Etap validation cases and comparison resultsOUSSAMA AATIQThis document summarizes validation test cases performed by Operation Technology to verify the accuracy of load flow, short-circuit, arc flash, motor acceleration, harmonics, and transient stability simulations in ETAP. It describes two load flow comparison cases where ETAP results were compared to published examples and found to have less than 1% difference in bus voltages and power flows. It also lists several other test cases performed for different ETAP modules and functionality. The document is subject to internal and external audits as part of OTI's quality assurance program.
Switchgear and protection 2Md Irshad AhmadAmplitude and phase comparators
Over current relays
Directional relays
Distance relays
Differential relay.
Static Relays: Comparison with electromagnetic relay
Classification and their description
Over current relays
Directional relay
Distance relays
Differential relay
Vehicle to Vehicle charging (V2V)IRJET Journal1. The document discusses vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) wireless charging technology which allows electric vehicles to charge each other without plugging in. This overcomes limitations of limited charging station availability.
2. It proposes a system where a vehicle can wirelessly charge another vehicle through magnetic resonance between transmission and receiver coils, allowing charging on the go.
3. The technology could help address electric vehicle adoption challenges by expanding convenient charging options beyond plug-in stations. However, challenges remain around implementing efficient wireless power transfer between moving vehicles.
EE504.5.pptVara PrasadThis document discusses different types of transmission line conductors, including solid, stranded, hollow, and bundled conductors. It describes the relative merits of each type and explains current distortion effects like skin effect, proximity effect, and spirality effect. The objectives are to learn about different conductor types, their relative merits, and current distortion effects. Key points covered include the characteristics of solid, stranded, and hollow conductors, as well as common conductor materials like ACSR and causes of non-uniform current distribution.
Modern digital and analog communication systems by b p lathiMayuresh KumarThis document appears to be the title page for the third edition of the textbook "Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems" by authors B.P. Lathi and T.Srinivasa Rao. The textbook is focused on digital and analog communication systems and is authored by professors in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Bapatla Engineering College in Bapatla, India. The contact email for the head of department is also listed.
Load types, estimation, grwoth, forecasting and duration curvesAzfar RasoolIt includes the detail analysis of the various types electrical load, how to estimatate the load, methods of load forecasting and explanation of the load duration curves.
“Electric Flux Density & Applications3.1.-converted.pptxHASNAINNAZIR11) The document discusses Gauss's law and its applications to symmetric charge distributions and differential volume elements. It provides examples of calculating the electric field and flux due to various charge distributions.
2) Gauss's law can be used to relate the total electric flux passing through a closed surface to the net electric charge enclosed by that surface. For a symmetric charge distribution, the electric field is either normal or tangential to the surface.
3) Applying Gauss's law to an infinitesimal volume element allows approximating the total charge enclosed in terms of the partial derivatives of the electric field components. This is demonstrated through an example problem.
anti islanding technology(passive)minu YacobThis document summarizes anti-islanding detection techniques for grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems. It discusses unintentional and intentional islanding, standards for detection within 2 seconds, and detection methods including passive over/under voltage detection. Case studies show voltage and current responses with loads above and below PV power output. While over/under voltage detection fails when load matches output, detection is more likely under voltage as voltage change is greater during islanding. References on IEEE standards, UL standards, and anti-islanding algorithms are provided.
Tellegen's theoremSyed SaeedThis document discusses Tellegen's theorem of circuit theory. It states that at any time t, the algebraic sum of the instantaneous power in n branches of a network equals zero if Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) and Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) are satisfied. The document provides the mathematical statement of the theorem and proves it using a sample circuit where KCL and KVL are verified and the power in each branch is calculated to show that the total power supplied equals the total power dissipated.
Gestión del Estado Venezolano ante la propiedad IntelectualVANESSA FERNANDEZEl documento habla sobre la propiedad intelectual. Explica que la propiedad intelectual protege las creaciones del intelecto humano como obras literarias, científicas y artísticas. También cubre invenciones, marcas y diseños industriales. La Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) es el organismo de las Naciones Unidas encargado de promover el uso y protección de la propiedad intelectual a través de tratados internacionales. En Venezuela, el Servicio Autónomo de la Propiedad Intelectual (
Unit-1 Per Unit System.pptxSanjeevKumarkumar11- A per-unit system expresses system quantities as fractions of a defined base unit quantity, allowing analysis of large interconnected power systems with various voltage levels and equipment capacities.
- To define a per-unit system requires specifying base values for voltage, current, apparent power, and impedance. Quantities can then be expressed as ratios of their actual to base values.
- Per-unit representation simplifies analysis by removing different voltage levels and reducing the system to simple impedances. It also allows easy comparison of equipment impedances irrespective of actual size.
Anti-islandingNIT MEGHALAYAThe document discusses investigation of FPGA-based passive anti-islanding protection schemes for grid-interfaced distributed generation systems. It outlines the system topology, inverter control, anti-islanding protection schemes, simulation studies under varying load conditions, hardware-in-loop co-simulation, and concludes the schemes were effective in detection and conform to simulations. Resource utilization and experimental validation on an FPGA platform are also presented.
ASK amplitude Calculation and Phase Shift KeyingDrAimalKhanThe document discusses average symbol energy and constellation diagrams for binary amplitude shift keying (ASK) and phase shift keying (PSK) modulation schemes. It explains that constellation diagrams for binary ASK simply plot the amplitude values for each symbol on the x-axis. It also discusses how to calculate the amplitude values from the given symbol energy. The document then shows constellation diagrams for 8-ary and 16-ary bipolar ASK and describes pulse amplitudes. It introduces binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and M-ary PSK, explaining that M-ary PSK can increase spectral efficiency but cannot be implemented as BPSK.
Network Analysis and SynthesisPHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.This comprehensive text on Network Analysis and Synthesis is designed for undergraduate students of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. The book will also be useful to AMIE and IETE students. Buy Now:
Lecture-PS-faults-description-recorded-30032020-110109pm.pptxMuhammad JunaidThis document discusses faults in power systems, including types (open circuit and short circuit), causes, and effects. Open circuit faults are caused by failures of conductors and can cause unbalanced voltages and currents. Short circuit faults are caused by insulation failures and result in abnormally high currents, potentially damaging equipment. Faults are classified as symmetrical (all phases shorted simultaneously) or unsymmetrical. Unsymmetrical faults like single line-to-ground are most common. When faults occur, protection devices like circuit breakers and relays quickly isolate the faulty section to prevent damage.
Swing equationLuis Portugal1. Power system stability refers to a power system's ability to maintain equilibrium after disturbances. Modern systems face stability challenges from complex interconnections and stressed operating conditions.
2. Rotor angle stability depends on synchronous machines maintaining synchronism after disturbances. It can be categorized as small signal or transient stability depending on the size of the disturbance.
3. The swing equation describes the rotor angle dynamics and acceleration of a synchronous machine. It balances the electromagnetic torque and mechanical input torque.
Double Line To Ground Fault AnalysisHarsh SoniThis PPT About The Double Line To Ground Fault Analysis in electrical power that PPT derive the equation of double line to ground fault step by this PPT show the circuit diagram of double line to ground fault.
Design of shunt active power filter to mitigate harmonicsager alswedThe designed three phase SAPF based on instantaneous p-q theory was simulated in MATLAB /SIMULINK by using different load conditions i.e. R-L load, suddenly connected R-L load, and additional unbalance R load. Its application was successfully proved and the validity achieved by minimizing the harmonics and improving PF as summarized in Table 2. Consequently, the supply current is almost pure sinusoidal. THD observed was fund to be within the prescribed limits of 5% as recommended by IEEE-519 standard.
Solutions -unit4Abha Tripathi1. A 3-phase fault occurs on a power system with a fault impedance of j0.16 pu. This causes fault currents on lines 1, 2 and 3 of -j2.5, -j0.625 and -j0.3125 pu respectively. The post-fault bus voltages are 0.5 pu on bus 1 and 0.75 pu on bus 2.
2. A double line-to-ground fault occurs at point F. This results in a subtransient current on phase c of machine 1 of 4.556(-43.04)° pu or 5260A actual.
3. For a power system with a total demand of 25MW and SSSL of 80
Indian power system (an overview)PARVINDAR CHAUDHARYThe document provides an overview of the Indian power system, including its generation, transmission, and distribution. Some key points:
- India's peak power demand is around 159 GW with total installed capacity of 314.64 GW as of 2017. Thermal sources account for 69% of installed capacity.
- The transmission system includes 765 kV, 400 kV, 220 kV, 132kV lines to transfer power across regions. A national grid was established to optimize resource utilization.
- Distribution systems distribute power at lower voltages like 66 kV and 33 kV to end consumers. Rural electrification programs aim to expand access across India.
Improving substation reliability & availability Vincent Wedelich, PE MBAThis document discusses improving substation reliability and availability. It describes electrical events that occurred after an expansion at a refinery, highlighting issues with microprocessor relays, control power supplies, and time synchronization. The importance of substation documentation, automation, data retrieval, monitoring, and critical auxiliaries is discussed. Reliability calculations are shown to not fully account for hidden failures and varying operating conditions. Overall recommendations are made to establish best practices for documentation, configuration, monitoring, and addressing reliability more holistically.
FAULT ANALISIS IN HVDC & HVAC TRANSMISSION LINEDr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological UniversityHigh Voltage Direct Current technology has certain characteristics which
make it especially attractive for transmission system applications. HVDC
transmission system is useful for long-distance transmission, bulk power delivery and
long submarine cable crossings and asynchronous interconnections. The study of
faults is essential for reasonable protection design because the faults will induce a
significant influence on operation of HVDC transmission system. This paper provides
the most dominant and frequent faults on the HVDC systems such as DC Line-to-
Ground fault and Line-to-Line fault on DC link and some common types of AC faults
occurs in overhead transmission system such as Line-to-Ground fault, Line-to-Line
fault and L-L-L fault. In HVDC system, faults on rectifier side or inverter side have
major affects on system stability. The various types of faults are considered in the
HVDC system which causes due to malfunctions of valves and controllers, misfire
and short circuit across the inverter station, flashover and three phase short circuit.
The various faults occurs at the converter station of a HVDC system and
Controlling action for those faults. Most of the studies have been conducted on line
faults. But faults on rectifier or inverter side of a HVDC system have great impact on
system stability. Faults considered are fire-through, misfire, and short circuit across
the inverter station, flashover, and a three-phase short circuit in the ac system. These
investigations are studied using matlab simulink models and the result represented in
the form of typical time responses.
Tellegen's theoremSyed SaeedThis document discusses Tellegen's theorem of circuit theory. It states that at any time t, the algebraic sum of the instantaneous power in n branches of a network equals zero if Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) and Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) are satisfied. The document provides the mathematical statement of the theorem and proves it using a sample circuit where KCL and KVL are verified and the power in each branch is calculated to show that the total power supplied equals the total power dissipated.
Gestión del Estado Venezolano ante la propiedad IntelectualVANESSA FERNANDEZEl documento habla sobre la propiedad intelectual. Explica que la propiedad intelectual protege las creaciones del intelecto humano como obras literarias, científicas y artísticas. También cubre invenciones, marcas y diseños industriales. La Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) es el organismo de las Naciones Unidas encargado de promover el uso y protección de la propiedad intelectual a través de tratados internacionales. En Venezuela, el Servicio Autónomo de la Propiedad Intelectual (
Unit-1 Per Unit System.pptxSanjeevKumarkumar11- A per-unit system expresses system quantities as fractions of a defined base unit quantity, allowing analysis of large interconnected power systems with various voltage levels and equipment capacities.
- To define a per-unit system requires specifying base values for voltage, current, apparent power, and impedance. Quantities can then be expressed as ratios of their actual to base values.
- Per-unit representation simplifies analysis by removing different voltage levels and reducing the system to simple impedances. It also allows easy comparison of equipment impedances irrespective of actual size.
Anti-islandingNIT MEGHALAYAThe document discusses investigation of FPGA-based passive anti-islanding protection schemes for grid-interfaced distributed generation systems. It outlines the system topology, inverter control, anti-islanding protection schemes, simulation studies under varying load conditions, hardware-in-loop co-simulation, and concludes the schemes were effective in detection and conform to simulations. Resource utilization and experimental validation on an FPGA platform are also presented.
ASK amplitude Calculation and Phase Shift KeyingDrAimalKhanThe document discusses average symbol energy and constellation diagrams for binary amplitude shift keying (ASK) and phase shift keying (PSK) modulation schemes. It explains that constellation diagrams for binary ASK simply plot the amplitude values for each symbol on the x-axis. It also discusses how to calculate the amplitude values from the given symbol energy. The document then shows constellation diagrams for 8-ary and 16-ary bipolar ASK and describes pulse amplitudes. It introduces binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and M-ary PSK, explaining that M-ary PSK can increase spectral efficiency but cannot be implemented as BPSK.
Network Analysis and SynthesisPHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.This comprehensive text on Network Analysis and Synthesis is designed for undergraduate students of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. The book will also be useful to AMIE and IETE students. Buy Now:
Lecture-PS-faults-description-recorded-30032020-110109pm.pptxMuhammad JunaidThis document discusses faults in power systems, including types (open circuit and short circuit), causes, and effects. Open circuit faults are caused by failures of conductors and can cause unbalanced voltages and currents. Short circuit faults are caused by insulation failures and result in abnormally high currents, potentially damaging equipment. Faults are classified as symmetrical (all phases shorted simultaneously) or unsymmetrical. Unsymmetrical faults like single line-to-ground are most common. When faults occur, protection devices like circuit breakers and relays quickly isolate the faulty section to prevent damage.
Swing equationLuis Portugal1. Power system stability refers to a power system's ability to maintain equilibrium after disturbances. Modern systems face stability challenges from complex interconnections and stressed operating conditions.
2. Rotor angle stability depends on synchronous machines maintaining synchronism after disturbances. It can be categorized as small signal or transient stability depending on the size of the disturbance.
3. The swing equation describes the rotor angle dynamics and acceleration of a synchronous machine. It balances the electromagnetic torque and mechanical input torque.
Double Line To Ground Fault AnalysisHarsh SoniThis PPT About The Double Line To Ground Fault Analysis in electrical power that PPT derive the equation of double line to ground fault step by this PPT show the circuit diagram of double line to ground fault.
Design of shunt active power filter to mitigate harmonicsager alswedThe designed three phase SAPF based on instantaneous p-q theory was simulated in MATLAB /SIMULINK by using different load conditions i.e. R-L load, suddenly connected R-L load, and additional unbalance R load. Its application was successfully proved and the validity achieved by minimizing the harmonics and improving PF as summarized in Table 2. Consequently, the supply current is almost pure sinusoidal. THD observed was fund to be within the prescribed limits of 5% as recommended by IEEE-519 standard.
Solutions -unit4Abha Tripathi1. A 3-phase fault occurs on a power system with a fault impedance of j0.16 pu. This causes fault currents on lines 1, 2 and 3 of -j2.5, -j0.625 and -j0.3125 pu respectively. The post-fault bus voltages are 0.5 pu on bus 1 and 0.75 pu on bus 2.
2. A double line-to-ground fault occurs at point F. This results in a subtransient current on phase c of machine 1 of 4.556(-43.04)° pu or 5260A actual.
3. For a power system with a total demand of 25MW and SSSL of 80
Indian power system (an overview)PARVINDAR CHAUDHARYThe document provides an overview of the Indian power system, including its generation, transmission, and distribution. Some key points:
- India's peak power demand is around 159 GW with total installed capacity of 314.64 GW as of 2017. Thermal sources account for 69% of installed capacity.
- The transmission system includes 765 kV, 400 kV, 220 kV, 132kV lines to transfer power across regions. A national grid was established to optimize resource utilization.
- Distribution systems distribute power at lower voltages like 66 kV and 33 kV to end consumers. Rural electrification programs aim to expand access across India.
Improving substation reliability & availability Vincent Wedelich, PE MBAThis document discusses improving substation reliability and availability. It describes electrical events that occurred after an expansion at a refinery, highlighting issues with microprocessor relays, control power supplies, and time synchronization. The importance of substation documentation, automation, data retrieval, monitoring, and critical auxiliaries is discussed. Reliability calculations are shown to not fully account for hidden failures and varying operating conditions. Overall recommendations are made to establish best practices for documentation, configuration, monitoring, and addressing reliability more holistically.
FAULT ANALISIS IN HVDC & HVAC TRANSMISSION LINEDr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological UniversityHigh Voltage Direct Current technology has certain characteristics which
make it especially attractive for transmission system applications. HVDC
transmission system is useful for long-distance transmission, bulk power delivery and
long submarine cable crossings and asynchronous interconnections. The study of
faults is essential for reasonable protection design because the faults will induce a
significant influence on operation of HVDC transmission system. This paper provides
the most dominant and frequent faults on the HVDC systems such as DC Line-to-
Ground fault and Line-to-Line fault on DC link and some common types of AC faults
occurs in overhead transmission system such as Line-to-Ground fault, Line-to-Line
fault and L-L-L fault. In HVDC system, faults on rectifier side or inverter side have
major affects on system stability. The various types of faults are considered in the
HVDC system which causes due to malfunctions of valves and controllers, misfire
and short circuit across the inverter station, flashover and three phase short circuit.
The various faults occurs at the converter station of a HVDC system and
Controlling action for those faults. Most of the studies have been conducted on line
faults. But faults on rectifier or inverter side of a HVDC system have great impact on
system stability. Faults considered are fire-through, misfire, and short circuit across
the inverter station, flashover, and a three-phase short circuit in the ac system. These
investigations are studied using matlab simulink models and the result represented in
the form of typical time responses.
Linux'a Giris ve VirtualBox a Ubuntu KurulumuAhmet GürelBu döküman Linux nedir neden tercih edilir gibi sorulara cevap arayanlara kısa bir bilgilendirmeden sonra Sanal makinaya Linux Ubuntu dağıtımının kurulumunu göstererek genel linux terminal ve komutlarının anlatımıyla son bulmaktadır.Lİnux ve özgür yazılım farkındalığını artırmak için giriş seviyesinde bir dökumandır.İşinize yaraması dileğiyle iyi çalışmalar.Soru,görüş ve önerileriniz için a mail atabilirsiniz.
Linux kullanicisi olmakMücahid DoğanKTUCEC kulübü Lightning Talks Linux kullanıcısı olmak sunumu.
Sunumun içeriğinde tamamen linux hakkındaki düşüncelerim, araştırmalarım ve alıntılarım var. Kaynağını belirtmediğim noktaları zamanla buraya yazacağım. Teşekkürler
Belirtmediğim kaynaklar:
Mücahid Doğan
KTU Bilgisayar Mühendisliği || mucahiddogan11
3. Linux Nedir ? Linux, serbestçe dağıtılabilen, çokgörevli, çok kullanıcılı UNIX işletim sistemi türevidir. Linux, Internet üzerinde ilgili ve meraklı birçok kişi tarafından ortak olarak geliştirilmekte olan ve başta IBM-PC uyumlu kişisel bilgisayarlar olmak üzere birçok platformda çalışabilen ve herhangi bir maliyeti olmayan bir işletim sistemidir.
4. Linux Nedir ? 1960 larda MIT ve General Electric'ın ortaklaşa yürüttükleri bir projede “Multics” isimli bir işletim sisteminin patentini aldılar. Dennis Ritchie ve Ken Thompson, bu proje de çalıştı. Bu iki kişi yeni bir projede bir işletim sistemi ortaya çıkardılar. İşletim sistemine “Multics” adından esinlenerek “Unics” ismi takıldıysa da daha sonraları bu isim UNIX olarak değiştirildi.
5. Linux Nedir ? UNIX'in en temel özelliği Dennis Ritchie tarafından yaratılan C dili ile oluşturulmasıydı. UNIX kısa zamanda büyük bir ilerleme kaydetti. Bunun sonucu olarakta en önemli bilgisayar işletim sistemi ünvanını eline geçirdi.(O zamanlarda daha MICROSOFT yoktu)
6. Linux Nedir ? 1980'lerin başında UNIX işletim sisteminden para kazanma yoluna gitti ve işletim sistemini özel lisanslar ile pazarlamaya başladı. Bunun üzerine amacı UNIX benzeri ve parasız dağıtılabilen bir işletim sistemi ortaya çıkarmak olan GNU projesi Richard Stallman tarafından başlatıldı.
7. Linux Nedir ? GNU'yu desteklemesi için 1984 yılında Stallman ve arkadaşları “Free Software Foundation (FSF)” projesini yarattılar. FSF'te “free” ile anlatılmak istenen bedava olan yazılımdan çok özgürce dağıtılan yazılım manasını taşımaktaydı. FSF'e göre herhangi bir amaç için kullanılabilen , kopyalanıp üzerinde gerekli değişiklik yapılabilen ve daha gelişmiş bir yazılım sistemine dahil edilebilen yazılım serbest yazılım(free software) olarak kabul edilmişti.
8. Linux Nedir ? Bu özgürlükler için temel olarak gereken şey yazılımın koduna erişimdi. Bu yüzden bu akım aynı zamanda “Kaynak Kodu Açık Yazılım – Open Source Software (OSS)” olarak da anılır.Linux günümüzde bulunan en büyük açık kaynak kodlu yazılımdır.
9. Linux Nedir ? LINUX, Intel uyumlu 386 ve yukarisi islemcilerde calisan, kernel kodu Linus Torvalds tarafindan gelistirilen ücretsiz bir isletim sistemidir.
10. Linux Nedir ? Linux, Andy Tannenbaum tarafından geliştirilmiş olan Minix işletim sistemine dayanmaktadır. Linus Torvalds boş zamanlarında Minix'ten daha iyi bir Minix işletim sistemi yaratmak düşüncesiyle 1991 Ağustos sonlarında ilk çalışan Linux çekirdeğini oluşturdu.
11. Linux Nedir ? Linux BİLGİ demektir , Linux GELİŞMİŞLİK demektir , Linux PARAMIZ BİZDE KALIYOR demektir, Ve Linux TASARRUF demektir …..
12. Linux Minimum Hangi Bilgisayar Özelliklerinde Çalışır ? Bilgisayarinizi LINUX'la açmak için minimum gereksinimleriniz: 386 islemci, 2Mb bellek ve disket sürücü. Ancak, kullanirken iskence çekmemeniz için daha fazla bellek ve daha hizli bir islemciye ihtiyaciniz olacak.
13. Fedora Nedir ? Fedora , Linux Projesi'nin ürettiği Açık Kaynak kodlu bir linux dağıtımıdır. Aynı zamanda ücretsizdir. Hiçbir kar amacı gütmeyen bir organizasyon tarafından üretilmektedir. Fedora Projesi aslen Red Hat Linux'a ekstra RPM paketleri sağlamak amacı ile oluşturulmuş bir ekstra paket projesi idi.
14. Fedora Nedir ? Mandriva veya Suse kadar olmasa da oldukça güncel paketlere sahip Fedora onlardan daha sağlam ve kararlı bir dağıtım olması ile ünlüdür. Her ne kadar bir zamanlar efsane olan Red Hat kadar büyük bir popülerliği yoksa da Linux dünyasının en sevilen ve en başarılı dağıtımlarından biri olduğu kesindir.
15. FEDORA İSMİ NERDEN GELMİŞTİR? Fedora, fötr şapkanın İngilizce karşılığıdır ve Red Hat'ın meşhur logosundaki şapkaya atıfta bulunmaktadır. İsmi daha önce Cornell Üniversitesi'nde geliştirilmiş başka bir yazılımın adı olduğu için tartışma konusu olmuş fakat kullanımı devam etmiştir.
46. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Windows; kapalı kaynak kodludur, Linux(Fedora); açık kaynak kodludur. Açık kaynak kod, tehlike değil, güvendir. İstediğiniz gibi içeriğini değiştirebilir ve kendi ihtiyaçlarınız doğrultusunda adeta modifiye edebilirsiniz.
47. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Linux(fedora) için binlerce ve hatta daha fazla program vardır ve bunlar ücretsizdir; fakat Windows için daha fazla program vardır. Çünkü çok büyük bir kullanıcı kitlesi Windows’u tercih ettiğinden yazılımcılar da bu platformu tercih ederler.
48. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Eğer oyuncuysanız Linux(fedora) sizi pek tatmin etmeyebilir. Nitekim oyunların neredeyse tamamı Windows için tasarlanmaktadır Daha büyük kullanıcı kitlesi sebebiyle yavaş yavaş Linux için tasarlanan oyunlar da vardır.
49. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Linux tam anlamıyla profesyonellere hitap eder, her ihtiyaçlarını karşılar. Hemen hemen tüm profesyonel yazılımcılar Linux’u tercih eder. Windows bu bakımdan çok geridedir.
50. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Linux(fedora) , Windows ’a göre çok daha stabil ve güvenlidir. Aylarca, hatta yıllarca stabil bir sürüm, aralık vermeden bilgisayarınızı hatasız çalıştırabilir.
51. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Linux(fedora) , Windows ’tan çok daha hızlı gelişmektedir. Sayısız dağıtım her yıl, her altı ayda bir yeni versiyon çıkarır. Masaüstü yöneticileri devamlı gelişir, programlar devamlı gelişir, çekirdek devamlı gelişir…
52. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Windows ise gördüğümüz gibi çok büyük aralıklarla yeni (ticari adıyla) ürün çıkarır. Bu şekilde devam ederse Linux , Windows ’a çok daha büyük bir fark atacaktır. Zira Linux birçok koldan gelişimini oldukça hızlı bir şekilde sürdürmektedir.
53. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Windows ’taki her önemli ve sık kullandığımız programın Linux için birden çok karşılığı vardır: OpenOffice vb. Bu Linux programları, Windows programlarını, açık kaynak kodun etkisiyle hiç bir ticari amaç gütmeden birçok gönüllü yazılımcı sayesinde her bakımdan geçmektedir.
54. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Windows ’un yeni paketlerinde getirdiği sidebar, gelişmiş arama, aero arayüzü gibi devrim ve kilometre taşı niteliği taşıdığı söylenen birçok yenilik, zaten Linux ’te yıllardır var.
55. Fedora ile Windows İşletim Sistemleri Arasındaki Farklar : Vir üs, henüz Linux için yabancı bir kavramdır. Işletim sisteminin çalışma biçimi nedeniyle herhangi bir virüs bulaşması durumunda virüsün bilgisayarın tamamına yayılması olanaksızdır. Windows 'un üstün özelliklerinden yararlanılarak yazılan virüsler Linux için herhangi bir tehdit oluşturmamaktadır.
56. Windows ve Linux İşletim Sistemleri Bize Neler Sunuyor : Windows bize neler sunuyor : 1- Lisans Bedelleri 2- Kisitli Kullanim Hakki 3- Virüsler, Kurtçuklar, Truva atlari 4- Ölçeklenemez, esnetilemez, degistirilemez statik mimari. 5- Çok iyi pazarlama stratejileri.
57. Windows ve Linux İşletim Sistemleri Bize Neler Sunuyor : Linux Bize Ne Sunar: 1-Canınızın istediği gibi kullanma, dağıtma ve dagıtmama hakkı sunar. 2-Sadece sizin yeteneğiniz ve bilginizle sınırlı kullanim hakki 3-Virüs, Solucan, Truva atlari vb gibi zararlı kodlara karşı daha sağlam bir mimari.
58. Windows ve Linux İşletim Sistemleri Bize Neler Sunuyor : 4- Ölçeklenebilir, değiştirilebilir, esnek, dinamik bir mimari. 5- Kötü pazarlama, çünkü ticari sıkıntılar peşinde değil.
59. Windows ve Linux İşletim Sistemleri Bize Neler Sunuyor : 6- Kullanim Kolayligi: -Kurulumda tamamen grafik ortam, yada text ekrandan kurulma seçeneği. Kullanimda farklı şekillerde kullanım seçeneği Komut satirinda, Otomatik tamamlama vs.. - Seçilen bir metni kopyalamadan yapistirma - Grafik ortam olmadan bile Film Izleme vs...
60. Xp de ilk açılışta task bar altta bulunur . Fedorada ise task bar üstte bulunur. Açılan ilk ekranda Xp de sadece çöp bulunurken fedorada My computer , Çöp , ve kullanıcıya ait bir dosya çıkıyor. Xp de start menüsü bulunurken fedorada applications menüsü bulunur. Xp den farklı olarak ekstradan places ve system menüsüde task barımızda mevcut . Xp de task barda yalnız saat gösterilirken fedorada saat ve takvim bir arada gösterilmektedir. Bizim Bulduğumuz Farklar:
61. Bizim Bulduğumuz Farklar : Fedorada ekstra olarak task barda bilgisayarda oturum açan kişinin kullanıcı adı da belirtilmekdedir . Xp kurulumunda internet tarayıcısı olarak Internet Explorer sunulurken fedorada ise Mozzilla Firefox sunulmakdadır . Fedorada ekstra olarak sistemi kurarkenden taskbar da NotePad kısa yolu bulunmaktadır Sayfaların xp ye göre çok daha fazla efekli hareketlerle geçiş yapmaktadır 1 den fazla açılan dosyanın yada programın xp den farklı olarak arka arkaya dizilmek yerine bir küre oluşturması. Xp de sadece aşşağıda task bar bulunurken Fedorada hem üstte hemda altta taskbar bulunmaktadır.