Stephanie Neri presented on social media tools for educators. She found Twitter, LinkedIn, and Delicious to be the most useful for accessing research, making professional connections, and organizing information. Through using these tools, she learned about new autism research and how to market her skills to employers. Some challenges were navigating the sites and understanding technical language. Neri also discussed how her Moodle course provided online learning resources, teaching strategies, and a way to easily contact her teacher at her own pace through videos and instructions. She decided to take another Moodle class to continue utilizing online tools and feeling more confident accessing online information to improve her teaching.
This document discusses several kitchen tools used in baking and food preparation:
- A spatula is a small, flat implement used to mix, spread, and lift foods, as well as other materials like paint or plaster. It derives its name from a Latin word meaning flat piece of wood.
- A pastry blender is used to cut solid fat like butter or shortening into flour to make pastries. It has narrow metal strips or wires attached to a handle.
- A rolling pin is used to shape and flatten dough, and comes in roller or rod styles made of various materials.
Stephanie Neri presented on social media tools for educators. She found Twitter, LinkedIn, and Delicious to be the most useful for accessing research, making professional connections, and organizing information. Through using these tools, she learned about new autism research and how to market her skills to employers. Some challenges were navigating the sites and understanding technical language. Neri also discussed how her Moodle course provided online learning resources, teaching strategies, and a way to easily contact her teacher at her own pace through videos and instructions. She decided to take another Moodle class to continue utilizing online tools and feeling more confident accessing online information to improve her teaching.
This document discusses several kitchen tools used in baking and food preparation:
- A spatula is a small, flat implement used to mix, spread, and lift foods, as well as other materials like paint or plaster. It derives its name from a Latin word meaning flat piece of wood.
- A pastry blender is used to cut solid fat like butter or shortening into flour to make pastries. It has narrow metal strips or wires attached to a handle.
- A rolling pin is used to shape and flatten dough, and comes in roller or rod styles made of various materials.
This document promotes student-centered learning approaches like Genius Hour and ePortfolios, where students spend time on self-directed creative projects and reflect on their learning process. It references advocates of creativity in education like Sir Ken Robinson and provides hashtags and Twitter handles to connect educators interested in these topics. The document encourages sharing ideas to support student creativity and connected learning.
Twitter and Blogging by @gallit_z and @hughtheteacherGallit Zvi
This document discusses using Twitter and blogging in the intermediate classroom. It introduces the concepts of Web 2.0 technologies, participation, collaboration, and using the internet in new ways. Specific reasons given for using Twitter include making connections through personal learning networks, collaboration, and finding new resources. Reasons to blog with students include giving them an authentic audience, increasing engagement and motivation, improving writing and reading skills, and allowing students to take ownership of their learning.
This document provides a room-by-room summary of a playschool called "Sanjivni". It describes the various facilities available such as the dance room, reception area, activity room, sleeping room, kitchen, restrooms, and principal's office. It also provides a critical analysis of several rooms that need improvements in storage, organization, cleanliness, and maintenance.
Flipping the ela classroom cawp versionMrsHardin78
This document discusses flipping the classroom model for an English/Language Arts class. It begins by addressing common myths about flipping, noting that videos do not need to be lectures created by the teacher, can take various forms, and that flipping does not always require extra time or only work for quantifiable topics. Next, it provides examples of how grammar, vocabulary and literary symbolism could be taught using a flipped model with video instruction, guided notes, activities and assessments both in-class and as homework. Lastly, it offers tips on creating reliable video content and accessing free or low-cost options for recording and hosting videos.
The document discusses building a personal learning network (PLN) through Twitter and blogging. It recommends using Twitter to connect with other educators, collaborate by sharing resources and ideas, find information through hashtags and searches, and get students interested. Blogging is suggested to give students an authentic audience, increase motivation, and help them develop writing, reading, and communication skills while taking ownership of their learning. Various blogging platforms like Kidblog and Weebly are also mentioned.
The document appears to be a collection of URLs from various websites that all contain references to "Ameratex Energy" or related topics like oil, gas, energy companies, and renewable fuels. Many of the URLs discuss Ameratex Energy's operations in Texas and the oil/gas industry. The sites also contain information on writing business plans and profiles, investing in oil/gas, and current oil prices/futures.
This short poem describes a wedding ceremony taking place in Salzburg, Austria between partners from the UK and Austria. The couple completes a star-matching task, signifying an auspicious start to building a home together where they can find joy.
21st century learning focuses on applying knowledge to new situations, analyzing information, collaborating, solving problems, and making decisions using educational technologies. It involves activities like Genius Hour where students pursue their passions, and creating ePortfolios for self-reflection. Students also collaborate globally through blogging and Twitter to make connections beyond the classroom.