This document discusses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and its growing importance for wearable devices and the Internet of Things. It provides an overview of BLE specifications and roles, how devices communicate using advertising and connections, and how to implement BLE on Android. Examples of real-world BLE applications are given, including smart locks, beacons, smart plugs, and baby monitors. Code examples are also provided for scanning, connecting to, and reading data from BLE devices using Android APIs.
Responsive Web Design 帶來了網頁技術的革新,僅僅透過 Media Queries 偵測螢幕尺寸,便能提供適合不同尺寸裝置的內容與樣式。
從技術角度來看,可歸納『資源一致性』、『相容彈性』、『環境適應』、『品質最佳化』等四個要素。本題將就此四項要素介紹應用實例,說明如何提高 Responsive Web 的彈性,並增加行動網頁瀏覽效率。
This document proposes methods for analyzing manga styles using image and text features. It extracts panel, screentone, character, and line features from manga pages. Latent Dirichlet Allocation is used to build a latent style model that represents manga as mixtures of latent style elements. The features and model are used to distinguish manga styles, retrieve artworks by the same artist or movement, and find artworks from the same period. Evaluation shows the panel, screentone, and line features effectively capture differences between manga styles.
An introductory to Unity3D engine for programmers who are already familiar with SDL, D3D, OpenGL, Ogre.. or so.
This document discusses the need for a holistic platform to enable planning, assembly, and optimization across integrated circuit (IC), package, and printed circuit board (PCB) domains. Traditional "over the wall" design approaches are no longer sufficient due to increasing complexity. The document outlines capabilities of a next-generation co-design platform, including virtual die modeling, single-view connectivity management, and rule-based pin optimization, to improve design quality and reduce costs.
This document summarizes a study that estimated the smoking-attributable expenditures (SAEs) for people aged 35 or older in Taiwan in 2000 from the perspective of health insurers. The total SAE was estimated to be US$467.3 million, representing 8.5% of total medical expenditures for that population. Kidney disease, ischemic heart disease, and accidents accounted for the highest SAE costs. The study is an improvement over previous work as it used relative risk data from large cohort studies and health insurance claims data to estimate disease-specific expenditures. However, it did not account for costs of passive smoking or non-insurance expenditures.
This document makes 40 predictions about the future of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies between 2016 and 2025. Some of the key predictions include: 1) VR headsets will be permanently in the consumer market starting in 2016; 2) By 2020 there will be around 1 billion PC/console gamers and 4 billion smartphone users; 3) By 2020 VR porn will be a $1 billion industry worldwide. The document predicts widespread adoption and integration of VR and AR technologies across gaming, entertainment, social platforms, and other industries over the next decade.
VR與AR技術於醫療領域的可能性及案例分析 (VR & AR Technologies in Medical Applications)宇軒 黃
【跨 X 創 產業小聚】#6
VR and AR Technologies in Medical Applications
An introductory to Unity3D engine for programmers who are already familiar with SDL, D3D, OpenGL, Ogre.. or so.
This document discusses the need for a holistic platform to enable planning, assembly, and optimization across integrated circuit (IC), package, and printed circuit board (PCB) domains. Traditional "over the wall" design approaches are no longer sufficient due to increasing complexity. The document outlines capabilities of a next-generation co-design platform, including virtual die modeling, single-view connectivity management, and rule-based pin optimization, to improve design quality and reduce costs.
This document summarizes a study that estimated the smoking-attributable expenditures (SAEs) for people aged 35 or older in Taiwan in 2000 from the perspective of health insurers. The total SAE was estimated to be US$467.3 million, representing 8.5% of total medical expenditures for that population. Kidney disease, ischemic heart disease, and accidents accounted for the highest SAE costs. The study is an improvement over previous work as it used relative risk data from large cohort studies and health insurance claims data to estimate disease-specific expenditures. However, it did not account for costs of passive smoking or non-insurance expenditures.
This document makes 40 predictions about the future of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies between 2016 and 2025. Some of the key predictions include: 1) VR headsets will be permanently in the consumer market starting in 2016; 2) By 2020 there will be around 1 billion PC/console gamers and 4 billion smartphone users; 3) By 2020 VR porn will be a $1 billion industry worldwide. The document predicts widespread adoption and integration of VR and AR technologies across gaming, entertainment, social platforms, and other industries over the next decade.
VR與AR技術於醫療領域的可能性及案例分析 (VR & AR Technologies in Medical Applications)宇軒 黃
【跨 X 創 產業小聚】#6
VR and AR Technologies in Medical Applications
The document discusses UI design tips for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. It covers major UI changes in ICS like software buttons, the removal of the menu button, and new navigation patterns. It also outlines common app design patterns in ICS like the action bar, split action bars, and multi-pane layouts. The document provides recommendations to use Android design best practices like touch targets of 48dp and handling orientation changes properly, as well as what to avoid like bottom tab bars and non-Android design elements.
The document discusses the evolution of user interfaces from command line interfaces (CLI) to graphical user interfaces (GUI) to natural user interfaces (NUI). It notes that as mobile devices and touchscreens became popular in the late 2000s, usage of personal computers declined while mobile app usage increased. The document outlines several technologies that enabled more natural interfaces, such as gesture and motion control, and provided examples of interfaces using these technologies. It argues that future interfaces will become even more natural and context-aware as new technologies are incorporated.
The document describes Titanium Mobile, a framework for building mobile apps using JavaScript. It allows developing apps that can run on iOS, Android, and Blackberry platforms from the same codebase. Titanium compiles JavaScript code into native mobile applications using native platform APIs. This provides access to device capabilities while allowing for cross-platform development with a single codebase.
This document contains a list of links related to the story of the Three Little Pigs and user interface design. It includes links to retellings of the classic tale, illustrations of characters and settings from the story, as well as references to usability guidelines and principles of interface design. The links cover a wide range of topics but are all connected by their relevance to the children's story or designing easy-to-use digital products.
Sketching User Experience—Video SketchingJustin Lee
This document discusses sketching as a tool for user experience design. It begins with an introduction to the author and their career in design. The main content then covers the relationship between sketching and prototyping, describing sketching as a way to explore ideas and branch out, while prototyping allows for iterative refinement. Tips are provided for creating low-fidelity video sketches using basic techniques. The benefits of video sketching are listed as easy communication, not requiring technical skills, and high-speed production. References conclude the document.
How I Use Google Technology to Enhance Travel ExperienceJustin Lee
Google DevFest 2010 Taipei: Local Demos #2
Justin Lee (李易修) speaked about his experience writing Google Maps Mashup and Chrome Extensions (including PlaceClipr, PrintMyMap, Fourlickr).