Estado arte desarrollo_cognitivoGaby RojasEste documento presenta un estado del arte sobre el desarrollo cognitivo involucrado en los procesos de aprendizaje y enseñanza con la integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la educación. En primer lugar, describe el abordaje metodológico del estudio, diferenciando los debates, investigaciones y experiencias docentes sobre el tema. Luego, realiza un encuadre conceptual basado en teorías cognitivas y neuroeducativas. Finalmente, analiza dimensiones como la escuela, la construcción del
Julian's Final Resume 2016Julian MitchellJulian Mitchell received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Birmingham in 2013. He has over 5 years of experience working in engineering roles for Consumers Energy and internship experience in utilities and satellite installation. His technical skills include experience with AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, C/C++ programming, circuit design, MATLAB, and outage management systems. He currently works as an Engineer I at Consumers Energy where he monitors operations, analyzes reliability data, and improves restoration processes.
NurseReview.Org - Antianginal Agents Updates (pharmacology classes)jben501This document discusses antianginal agents used to treat angina pectoris, including nitrates, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers. Nitrates work by causing vasodilation of blood vessels, especially coronary arteries, to increase blood flow. Beta blockers decrease heart rate and contractility to lower oxygen demand. Calcium channel blockers cause peripheral and coronary vasodilation to reduce oxygen demand. All three drug classes aim to balance oxygen supply and demand in the heart to relieve chest pain symptoms and prevent adverse outcomes like heart attack. The document provides details on common medications in each class and important nursing considerations when administering antianginal treatments.
Final Version of PaperBen JohnsonSpaulding Composites asked a student group to address an ergonomic hazard involving workers manually handling heavy paper rolls weighing up to 300 pounds. The group evaluated administrative, engineering, and personal protective equipment controls. They determined that engineering controls through automating the lifting and rotation of the rolls was the best option to completely eliminate the hazard and allow anyone to perform the job safely. Implementing a machine to move the rolls fits the philosophy of ergonomics to design the workplace for the worker rather than forcing the worker's body to fit the job.
Nervous system งานสุขศึกษาPonpimuk mukThis document discusses the nervous system and Guillain-Barré syndrome. It describes the basic structure of the nervous system as having a peripheral nervous system with cranial and spinal nerves, and a somatic and visceral nervous system. It then focuses on Guillain-Barré syndrome, noting that it is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system, it can be triggered by bacterial infections like Campylobacter, and severe cases require intensive care treatment using procedures like plasmapheresis or immunoglobulin therapy.
HBO3 - NEO - CRIMTAN (Case Study)Marton SANDORAz HBO Hungary újonnan induló HBO3 csatornájának népszerűsítése, illetve a március 26-27-i kódolatlan hétvége programmatic videóhirdetéssel történő eljuttatása releváns célcsoporthoz.
Tugas etika kehidupan dalam masyarakatHaniatur RohmahKunci utama penerapan etika,Akhlaq,Moral adalah memperlihatkan sikap sopan santun, rasa hormat terhadap keberadaan orang lain dan mematuhi peraturan serta tatakrama yang berlaku pada lingkungan tempat kita berada serta mematuhi norma-norma dan bersifat baik kepada sang Khaliq dan Alam.
Dr. Kollár Csaba: A munkahelyi kiégés (burnout szindróma) és annak hagyományo...Csaba KOLLAR (Dr. Dr. habil. PhD.)Dr. Kollár Csaba: A munkahelyi kiégés (burnout szindróma) és annak hagyományos és alternatív terápiája.
Estado arte desarrollo_cognitivoGaby RojasEste documento presenta un estado del arte sobre el desarrollo cognitivo involucrado en los procesos de aprendizaje y enseñanza con la integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la educación. En primer lugar, describe el abordaje metodológico del estudio, diferenciando los debates, investigaciones y experiencias docentes sobre el tema. Luego, realiza un encuadre conceptual basado en teorías cognitivas y neuroeducativas. Finalmente, analiza dimensiones como la escuela, la construcción del
Julian's Final Resume 2016Julian MitchellJulian Mitchell received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Birmingham in 2013. He has over 5 years of experience working in engineering roles for Consumers Energy and internship experience in utilities and satellite installation. His technical skills include experience with AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, C/C++ programming, circuit design, MATLAB, and outage management systems. He currently works as an Engineer I at Consumers Energy where he monitors operations, analyzes reliability data, and improves restoration processes.
NurseReview.Org - Antianginal Agents Updates (pharmacology classes)jben501This document discusses antianginal agents used to treat angina pectoris, including nitrates, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers. Nitrates work by causing vasodilation of blood vessels, especially coronary arteries, to increase blood flow. Beta blockers decrease heart rate and contractility to lower oxygen demand. Calcium channel blockers cause peripheral and coronary vasodilation to reduce oxygen demand. All three drug classes aim to balance oxygen supply and demand in the heart to relieve chest pain symptoms and prevent adverse outcomes like heart attack. The document provides details on common medications in each class and important nursing considerations when administering antianginal treatments.
Final Version of PaperBen JohnsonSpaulding Composites asked a student group to address an ergonomic hazard involving workers manually handling heavy paper rolls weighing up to 300 pounds. The group evaluated administrative, engineering, and personal protective equipment controls. They determined that engineering controls through automating the lifting and rotation of the rolls was the best option to completely eliminate the hazard and allow anyone to perform the job safely. Implementing a machine to move the rolls fits the philosophy of ergonomics to design the workplace for the worker rather than forcing the worker's body to fit the job.
Nervous system งานสุขศึกษาPonpimuk mukThis document discusses the nervous system and Guillain-Barré syndrome. It describes the basic structure of the nervous system as having a peripheral nervous system with cranial and spinal nerves, and a somatic and visceral nervous system. It then focuses on Guillain-Barré syndrome, noting that it is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system, it can be triggered by bacterial infections like Campylobacter, and severe cases require intensive care treatment using procedures like plasmapheresis or immunoglobulin therapy.
HBO3 - NEO - CRIMTAN (Case Study)Marton SANDORAz HBO Hungary újonnan induló HBO3 csatornájának népszerűsítése, illetve a március 26-27-i kódolatlan hétvége programmatic videóhirdetéssel történő eljuttatása releváns célcsoporthoz.
Tugas etika kehidupan dalam masyarakatHaniatur RohmahKunci utama penerapan etika,Akhlaq,Moral adalah memperlihatkan sikap sopan santun, rasa hormat terhadap keberadaan orang lain dan mematuhi peraturan serta tatakrama yang berlaku pada lingkungan tempat kita berada serta mematuhi norma-norma dan bersifat baik kepada sang Khaliq dan Alam.
Dr. Kollár Csaba: A munkahelyi kiégés (burnout szindróma) és annak hagyományo...Csaba KOLLAR (Dr. Dr. habil. PhD.)Dr. Kollár Csaba: A munkahelyi kiégés (burnout szindróma) és annak hagyományos és alternatív terápiája.
Pendidikan Dasar dan Terapan KSE JuwiterEmzet JuwitourContoh Program Terapan KSE Juwiter dalam memacu sinergi bermitra Masyarakat mewujudkan sekolah Adiwiyata
A telemarketing és a pr kapcsolata_aliteraErzsébet KatonaA Széchenyi István Egyetem Kautz Gyula Gazdaságtudományi Karának Marketing és Menedzsment tanszékén egyetemi docens, Konczosné dr. PhD Szombathelyi Márta meghívására tartottam előadást a Marketing Master képzésben résztvevő hallgatók számára, a Telemarketing és a PR kapcsolatáról.
Dr. Kollár Csaba PhD.: Szervezeti kommunikáció a digitális korbanCsaba KOLLAR (Dr. Dr. habil. PhD.)Dr. Kollár Csaba PhD.: Szervezeti kommunikáció a digitális korban
A 2014. november 27-én megtartott előadásom anyaga
Dr. Kollár Csaba PhD.: Intézményi kommunikáció a digitális korban - A digitál...Csaba KOLLAR (Dr. Dr. habil. PhD.)A duális képzés és a vállalati gyakorlatok hatása az intézményi kommunikációra című
Kommunikációmenedzsment konferencián elhangzott előadás prezentációja
Dátum: 2015. november 6.
Helyszín: Szent István Egyetem, Gödöllő
Sympathetic Responses
Parasympathetic Responses
Autonomic Interactions
Control of Autonomic Nervous System Function
Neurobiology of MemoryParth GoyalUnderstanding the encoding of memory and its retrieval is a complex task. The neurobiological correlates of memory have been summarised in this presentation for easy understanding of students.
Landfill leachate treatment practical caseFanny ZhangLandfill leachate varies widely in composition, it usually contains both dissolved and suspended material. The generation of leachate is caused principally by precipitation percolating through waste deposited in a landfill. As leachate first emerges, it can be black in colour, anoxic, and possibly effervescent, with dissolved and entrained gases.