Alcuni spunti dalla Conferenza tematica eTwinning di Firenze 21-23 settembre 2016: dall'intervento di Anne Gilleran sulle 8 competenze chiave, al ruolo di eTwinning e per concludere alcune buone pratiche di progetti e TwinSpace di successo
eTwinning: panoramica e prospettive alla luce del PNSDalexandra tosi
breve panoramica di eTwinning e suo inserimento nei nuovi scenari del sistema educativo italiano (Indicazioni per il curricolo, la Buona Scuola, il Clil, il PNSD...)
Introduzione eTwinning, il contesto istituzionale, gli obiettivi per un eTwinning di qualit e i contenuti interessati, con una breve panoramica sugli strumenti e i portali per incontrare altri docenti europei e lavorare insieme.
eTwinning e le politiche nazionali per la scuolaalexandra tosi
Sinergie tra eTwinning e le nuove politiche per la scuola come le Indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo, il PNSD, Piano Formazione Docenti, la Buona Scuola, Clil...
La valenza di eTwinning nella formazione dei docentialexandra tosi
L'importanza di eTwinning per la formazione dei docenti, alcuni dati da TALIS 2013 e dallo studio di impatto di eTwinning sulle abilit degli insegnanti e sulle pratiche didattiche - CSS 2015
Alcuni spunti dalla Conferenza tematica eTwinning di Firenze 21-23 settembre 2016: dall'intervento di Anne Gilleran sulle 8 competenze chiave, al ruolo di eTwinning e per concludere alcune buone pratiche di progetti e TwinSpace di successo
eTwinning: panoramica e prospettive alla luce del PNSDalexandra tosi
breve panoramica di eTwinning e suo inserimento nei nuovi scenari del sistema educativo italiano (Indicazioni per il curricolo, la Buona Scuola, il Clil, il PNSD...)
Introduzione eTwinning, il contesto istituzionale, gli obiettivi per un eTwinning di qualit e i contenuti interessati, con una breve panoramica sugli strumenti e i portali per incontrare altri docenti europei e lavorare insieme.
eTwinning e le politiche nazionali per la scuolaalexandra tosi
Sinergie tra eTwinning e le nuove politiche per la scuola come le Indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo, il PNSD, Piano Formazione Docenti, la Buona Scuola, Clil...
La valenza di eTwinning nella formazione dei docentialexandra tosi
L'importanza di eTwinning per la formazione dei docenti, alcuni dati da TALIS 2013 e dallo studio di impatto di eTwinning sulle abilit degli insegnanti e sulle pratiche didattiche - CSS 2015
Presentazione eTwinning Live! settembre 2015 a Venezia
Cosa 竪 eTwinning? Chi pu嘆 partecipare e come? Qual 竪 l'andamento in Italia e in Europa? A cosa serve?
Presentazione dell'esperienza del partenariato Erasmus+KA2 Fablab@school di un partecipante al progetto Erasmus+ KA1 Pi湛 Europa a scuola nell'ambito delle attivit di disseminazione relative a quest'ultmo.
Autore: G. Cacioppo
Presentazione di eTwinning nel corso del seminario LLP organizzato dall'Agenzia nazionale Lifelong Learning Programme di Indire con il supporto del Comune di Firenze
eTwinning. Opportunit e sinergie per i partenariati strategici - KA2Alessandra Ceccherelli
Come pu嘆 eTwinning accompagnare il percorso progettuale dei partenariati Erasmus+? Con la possibilit di costruire e personalizzare uno spazio web per collaborare e comunicare tra classi, coinvolgendo gli alunni in modo diretto e in tutte le fasi di lavoro.
Da un partenariato strategico possono nascere pi湛 progetti eTwinning, focalizzati su aspetti specifici del progetto biennale e con i coinvolgimento di attori anche esterni, interpellati per coprire un ruolo pertinente alla fase di progetto.
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1920 was one of the deadliest pandemics in history. It is estimated to have infected 500 million people worldwide and killed approximately 20 million victims. While it originated in the United States, it became known as the "Spanish flu" because news of it was more freely reported in neutral Spain than in warring countries. The second wave in particular proved to be highly lethal, killing victims within days by filling their lungs with fluid. Doctors and scientists struggled to treat the virus effectively as there were no vaccines or antiviral drugs available at the time.
The document discusses how flipped learning fits within the four dimensional education framework. The four dimensions are: 1) knowledge, 2) skills, 3) character, and 4) meta-learning. Flipped learning supports developing cross-curricular themes, 21st century skills like collaboration, and character traits like grit through student-centered approaches. When implemented according to this framework, flipped learning can enhance deep learning and develop self-directed, reflective students well-prepared for the future.
This document discusses setting goals and building successful teams for a project. It recommends that each partner school have 6 teams of students and teachers responsible for coordination, travel, digital communication, dissemination, and evaluation. The document also provides tips for setting SMART goals, sharing ideas, and tools for teamwork like Twinspace, Moodle, Google Drive, and Padlet. The overall message is that teams "win" by accomplishing their goals and creating an environment that supports the project's values.
This document summarizes the results of a questionnaire given to teachers in Barcelona about their satisfaction and well-being at school. It finds that teachers' satisfaction declines throughout the school year, from 50% in the first term to 12.5% in the fourth term. Teachers indicated that students being more interested, respectful, and developing their skills could increase satisfaction, as could more cooperation and teamwork among colleagues. Improving the working environment with upgraded technology, more workspace, and comfort could also increase satisfaction, as could developing innovative teaching skills and a willingness to work together. Factors like room temperature, desk and chair sizes, and access to teaching equipment were also found to potentially affect satisfaction levels. Curiosity, creativity, and
This document summarizes the results of a student questionnaire about factors that affect school satisfaction. It identifies several key factors mentioned by students, including how teachers, classmates, teaching methods, physical environment, food quality and activities during breaks can impact satisfaction. Students indicated that using more technology, group work, labs and a more modern learning environment would increase their satisfaction. Relaxing areas, comfortable furniture, efficient heating and proper desk/chair sizes were also cited as important. Developing soft skills and strengths like leadership, honesty and creativity through encouraging teachers and a well-equipped school were highlighted as well.
eTwinning is a community for schools in Europe that provides a platform for teachers and staff to collaborate on projects, communicate, and develop professionally. It has over 400,000 members from schools across Europe engaged in over 50,000 ongoing projects. The program is funded by Erasmus+ and coordinated by European Schoolnet. Through participating in eTwinning, schools can enrich learning, access professional development resources, improve standards, and gain recognition for their work.
This document summarizes an Erasmus+ project called "Let's flip together" that involved 16 teachers from 8 European countries implementing flipped learning in their classrooms. The project had objectives of promoting authentic communication, peer learning from diverse backgrounds, technology use, engagement, collaboration, content creation and sharing resources. Teachers used an online twinspace to research flipped learning techniques, experiment with different materials, and publish collaborative e-books outlining their experiences. Students interacted online and worked on a module about food. The project resulted in positive student outcomes and the teachers achieving their goals of flipping instruction.
The document summarizes key aspects of Islam in Pakistan. It explains that Islam is the most prominent religion in Pakistan, with Muslims believing in one God called Allah. The Quran is considered the holy book of Islam, containing 114 chapters. The holy place for Muslims is the mosque, where they go to pray facing Mecca. It also describes Ramadan, the month of fasting from sunrise to sunset, and notes that while the Quran dictates equal rights for women, in reality women have a disadvantaged position in Islamic societies.
This document provides an overview of women in various fields including politics, law, culture, education, and science. It discusses how the world may be different if there were more women in politics, noting current statistics on female representation. In law, it mentions how women's testimony was once not valued as highly as men's. It also profiles several influential women such as Queen Elizabeth II, Benazir Bhutto, Coco Chanel, Malala Yousafzai, and Madame Curie. The document concludes with a poem expressing a woman's inner freedom and independence despite outward suppression.
The document provides background information on the history of literature in Pakistan and GC University. It then summarizes the works of author Hanif Kureishi, including his books and films from 1985 to 2000. It notes his family accused him of exploiting them with thinly veiled references in his work. Finally, it lists some of the prizes Kureishi won between 1980 and 2013 for his literary works.
Pakistan has a variety of arts that are influenced by both Indian and Persian styles, including cinema, music, painting, and other modern arts. Music is very popular in Pakistan and includes traditional styles like Qawwali and Naat as well as western inspired modern styles. However, the Taliban has tried to restrict secular arts in Pakistan and destroyed historic Buddhist statues.
The woman has a degree in philosophy and social services but cannot find a job in her field on the small island she lives on due to the economic crisis in Greece. Some suggestions provided include that she could combine her skills to start a social tourism business for disabled and disadvantaged people on the island, allowing her to work in her field of social services while utilizing her family's existing tourism business premises. Applying for funding from European Union programs is also suggested as a way to help unemployed individuals and women find new jobs. Leaving for Dubai is not recommended as she would not want to leave her island or adapt to the different culture and climate.
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
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Innovare la didattica
1. eTwinning e la didattica innovativa
Amatrice 17 Maggio 2018
Maria Rosaria Gismondi, ambasciatrice eTwinning per il Lazio
2. Esperienze di una etwinner, ovvero come innovare la didattica attraverso i
progetti eTwinning
3. Storia di un progetto:
Lets flip together
Inizio estate del 2013
Quando? Realizzato nellanno 2014/2015
Gli obiettivi
Comunicazione autentica
Apprendimento fra pari di diverse provenienza
Uso della tecnologia
Attivit divertenti e avvincenti
Collaborazione fra scuole europee di diversi ordini
Creazione di contenuti
Condivisione di contenuti
6. Come abbiamo sperimentato il metodo
Twinspace come spazio di condivisione di ricerche, sperimentazioni, e materiali
Realizzazione del progetto in 16 scuole di 8 nazioni diverse
Comunicazione online sincrona e asincrona
Lavoro collaborativo per la produzione di un e-book comune, contenente le nostre conclusioni rig
Pubblicazione dei contenuti creati dai nostri studenti
7. Un esempio di creazione e condivisione dei contenuti