The document discusses enhanced reservoir characterization using borehole images and dipmeter data. It begins with an overview of how logging tools have advanced from single measurements to detailed mapping of borehole walls using modern imaging tools with hundreds of thousands of data points per meter. The main topics covered include different types of dipmeter and imaging tools, generating borehole maps for orientation, stereographic projections for analyzing dip distributions, and processing raw data into geologically interpretable outputs like image and dip logs. Overall, the document outlines the transition from traditional well logging to digital geological mapping using high-resolution borehole wall data.
New Approach to Design Capillary Pressure Curves, which Would Improve Simulat...Faisal Al-Jenaibi
This presentation is discussing New Approach to Design Capillary Pressure Curves, which Would Improve Simulation Models Initialization and shorten History Match time consumed.
This document discusses reservoir evaluation techniques. It begins by defining reservoir evaluation as utilizing geological, geophysical, and engineering methods to understand downhole formation properties for better decision making. Key goals are estimating hydrocarbon volumes, assessing recoverable reserves, and prioritizing development. Important parameters in formation evaluation are identified as fluid composition, water saturation, size, volume, permeability, and porosity. The document also outlines technical challenges, the role of wireline logs, and the importance of reservoir evaluation for productivity and economic impact.
El documento describe varios aspectos de las religiones antiguas, incluyendo la religión de Israel. La religión judía se desarrolló con su propia santa ley revelada por Dios. Los judíos tenían lugares y ocasiones santas como el Tabernáculo, el Templo, el Sábado y varias fiestas anuales que conmemoraban eventos importantes en su historia y relación con Dios.
The document discusses 201 core Java interview questions organized into different categories like basics of Java, OOPs concepts, strings, threads, and JDBC. It provides short answers to questions on topics like the JDK, JRE, JVM, static methods, inheritance, polymorphism, method overloading and more. The answers are meant to help candidates prepare for 90% of frequently asked interview questions.
The document provides an overview of the current status of the Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project in Japan. It discusses (1) the investigation works conducted at the Tomakomai site from 2009-2011, including 3D seismic surveys, drilling of survey wells, reservoir modeling, and monitoring system planning; (2) the facilities being developed for CO2 capture, transportation, injection, and monitoring; and (3) the progress made in the engineering, procurement, and construction period, including drilling of injection/observation wells and installation of onshore facilities and offshore monitoring systems.
This document provides definitions and applications of directional drilling. It discusses how directional wells are used to access reservoirs beneath obstacles or property lines. Deflection tools like whipstocks and bent subs are used to change a well's trajectory. Positive displacement motors and turbine motors are the two types of mud motors used to rotate drill bits for directional drilling. The three main well profiles are defined as: Type I "build and hold", Type II "build, hold, and drop", and Type III "continuous build". Examples are given of how to design each type of directional well based on input parameters.
This document outlines topics covered in a reservoir engineering course, including:
1. PSS regimes for radial flow of single- and multi-phase fluids and the effect of well location.
2. The skin concept and using skin factors in flow equations.
3. The superposition principle for accounting for multiple wells, rate changes, boundaries, and pressure changes.
4. Applications of superposition include predicting pressure behavior for multiple wells, multi-rate wells, bounded reservoirs using image wells, and pressure changes.
5. Transient well testing provides reservoir properties through pressure response analysis.
The document provides an overview of well log analysis including typical approaches for analyzing clean formations and shaly sands. Key aspects covered include determining water saturation using Archie's equation, identifying potential water and hydrocarbon bearing zones, performing environmental corrections, and making decisions on a formation's productive capability based on calculations like moveable hydrocarbon index and bulk volume water. Software tools for formation evaluation and probabilistic/deterministic analysis are also briefly mentioned.
1) Geophysics uses remote sensing to determine subsurface conditions by analyzing seismic and radar signals that travel through and reflect off underground materials.
2) There are four main modes of signal propagation: vertical reflection, wide angle reflection, critical refraction, and direct waves. Precisely measuring the travel times of these signals allows subsurface structures to be interpreted.
3) Reflection seismology analyzes reflected signals to determine depth to interfaces by relating travel time, distance between source and receiver, and velocity, while refraction seismology uses travel times of critically refracted signals to determine shallow subsurface velocity structure.
Formation evaluation and well log correlationSwapnil Pal
This document provides an overview of well log formation evaluation and interpretation. It discusses the basic well log tools used to measure parameters like gamma ray, resistivity, density, and neutron porosity. It describes qualitative log interpretation to identify reservoir zones, hydrocarbon-bearing zones, and fluid types. The document also covers quantitative interpretation, including calculating porosity, water saturation, and estimating hydrocarbon reserves. In conclusion, well logs provide key information for establishing the existence of producible oil and gas reservoirs, including reservoir type, thickness, porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation.
The document provides an overview of principles of seismic data interpretation. It discusses fundamentals of seismic acquisition and processing such as seismic response, phase, polarity, reflections, and resolution. It also covers topics like structural interpretation pitfalls, seismic interpretation workflows involving building databases and time-depth relationships, and structural styles. The document includes sections on depth conversion, subsurface mapping techniques, and different types of velocities.
Puerto Vallarta es un importante centro turístico en México ubicado en la costa del Pacífico. El Centro Internacional de Convenciones de Puerto Vallarta es un recinto de congresos y convenciones con capacidad para 5,000 personas. El centro cuenta con instalaciones modernas y áreas verdes adyacentes al Estero El Salado. Los ingresos del centro se utilizan para la conservación del área natural protegida del estero.
image logs were introduced by schlumberger in 1980.
these logs are advanced and most widely use in industry.
?Image logs can provide detailed picture of the wellbore that represent the geological and petro physical properties of the section being logged.
1) The document discusses formation evaluation techniques based on well logging data to determine reservoir properties.
2) Quick qualitative log analysis can indicate reservoir rock type, hydrocarbon presence, and fluid type. Quantitative deterministic analysis estimates properties like porosity, saturation, and reserves.
3) Key logs measure resistivity, gamma radiation, density, and sonic velocity. Petrophysical models integrate logs to interpret lithology, fluid contacts, and hydrocarbon volumes.
This document appears to be a secret manual intended only for bank presidents and vice presidents with instructions on questionable banking practices. It discusses topics like secret loan agreements, manipulating courts and the media, and methods for controlling politicians and judges. It warns that the contents should not be shared with lower-level bank employees.
This document discusses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and its growing importance for wearable devices and the Internet of Things. It provides an overview of BLE specifications and roles, how devices communicate using advertising and connections, and how to implement BLE on Android. Examples of real-world BLE applications are given, including smart locks, beacons, smart plugs, and baby monitors. Code examples are also provided for scanning, connecting to, and reading data from BLE devices using Android APIs.
Responsive Web Design 帶來了網頁技術的革新,僅僅透過 Media Queries 偵測螢幕尺寸,便能提供適合不同尺寸裝置的內容與樣式。
從技術角度來看,可歸納『資源一致性』、『相容彈性』、『環境適應』、『品質最佳化』等四個要素。本題將就此四項要素介紹應用實例,說明如何提高 Responsive Web 的彈性,並增加行動網頁瀏覽效率。
This document proposes methods for analyzing manga styles using image and text features. It extracts panel, screentone, character, and line features from manga pages. Latent Dirichlet Allocation is used to build a latent style model that represents manga as mixtures of latent style elements. The features and model are used to distinguish manga styles, retrieve artworks by the same artist or movement, and find artworks from the same period. Evaluation shows the panel, screentone, and line features effectively capture differences between manga styles.
An introductory to Unity3D engine for programmers who are already familiar with SDL, D3D, OpenGL, Ogre.. or so.
This document discusses the need for a holistic platform to enable planning, assembly, and optimization across integrated circuit (IC), package, and printed circuit board (PCB) domains. Traditional "over the wall" design approaches are no longer sufficient due to increasing complexity. The document outlines capabilities of a next-generation co-design platform, including virtual die modeling, single-view connectivity management, and rule-based pin optimization, to improve design quality and reduce costs.
The document provides an overview of well log analysis including typical approaches for analyzing clean formations and shaly sands. Key aspects covered include determining water saturation using Archie's equation, identifying potential water and hydrocarbon bearing zones, performing environmental corrections, and making decisions on a formation's productive capability based on calculations like moveable hydrocarbon index and bulk volume water. Software tools for formation evaluation and probabilistic/deterministic analysis are also briefly mentioned.
1) Geophysics uses remote sensing to determine subsurface conditions by analyzing seismic and radar signals that travel through and reflect off underground materials.
2) There are four main modes of signal propagation: vertical reflection, wide angle reflection, critical refraction, and direct waves. Precisely measuring the travel times of these signals allows subsurface structures to be interpreted.
3) Reflection seismology analyzes reflected signals to determine depth to interfaces by relating travel time, distance between source and receiver, and velocity, while refraction seismology uses travel times of critically refracted signals to determine shallow subsurface velocity structure.
Formation evaluation and well log correlationSwapnil Pal
This document provides an overview of well log formation evaluation and interpretation. It discusses the basic well log tools used to measure parameters like gamma ray, resistivity, density, and neutron porosity. It describes qualitative log interpretation to identify reservoir zones, hydrocarbon-bearing zones, and fluid types. The document also covers quantitative interpretation, including calculating porosity, water saturation, and estimating hydrocarbon reserves. In conclusion, well logs provide key information for establishing the existence of producible oil and gas reservoirs, including reservoir type, thickness, porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation.
The document provides an overview of principles of seismic data interpretation. It discusses fundamentals of seismic acquisition and processing such as seismic response, phase, polarity, reflections, and resolution. It also covers topics like structural interpretation pitfalls, seismic interpretation workflows involving building databases and time-depth relationships, and structural styles. The document includes sections on depth conversion, subsurface mapping techniques, and different types of velocities.
Puerto Vallarta es un importante centro turístico en México ubicado en la costa del Pacífico. El Centro Internacional de Convenciones de Puerto Vallarta es un recinto de congresos y convenciones con capacidad para 5,000 personas. El centro cuenta con instalaciones modernas y áreas verdes adyacentes al Estero El Salado. Los ingresos del centro se utilizan para la conservación del área natural protegida del estero.
image logs were introduced by schlumberger in 1980.
these logs are advanced and most widely use in industry.
?Image logs can provide detailed picture of the wellbore that represent the geological and petro physical properties of the section being logged.
1) The document discusses formation evaluation techniques based on well logging data to determine reservoir properties.
2) Quick qualitative log analysis can indicate reservoir rock type, hydrocarbon presence, and fluid type. Quantitative deterministic analysis estimates properties like porosity, saturation, and reserves.
3) Key logs measure resistivity, gamma radiation, density, and sonic velocity. Petrophysical models integrate logs to interpret lithology, fluid contacts, and hydrocarbon volumes.
This document appears to be a secret manual intended only for bank presidents and vice presidents with instructions on questionable banking practices. It discusses topics like secret loan agreements, manipulating courts and the media, and methods for controlling politicians and judges. It warns that the contents should not be shared with lower-level bank employees.
This document discusses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and its growing importance for wearable devices and the Internet of Things. It provides an overview of BLE specifications and roles, how devices communicate using advertising and connections, and how to implement BLE on Android. Examples of real-world BLE applications are given, including smart locks, beacons, smart plugs, and baby monitors. Code examples are also provided for scanning, connecting to, and reading data from BLE devices using Android APIs.
Responsive Web Design 帶來了網頁技術的革新,僅僅透過 Media Queries 偵測螢幕尺寸,便能提供適合不同尺寸裝置的內容與樣式。
從技術角度來看,可歸納『資源一致性』、『相容彈性』、『環境適應』、『品質最佳化』等四個要素。本題將就此四項要素介紹應用實例,說明如何提高 Responsive Web 的彈性,並增加行動網頁瀏覽效率。
This document proposes methods for analyzing manga styles using image and text features. It extracts panel, screentone, character, and line features from manga pages. Latent Dirichlet Allocation is used to build a latent style model that represents manga as mixtures of latent style elements. The features and model are used to distinguish manga styles, retrieve artworks by the same artist or movement, and find artworks from the same period. Evaluation shows the panel, screentone, and line features effectively capture differences between manga styles.
An introductory to Unity3D engine for programmers who are already familiar with SDL, D3D, OpenGL, Ogre.. or so.
This document discusses the need for a holistic platform to enable planning, assembly, and optimization across integrated circuit (IC), package, and printed circuit board (PCB) domains. Traditional "over the wall" design approaches are no longer sufficient due to increasing complexity. The document outlines capabilities of a next-generation co-design platform, including virtual die modeling, single-view connectivity management, and rule-based pin optimization, to improve design quality and reduce costs.
This document summarizes a study that estimated the smoking-attributable expenditures (SAEs) for people aged 35 or older in Taiwan in 2000 from the perspective of health insurers. The total SAE was estimated to be US$467.3 million, representing 8.5% of total medical expenditures for that population. Kidney disease, ischemic heart disease, and accidents accounted for the highest SAE costs. The study is an improvement over previous work as it used relative risk data from large cohort studies and health insurance claims data to estimate disease-specific expenditures. However, it did not account for costs of passive smoking or non-insurance expenditures.