Social media is now the number one activity on the internet. With 90% of companies using networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for recruitment, it is vital that you utilise social media when job hunting. By harnessing the power of social media you could greatly increase your chance of bagging that dream job.
Social media is now the number one activity on the internet. With 90% of companies using networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for recruitment, it is vital that you utilise social media when job hunting. By harnessing the power of social media you could greatly increase your chance of bagging that dream job.
10. 健康與
Lancet 2012; 380: 1011–29
Advantages and disadvantages in health and its social determinants accumulate over
the life course. This process begins with pregnancy and early child development and
continues with school, the transition to working life, employment, and working
conditions, and circumstances affecting older people.
17. 17
Arch Intern Med. 2005;
Justice at Work and Reduced
Risk of Coronary Heart
Disease Among Employees
The Whitehall II Study
18. 吸菸的危害:Survival from age 35 for continuing cigarette smokers and
lifelong non-smokers among UK male doctors born 1900-1930, with
percentages alive at each decade of age.
Doll R et al. BMJ 2004;328:1519
29. Primary Goods 基本益品
a. 基本權利與自由;
b. 遷徙與選擇職業的自由;
c. 權力和職權;
d. 收入與財富;
e. 自尊的社會基礎.
– John Rawls. Political Liberalism: Expanded Edition.
30. 基本權利與自由 包括哪些?
(TJ, p. 61)
? The basic liberties of citizens are, roughly speaking,
political liberty (the right to vote and to be eligible for
public office) together with freedom of speech and
assembly; liberty of conscience and freedom of
thought; freedom of the person along with the right to
hold (personal) property; and freedom from arbitrary
arrest and seizure as defined by the concept of the rule
of law.
? 政治權、公民權、(個人)財產權
? 財產權:僅限於取得、使用以及範圍的規則平等,
而非財產份額的平等 (H.L.A. Hart)
45. Rawls 設下的財產權限制原因
? The two principles also specify an ideal form for the basic
structure in the light of which ongoing institutional and
procedural processes are constrained and adjusted. Among
these constraints are the limits on the accumulation of
property (especially if private property in productive assets
exists) that derive from the requirements of the fair value
of political liberty and fair equality of opportunity, and the
limits based on considerations of stability and excusable
envy, both of which are connected to the essential primary
good of self-respect.
? 摘錄自: John Rawls. 「Political Liberalism: Expanded
Edition」 iBooks.
46. 金錢累積的原因與目的?
? Institutions must organize social cooperation
so that they encourage constructive efforts.
We have a right to our natural abilities and a
right to whatever we become entitled to by
taking part in a fair social process.
? 金融化 與 1980年之前的「工業資本時代」
– 賺錢的方式、額度、分配 與 副作用
– 建議讀 David Harvey
57. 參考
? Rawls, A theory of justice.
? Rawls, Political liberalism.
? David Harvey, Contradictions of capital.
? Amartys Sen, Development as freedom.
? Michael Heinrich, An Introduction to the
Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital. (2004)
? Piketty, Capital in the 21st century. (2014)
59. ? John Rawls argued that questions about the
system of ownership are secondary or
derivative questions, to be dealt with
pragmatically rather than as issues in political
philosophy (Rawls 1971, p. 274).
? 是以單純程序正義的角度的方式處理,只
布符合某種樣態(例如Gini coefficient落在
62. Rawls 本來就預期調整
? 「while a large element of pure procedural
justice transfers to the principles of justice, these
principles must nevertheless embody an ideal
form for the basic structure in the light of which
ongoing institutional processes are to be
constrained and the accumulated results of
individual transactions continually adjusted」
? 摘錄自: John Rawls. 「Political Liberalism:
Expanded Edition。」 iBooks.
? 如何調整?
63. 遵循程序正義,但後果不均
? First, the two principles of justice as they work in
tandem incorporate an important element of pure
procedural justice in the actual determination of
distributive shares. (Political Liberalism, expanded
? Again, the two principles of justice do not insist that
the actual distribution conform at any given time (or
over time) to any observable pattern, say equality, or
that the degree of inequality computed from the
distribution fall within a certain range, say of values of
the Gini coefficient. (Political Liberalism 註 313)