Tr棚n v畉n n畉o 動畛ng v trong m畛i ng探 ng叩ch c畛a cu畛c 畛i, c坦 m畛t con 動畛ng m h畉u nh動 ai c滴ng ph畉i b動畛c i. 坦 l 動畛ng i 畉n v畛i ngh畛 nghi畛p, ph動董ng ti畛n m t畉t c畉 ch炭ng ta 畛u c畉n 畛 c坦 th畛 sinh t畛n
Please return the true name for marking on encNam Ninh H
An navigation officer noticed that all the island and reef names in the South China Sea on his ECDIS had been changed to Chinese pronunciations, rather than their true names. He contacted three maritime organizations - IHO, IMO, and UKHO - to request they return the markings to their correct names. The officer expressed that while China claims the South China Sea and Spratly Islands as theirs, the international community does not recognize these claims.