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Jacob Nation
Project & Portfolio I: Week 1
October 1st, 2023
Picture of You
Goes Here
Hey my name is Jacob Nation and Im from
Chattanooga, Tennessee. Since I was born I was
raised in an environment of die hard sports fans. I saw
the passion they had as well as the camaraderie it
brought, now I want to create that with my audience. I
want to help people connect with not only the teams,
but the players, and introduce them to the deeper
layers of the game. I value loyalty and passion, I
believe that putting time into something and being
patient will ultimately make your achievements that
more meaningful. I hope to one day hear from one of
my fans that I helped them realize its about more than
just the final score.
Potential Job Titles:
 On air talent
 Beat writer
Broadcaster for Sportscasting
Picture Relevant
to Your Industry
Goes Here
I pride myself in being able to deliver the facts that you need but also relate t
HR and Hiring
Melanie Render
Outreach Plan:
 Go on grammarly and type out a professional message
explaining my interest
 I will be connecting with her by a LinkedIn message
 If I do not get a response in 3-4 weeks I will message
her again and remind her I am still interested
Senior recruiter at Warner
Kathleen Rouse
Outreach Plan:
 I will see if we have any mutual connections I could ask
about Kathleen.
 I will also message her on LinkedIn and tell her how I
am graduating and what I have learned
 I will follow up with a link to my portfolio showing my
work within a month if there is no response
PICTURE Recruiter at Turner
Broadcasting Systems
Afeez Tijani
Outreach Plan:
 Make sure I have a solid resume and a strong body of
work to show him
 Linkedin will also be my mode of communication as it is
the industry standard
 Since he is a highly regarded person I will give him a
month and a half until following up
PICTURE Director of Human Resources
at FOX Sports
Short Term: 2025
After graduation I would like to land an internship or job with a
larger company that has a developmental program to give me good
experience and help me refine my skills.
 To do this I will reach out to 35 recruiters across the
country that work with companies Im interested in by the
time I get within 3 months of graduation.
Mid Term: 2027
 Next I would like to sign with a notable publication and report for
a specific team
 For this to happen I will need to have made a name for
myself and established my brand. To do that I would like
to have created a large body of work and have 10k
followers on twitter or TikTok by the end of 2026
Long Term: 2029
 I want to be the Los Angeles Clippers beat writer
 This job would require me to master my interviewing,
journalism, and professionalism. I need to have a
contacts as well. By 2029 I want to have 5 solid contacts
in the Clippers HR department as well as have a polished
portfolio to show off all my work over the years
Notable Skills & Current Proficiencies:
Notable Skills REQUIRED in TRADE & Current Proficiencies:
Novice / Adept / Expert
Writing Novice / Adept / Expert
Adaptability Novice / Adept / Expert
Sociable Novice / Adept / Expert
Adobe Suite
Novice / Adept / Expert
Script writing Novice / Adept / Expert
Time management Novice / Adept / Expert
Teamwork Novice / Adept / Expert
I help sports fans stay informed and
connected with their teams by delivering
unique content I put my all into
Work Experience:
 Appeared weekly on the Joey Abdullah
radio show for 4 months
 Student leader of skits and games at
local churchs Wednesday nights
 Worked with Young Life planning
entertainment for events
 High School degree, Signal Mountain
Middle/High School
 Sportscasting, B.S., Full Sail University (2025)
 Young Southern writers award 2x
 Graduated with high school honors
Picture Relevant
to Your Industry
Goes Here
Chase Brownawell
Industry Experience:
 Full Sail University
Activity Level
 Has 198 connections
 Has commented many times on posts
Skills and Proficiencies:
 Broadcast Journalism - 0 Endorsements
 Sports writing - 0 Endorsements
 Sports photography - 0 Endorsements
Jacob Nation
Overall Online Presence:
 198 Connections, Customized Banner, Professional
headshot, detailed profile but lacks history, no articles,
active on X and YouTube as well, customized URL.
 Grade: Average, 65 out of 100
Industry Experience:
 Full Sail University
Activity Level
 Has 26 connections
 Has not commented on a post
Skills and Proficiencies:
 Talking on air - 0 Endorsements
 Video Editing - 0 Endorsements
 Sports Writing - 0 Endorsements
Overall Online Presence:
 26 connections, banner not customized, no headshot,
non detailed profile, no articles, active on X and
Instagram, non customized URL
 Grade: Poor 40, out of 100
Farbod Esnaashari
Noteworthy Experience:
 Interviews Clippers players postgame
 Worked as a writer for ESPN the biggest company in
Jacob Nation
Industry Experience:
 Writer at ESPN, Forbes, SI, Bleacher
 University of California Irvine
Skills and Proficiencies:
 Marketing - 19 Endorsements
 Public Speaking - 5 Endorsements
 Social Media - 18 Endorsements
Overall Online Presence:
 500+ Connections, customized banner, very
professional headshot, everything on the profile is fully
filled out, hundreds of published articles, extremely
active on X and the sites he is employed by,
customized URL
 Grade: Superior, 92 out of 100
Industry Experience:
 Worked on a local radio show
 Full Sail University
Leadership Experience:
 Youth entertainment at Young Life
 Writer, producer, and on air talent for a local sports
radio show
Skills and Proficiencies:
 Talking on air - 0 Endorsements
 Video Editing - 0 Endorsements
 Sports Writing - 0 Endorsements
Overall Online Presence:
 26 connections, banner not customized, no headshot,
non detailed profile, no articles, active on X and
Instagram, non customized URL
 Grade: Poor 40, out of 100
For sports fans who are desperate for something
different, I provide entertaining content that helps
first time viewers connect with the sport and gives
experienced fans relevant because I genuinely
love what I do and I care about people sharing the
passion that I have.
Industry Events & Organizations
 Community Pros food drive
 Nov. 16 | Orlando
 Orlando Magic game
 Oct.25 | Orlando
 Sports and entertainment marketing conference
 Jan. 29-Feb 4 | Orlando
Digital Marketing
 Primary Content: I will be creating sports related videos
covering the NBA and NFL. I believe this will not only help me
get my personality out but let me show people what sets me
 Primary Tools: I will be using X, TikTok, Youtube, and
Instagram. I will post multiple times a day and curate the
content out of larger videos. Youtube will be longer videos, but
the clips from the videos will be short form on other platforms.
 Website: I will show off my body of work and it will display my
growth as a professional in my career.
Picture of You
Goes Here
 As I grow in my career I would like to find someone who
worked in the field but has retired? I would love for them
to have worked with the NBA or NFL at some point and
could warn are prepare me for future challenges 2025-
Formal Education
 Dan Patrick school of Sportscasting, B.S. Oct. 2025
Technical Skills
 Spend time in the studio learning the equipment - Full
Sail, Present-2025
 Apply to do play by play for Rollins college - Rollins,
Jan. 2024
 Game day setup - Orlando City, March 2024
Soft Skills
 Attend Magic games and work on my networking and
elevator pitch, Orlando Magic Nov. 2023
 Volunteer at Community Pros to work on my team work
skills, Community Pros Nov. 2023
 Attend all the speaker lectures at school related to my
profession to learn what it is like to be out there - Full
Sail, Oct. 2023-2025
Jacob Nation
You know how all sportscasters talk about the same things? Well, what I do
is bring a whole new perspective and energy. In fact, I have already turned
many people who knew nothing about sports into fans.
Picture of You
Goes Here
Tijani, A. (n.d.). Afeez Tijani | linkedin. LinkedIn.
Render, M. (n.d.). Melanie Render - Atlanta, Georgia, United States - linkedin.
LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/melanie-render-a761731
Rouse, K. (n.d.). Kathleen Rouse - Research Intern, Bureau of Diplomatic
Security - Linkedin. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathleen-
Patrick, D. (n.d.). Google search.
Brownawell, C. (n.d.). Chase Brownawell - full sail university - winter park ... -
linkedin. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/chase-brownawell
Nation, J. (n.d.). Jacob Nation - Full Sail University - Linkedin. LinkedIn.
Esnaashari, F. (n.d.). Farbod Esnaashari - marketing and Social Media
manager - linkedin. LinkedIn.

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  • 1. PERSONAL BRAND EXPLORATION Jacob Nation Project & Portfolio I: Week 1 October 1st, 2023
  • 2. IDENTITY Picture of You Goes Here Hey my name is Jacob Nation and Im from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Since I was born I was raised in an environment of die hard sports fans. I saw the passion they had as well as the camaraderie it brought, now I want to create that with my audience. I want to help people connect with not only the teams, but the players, and introduce them to the deeper layers of the game. I value loyalty and passion, I believe that putting time into something and being patient will ultimately make your achievements that more meaningful. I hope to one day hear from one of my fans that I helped them realize its about more than just the final score.
  • 3. PROFESSION Potential Job Titles: On air talent Reporter Beat writer BRAND ARCHETYPE - Broadcaster for Sportscasting Picture Relevant to Your Industry Goes Here I pride myself in being able to deliver the facts that you need but also relate t
  • 4. HR and Hiring TARGET AUDIENCE Melanie Render Outreach Plan: Go on grammarly and type out a professional message explaining my interest I will be connecting with her by a LinkedIn message If I do not get a response in 3-4 weeks I will message her again and remind her I am still interested PROFILE PICTURE Senior recruiter at Warner media Kathleen Rouse Outreach Plan: I will see if we have any mutual connections I could ask about Kathleen. I will also message her on LinkedIn and tell her how I am graduating and what I have learned I will follow up with a link to my portfolio showing my work within a month if there is no response PROFILE PICTURE Recruiter at Turner Broadcasting Systems Afeez Tijani Outreach Plan: Make sure I have a solid resume and a strong body of work to show him Linkedin will also be my mode of communication as it is the industry standard Since he is a highly regarded person I will give him a month and a half until following up PROFILE PICTURE Director of Human Resources at FOX Sports
  • 5. GOALS Short Term: 2025 After graduation I would like to land an internship or job with a larger company that has a developmental program to give me good experience and help me refine my skills. To do this I will reach out to 35 recruiters across the country that work with companies Im interested in by the time I get within 3 months of graduation. Mid Term: 2027 Next I would like to sign with a notable publication and report for a specific team For this to happen I will need to have made a name for myself and established my brand. To do that I would like to have created a large body of work and have 10k followers on twitter or TikTok by the end of 2026 Long Term: 2029 I want to be the Los Angeles Clippers beat writer This job would require me to master my interviewing, journalism, and professionalism. I need to have a contacts as well. By 2029 I want to have 5 solid contacts in the Clippers HR department as well as have a polished portfolio to show off all my work over the years
  • 6. SKILLS ANALYSIS Notable Skills & Current Proficiencies: Notable Skills REQUIRED in TRADE & Current Proficiencies: Photoshop SOFT HARD Novice / Adept / Expert Writing Novice / Adept / Expert Adaptability Novice / Adept / Expert Sociable Novice / Adept / Expert Adobe Suite SOFT HARD Novice / Adept / Expert Script writing Novice / Adept / Expert Time management Novice / Adept / Expert Teamwork Novice / Adept / Expert
  • 7. I help sports fans stay informed and connected with their teams by delivering unique content I put my all into PROMISE
  • 8. CREDENTIALS Work Experience: Appeared weekly on the Joey Abdullah radio show for 4 months Student leader of skits and games at local churchs Wednesday nights Worked with Young Life planning entertainment for events Education: High School degree, Signal Mountain Middle/High School Sportscasting, B.S., Full Sail University (2025) Awards: Young Southern writers award 2x Graduated with high school honors Picture Relevant to Your Industry Goes Here
  • 9. COMPETITION Chase Brownawell Industry Experience: Education: Full Sail University Activity Level Has 198 connections Has commented many times on posts Skills and Proficiencies: Broadcast Journalism - 0 Endorsements Sports writing - 0 Endorsements Sports photography - 0 Endorsements Jacob Nation Overall Online Presence: 198 Connections, Customized Banner, Professional headshot, detailed profile but lacks history, no articles, active on X and YouTube as well, customized URL. Grade: Average, 65 out of 100 HEADSHOT HEADSHOT Industry Experience: Education: Full Sail University Activity Level Has 26 connections Has not commented on a post Skills and Proficiencies: Talking on air - 0 Endorsements Video Editing - 0 Endorsements Sports Writing - 0 Endorsements Overall Online Presence: 26 connections, banner not customized, no headshot, non detailed profile, no articles, active on X and Instagram, non customized URL Grade: Poor 40, out of 100
  • 10. COMPETITION Farbod Esnaashari Noteworthy Experience: Interviews Clippers players postgame Worked as a writer for ESPN the biggest company in sports Jacob Nation HEADSHOT HEADSHOT Industry Experience: Writer at ESPN, Forbes, SI, Bleacher Report Education: University of California Irvine Skills and Proficiencies: Marketing - 19 Endorsements Public Speaking - 5 Endorsements Social Media - 18 Endorsements Overall Online Presence: 500+ Connections, customized banner, very professional headshot, everything on the profile is fully filled out, hundreds of published articles, extremely active on X and the sites he is employed by, customized URL Grade: Superior, 92 out of 100 Industry Experience: Worked on a local radio show Education: Full Sail University Leadership Experience: Youth entertainment at Young Life Writer, producer, and on air talent for a local sports radio show Skills and Proficiencies: Talking on air - 0 Endorsements Video Editing - 0 Endorsements Sports Writing - 0 Endorsements Overall Online Presence: 26 connections, banner not customized, no headshot, non detailed profile, no articles, active on X and Instagram, non customized URL Grade: Poor 40, out of 100
  • 11. BRAND POSITION For sports fans who are desperate for something different, I provide entertaining content that helps first time viewers connect with the sport and gives experienced fans relevant because I genuinely love what I do and I care about people sharing the passion that I have. NICKNAME?
  • 12. NETWORKING & MARKETING Industry Events & Organizations Community Pros food drive Nov. 16 | Orlando Orlando Magic game Oct.25 | Orlando Sports and entertainment marketing conference Jan. 29-Feb 4 | Orlando Digital Marketing Primary Content: I will be creating sports related videos covering the NBA and NFL. I believe this will not only help me get my personality out but let me show people what sets me apart. Primary Tools: I will be using X, TikTok, Youtube, and Instagram. I will post multiple times a day and curate the content out of larger videos. Youtube will be longer videos, but the clips from the videos will be short form on other platforms. Website: I will show off my body of work and it will display my growth as a professional in my career. Picture of You Goes Here
  • 13. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Mentor As I grow in my career I would like to find someone who worked in the field but has retired? I would love for them to have worked with the NBA or NFL at some point and could warn are prepare me for future challenges 2025- TBD Formal Education Dan Patrick school of Sportscasting, B.S. Oct. 2025 Technical Skills Spend time in the studio learning the equipment - Full Sail, Present-2025 Apply to do play by play for Rollins college - Rollins, Jan. 2024 Game day setup - Orlando City, March 2024 Soft Skills Attend Magic games and work on my networking and elevator pitch, Orlando Magic Nov. 2023 Volunteer at Community Pros to work on my team work skills, Community Pros Nov. 2023 Attend all the speaker lectures at school related to my profession to learn what it is like to be out there - Full Sail, Oct. 2023-2025
  • 14. Jacob Nation You know how all sportscasters talk about the same things? Well, what I do is bring a whole new perspective and energy. In fact, I have already turned many people who knew nothing about sports into fans. Picture of You Goes Here
  • 15. REFERENCES Tijani, A. (n.d.). Afeez Tijani | linkedin. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/afeez-tijani-a4555a3 Render, M. (n.d.). Melanie Render - Atlanta, Georgia, United States - linkedin. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/melanie-render-a761731 Rouse, K. (n.d.). Kathleen Rouse - Research Intern, Bureau of Diplomatic Security - Linkedin. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathleen- rouse Patrick, D. (n.d.). Google search. https://www.google.com/search?q=dan%2Bpatrick%2Bsports&tbm=isch &ved=2ahUKEwjbiY-2odaBAxU5OFkFHdrgACcQ2- cCegQIABAA&oq=dan%2Bpatrick%2Bsp&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgBMg QIIxAnMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQg AQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBggAEAgQHjoHCAAQGB CABFDNB1jpDmDCG2gAcAB4AIABSYgB2QOSAQE3mAEAoAEBqgE LZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=aCMaZdu1CLnw5NoP2sGD uAI&bih=906&biw=1585#imgrc=jhdunrpNZIQ_QM Brownawell, C. (n.d.). Chase Brownawell - full sail university - winter park ... - linkedin. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/chase-brownawell Nation, J. (n.d.). Jacob Nation - Full Sail University - Linkedin. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacob-nation-021344270 Esnaashari, F. (n.d.). Farbod Esnaashari - marketing and Social Media manager - linkedin. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/farbodesnaashari

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Forbes Most Valuable Brands List (2017): https://www.forbes.com/powerful-brands/list/ Apple 2. Google 3. Microsoft 4. Facebook 5. Coca-Cola 6. Amazon 7. Disney 8. Toyota 9. McDonalds 10. Samsung Methodology: Forbes valued more than 200 global brands by looking at three years of earnings and allocating a percentage of those earnings based on the role brands play in each industry (e.g., high for luxury goods and beverages, low for airlines and oil companies). We applied the average price-to-earnings multiple over the past three years to these earnings to arrive at the final brand value.