Este documento trata sobre un estudio sobre el embarazo precoz en estudiantes de cuarto a単o de bachillerato en la Unidad Educativa Santo Domingo de los Colorados. Explica que el embarazo precoz es un problema social que afecta la salud y las oportunidades de las adolescentes. El objetivo del estudio es determinar las causas y consecuencias del embarazo precoz en los estudiantes y prevenirlos a trav辿s de charlas informativas y el uso de anticonceptivos. El marco te坦rico re
Mario Vargas Llosa naci坦 en 1936 en Arequipa, Per炭. Estudi坦 en colegios militares y universidades en Per炭 y obtuvo un doctorado en Espa単a. Se ha desempe単ado como periodista, pol鱈tico y escritor prol鱈fico de novelas, cuentos, ensayos y obras de teatro. Ha recibido numerosos premios literarios incluyendo el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 2010.
O documento resume as distribui巽探es de quest探es por assunto nas provas do SSA 2 para as disciplinas de Biologia, Geografia, Hist坦ria, Qu鱈mica e Sociologia. Em geral, as provas cobriram uma variedade de t坦picos nos programas das disciplinas com n鱈veis de dificuldade variados. Algumas provas careceram de certos assuntos esperados.
The document is a cover letter and CV for Jacques Engelbrecht applying for a position. The summary is:
Jacques has over 15 years of experience in maintenance, production management, and offshore operations. He has successfully developed maintenance plans, completed management programs, and obtained production management qualifications. He is now seeking a new opportunity to apply his skills.
Este documento discute como Jesus 辿 o nosso modelo de lideran巽a crist達. Ele cita passagens b鱈blicas mostrando que Jesus curou nossas doen巽as e perdoou nossas iniq端idades. O documento tamb辿m discute como Jesus 辿 a luz do mundo que ilumina as trevas.
Strategic management, cg, sr, and ethicsAamir chouhan
This document discusses concepts related to strategic management, corporate governance, ethics, and stakeholder responsibilities. It addresses the following key points:
- Corporate governance involves interaction between management, boards of directors, and shareholders. Most boards fall into categories ranging from passive to actively engaged.
- Stakeholders are groups with an interest in an organization like shareholders, customers, and employees. There is debate around which stakeholders companies have the greatest responsibilities towards.
- Ethics refers to principles of right and wrong behavior. The document discusses various frameworks for ethical decision making including utilitarianism, justice approaches, and universal truths.
Este documento presenta un resumen de un proyecto de investigaci坦n sobre el estr辿s en estudiantes de tercer a単o de bachillerato en la Unidad Educativa "Santo Domingo de los Colorados" en el periodo 2015-2016. El objetivo general del estudio es conocer y analizar los factores causantes del estr辿s en los estudiantes adolescentes mediante encuestas para encontrar soluciones a este problema social. El documento incluye una introducci坦n, marco te坦rico, marco metodol坦gico y aspectos administrativos del proyecto como recursos, cron
CGR Imparte instrucciones sobre aplicaci坦n Ley N尊 20883Nelson Leiva速
Contralor鱈a General de la Rep炭blica remite oficio N尊 098201 del 14.Dic.2015 donde imparte instrucciones para la aplicaci坦n de la Ley N尊 20883 que corresponde al reajuste de remuneraciones, aguinaldos y bonos para el sector p炭blico 2015/2016
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai model komunikasi yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli komunikasi. Beberapa model yang dijelaskan antara lain model S-R, model Aristoteles, model Lasswell, model Shannon dan Weaver, model Schramm, model Newcomb, model Westley dan Maclean, model Gerbner, model Berlo, model DeFleur, model Tubbs, dan model Gudykunst dan Kim. Setiap model memiliki pendekatan yang berbeda dalam menjelaskan proses komunikasi.
Contourlet Transform Based Method For Medical Image DenoisingCSCJournals
Noise is an important factor of the medical image quality, because the high noise of medical imaging will not give us the useful information of the medical diagnosis. Basically, medical diagnosis is based on normal or abnormal information provided diagnose conclusion. In this paper, we proposed a denoising algorithm based on Contourlet transform for medical images. Contourlet transform is an extension of the wavelet transform in two dimensions using the multiscale and directional filter banks. The Contourlet transform has the advantages of multiscale and time-frequency-localization properties of wavelets, but also provides a high degree of directionality. For verifying the denoising performance of the Contourlet transform, two kinds of noise are added into our samples; Gaussian noise and speckle noise. Soft thresholding value for the Contourlet coefficients of noisy image is computed. Finally, the experimental results of proposed algorithm are compared with the results of wavelet transform. We found that the proposed algorithm has achieved acceptable results compared with those achieved by wavelet transform.
1. Dokumen membahas tentang dinamika perubahan pedosfer dan berbagai komponen yang mempengaruhinya seperti iklim, organisme, bahan induk, topografi, dan waktu.
2. Juga dibahas tentang berbagai jenis tanah seperti latosol, grumosol, podsolik, dan lainnya beserta ciri khas masing-masing.
3. Proses pembentukan tanah dan perkembangan horison tanah juga dijelaskan."
Ppt model model komunikasi kelompok excellentSalma Van Licht
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai model komunikasi yang dikemukakan oleh para ilmuan komunikasi, mulai dari model stimulus-respons hingga model interaksional. Beberapa model yang dijelaskan meliputi model Lasswell, Shannon-Weaver, Schramm, Westley-MacLean, dan Gerbner.
The document provides images and captions of various beautiful and unique locations around the world, including architectural structures, natural landscapes, resorts, and underwater life. Some highlights mentioned are Dinner in the Sky in Belgium, the Canton Tower in China, the amazing tree house and elevator in China, the InterContinental Resort in Tahiti, the Masdar City sustainable design in Abu Dhabi, Lake Bled in Slovenia, and the male tomato clownfish tending its eggs like a gardener in the ocean.
Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti kelas VII ini membahas tentang salat jamak, salat qashar, dan salat jamak qashar. Materi akan disampaikan dalam 3 pertemuan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan demonstrasi. Peserta didik diajak memahami pengertian, dalil, tata cara, dan manfaat ketiga jenis salat tersebut serta mempraktikkannya.
2014 reinventing-writing at #reinvent14 Reinventing the ClassroomVicki Davis
Writing teachers and people who write need to understand the 9 ways writing has been reinvented. These slides give an overview of the 9 ways writing is reinvented and touch on some of the community and safety aspects as well. Based upon "Reinventing Writing" June 2014 by Vicki Davis. This presentation is available online at Reinventing the Classroom 2014 online.
I've embedded the video near the beginning, just forward past it if you don't want to watch the video.
O documento resume as atividades realizadas na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Santa Joana Francisca durante os meses de maio e junho de 2014, incluindo eventos comunit叩rios, passeios educativos, a巽探es ambientais e homenagens s m達es.
This document discusses gamification of serious games and provides examples. It defines gamification as using game elements in non-game contexts to motivate and engage users. Serious games are described as full games designed for purposes other than pure entertainment, such as learning. Examples provided of serious games that could be gamified include Barnga, vocabulary bingo, a smart learning goals project, the chocolate game, and the culture game.
Este documento presenta un resumen de un proyecto de investigaci坦n sobre el estr辿s en estudiantes de tercer a単o de bachillerato en la Unidad Educativa "Santo Domingo de los Colorados" en el periodo 2015-2016. El objetivo general del estudio es conocer y analizar los factores causantes del estr辿s en los estudiantes adolescentes mediante encuestas para encontrar soluciones a este problema social. El documento incluye una introducci坦n, marco te坦rico, marco metodol坦gico y aspectos administrativos del proyecto como recursos, cron
CGR Imparte instrucciones sobre aplicaci坦n Ley N尊 20883Nelson Leiva速
Contralor鱈a General de la Rep炭blica remite oficio N尊 098201 del 14.Dic.2015 donde imparte instrucciones para la aplicaci坦n de la Ley N尊 20883 que corresponde al reajuste de remuneraciones, aguinaldos y bonos para el sector p炭blico 2015/2016
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai model komunikasi yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli komunikasi. Beberapa model yang dijelaskan antara lain model S-R, model Aristoteles, model Lasswell, model Shannon dan Weaver, model Schramm, model Newcomb, model Westley dan Maclean, model Gerbner, model Berlo, model DeFleur, model Tubbs, dan model Gudykunst dan Kim. Setiap model memiliki pendekatan yang berbeda dalam menjelaskan proses komunikasi.
Contourlet Transform Based Method For Medical Image DenoisingCSCJournals
Noise is an important factor of the medical image quality, because the high noise of medical imaging will not give us the useful information of the medical diagnosis. Basically, medical diagnosis is based on normal or abnormal information provided diagnose conclusion. In this paper, we proposed a denoising algorithm based on Contourlet transform for medical images. Contourlet transform is an extension of the wavelet transform in two dimensions using the multiscale and directional filter banks. The Contourlet transform has the advantages of multiscale and time-frequency-localization properties of wavelets, but also provides a high degree of directionality. For verifying the denoising performance of the Contourlet transform, two kinds of noise are added into our samples; Gaussian noise and speckle noise. Soft thresholding value for the Contourlet coefficients of noisy image is computed. Finally, the experimental results of proposed algorithm are compared with the results of wavelet transform. We found that the proposed algorithm has achieved acceptable results compared with those achieved by wavelet transform.
1. Dokumen membahas tentang dinamika perubahan pedosfer dan berbagai komponen yang mempengaruhinya seperti iklim, organisme, bahan induk, topografi, dan waktu.
2. Juga dibahas tentang berbagai jenis tanah seperti latosol, grumosol, podsolik, dan lainnya beserta ciri khas masing-masing.
3. Proses pembentukan tanah dan perkembangan horison tanah juga dijelaskan."
Ppt model model komunikasi kelompok excellentSalma Van Licht
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai model komunikasi yang dikemukakan oleh para ilmuan komunikasi, mulai dari model stimulus-respons hingga model interaksional. Beberapa model yang dijelaskan meliputi model Lasswell, Shannon-Weaver, Schramm, Westley-MacLean, dan Gerbner.
The document provides images and captions of various beautiful and unique locations around the world, including architectural structures, natural landscapes, resorts, and underwater life. Some highlights mentioned are Dinner in the Sky in Belgium, the Canton Tower in China, the amazing tree house and elevator in China, the InterContinental Resort in Tahiti, the Masdar City sustainable design in Abu Dhabi, Lake Bled in Slovenia, and the male tomato clownfish tending its eggs like a gardener in the ocean.
Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti kelas VII ini membahas tentang salat jamak, salat qashar, dan salat jamak qashar. Materi akan disampaikan dalam 3 pertemuan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan demonstrasi. Peserta didik diajak memahami pengertian, dalil, tata cara, dan manfaat ketiga jenis salat tersebut serta mempraktikkannya.
2014 reinventing-writing at #reinvent14 Reinventing the ClassroomVicki Davis
Writing teachers and people who write need to understand the 9 ways writing has been reinvented. These slides give an overview of the 9 ways writing is reinvented and touch on some of the community and safety aspects as well. Based upon "Reinventing Writing" June 2014 by Vicki Davis. This presentation is available online at Reinventing the Classroom 2014 online.
I've embedded the video near the beginning, just forward past it if you don't want to watch the video.
O documento resume as atividades realizadas na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Santa Joana Francisca durante os meses de maio e junho de 2014, incluindo eventos comunit叩rios, passeios educativos, a巽探es ambientais e homenagens s m達es.
This document discusses gamification of serious games and provides examples. It defines gamification as using game elements in non-game contexts to motivate and engage users. Serious games are described as full games designed for purposes other than pure entertainment, such as learning. Examples provided of serious games that could be gamified include Barnga, vocabulary bingo, a smart learning goals project, the chocolate game, and the culture game.
The document is a YouTube video about delivering bad news in 3 phases:
1) Opening/briefly stating the bad news
2) Addressing the recipient's emotions
3) Seeking solutions together and closing
It provides guidance on how people typically react emotionally to bad news, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, and acting indifferent.
Rechtvaardigheid en de legitimiteit van het strafrecht: mag je straffen? Wie mag er straffen? Wie mag je straffen? En hoe lang moet die straf dan zijn?
2. 1. Welk woord hoort bij deze omschrijving?
a. omissie
b. onverlet
c. opschorten
d. nihil
3. 2. Welk woord hoort bij deze omschrijving?
a. kwantitatief
b. normatief
c. kwantificeerbaar
d. minitieus
4. 3. Welk woord hoort bij deze omschrijving?
a. onbesuisd
b. ludiek
c. ostentatief
d. laconiek
5. 4. Wat betekent het onderstreepte woord?
a. Voor langere tijd
b. Voor kortere tijd
c. onverminderd
d. niet volledig
6. 5. In welke zin is prominent NIET juist gebruikt?
a. Er waren prominente gasten op het filmgala.
b. D66-prominent noemt het kabinet een kaartenhuis dat elk moment
kan instorten.
c. Het contract voldoet aan de prominente eisen.
d. De vlaggenmast stond prominent op het stadhuis.
7. 6. In welke zin is ongegrond NIET juist gebruikt?
a. Het oordeel over paus Franciscus I was geheel ongegrond.
b. Deze deur is ongegrond opgeleverd.
c. Mijn huis krijgt een nieuwe vloer, want het is nu ongegrond.
d. De kosten van de advocaat bij een ongegrond beklag kunnen
worden worden vergoed.
8. 7. Welke woorden hebben een tegenovergestelde
1. optimaal a. zo min mogelijk
2. laconiek b. je bescheiden opstellen
3. karikatuur c. lofzang
4. profileren d. achter gesloten deuren
5. paradoxaal e. voorspelbaar
6. Plenair f. nauwgezet
9. 8. Wat is het verschil in betekenis tussen:
1. Legitiem legitimatie
2. Provisorisch provoceren
3. Mits mitsdien
4. Parallel onevenredig