por lo que es necesario analizar aspectos de propiedad intelectual en Internet para asegurar un uso legal de dichos contenidos.
Gaia tenta ensinar os moradores de Cicl坦polis sobre a import但ncia da reciclagem, mas s坦 ela se importa. Lix炭rio, um vil達o, fica mais forte com o lixo descartado. Sucata e Cacareco, catadores, transformam lixo em arte e lutam contra Lix炭rio com a ajuda de Gaia.
El documento describe tres casos de 辿xito de sistemas de gesti坦n del conocimiento implementados por para clientes en los sectores financiero, manufactura y empresas gr叩ficas. En el primer caso, se dise単坦 e implement坦 un sistema de gesti坦n del conocimiento para un banco que mejor坦 la coordinaci坦n entre 叩reas, la productividad y la transferencia de mejores pr叩cticas. En el segundo caso, para una empresa de productos de consumo, se optimiz坦 el uso de la intranet, se definieron competencias clave y comunidades de conocimiento, mejorando la coordinaci坦n
The document outlines the agenda for a conference on sustaining political commitments to scaling up nutrition. The all-day event included opening and keynote addresses, panel discussions on taking stock of global and country-level progress in nutrition and looking ahead to future goals, workshops on best practices and the roles of different stakeholders, and breakout sessions. Panelists represented organizations such as USAID, the World Bank, IFPRI, and country-level participants from places like Tanzania, Bangladesh, and Guatemala. The goal was to discuss sustaining commitments and taking efforts to scale up nutrition to more people.
The document provides data on child and maternal mortality rates and immunization rates for various countries and regions. Some key details:
- Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest child mortality rates in the world at 76 deaths per 1000 live births for children under 1 and 121 deaths per 1000 for children under 5. Maternal mortality is also highest in this region at 500 deaths per 100,000 live births.
- Immunization rates for measles and DPT vaccines vary widely across countries from over 90% in some to under 50% in others like Central African Republic and Somalia.
- South Asia has the second highest child mortality rates globally at 52 deaths per 1000 for children under 1 and 67 for under 5. M
This document provides an overview of different text genres for senior high school students in Indonesia. It discusses 12 common text types including analytical exposition, anecdote, description, narrative, procedure, news, discussion, explanation, hortatory exposition, report, spoof, and recount. For each genre, it outlines the purpose, generic structure, and language features. It also provides examples of short texts for several genres. The document is intended to help students understand different text structures and how language is used to achieve the purpose of the text.
The document discusses Neways, a company that sells personal care and dietary supplement products without industrial chemicals. It provides an overview of Neways' history since the late 1980s when it was founded, locations it has opened around the world, and top-selling products over the years. It then outlines Neways' focus for 2011, which includes creating healthier homes by replacing products with Neways' items, increasing product innovation, and expanding carefully in Asia.
The document provides information about Bread for the World's 2013 National Gathering held from June 8-11, 2013 in Washington, DC. It includes the schedule of events, descriptions of general sessions and workshops, biographies of presenters, and logistical information. Special events at the gathering include a homiletics workshop on preaching to end hunger led by Rev. Dr. James Forbes Jr., a screening of the documentary "A Place at the Table", and a performance of the musical "Lazarus". The gathering aims to expand understanding of and commitments to ending hunger through worship, learning, and advocacy activities.
Table 1 provides demographic and economic indicators for countries around the world. It includes data on population size and growth, rural/urban distribution, life expectancy, GDP, employment rates, remittances, migration rates, debt levels, inflation rates, exports, imports, food trade, and income inequality from 2007-2010. The table contains this data for individual countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and elsewhere, and provides high-level comparisons between regions.
Table 4, md gs 2 & 3 primary education and gender equalityBread for the World
This table provides data on education and gender indicators for various countries and regions from 2007-2011. It shows statistics on primary, secondary, and tertiary school enrollment ratios, persistence to grade 5, youth and adult literacy rates, gender parity in education and literacy, and women's participation in the workforce and government. Overall, it finds that while progress has been made on education and gender goals, many developing regions still lag behind on various indicators.
Clappac is a leading manufacturer of clear plastic packaging such as clamshells, inlays, and trays. They employ over 50 people and specialize in designing and producing high quality thermoformed packaging for customers throughout Europe. Clappac has a large warehouse that allows them to offer logistical solutions and just-in-time delivery concepts tailored to their customers' needs. They work closely with customers to develop innovative and customized packaging solutions.
Table 8, mdg 8 partnership for development, low- & middle- income countriesBread for the World
This table provides data on key development indicators for low and middle income countries related to MDG 8, which calls for developing a global partnership for development. It includes data on net official development assistance, management of capital flows, investment in infrastructure such as electricity and roads, technology transfers, public spending, and corruption perceptions. The data is broken down by country and region, with Sub-Saharan Africa and Middle East & North Africa being the two regions highlighted.
This document provides the agenda for a conference on June 10, 2013 at the Mead Center for American Theater in Washington D.C. titled "Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition". The agenda includes an opening plenary session with keynote speakers from USAID and Ireland. Four panel discussions will take place on global and country-level perspectives on nutrition. Breakout group sessions will discuss capacity development, nutrition interventions, nutrition-sensitive development, and civil society's role. Closing remarks will review takeaways and look forward. A reception will follow.
1. Over 100 Christian leaders signed a statement calling on leaders to protect funding for programs that help the poor when reducing budget deficits.
2. They believe budgets are moral documents and reducing poverty should not come at the expense of increasing hardship for the vulnerable.
3. The statement urges reviewing all parts of the budget, including military spending and taxes, to find ways to share sacrifice instead of disproportionately burdening those in need.
Shahnon Ahmad adalah seorang penulis produktif yang banyak berjasa dalam perkembangan sastera Melayu. Beliau menghasilkan pelbagai karya seperti novel, cerpen, esei dan kritikan yang menggambarkan kehidupan masyarakat desa dan isu-isu semasa. Shahnon Ahmad telah berjaya menonjolkan bakatnya sebagai penulis yang peka terhadap masyarakat dan berani membawa mesej sosial melalui karyanya.
On Monday, June 10, Bread for the World and Concern Worldwide U.S. will host an event in Washington, D.C. called Sustaining Political Commitments to Scaling Up Nutrition to celebrate progress made over the last 1,000 days and look ahead to the possibilities and opportunities to accelerate progress towards a world free of malnutrition.
Perbezaan adat istiadat dan pantang larangFasihah Aziz
Pantang larang adalah larangan yang dianjurkan oleh masyarakat terhadap perkara tertentu yang dianggap tidak baik, dan pelanggarannya dapat mengakibatkan hukuman. Pantang larang wujud dalam setiap masyarakat untuk mendidik nilai-nilai yang baik dan membentuk perilaku yang mulia di kalangan masyarakat. Namun demikian, pantang larang dapat berubah seiring peredaran waktu dan perkembangan pemahaman sosial.
Calendario 06 Curso Intensivo Aplicaciones para Community Managers Honduras...Interlat
Este documento presenta un curso intensivo de 12 horas sobre aplicaciones y herramientas para community managers que se llevar叩 a cabo del 2 al 6 de septiembre de 2014 de forma virtual en tiempo real. El curso ser叩 dictado por Carlos Correa de Argentina y cubrir叩 temas relevantes para community managers. Se otorgar叩 certificaci坦n a quienes asistan al menos al 80% de las clases.
Herramientas para figurar en buscadores web SEO Posicionamiento en buscadoresInterlat
Herramientas para figurar en buscadores web SEO Posicionamiento en buscadores. Curso ebusiness Pymes dictado a las empresas afiliadas a la Camara de Comercio de Medellin para Antioquia - Colombia.
Sin embargo, tambi辿n se deben tener en cuenta en el entorno digital los riesgos y previsiones legales que hay que tomar para evitar que la publicidad por Internet no genere el efecto contrario, da単ando la imagen de las marcas y de los anunciantes. La publicidad en Internet implica generaci坦n o transferencia de contenidos, por lo que es necesario analizar aspectos de propiedad intelectual en Internet para asegurar un uso legal de dichos contenidos.
Gaia tenta ensinar os moradores de Cicl坦polis sobre a import但ncia da reciclagem, mas s坦 ela se importa. Lix炭rio, um vil達o, fica mais forte com o lixo descartado. Sucata e Cacareco, catadores, transformam lixo em arte e lutam contra Lix炭rio com a ajuda de Gaia.
El documento describe tres casos de 辿xito de sistemas de gesti坦n del conocimiento implementados por para clientes en los sectores financiero, manufactura y empresas gr叩ficas. En el primer caso, se dise単坦 e implement坦 un sistema de gesti坦n del conocimiento para un banco que mejor坦 la coordinaci坦n entre 叩reas, la productividad y la transferencia de mejores pr叩cticas. En el segundo caso, para una empresa de productos de consumo, se optimiz坦 el uso de la intranet, se definieron competencias clave y comunidades de conocimiento, mejorando la coordinaci坦n
Webinar acquisitie in 140 tekens okt 2014maaikegulden
Tips om klanten te verleiden op Twitter. Het Toverwoord is betrokkenheid. Deel goede content, ga conversaties aan dan volgt de conversie vanzelf. Maak jezelf zichtbaar en bouw een netwerk van trouwe volgers op. Lever toegevoegde waarde en ga persoonlijke gesprekken aan.
Presentatie gehouden op de Creditexpo 2010 voor bezoekende creditmanagers, in opdracht van OnGuard Nederland. Wat kan het vak creditmanagement met zoiets relatief nieuws als social media doen?
Ernst-Jan Louwers
Social Media Quarterly Live
Rotterdam, 10 september 2012
2. Louwers IP|Technology Advocaten
Nichekantoor in Eindhoven sinds december 2006
Top 20 meest toonaangevende nichekantoren IP/IT
Intellectuele eigendom / media & reclame
IT, technologie en privacy
Commerci谷le contracten
7 ervaren en gespecialiseerde juristen
outside in
juridische eredivisie, Grotius Specialisatie Opleidingen
passie en plezier
flexibel, toegankelijk, gastvrij, effici谷nt en deskundig
met kennis van de branche
3. Clusters
Assets IP en data
Intellectuele Human assets
Vriend of relatie
Baas over mijn
Reclame en social
Social plugins en
4. Social media volwassenheid!/policies
6. Intellectuele eigendom
Online niets nieuws onder de zon
Merken en handelsnamen
gebruik van merken en bedrijfsnamen, oa voor profiel
of account
hoe krijg je account met je (merk)naam te pakken?
Domeinnaam jurisprudentie
content: plaatsen van tekst, beeld/geluid
eigendom gegevens
clearing van gegevens van derden
openbaarmaking? besloten kring?
7. Intellectuele eigendom
gebruik van foto voor profiel of account (nep of echt)
99% Pinterest pins inbreuk op auteursrecht en terms of
use Antwoord: nopin metatag te hangen aan foto
maar wat als je dat niet doet of wilt? Licentie?
uitspraak VS: crawl and cache soms toegestaan als
geen robots.txt is aangebracht
9. Accounts
Gejatte accounts en nep-accounts
sound alike Koningin verboden
strafbaar? Nederland niet
Auteursrecht en portretrecht foto
Bestaat recht op accountnaam?
10. Baas over mijn gegevens
Privacy policies
Taggen van personen
Gebruik gegevens door social media
Gebruik gegevens voor promotie en (direct) marketing
Recht om vergeten te worden
12. Reclame en social media
Definitie reclame aangepast: nu ook door een derde ten
behoeve van die adverteerder
Eisen aan reclameboodschap
sponsored tweet = reclame sponsor
niet misleiden
Reclametweet zonder #spon #ad: i.s.m. regels en wet (ook
zonder vergoeding)
14. Reclame en social media
Bekende personen laten account gebruiken voor
commerci谷le boodschappen over merk of product
Spoof tweets campagne voor Snickers
Endorsed tweets zonder #spon #ad #paid of #samp
Katie Price: vermelding #spon of #ad
misleidende reclame in zin van de NRC
oneerlijke handelspraktijk
15. RCC en social media
Zaak bij RCC:
reclame voor kort telefonisch medium consult.
Persoonlijk consult 0909 xxxx (0,8 cp/m)
werkelijk 0,80 per minuut
1 keer getweet, meteen verwijderd
raadpleegbaar maar wel naar site met juist bedrag
toch i.s.m. NRC
Tweet van Heineken_NL: Ik drink alleen Heineken bier op
dagen die eindigen op een -g.
link naar jaarkalender van 2011 waarop alle dagen in
het rood zijn omcirkeld
strijd met Reclamecode voor Alcoholhoudende
Dranken (RVA)
16. Uitingen
belediging, smaad, discriminatie
vrijheid van meningsuiting:
vrijheid om je negatief uit te laten
grens: aantasting eer en goede naam (suggestief of
nodeloos grievend) of persoonlijke levenssfeer
Uitingen bedrijven anders dan priv辿: maar waar grens?
civielrechtelijk, gedragscode
Klachtprocedure social media
17. Uitingen
Voorwaarden, keuzes en instellingen van social media
intellectuele eigendom op content
promotie met je smoel
Corporate policies voor social media
Nep-accounts achterhalen van identiteit in principe
mogelijk via derde
Embedden van tweets
Volgen van volgers van concurrent niet onrechtmatig vs @mediavacature
18. Social plugins en cookies
Cookiewet sinds 5 juni 2012: opt-in!
Vraag dus om toestemming
Breng gebruik van cookies in kaart
Schrap het gebruik van cookies die eigenlijk niet nodig zijn.
Wees transparant en duidelijk
Benadruk de voordelen die cookies met zich brengen
Plaats cookiebeleid goed vindbaar
Links om tracking uit te schakelen
20. Arbeidsverhouding
Privacy van werknemer vs bedrijfsgeheimen en policies
Gedragscode email, internet 辿n social media!
Verantwoordelijkheid/aansprakelijkheid voor uitingen via
Via Twitter geen overtreding relatiebeding als het alleen
gaat om volgen, maar wel bij actief benaderen van
Via LinkedIn, Facebook e.d. benaderen wel
21. Vriend of relatie?
Van wie is twitteraccount?
Van wie zijn:
contacten LinkedIn
vrienden Hyves en Facebook
Contacten opgedaan in werksfeer? Grens tussen werk en
priv辿 is vervaagd
PhoneDog/Kravitz (Twitteraccount ex-werknemer)
Noah Kravitz: account @PhoneDog_Noah
17.000 volgers
na vertrek hernoemd in @noahkravitz
claim: $ 2,50 per volger per maand
22. Dos and donts
Cover your ass
rechten voor account naam en profielfoto
actief optredem
schriftelijk bewijs van rechten beeldmateriaal
Social media policy
geen promotie in discussies
#spon of #ad bij reclametweets
eerbiedig persoonsgegevens
spam niet direct naar contacten
cookiepolicy met opt-in voor social media plugins