The document summarizes research on redefining China's social platforms based on consumer value. It studied four types of users in first, second and third tier cities and five major social platforms: Weibo, Wechat, QQ, Renren and Douban. It finds that platforms are differentiating into social tools like Wechat that focus on real relationships and communication, and social media like Weibo that are more open and information-oriented. Weibo encourages participation in social affairs while Wechat facilitates private communication between friends. Future development will see the co-existence of social tools and media as consumers use both simultaneously.
Online video distribution with goviralLance Traore
Goviral distributes branded video content and guarantees a minimum number of video views for advertisers on a pay-per-performance basis. It has over 20,000 content items distributed across 21,000 publishers reaching 250,000 websites. Goviral delivers over 35 million targeted views per month. Case studies show how distributing long-form branded content videos across relevant websites and allowing social sharing can generate hundreds of thousands of views and increased brand awareness for advertisers like Renault.
Computational Enzymology of Ribozymes (from metal-ion to nucleobase catalysis...Fabrice Leclerc
the future of RNA worlds: seminar given at ANBIO / UPMC (Paris, France) on February 24th 2012 (
The document discusses various models of communication and collaboration, including face-to-face communication, text-based communication, and group work. It covers issues like back channels, turn-taking, context, and how these aspects can be more difficult in electronic versus face-to-face communication due to lack of body language and other cues. Different technologies are reviewed in terms of how well they support the conversational structures and grounding necessary for effective collaboration.
The document contains the seating arrangements for various rooms (SJT301, SJT302, etc.) for a CAT-I examination taking place on August 19, 2012 from 9:30-11:00 AM. The arrangements show student roll numbers assigned to specific seats in each room organized by row and column.
The document provides guidance on creating an effective resume in 3 sentences or less:
It outlines the key elements of a basic resume such as an objective, education, experience, skills, memberships and awards. Common resume mistakes like grammatical errors and irrelevant information are highlighted. Tips are given to keep the resume focused on the most important qualifications in a positive tone using action verbs.
Netherlands has the most flexible workforce in the world. How come?VBSearch
Dutch employees are the most flexible in the world. They adapt best to changing conditions in the labor market . This finding comes from a new PwC research, commissioned by LinkedIn in 11 countries.
Dutch professionals strive because of their great ability to adapt and thus are two times more productive than workers in less flexible markets. Mismatches between talent and opportunity, cost the global economy more than 110 billion in lost productivity and avoidable recruitment fees.
Short Presentation Linking Strategy And Execution For Future Successlkesters
Lance Kesterson has over 22 years of experience in retirement plans with Nationwide, including roles in finance, operations, strategic projects, and product management. He discusses the need to understand today's trends and assumptions, identify and validate specific opportunities, and then execute the highest priority options. This involves understanding the current strategy and any issues, developing and validating hypotheses about opportunities, and using a gated five-step process to prioritize opportunities before executing the highest ones through clear programs, accountability, goal alignment, commitment, and communication.
Hebrews 13:15
15Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
犖犖犖萎犖犖犖÷軒犖巌犖犖 13:15
犢犖犖犖伍犖萎犖園犖 犢犖犢犢犖犖迦犖о顕犖∇犖橿肩犖犖犢犖犖犖巌犢犖犢犖犢犖犖犖劇犖犖犖犖項犖迦犖犢犖犖犖萎犖犢犖迦犖ム賢犖犢犖 犢犖犖∇犖迦犖犖犖萎賢犖犖犢犖犖園犖 犖犖劇賢犖犖橿犖ム犖迦硯犖∇賢犖÷牽犖園犢犖犖劇犖犖犖犖萎犖迦検犖犖犖犖犖犖萎賢犖犖犢
犖犖犖巌肩犖犖犖園犖犖犖犖項献, satun assembly of god church,
Tech high library's top ten recommendationsMedia Center
The document provides a list of graphic novels, books, and other materials available at Tech High Library. It includes 3 sections - graphic novels, fiction, and non-fiction. Some of the titles listed in the graphic novels section include The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, American Born Chinese, and Wolverine: Worst Day Ever. The fiction section covers various genres such as fantasy, science fiction, and romance. Books like The Hobbit, The Hunger Games, and Twilight series are mentioned. The non-fiction portion contains titles centered around topics like history, biography, and science.
The document provides an overview of some of the earliest empires in history including the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Persians. It notes that the Sumerians established some of the first cities like Eridu around 5400 BCE and invented writing, the wheel, and irrigation. The Akkadian Empire was the first empire ever established. Later empires like the Assyrians and Chaldeans continued to advance architecture, mathematics, and astronomy in Mesopotamia. The Persian Achaemenid Empire founded by Cyrus the Great introduced concepts like Zoroastrianism and had an effective imperial administration through its use of satrapies and taxation systems.
This document provides information about the benefits of becoming a member of ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. It outlines various membership benefits including discounts on publications, access to technical information and resources, opportunities to participate in committees and conferences. It also describes some key publications and resources that members receive including the ASHRAE Journal, access to the ASHRAE Handbook online, and discounts on standards and guidelines. The document promotes joining ASHRAE and directs readers to the website for more membership details and an online application.
MLE Creative Electronics is a privately owned electronics design and manufacturing company located in Salisbury, Wiltshire that has been in business for 15 years. They have a team of 23 employees and provide consultancy, design, development, prototyping, and production services. Their target markets include medical devices, sustainability products, and scientific research equipment. MLE has skills in areas like microprocessors, power supply design, analog design, and wireless communications. They follow a 5-stage design process and have ISO certifications. MLE offers assembly, testing, and lifetime support at their facility.
El documento resume los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales recientes en Rep炭blica Dominicana. Aunque el Presidente Medina y su partido PLD ganaron, la oposici坦n logr坦 atraer el 38% del voto indicando que muchos ciudadanos desean cambios. La oposici坦n debe proponer reformas para luchar contra la corrupci坦n, mejorar la inclusi坦n social y crear empleos para los j坦venes. Tanto el gobierno como la oposici坦n deben leer las demandas de cambio del pueblo para evitar que se vuelvan en su contra como ha pas
Tiago escreveu uma carta para crist達os que sofriam persegui巽達o, incentivando-os a considerar as prova巽探es como motivo de alegria, pois elas fortalecem a f辿, produzem perseveran巽a e levam maturidade.
The document discusses various models of communication and collaboration, including face-to-face communication, text-based communication, and group work. It covers issues like back channels, turn-taking, context, and how these aspects can be more difficult in electronic versus face-to-face communication due to lack of body language and other cues. Different technologies are reviewed in terms of how well they support the conversational structures and grounding necessary for effective collaboration.
The document contains the seating arrangements for various rooms (SJT301, SJT302, etc.) for a CAT-I examination taking place on August 19, 2012 from 9:30-11:00 AM. The arrangements show student roll numbers assigned to specific seats in each room organized by row and column.
The document provides guidance on creating an effective resume in 3 sentences or less:
It outlines the key elements of a basic resume such as an objective, education, experience, skills, memberships and awards. Common resume mistakes like grammatical errors and irrelevant information are highlighted. Tips are given to keep the resume focused on the most important qualifications in a positive tone using action verbs.
Netherlands has the most flexible workforce in the world. How come?VBSearch
Dutch employees are the most flexible in the world. They adapt best to changing conditions in the labor market . This finding comes from a new PwC research, commissioned by LinkedIn in 11 countries.
Dutch professionals strive because of their great ability to adapt and thus are two times more productive than workers in less flexible markets. Mismatches between talent and opportunity, cost the global economy more than 110 billion in lost productivity and avoidable recruitment fees.
Short Presentation Linking Strategy And Execution For Future Successlkesters
Lance Kesterson has over 22 years of experience in retirement plans with Nationwide, including roles in finance, operations, strategic projects, and product management. He discusses the need to understand today's trends and assumptions, identify and validate specific opportunities, and then execute the highest priority options. This involves understanding the current strategy and any issues, developing and validating hypotheses about opportunities, and using a gated five-step process to prioritize opportunities before executing the highest ones through clear programs, accountability, goal alignment, commitment, and communication.
Hebrews 13:15
15Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
犖犖犖萎犖犖犖÷軒犖巌犖犖 13:15
犢犖犖犖伍犖萎犖園犖 犢犖犢犢犖犖迦犖о顕犖∇犖橿肩犖犖犢犖犖犖巌犢犖犢犖犢犖犖犖劇犖犖犖犖項犖迦犖犢犖犖犖萎犖犢犖迦犖ム賢犖犢犖 犢犖犖∇犖迦犖犖犖萎賢犖犖犢犖犖園犖 犖犖劇賢犖犖橿犖ム犖迦硯犖∇賢犖÷牽犖園犢犖犖劇犖犖犖犖萎犖迦検犖犖犖犖犖犖萎賢犖犖犢
犖犖犖巌肩犖犖犖園犖犖犖犖項献, satun assembly of god church,
Tech high library's top ten recommendationsMedia Center
The document provides a list of graphic novels, books, and other materials available at Tech High Library. It includes 3 sections - graphic novels, fiction, and non-fiction. Some of the titles listed in the graphic novels section include The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, American Born Chinese, and Wolverine: Worst Day Ever. The fiction section covers various genres such as fantasy, science fiction, and romance. Books like The Hobbit, The Hunger Games, and Twilight series are mentioned. The non-fiction portion contains titles centered around topics like history, biography, and science.
The document provides an overview of some of the earliest empires in history including the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Persians. It notes that the Sumerians established some of the first cities like Eridu around 5400 BCE and invented writing, the wheel, and irrigation. The Akkadian Empire was the first empire ever established. Later empires like the Assyrians and Chaldeans continued to advance architecture, mathematics, and astronomy in Mesopotamia. The Persian Achaemenid Empire founded by Cyrus the Great introduced concepts like Zoroastrianism and had an effective imperial administration through its use of satrapies and taxation systems.
This document provides information about the benefits of becoming a member of ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. It outlines various membership benefits including discounts on publications, access to technical information and resources, opportunities to participate in committees and conferences. It also describes some key publications and resources that members receive including the ASHRAE Journal, access to the ASHRAE Handbook online, and discounts on standards and guidelines. The document promotes joining ASHRAE and directs readers to the website for more membership details and an online application.
MLE Creative Electronics is a privately owned electronics design and manufacturing company located in Salisbury, Wiltshire that has been in business for 15 years. They have a team of 23 employees and provide consultancy, design, development, prototyping, and production services. Their target markets include medical devices, sustainability products, and scientific research equipment. MLE has skills in areas like microprocessors, power supply design, analog design, and wireless communications. They follow a 5-stage design process and have ISO certifications. MLE offers assembly, testing, and lifetime support at their facility.
El documento resume los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales recientes en Rep炭blica Dominicana. Aunque el Presidente Medina y su partido PLD ganaron, la oposici坦n logr坦 atraer el 38% del voto indicando que muchos ciudadanos desean cambios. La oposici坦n debe proponer reformas para luchar contra la corrupci坦n, mejorar la inclusi坦n social y crear empleos para los j坦venes. Tanto el gobierno como la oposici坦n deben leer las demandas de cambio del pueblo para evitar que se vuelvan en su contra como ha pas
Tiago escreveu uma carta para crist達os que sofriam persegui巽達o, incentivando-os a considerar as prova巽探es como motivo de alegria, pois elas fortalecem a f辿, produzem perseveran巽a e levam maturidade.
de heksen van Aspelare en Nederhasselt .JaimeLavid
Verhalen over historische en fictieve toveressen, heksen, aardgeesten en duivels die leefden (en soms ook stierven) in Aspelare en Nederhasselt, of er gewoon bestonden in de verbeelding van de lokale bevolking.
Meander | Biodiversiteit | Breng de natuur in de stadTanja Nolten
Met natuurinclusief bouwen breng je de natuur terug in de gebouwde omgeving en dat is goed voor onze gezondheid, de biodiversiteit, het klimaat en ons levensgeluk.
Dus als het gaat over biodiversiteit, dan gaat het over meer dan een vogelkastje, een insectenhotel of een bloemrijke berm. Prachtig maar dat is niet genoeg! Het moet gaan over systemen, over verbindingen, over water en bodem als basis en over leefgebieden.
We willen klimaatadaptie en natuur zodanig combineren dat dit:
Voor de bewoners aantrekkelijke groene woonmilieus oplevert
De temperatuur in de stad getemperd wordt
Water vastgehouden wordt (belangrijk bij hevige regenbuiten)
Vogels, vleermuizen, eekhoorns etc een nest kunnen maken
Zo worden zwaluwen (en vleermuizen) met holle stenen naar Sleeuwijk gelokt om daar de jaarlijkse muggenplaag te beteugelen
Meander, Fianne Bakker geeft inzicht
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Editionbirteaaguena
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbinsdiscusmhmmad
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbins
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbins
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbins
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manualthabsyberber
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manual
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manual
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manual
(eBook PDF) Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice 2nd Editionmucsdzeka
(eBook PDF) Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice 2nd Edition
(eBook PDF) Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice 2nd Edition
(eBook PDF) Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice 2nd Edition
Hoe zorg je voor integriteit in je ontwerp zodat je voorkomt dat je een vermogen kwijt bent aan installaties en het huis of gebouw altijd comfortabel is?
We hebben nogal wat uitdagingen in de energiesystemen van de toekomst. We. willen het comfortabel hebben in het huis of gebouw. Hoe ga je dan een optimaal energiesysteem inrichten zodanig dat:
je een lage milieu impact hebt
de energierekening laag is
het onderhoud beperkt is
en hoe maak je het de installateur makkelijker?
Mark Sprenkels van Breman Installatiegroep in Zwolle leert je anders nadenken over onze energiesystemen van de toekomst waarin opgenomen energie en water. Want water wordt in toenemende mate een uitdaging. Oh ja, netcongestie komt ook nog om de hoek kijken
250221 (WR) v1 Lunchsessie Noordhoff trends digitale technologie en
Ik heb op 6 maart 2025 een lunchreferaat verzorgd voor een groep medewerkers van Noordhoff Zorg. Daarbij ben ik ingegaan op vijf belangrijke trends op het gebied van digitale technologie en leren en ontwikkelen.
Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manualgodlykanani
Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manual
Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manual
Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manual
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European...zaipahphu82
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
Presentatie Climate CleanupWorkshop | Hoe groen is jouw project?Tanja Nolten
Stel je voor: jullie project wordt een baanbrekend voorbeeld van duurzaamheid. Door innovatieve, groene bouwmaterialen te gebruiken, zoals hout, vlas, olifantsgras en hennep, worden jullie de helden in de strijd tegen CO2- en stikstofuitstoot.
Deze materialen zijn niet alleen milieuvriendelijk, maar ze hebben ook CO2 opgeslagen tijdens hun groei, waardoor jullie project een positieve impact heeft op onze planeet.
Maar hoe bewijs je deze impact? In deze workshop duiken we diep in de kunst van het berekenen van CO2- en stikstofreductie, om niet alleen onze projecten, maar ook onze planeet te transformeren.
Door Climate Cleanup, Jelle Bijl
SMARTCirculair Excellencedag 2025
The Lecturer s Toolkit A practical guide to assessment learning and teaching ...gulmegitu
The Lecturer s Toolkit A practical guide to assessment learning and teaching 4th Edition Phil Race
The Lecturer s Toolkit A practical guide to assessment learning and teaching 4th Edition Phil Race
The Lecturer s Toolkit A practical guide to assessment learning and teaching 4th Edition Phil Race
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)shidqipurwin
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)
(eBook PDF) Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects 8t...graidijonuz
(eBook PDF) Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects 8th Edition
(eBook PDF) Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects 8th Edition
(eBook PDF) Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects 8th Edition
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee...hebcaylie35
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee Test Bank
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee Test Bank
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee Test Bank
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee...hebcaylie35
21st century skills_en_onderwijs_de_kring
1. Frank van den Oetelaar
Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
10. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
21st century skills
11. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
Benoem 5 producten van voor
het jaartal 2000 waar kinderen
zich helemaal niets meer bij
voor kunnen stellen.
Werk in groepen van 3-4.
17. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
21st century skills
18. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
Digitale revolutie
22. Onze jeugd heeft tegenwoordig een
sterke hang naar luxe, heeft slechte
manieren, minachting voor het gezag
en geen eerbied voor ouderen. Ze
geven de voorkeur aan kletspraatjes in
plaats van training ... Jonge mensen
staan niet meer op als ...een oudere de
kamer binnenkomt. Zij spreken hun
ouders tegen, houden niet hun mond in
gezelschap, ... en tiranniseren hun
27. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
21st century skills
28. 21st Century Skills
Gebruik van ICT bij Leren
Probleemoplossend denken en
Planmatig werken
29. 21st Century Skills
Perspectief is: Leren in de 21e eeuw
Werken aan evenwicht Kennis en
Kind centraal, talenten en interesse
Actueel??? > Helemaal nieuw???:
De rol van ict
Actueel: Conferenties, Google, PO en
VO-raad, Cito, Min OCW,
Bedrijfsleven, Belevingswereld
31. Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
21st century skills
33. Op weg naar een nieuwe stip
op de onderwijshorizon..
34. Leren in de 21e eeuw
Maak per groep een videoanimatie
gebaseerd op een sprookje. Verkort
de tekst met behoud van de
symbolische betekenis.
We stellen na 4 weken gezamenlijk
de beoordelingscriteria samen.
Je mag 7 weken (a 4 uur) werken
aan dit project.
35. Leren in de 21e eeuw
Begrijpend lezen, samenvatten,
inspreken (Taal)
Tijd (Rekenen)
Zelf opgenomen geluiden (Techniek)
Een zelf samengestelde en ingespeelde
muziekcompositie (Muziek)
Zelfgemaakt illustraties
(Handvaardigheid, Tekenen)
21st century skills: Samenwerken,
37. Leren in de 21e eeuw
De klas als Drogisterij.
Over 6 weken is onze klas een drogisterij
waar bezoekers producten kunnen kopen.
Ontwikkel producten als shampoo,
badzout, tandpasta, hoestdrank, haargel
en superslijm.
Ontwerp en maak zelf verpakkingen en
etiketten en zorg voor een goede
promotie van de producten.
38. Leren in de 21e eeuw
Etiketten lezen en samenstellen (Taal)
Recepten samenstellen (Rekenen,
Handvaardigheid, Tekenen)
Verpakkingen (Rekenen,
Handvaardigheid, Tekenen)
Promotie maken, ontwerpen
21st century skills: Samenwerken,
kennis constructie, creativiteit, planmatig
40. Frank van den Oetelaar
Leren in de 21e eeuw en
21st Century Skills
Editor's Notes
#8: Eerst terug in de tijd
Kom zelf uit de tijd van
Twee dochters > Hoe ging dat dan vroeger?
Het moment van de PPT monteur
Bellen? Afstand afhankelijk
#9: Eerst terug in de tijd
Kom zelf uit de tijd van
Twee dochters > Hoe ging dat dan vroeger?
Het moment van de PPT monteur
Bellen? Afstand afhankelijk
#10: Eerst terug in de tijd
Kom zelf uit de tijd van
Twee dochters > Hoe ging dat dan vroeger?
Het moment van de PPT monteur
Bellen? Afstand afhankelijk
#13: Eerst terug in de tijd
Kom zelf uit de tijd van
Twee dochters > Hoe ging dat dan vroeger?
Het moment van de PPT monteur
Bellen? Afstand afhankelijk
#14: Op vakantie, kaarten mee
Gids met campings <> Tripadvisor en Zoover
ANWB pechhulp buitenland > Meest gestelde vraag???
#15: Bellen naar het thuisfront
Wachten in de rij
Bellen na 19.00u
Vreemde valuta
#16: Muziek van LPs
Omdraaien voor andere kant
Cassettebandjes > ook draaien
#17: Inbellen op Internet
Modem, telefoon en computer
Telefonisch onbereikbaar
#19: Veranderingen in samenleving
Industri谷le > impact op samenleving
Digitale > Naar kennissamenleving
#20: Digital Natives and Immigrants
Mark Prensky
Onderuit gehaald, Leren niet anders, groeien wel anders op