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......... CV of
Position : Analyst Core Competencies Academy  HCM Division (Learning & Development)
Company : PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA) - (Contractor Mining)
Period : Nov 2015  present
Job Duties :
1. Conducting the process of trainingneeds analysis (TNA) and the development of soft competency for all employees
2. Designingtrainingprograms for fulfillmentof soft competency for all employees
3. Designingtrainingmodules to be used as trainingmaterial
4. Providetraining and development for all employees especially for supervisory level
5. Searchingfor references and evaluatevendor training,linked with the implementation of trainingfor employees
6. Monitoring program development progress (training,self learning& project assignment) in Individual Development Plan (IDP) for
supervisory level
7. Ensuring IDP making process accordingto the needs of competency
8. Monitoringthe development progress of talent and involved in Talent Committee Meeting (TCM)
9. Involvein arranging development event for employees (Buma Belajar & Leaders Talk)
Position : Supervisor People Development  Material Management Division
Company : PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA) - (Contractor Mining)
Period : Sept 2013  Oct 2015
Job Duties :
1. Fulfillment&Talent Management
- Makingsuggestion Man Power Planning(MPP) and doingregularly monitoringto keep accordingas budget MPP
- Planning,mappingand initiatinginternal fulfillmentas required need with coordinatewith site and HR
- Monitoringand followup internal and external process fulfillmentman power to HR and s ite
- Ensure all administration process approval PTK internal and external done until SK release and distribution to siteor team
- Makingreport and analyzefulfillmentprogress
- DraftingJob Successful Fit(JSF) for level supervisor down as assesstools for job fitness and assessment
2. Learning & Development
- Identifying& analyzingtrainingand development needs through appraisal schemes and root causeproblem in technical
competency area with consultation and interviewingmanagement and team member (TNA)
- Designingand interpreting trainingneeds become development programs / calendar trainingand matrix trainingbased on
scope of work employee
- Setting & forecastingbudget of general planned programs trainingand make coordination with site
- Selecting & managingrelationship with the vendor training or consultants to facilitatetrainingneeds
- Organizeand coordinatethe implementation of planned trainingand development programincluding material training,placeof
training,schedule,materials,trainer, etc
- Involved in all in-housetrainingto make sure trainingrunningwell
Name : Riana Sifrani Ritonga Marital Status : Single
Date of Birth : May, 12th 1987 Email : riana_sifrani@yahoo.com
Address: JL. Bungur 2 No.21, RT 002 / 002,
Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan,12240
Phone : 0857 1600 2310 or
0822 2046 2420
- Create and maintain up-to-date trainingdata,allowinginformation achievement and evaluation training result
- Maintaining and archivingall data basetraining
- Create & determine technical competencies for all positionslevels in MM
- Create mappingsoft competencies for all positionslevels in MM
3. Management Trainee Development
- Monitoringand coordination to HR and site duringthe MT program in order the program running complying on schedule
- Monitoringand followup progress development with site, HR and MT member duringMT program
- Givingfeedback and suggestion to final reportMT and make surethe project done well
4. Bounding (make employee event)
- Arrange & make event for internal employee (Raker, Gathering, birthday event, monthly meeting internal division,etc)
Position : Recruitment Officer
Company : Kompas Gramedia Group of Printing (PrintingManufacture)
Period : Aug 2010  Aug 2013
Job Duties :
1. Recruitment & Selection
- Coordination with OD to plan & make budget for recruitment (MPP) with refer by business plan
- Facilitateman power planning(MPP) in order to fill employee needs from 8 sites all over in Indonesia
- Monitoringfulfillmentprogress for MPP
- Update report MPP and Man Power Status for Contract to Permanent employee
- Design, plan,and implement recruitingscheduleand programs to ensure open positions arefilled with qualified and sufficient
numbers of individualsin a timely manner
- Conduct recruitment activities;fromselectingcandidate(advertisingjob vacancy,join job fair,campus or school hiringand mass
recruitment for operator), arrangeschedulewith users for interviewing, doinginterview (BEI), doingpsychological test, scoring
& analyzethe result
2. Monitoring & Development
- Arrange and monitoringscheduleevery period of performance appraisal for contractemployee and make recommendation for
the appraisal
- Employees counseling
- Doing exit interview for employee before they resign and make some recommendation to followup to industrial relation & user
- Make induction classfor new operator (soft skill area)
- Make sharingsession for operator before process permanency
Position : Pre School Teacher Assistant
Company : High/Scope Indonesia(Educational Institute)
Period : Jan 2010  June 2010
Job Duties : Help the teachers to take carethe children insideand outsideclass
Position : Junior Recruitment Officer
Company : Century Health Care - Pharos Group (Pharmaceutical Company)
Period : July 2009  Dec 2009
Job Duties :
- Conduct recruitment activities;fromselectingcandidate,arrangeschedule with users for interviewing & doingpsychological test
(scoring& make psychogram report)
- Doing all kind recruitmentmethods, such advertisingjob vacancy,join job fair,campus hiring& mass recruitment for entry l evel
Position : Freelance Assesor
Company : PT Tempo Inti Media Harian
Period : July 2008  July 2009
Job Duties :Administratingand scoringpsychological test, such as Papi Kostick,Kraepelin,IST,Wartegg, BAUM, DAM
 2016 Trainingfor Trainer,PPM
 2014 TrainingCoaching,PTBUMA
 2013 Certificated Human Resource Professional Batch 23,Atma Jaya University
 2013 Peluang& Ancaman PKWT Sebagai Sistem Hubungan Kerja Workshop,Forum HRD Bekasi
 2011 Human Resource Management Training,ProgramPelatihan Manajemen, Corporate Kompas Gramedia
 2011 Work Load AnalysisWorkshop,CorporateKompas Gramedia
 2005  2009 Faculty of Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University, GPA: 3,43
 2002  2005 70 Senior High School, Jakarta
 1999  2002 19 Junior High School, Jakarta

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  • 1. ......... CV of Position : Analyst Core Competencies Academy HCM Division (Learning & Development) Company : PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA) - (Contractor Mining) Period : Nov 2015 present Job Duties : 1. Conducting the process of trainingneeds analysis (TNA) and the development of soft competency for all employees 2. Designingtrainingprograms for fulfillmentof soft competency for all employees 3. Designingtrainingmodules to be used as trainingmaterial 4. Providetraining and development for all employees especially for supervisory level 5. Searchingfor references and evaluatevendor training,linked with the implementation of trainingfor employees 6. Monitoring program development progress (training,self learning& project assignment) in Individual Development Plan (IDP) for supervisory level 7. Ensuring IDP making process accordingto the needs of competency 8. Monitoringthe development progress of talent and involved in Talent Committee Meeting (TCM) 9. Involvein arranging development event for employees (Buma Belajar & Leaders Talk) Position : Supervisor People Development Material Management Division Company : PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA) - (Contractor Mining) Period : Sept 2013 Oct 2015 Job Duties : 1. Fulfillment&Talent Management - Makingsuggestion Man Power Planning(MPP) and doingregularly monitoringto keep accordingas budget MPP - Planning,mappingand initiatinginternal fulfillmentas required need with coordinatewith site and HR - Monitoringand followup internal and external process fulfillmentman power to HR and s ite - Ensure all administration process approval PTK internal and external done until SK release and distribution to siteor team member - Makingreport and analyzefulfillmentprogress - DraftingJob Successful Fit(JSF) for level supervisor down as assesstools for job fitness and assessment 2. Learning & Development - Identifying& analyzingtrainingand development needs through appraisal schemes and root causeproblem in technical competency area with consultation and interviewingmanagement and team member (TNA) - Designingand interpreting trainingneeds become development programs / calendar trainingand matrix trainingbased on scope of work employee - Setting & forecastingbudget of general planned programs trainingand make coordination with site - Selecting & managingrelationship with the vendor training or consultants to facilitatetrainingneeds - Organizeand coordinatethe implementation of planned trainingand development programincluding material training,placeof training,schedule,materials,trainer, etc - Involved in all in-housetrainingto make sure trainingrunningwell PERSONAL DATA Name : Riana Sifrani Ritonga Marital Status : Single Date of Birth : May, 12th 1987 Email : riana_sifrani@yahoo.com Address: JL. Bungur 2 No.21, RT 002 / 002, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan,12240 Phone : 0857 1600 2310 or 0822 2046 2420 WORKING EXPERIENCES
  • 2. - Create and maintain up-to-date trainingdata,allowinginformation achievement and evaluation training result - Maintaining and archivingall data basetraining - Create & determine technical competencies for all positionslevels in MM - Create mappingsoft competencies for all positionslevels in MM 3. Management Trainee Development - Monitoringand coordination to HR and site duringthe MT program in order the program running complying on schedule - Monitoringand followup progress development with site, HR and MT member duringMT program - Givingfeedback and suggestion to final reportMT and make surethe project done well 4. Bounding (make employee event) - Arrange & make event for internal employee (Raker, Gathering, birthday event, monthly meeting internal division,etc) Position : Recruitment Officer Company : Kompas Gramedia Group of Printing (PrintingManufacture) Period : Aug 2010 Aug 2013 Job Duties : 1. Recruitment & Selection - Coordination with OD to plan & make budget for recruitment (MPP) with refer by business plan - Facilitateman power planning(MPP) in order to fill employee needs from 8 sites all over in Indonesia - Monitoringfulfillmentprogress for MPP - Update report MPP and Man Power Status for Contract to Permanent employee - Design, plan,and implement recruitingscheduleand programs to ensure open positions arefilled with qualified and sufficient numbers of individualsin a timely manner - Conduct recruitment activities;fromselectingcandidate(advertisingjob vacancy,join job fair,campus or school hiringand mass recruitment for operator), arrangeschedulewith users for interviewing, doinginterview (BEI), doingpsychological test, scoring & analyzethe result 2. Monitoring & Development - Arrange and monitoringscheduleevery period of performance appraisal for contractemployee and make recommendation for the appraisal - Employees counseling - Doing exit interview for employee before they resign and make some recommendation to followup to industrial relation & user - Make induction classfor new operator (soft skill area) - Make sharingsession for operator before process permanency Position : Pre School Teacher Assistant Company : High/Scope Indonesia(Educational Institute) Period : Jan 2010 June 2010 Job Duties : Help the teachers to take carethe children insideand outsideclass Position : Junior Recruitment Officer Company : Century Health Care - Pharos Group (Pharmaceutical Company) Period : July 2009 Dec 2009 Job Duties : - Conduct recruitment activities;fromselectingcandidate,arrangeschedule with users for interviewing & doingpsychological test (scoring& make psychogram report) - Doing all kind recruitmentmethods, such advertisingjob vacancy,join job fair,campus hiring& mass recruitment for entry l evel Position : Freelance Assesor Company : PT Tempo Inti Media Harian Period : July 2008 July 2009 Job Duties :Administratingand scoringpsychological test, such as Papi Kostick,Kraepelin,IST,Wartegg, BAUM, DAM
  • 3. 2016 Trainingfor Trainer,PPM 2014 TrainingCoaching,PTBUMA 2013 Certificated Human Resource Professional Batch 23,Atma Jaya University 2013 Peluang& Ancaman PKWT Sebagai Sistem Hubungan Kerja Workshop,Forum HRD Bekasi 2011 Human Resource Management Training,ProgramPelatihan Manajemen, Corporate Kompas Gramedia 2011 Work Load AnalysisWorkshop,CorporateKompas Gramedia 2005 2009 Faculty of Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University, GPA: 3,43 2002 2005 70 Senior High School, Jakarta 1999 2002 19 Junior High School, Jakarta INFORMAL EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION