The document discusses various locations in Havana, Cuba including the National Hotel, La Caba?a Castle, Havana's Cathedral, and the Malecon waterfront. It also mentions people named Pancho and Paco as well as old Cuban cars and the natural scenery in Cuba.
Islam is the religion of Muslims who submit to the will of Allah. The key beliefs include the unity of God, belief in prophets including Muhammad, and judgment day. The main religious obligations of Muslims are the five daily prayers, almsgiving, fasting during Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Mecca. The religion was introduced to the southern Philippines in the 14th century and sultanates were eventually established to govern Muslim communities and formalize Islamic institutions. Colonial sources portrayed Moros negatively but indigenous sources provide evidence of civilized Muslim societies that utilized armed struggle to preserve their culture and traditions.
The document contains the seating arrangements for various examination rooms (SJT 301-401) for a CAT-I examination being held on February 19, 2013 from 3-4:30pm. Each room layout lists the roll numbers assigned to seats in each of the 10 columns by 6 rows.
Partidos pol¨ªticos de todo el mundo experimentan una severa crisis. Sean de izquierda o de derecha, de masas o de cuadros, nuevos o tradicionales, los ciudadanos no conf¨ªan en sus partidos. Los sienten lejanos. No se sienten representados. Piensan que en buena medida todos son iguales.
Conf Cumbre Miami: Movilizacion emocional y movimientos socialesRicardo Castillo
Este documento propone que las campa?as pol¨ªticas se enfoquen en movilizar a los ciudadanos como parte de un movimiento social, no solo en promover al candidato. Sugiere tres estrategias clave: 1) organizar conversaciones ciudadanas sobre los temas de la campa?a, 2) crear una infraestructura para registrar y dar seguimiento a estas conversaciones, y 3) reclutar y organizar un ej¨¦rcito de voluntarios para llevar a cabo las conversaciones. El objetivo es que los ciudadanos se sientan parte de la campa?a y se a
O documento discute como o fracasso ¨¦ parte da condi??o humana e como aqueles que aprendem com os fracassos tendem a ter mais sucesso na vida do que aqueles que se desanimam com eles. Aprender a lidar com os contratempos de forma positiva e continuar em frente ¨¦ essencial para o crescimento pessoal.
O grupo de alunos do 8o ano B fez uma pesquisa no Google sobre Ibiza, Espanha. Eles descobriram que a ilha ¨¦ popular para turismo, especialmente na praia, e tem hot¨¦is como o Hotel Pacha.
This document provides exam venue details for various courses being held on April 1, 2013 from 9:30-11:00 AM (Slot A2). It lists the course name, code, and room numbers along with student roll numbers assigned to each room for six different exams.
This document provides exam venue details for multiple courses taking place on April 7, 2013 from 9:30-11:00 am. It lists the course name, code, and room number assigned for each exam, along with the student roll numbers taking each exam.
The document provides details of exam venues and student roll numbers for various exams taking place on 05-04-2013 from 9:30-11:00. It lists the course name, code, and room numbers assigned for 4 different exams across 4 rooms (SJT 301-304). Each room listing includes the roll numbers of around 30 students taking the exam in that room.
This document discusses SMS marketing services provided by TxtLocal. It highlights the benefits of SMS marketing such as high response rates, low cost, and ease of use. It provides background on SMS usage trends in the UK and examples of how various companies have successfully used TxtLocal's SMS services to boost sales, promote events, and improve customer communication and service. Pricing for TxtLocal's SMS services starts at just 2.55p per text.
The document provides details of exam venues and student roll numbers for various courses being conducted by the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) on March 31, 2012 from 3:00-4:30 PM. Several rooms (SJT301, SJT302, etc.) are listed with student roll numbers assigned to each for exams of courses like English for Engineers II, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Ethics and Values, and others.
The document contains testimonials from various investment professionals praising the institutional-quality equity research and valuable investment ideas provided by The Manual of Ideas. The testimonials highlight the thoroughness, effort, and clarity delivered by The Manual of Ideas in a market flooded with data and opinion. Several of the professionals recommend The Manual of Ideas as an invaluable tool for serious investors seeking differentiated investment ideas.
The document provides an overview of the Thames Valley region in the UK, highlighting its strengths as a business location. Some key points:
- It is situated near London and home to the headquarters of many large global companies in sectors like IT, telecoms, and life sciences.
- It has a highly skilled workforce of over 600,000 and a strong culture of innovation and commercialization of new technologies.
- As the most productive small region in the UK with excellent transport links, it provides access to London and international markets via Heathrow airport.
- In addition to a business-friendly environment and infrastructure, the Thames Valley also offers a high quality of life with cultural amenities and natural beauty on
This document provides exam venue details for multiple courses taking place on August 23, 2012 from 9:30-11:00 AM. It lists the room numbers and student IDs for exams in Discrete Time Systems and Processing, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Computer Networks. Over 300 students are assigned to rooms SJT301 through SJT402 to take exams for the various courses.
The document provides details of exam venues and room assignments for various exams taking place on February 21, 2012 at 9:30-11:00 AM in slots C1. It lists the course names, codes, and room numbers along with student IDs assigned to each room for exams in Digital Logic, Linear Algebra, Psychology and Sociology, Object Oriented Programming, and Concurrent and Distributed Systems.
The vast warehouses of healthcare data are more like silos containing a treasure of untapped potential. Data is spread amongst a variety of sources and lacks coherency to stakeholder/users who need data for a wide-variety of purposes. This is a template for corralling data into a customizable framework that provides local data as well as context and larger geographic aggregation and comparisons.
Preview: Who's Afraid of Post BlacknessMedia Center
This document lists the names of 11 Black artists, writers, and performers including Santigold, Kehinde Wiley, Kara Walker, Deborah Grant, Rashid Johnson, Glenn Ligon, Aaron Mcgruder, Lorna Simpson, Gary Simmons, Jean Michel-Basquiat, and Dave Chappelle.
The document contains the seating arrangements for various examination rooms (SJT 301-401) for a CAT-I examination being held on February 19, 2013 from 3-4:30pm. Each room layout lists the roll numbers assigned to seats in each of the 10 columns by 6 rows.
Partidos pol¨ªticos de todo el mundo experimentan una severa crisis. Sean de izquierda o de derecha, de masas o de cuadros, nuevos o tradicionales, los ciudadanos no conf¨ªan en sus partidos. Los sienten lejanos. No se sienten representados. Piensan que en buena medida todos son iguales.
Conf Cumbre Miami: Movilizacion emocional y movimientos socialesRicardo Castillo
Este documento propone que las campa?as pol¨ªticas se enfoquen en movilizar a los ciudadanos como parte de un movimiento social, no solo en promover al candidato. Sugiere tres estrategias clave: 1) organizar conversaciones ciudadanas sobre los temas de la campa?a, 2) crear una infraestructura para registrar y dar seguimiento a estas conversaciones, y 3) reclutar y organizar un ej¨¦rcito de voluntarios para llevar a cabo las conversaciones. El objetivo es que los ciudadanos se sientan parte de la campa?a y se a
O documento discute como o fracasso ¨¦ parte da condi??o humana e como aqueles que aprendem com os fracassos tendem a ter mais sucesso na vida do que aqueles que se desanimam com eles. Aprender a lidar com os contratempos de forma positiva e continuar em frente ¨¦ essencial para o crescimento pessoal.
O grupo de alunos do 8o ano B fez uma pesquisa no Google sobre Ibiza, Espanha. Eles descobriram que a ilha ¨¦ popular para turismo, especialmente na praia, e tem hot¨¦is como o Hotel Pacha.
This document provides exam venue details for various courses being held on April 1, 2013 from 9:30-11:00 AM (Slot A2). It lists the course name, code, and room numbers along with student roll numbers assigned to each room for six different exams.
This document provides exam venue details for multiple courses taking place on April 7, 2013 from 9:30-11:00 am. It lists the course name, code, and room number assigned for each exam, along with the student roll numbers taking each exam.
The document provides details of exam venues and student roll numbers for various exams taking place on 05-04-2013 from 9:30-11:00. It lists the course name, code, and room numbers assigned for 4 different exams across 4 rooms (SJT 301-304). Each room listing includes the roll numbers of around 30 students taking the exam in that room.
This document discusses SMS marketing services provided by TxtLocal. It highlights the benefits of SMS marketing such as high response rates, low cost, and ease of use. It provides background on SMS usage trends in the UK and examples of how various companies have successfully used TxtLocal's SMS services to boost sales, promote events, and improve customer communication and service. Pricing for TxtLocal's SMS services starts at just 2.55p per text.
The document provides details of exam venues and student roll numbers for various courses being conducted by the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) on March 31, 2012 from 3:00-4:30 PM. Several rooms (SJT301, SJT302, etc.) are listed with student roll numbers assigned to each for exams of courses like English for Engineers II, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Ethics and Values, and others.
The document contains testimonials from various investment professionals praising the institutional-quality equity research and valuable investment ideas provided by The Manual of Ideas. The testimonials highlight the thoroughness, effort, and clarity delivered by The Manual of Ideas in a market flooded with data and opinion. Several of the professionals recommend The Manual of Ideas as an invaluable tool for serious investors seeking differentiated investment ideas.
The document provides an overview of the Thames Valley region in the UK, highlighting its strengths as a business location. Some key points:
- It is situated near London and home to the headquarters of many large global companies in sectors like IT, telecoms, and life sciences.
- It has a highly skilled workforce of over 600,000 and a strong culture of innovation and commercialization of new technologies.
- As the most productive small region in the UK with excellent transport links, it provides access to London and international markets via Heathrow airport.
- In addition to a business-friendly environment and infrastructure, the Thames Valley also offers a high quality of life with cultural amenities and natural beauty on
This document provides exam venue details for multiple courses taking place on August 23, 2012 from 9:30-11:00 AM. It lists the room numbers and student IDs for exams in Discrete Time Systems and Processing, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Computer Networks. Over 300 students are assigned to rooms SJT301 through SJT402 to take exams for the various courses.
The document provides details of exam venues and room assignments for various exams taking place on February 21, 2012 at 9:30-11:00 AM in slots C1. It lists the course names, codes, and room numbers along with student IDs assigned to each room for exams in Digital Logic, Linear Algebra, Psychology and Sociology, Object Oriented Programming, and Concurrent and Distributed Systems.
The vast warehouses of healthcare data are more like silos containing a treasure of untapped potential. Data is spread amongst a variety of sources and lacks coherency to stakeholder/users who need data for a wide-variety of purposes. This is a template for corralling data into a customizable framework that provides local data as well as context and larger geographic aggregation and comparisons.
Preview: Who's Afraid of Post BlacknessMedia Center
This document lists the names of 11 Black artists, writers, and performers including Santigold, Kehinde Wiley, Kara Walker, Deborah Grant, Rashid Johnson, Glenn Ligon, Aaron Mcgruder, Lorna Simpson, Gary Simmons, Jean Michel-Basquiat, and Dave Chappelle.
Wat, waarom en hoe omtrent over 21st century skills.
Over de stand van zaken. Wie is er mee bezig? Waarom moet je het hebben over 21st century skills? En hoe maak je ze expliciet in het onderwijs?
Wat is de betekenis van de digitale revolutie op onderwijs?
Het waarom, wat, en hoe van de verandering van didactiek en het innovatieproces.
presentatie gemaakt t.b.v. het Pettelaaroverleg 29 mei 2014 in het eLab.
Lezing school vd toekomst houthalen greenvilleJan De Craemer
21st century skills_en_onderwijs_management
1. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
Frank van den Oetelaar
2. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
?21st century skills
3. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
Benoem 5 producten van voor
het jaartal 2000 waar kinderen
zich helemaal niets meer bij
voor kunnen stellen.
Werk in groepen van 3-4.
10. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
?21st century skills
11. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
?Industri?le revolutie
?Digitale revolutie
14. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
Bespreek wat anders is dan 20
jaar geleden in beroepen als:
automonteur, huisarts,
leerkracht, winkelier¡..
Werk in groepen van 3-4.
15. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
? Beelden over de samenleving in 2019
? Futuristisch realistisch beeld
? Wat zie je t.a.v. beschikbaarheid van
? Aan welke vaardigheden denk je?
16. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
Stel in een groep een lijst van
vaardigheden samen die van belang
zijn in een kennissamenleving.
17. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
?21st century skills
18. 21st Century Skills
? Samenwerking
? Kennisconstructie
? Gebruik van ICT bij Leren
? Probleemoplossend denken en
? Planmatig werken
? Communicatie
? Burgerschap
19. 21st Century Skills
? Perspectief is: ¡®Leren in de 21e eeuw¡¯
? Actueel??? > Helemaal nieuw???:
? Kennissamenleving
? De rol van ict
? Actueel: Conferenties, Google, PO en
VO-raad, Cito, Min
Bedrijfsleven, Belevingswereld
? Definities en modellen¡
28. Leren in de 21e eeuw
Wat wordt bij leren het best onthouden?:
?? % van wat we met anderen bespreken
?? % van wat we lezen
?? % van wat we horen en zien
?? % van wat we evalueren en nabespreken
?? % van wat we horen
?? % van wat we anderen uitleggen
?? % van wat we zien
29. Leren in de 21e eeuw
Wat wordt bij leren het best onthouden?:
10% van wat we lezen
20% van wat we horen
30% van wat we zien
50% van wat we horen en zien
70% van wat we met anderen bespreken
80% van wat we evalueren en nabespreken
90% van wat we anderen uitleggen
30. Leren in de 21e eeuw
Taxonomie Bloom:
? Leren op niveaus
? Oplopend in
31. Op weg naar een nieuwe stip
op de onderwijshorizon¡..
32. 21st Century Skills
Bouwstenen besturen
? Implementatie <> Innovatie???
? Ontwikkelen visie op onderwijs in 2020
? Workshops teams, mentale modellen
? Basisopleiding 21st century skills in het onderwijs
? Studie- en werkdagen (dagdelen) schoolteams
? Pilotscholen
? Werkgroep ¡®Leren in de 21e eeuw¡¯
? Ontwerpsessies bovenschools
33. Leren in de 21e eeuw
Maak per groep een videoanimatie
gebaseerd op een sprookje. Verkort
de tekst met behoud van de
symbolische betekenis.
We stellen na 4 weken gezamenlijk
de beoordelingscriteria samen.
Je mag 7 weken (a 4 uur) werken
aan dit project.
34. Leren in de 21e eeuw
? Begrijpend lezen, samenvatten,
inspreken (Taal)
? Tijd (Rekenen)
? Zelf opgenomen geluiden (Techniek)
? Een zelf samengestelde en ingespeelde
muziekcompositie (Muziek)
? Zelfgemaakt illustraties
(Handvaardigheid, Tekenen)
? 21st century skills: Samenwerken,
36. Leren in de 21e eeuw
Werkvorm 1
Codeer individueel het
Maak groepen van 5 deelnemers.
Werkvorm 2 (20 minuten)
Bespreek in groepen de
37. Leren in de 21e eeuw
Werkvorm 3 (30 minuten)
Wat betekent herontwerp voor
Wat moet(en) jij/jullie faciliteren om een
paradigmashift mogelijk te maken?
Visie (van het bestuur?), Deskundigheid,
Software, Infrastructuur?
Stel een lijst van 5 prioriteiten samen.
38. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
Meer info (whitepaper):
Meer info (nieuws en blog):
Meer aanvullend nieuws Twitter en Facebook: > website
39. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
Frank van den Oetelaar