ºÝºÝߣs proposte il 19 giugno in occasione dell'iniziativa P¨¦pini¨¨res Overtes 2014 a Pont-Saint-Martin in Valle d'Aosta all'interno della tavola rotonda organizzata da Confindustria Valle d'Aosta sulle eccellenze del territorio.
L¡¯ Assemblaggio Conto Terzi rappresenta una realt¨¤ moderna e vantaggiosa di produrre ben nota alle industrie che sono alla ricerca di Flessibilit¨¤ nella produzione, Vantaggi economici, una maggiore Competitivit¨¤ e Qualit¨¤ del prodotto. Assemblare conto terzi, o con processi di sub fornitura, non significa ¡°delocalizzare¡± o ¡°trasferire¡±, ma bens¨¬ coinvolgere Partner Affidabili e Controllati che possono dare un ¡°plus¡± al prodotto, sia economico che qualitativo.
Italgest fornisce alle aziende produttrici una gamma di servizi che non si esauriscono con l¡¯attivit¨¤ di assemblaggio.
L¡¯Azienda ¨¨ in grado di dare completezza a qualsiasi ¡°forma¡± di produzione conto terzi.
L¡¯ Assemblaggio Conto Terzi rappresenta una realt¨¤ moderna e vantaggiosa di produrre ben nota alle industrie che sono alla ricerca di Flessibilit¨¤ nella produzione, Vantaggi economici, una maggiore Competitivit¨¤ e Qualit¨¤ del prodotto. Assemblare conto terzi, o con processi di sub fornitura, non significa ¡°delocalizzare¡± o ¡°trasferire¡±, ma bens¨¬ coinvolgere Partner Affidabili e Controllati che possono dare un ¡°plus¡± al prodotto, sia economico che qualitativo.
Italgest fornisce alle aziende produttrici una gamma di servizi che non si esauriscono con l¡¯attivit¨¤ di assemblaggio.
L¡¯Azienda ¨¨ in grado di dare completezza a qualsiasi ¡°forma¡± di produzione conto terzi.
Vi presentiamo il documento fondamentale per comprendere cos'¨¨ l'innovazione e come attivare una dinamica di innovazione continua in azienda. In poche pagine KNOW NET ha riassunto tutta la sua esperienza su questo tema, frutto di cinque anni di lavoro sul campo con le imprese italiane.
Intervista a Matteo Conti Head of Trade & Shopper Marketing Chocolate / Sugar Confectionery di Ferrero a cura di Flavia Nicolosi, Elisa Cellizza e Laura Liguori - Programma "Retail Your Talent" - 1 edizione
Our company is in the leather finishing sector since 50 years. We design and create spray painting guns, feed pumps, thickness gauges and accessories. All our products are Made in Italy. Check our website www.aircom-original.com to download the catalogue.
Bonds are certificates that promise to pay the holder a specified sum of money (face value or par value) plus interest at a stated rate. This document discusses key bond terms like redemption value, bond rate, and yield rate. It provides an example of how to calculate current yield based on annual interest and price of the bond. Finally, it poses a problem asking the value of a $1000, 6% bond with semi-annual coupons that will be redeemed at par in 15 years.
The document discusses bulk handling equipment including:
- Troughing frames for belt conveyors that can have angles from 20-45 degrees.
- Pulleys and belt cleaners for belt widths up to 2,000mm. Belt covers made of steel or PVC.
- Motorized pulleys that are purpose-built, totally enclosed, and space saving compared to conventional drives. They have benefits like safety, low cost of purchase and installation, low maintenance, efficiency, cleanliness, and low noise.
The document summarizes the results of a 10 question questionnaire. It shows that most respondents were female aged 15-17 and enjoy leisure activities like spending time with friends/family, shopping, listening to music and watching movies. Their favorite film genres included romantic comedies and psychological thrillers. The majority had seen a psychological thriller in the last 24 months and enjoyed aspects like mystery and suspense. Most respondents reported watching trailers before films to help decide what to watch.
The document summarizes the results of a 7 question questionnaire. For question 1, 12 respondents were female and 4 were male. For question 2, most (13) respondents were aged 15-17, with some (2) aged 18-20 and (1) aged 27-29. For question 3, most popular leisure activities were socializing with friends/family, shopping, and listening to music/watching movies. For question 4, most popular genres were romantic comedy and comedy, with psychological thriller also being popular. For question 5, most respondents had seen a psychological thriller in the last 24 months. For question 6, most (11) respondents said they like psychological thrillers, while some (5) said no.
The document provides information on Rulmeca's range of motorized pulleys, including technical specifications. It lists pulley types, diameters, power ratings, maximum radial load capacities, and minimum shell widths for different pulley models. The pulleys come in light, medium, and high duty versions for various applications and load conditions. The document also describes benefits of Rulmeca pulleys like their enclosed design which provides protection, low maintenance needs, and variable speed control capability.
The document summarizes the key elements of mise-en-scene, camerawork, editing, and other techniques used in the poster and trailer for a psychological thriller film. For the poster, it notes the use of low-key lighting, an extreme close-up on the main character's face with the number "23" written on it, and a handwritten font to convey his crazed state of mind. Regarding the trailer, it highlights the use of low-key lighting, zooms on a red book and faces, fast-paced editing as tension rises, non-diegetic music during dialogue, diegetic music when reading, and voiceover during chapter readings. Phrases in the trailer aim to intr
The document compares how bands are typically represented in magazines. In NME magazine, bands are shown looking straight at the camera to convey power, with backs turned to seem rebellious, or all in black to seem mysterious. The artist prefers to represent bands in a more natural, casual way - smiling to seem friendly, doing activities to show expression, and including instruments to fit the musical genre. The goal is to portray the bands as approachable and accurately capture their essence rather than imposing posed or styled photography.
The document summarizes the results of a 10 question questionnaire. It shows that most respondents were female aged 15-17 and enjoy leisure activities like spending time with friends/family, shopping, listening to music and watching movies. Their favorite film genres included romantic comedies and psychological thrillers. The majority had seen a psychological thriller in the last 24 months and enjoyed aspects like mystery and suspense. Most respondents reported watching trailers before films to help decide what to watch.
Vi presentiamo il documento fondamentale per comprendere cos'¨¨ l'innovazione e come attivare una dinamica di innovazione continua in azienda. In poche pagine KNOW NET ha riassunto tutta la sua esperienza su questo tema, frutto di cinque anni di lavoro sul campo con le imprese italiane.
Intervista a Matteo Conti Head of Trade & Shopper Marketing Chocolate / Sugar Confectionery di Ferrero a cura di Flavia Nicolosi, Elisa Cellizza e Laura Liguori - Programma "Retail Your Talent" - 1 edizione
Our company is in the leather finishing sector since 50 years. We design and create spray painting guns, feed pumps, thickness gauges and accessories. All our products are Made in Italy. Check our website www.aircom-original.com to download the catalogue.
Bonds are certificates that promise to pay the holder a specified sum of money (face value or par value) plus interest at a stated rate. This document discusses key bond terms like redemption value, bond rate, and yield rate. It provides an example of how to calculate current yield based on annual interest and price of the bond. Finally, it poses a problem asking the value of a $1000, 6% bond with semi-annual coupons that will be redeemed at par in 15 years.
The document discusses bulk handling equipment including:
- Troughing frames for belt conveyors that can have angles from 20-45 degrees.
- Pulleys and belt cleaners for belt widths up to 2,000mm. Belt covers made of steel or PVC.
- Motorized pulleys that are purpose-built, totally enclosed, and space saving compared to conventional drives. They have benefits like safety, low cost of purchase and installation, low maintenance, efficiency, cleanliness, and low noise.
The document summarizes the results of a 10 question questionnaire. It shows that most respondents were female aged 15-17 and enjoy leisure activities like spending time with friends/family, shopping, listening to music and watching movies. Their favorite film genres included romantic comedies and psychological thrillers. The majority had seen a psychological thriller in the last 24 months and enjoyed aspects like mystery and suspense. Most respondents reported watching trailers before films to help decide what to watch.
The document summarizes the results of a 7 question questionnaire. For question 1, 12 respondents were female and 4 were male. For question 2, most (13) respondents were aged 15-17, with some (2) aged 18-20 and (1) aged 27-29. For question 3, most popular leisure activities were socializing with friends/family, shopping, and listening to music/watching movies. For question 4, most popular genres were romantic comedy and comedy, with psychological thriller also being popular. For question 5, most respondents had seen a psychological thriller in the last 24 months. For question 6, most (11) respondents said they like psychological thrillers, while some (5) said no.
The document provides information on Rulmeca's range of motorized pulleys, including technical specifications. It lists pulley types, diameters, power ratings, maximum radial load capacities, and minimum shell widths for different pulley models. The pulleys come in light, medium, and high duty versions for various applications and load conditions. The document also describes benefits of Rulmeca pulleys like their enclosed design which provides protection, low maintenance needs, and variable speed control capability.
The document summarizes the key elements of mise-en-scene, camerawork, editing, and other techniques used in the poster and trailer for a psychological thriller film. For the poster, it notes the use of low-key lighting, an extreme close-up on the main character's face with the number "23" written on it, and a handwritten font to convey his crazed state of mind. Regarding the trailer, it highlights the use of low-key lighting, zooms on a red book and faces, fast-paced editing as tension rises, non-diegetic music during dialogue, diegetic music when reading, and voiceover during chapter readings. Phrases in the trailer aim to intr
The document compares how bands are typically represented in magazines. In NME magazine, bands are shown looking straight at the camera to convey power, with backs turned to seem rebellious, or all in black to seem mysterious. The artist prefers to represent bands in a more natural, casual way - smiling to seem friendly, doing activities to show expression, and including instruments to fit the musical genre. The goal is to portray the bands as approachable and accurately capture their essence rather than imposing posed or styled photography.
The document summarizes the results of a 10 question questionnaire. It shows that most respondents were female aged 15-17 and enjoy leisure activities like spending time with friends/family, shopping, listening to music and watching movies. Their favorite film genres included romantic comedies and psychological thrillers. The majority had seen a psychological thriller in the last 24 months and enjoyed aspects like mystery and suspense. Most respondents reported watching trailers before films to help decide what to watch.
This document provides information on the technical elements and conventions that would be used in a psychological thriller trailer and film. It discusses the use of mise-en-scene including weapons, blood, lighting, costumes and locations to portray extremity and mental instability. Camerawork techniques like close-ups, long shots and two shots are described. Fast-paced editing, voiceovers and non-diegetic music would be used. The target audience is identified as 18-32 year old students and workers from a working class background who enjoy time with friends and family and listening to music. The film would appeal to them by featuring a complex plot, flickering images and sounds, and a leading character with a mental disorder.
This document discusses the history and key characteristics of psychological thriller films over several decades from the 1950s to the 2000s. It provides examples of influential psychological thriller films from each decade that helped define the genre, such as Rear Window (1950s), Psycho (1960s), and The Mist (2000s). Common elements of psychological thrillers are discussed, including an emphasis on the protagonist's mental state over plot and a threat stemming from mental rather than physical danger.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian inti bangunan sebagai tempat sistem transportasi vertikal dan distribusi energi. Juga membahas bentuk, bahan, sistem struktur, dan utilitas yang ada di dalam inti bangunan.
366/14 MediaKey /// Creativit¨¤: Made in Tunnel StudiosTunnel Studios
Tunnel Studios ¨¦ una struttura indipendente con competenze approfondite e una flessibilit¨¤ a misura di ogni situazione. Radici creative per un'anima digitale, un lavoro sartoriale e di qualit¨¤ che fa la differenza, per lasciare un segno nel ¡°mondo della comunicazione¡±.
4. Un punto di partenza e un punto di arrivo
Raggiungere il traguardo dei 50 anni di attivit¨¤ ¨¨ per un¡¯azienda motivo di soddisfazione e allo
stesso tempo di riflessione. ¨¨ un punto di arrivo e nel contempo un punto di partenza. Chiede
di guardare da dove siamo venuti, con i principi e le scelte che ci hanno guidato nell¡¯azione, e
sollecita la verifica di quali strategie sono poste in essere per il futuro, per continuare positivamente il proprio sviluppo. Rulmeca ¨¨ oggi una realt¨¤ internazionale che occupa una posizione
di vertice, tecnologico e applicativo, in un settore strategico per l¡¯economia di diverse nazioni
e scenari industriali: siamo infatti il primo produttore mondiale di rulli per la movimentazione di
materiali sfusi. I nostri prodotti hanno come loro intrinseca missione ridurre la fatica dell¡¯uomo e
rendere pi¨´ efficiente il lavoro. Su questa base che resta la chiave del nostro impegno, festeggiamo 50 anni di attivit¨¤ con la consapevolezza che nuove sfide ci attendono, iniziando dalla
capacit¨¤ di conciliare sempre meglio la crescita economica con il rispetto per l¡¯ambiente, la riduzione dei consumi industriali, l¡¯ottimizzazione delle risorse e dell¡¯energia. Muoverci in questa
direzione ¨¨ il dinamismo che ci piace di pi¨´ condividere con chiunque ne riconosce il valore.
Per il lavoro e la vita di oggi, e per quello che stiamo costruendo per le prossime generazioni.
Reaching the milestone of 50 years of activity is cause for satisfaction for a company
and at the same time for reflection. It is a point of arrival and at the same time a point of
departure. Reaching this goal requires to look at where we came from, with the principles
and decisions that have guided us in action and calls for the verification of which strategies
are in place for the future, in order to continue the positive development of our Company.
Rulmeca is now an International Organization with a leading technological and market
Dedichiamo questo libro a tutti coloro che ci hanno
seguito nei nostri primi 50 anni, ai nostri Collaboratori
in Italia e a chi lavora nelle Aziende del Gruppo, a chi
ci ha scelto per la qualit¨¤ e il servizio, ai Partner tecnologici e ai Fornitori ed ai nostri Agenti di vendita.
A tutti quelli che hanno creduto in noi va il nostro
ringraziamento pi¨´ sentito.
position, in a strategic sector for the economy of many countries: we are the world¡¯s
This Book is dedicated to all of those who have
been following us in our first 50 years, to our
Collaborators in Italy, to the people working in
our Group Companies, to those who have chosen us for our quality and service, to our technology Partners and Suppliers and to our Sales
agents. We thank all those who believe in us.
for the environment and the optimization in the use of resources and energy. Moving in this
leading manufacturer of rollers for bulk materials handling. Our products¡¯ original mission
is to make work more efficient relieving man¡¯s labour. It is on this basis, which remains
the cornerstone of our commitment, that we celebrate 50 years of activity aware that new
challenges lie ahead: starting with the ability to reconcile economic growth with respect
direction is the dynamism that we like most to share with anyone who is able to recognize
its value, for today¡¯s work and life and for what we are building for future generations.
A point of departure and an arrival point
Emilio Moreschi
5. La nostra storia
¨¨ fatta di persone,
solidi principi,
scelte concrete.
Rulmeca ¨¨ un¡¯azienda che fonda la sua attivit¨¤ e la sua crescita, oggi come 50
anni fa, sulla capacit¨¤, il valore e l¡¯entusiasmo delle persone. Per questo in occasione del traguardo del mezzo secolo, riteniamo giusto dedicare questo volume,
che supera i tradizionali schemi delle celebrazioni, puntando l¡¯attenzione sulle
persone che, nel mondo, lavorano nelle sedi operative Rulmeca. Sono loro, pi¨´
di tante parole, che raccontano la nostra identit¨¤.
Our history
is made of individuals,
strong principles,
coherent choices.
Rulmeca is a company that bases its activities and its growth, today as 50
years ago, on the ability, value and the enthusiasm of the individuals. For this
reason, on the occasion of reaching the target of half a century of activity, we
think it is right to dedicate this book, to the individuals which, worldwide, work
at our premises. They, more than many words, are those that tell our identity.
6. Antonio Ghisalberti
Dalla fondazione nel 1962 ad Alm¨¨, in provincia di Bergamo, l¡¯azienda si ¨¨ trasformata e sviluppata fino a diventare un Gruppo internazionale che conta oggi
oltre 20 aziende nel mondo, tutte specializzate nella produzione e vendita di
rulli, mototamburi e componenti per la movimentazione. Dietro l¡¯elevato livello
qualitativo dei prodotti Rulmeca esiste un marchio ricco di storia, innovazione,
evoluzione internazionale e ricerca. Nata dallo spirito imprenditoriale di Antonio
Ghisalberti, purtroppo prematuramente scomparso, l¡¯azienda ha evidenziato
fin dal principio le scelte caratterizzanti del proprio posizionamento di mercato:
puntare all¡¯eccellenza tecnologica e avere la capacit¨¤ di offrire ai mercati di riferimento prodotti in grado di migliorare il rendimento e l¡¯affidabilit¨¤ degli impianti.
Since its foundation in 1962 in Alm¨¨, Bergamo, the Company has today
developed into an international group with 20 companies in the world,
all specialized in the production and sale of rollers, motorized pulleys,
components for bulk materials handling and industrial applications. Behind
the high quality level of the Rulmeca products is a brand steeped in history,
innovation, international development and research. Founded by the
entrepreneurial spirit of Antonio Ghisalberti,( 1928-1976), the Company has
shown since its early days the willingness to aim for a clear market positioning:
focusing on technological excellence, offering its Customers products
able to improve the performance and the reliability of their equipments.
Ricavi delle
Vendite e delle
sales income.
1996 1997
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011
7. 1200
Dipendenti nel
Employees in
the wolrd.
La scelta strategica determinante a livello di affermazione internazionale ¨¨ stata
quella di evolvere ed essere anticipatrice anche dal punto di vista commerciale
e di servizio, attivando un dialogo diretto e fortemente collaborativo con i propri
clienti. Nella prima fase della propria storia, Rulmeca era infatti strettamente legata alle scelte di societ¨¤ di engineering e big contractor italiani che operavano,
sull¡¯onda del boom economico di quegli anni, in varie parti del mondo. La crisi di
questo modello non ha intimorito Rulmeca, che ha saputo diventare propositiva
di s¨¦ stessa, creandosi un mercato BtoB di altissimo profilo, soprattutto nell¡¯industria estrattiva, grazie ad un dialogo one-to-one basato sulla competenza
specialistica e la concretezza dei risultati. L¡¯esperienza acquisita negli anni ha
quindi permesso all¡¯azienda di crescere costantemente ed ampliare la gamma
di articoli proposti.
A proactive stance in terms of service, a highly collaborative and direct
dialogue with our Customers were the strategic choice determining
Rulmeca international success. In the first phase of its history Rulmeca
closely worked with large Italian engineering firms and contractors
operating, in the wake of the economic boom of those years, in various
parts of the world. The crisis of this model did not intimidate Rulmeca,
which proactively moved internationally, creating a very high profile
B2B market, particularly in the mining industry, thanks to a one-to-one
dialogue based on the specialized skills and the concreteness of results.
The experience gained over the years has enabled the Company to grow
steadily and expand the range of articles offered.
Enio Azzola
Gianni Borlenghi
Sergio Bregoli
La produzione ha seguito questo processo di sviluppo, aggiungendo ai rulli
ulteriori componenti destinati a sistemi di
trasporto industriale, linee di assemblaggio, catene di montaggio e movimentazione. A queste gamme con il tempo si
sono affiancati anche sistemi di motorizzazione alternativi al motoriduttore classico, cio¨¨ mototamburi e i componenti
per sistemi di magazzinaggio dinamico.
Following the Company¡¯s development
process, our product range has grown
over the years to include new products
for automation within industrial applications, assembly lines and bulk material
handling equipments. Among other products, Rulmeca offer today includes the
motorized pulleys, a modern conveyor
driving solution manufactured at the
Rulmeca Germany plant, being an alternative to the classic gear reducer, and
components for dynamic storage systems.
8. A testimonianza della cura ed attenzione di Rulmeca nella produzione di
prodotti all¡¯avanguardia vi sono l¡¯ottenimento delle massime certificazioni di
qualit¨¤, un portfolio clienti di rilievo con
esperienze applicative vastissime ottenute grazie ad un¡¯ottica di collaborazione come partner e non solo come fornitore, una tecnologia produttiva sempre
rinnovata e assolutamente unica, una
sensibilit¨¤ particolare per lo sviluppo di
nuovi prodotti in ottica sostenibile.
Witnessing Rulmeca care for the production of cutting-edge products are
the high quality certification obtained,
our Customer portfolio with vast application experience the investments in
specialized manufacturing equipment
and the sensitivity towards the development of new products in a sustainable context.
Agenti Italia
Agents Italia
9. Rulmeca
oggi: la
Nel corso della sua storia industriale, Rulmeca ha
sempre basato la propria crescita sulla capacit¨¤ di
essere partner del Cliente, a partire dall¡¯innovazione di prodotto, per garantire prestazioni ed affidabilit¨¤ superiori agli impianti in cui vengono istallati.
Questo risultato nasce da un incessante impegno
di ricerca, teso ad andare oltre gli standard. I prodotti Rulmeca sono progettati per dare il massimo
anche nelle condizioni pi¨´ stressanti.
Rulmeca today:
Research &
All along its industrial history Rulmeca has based its growth on the ability to be a partner to
our Customers, offering innovative reliable products that would provide higher performances
to the industrial equipments in which they were
installed. We are committed to investments in
research and development activities in order to
ensure that our products meet our Customers¡¯
Rilievo, mediante analisi FEM, della mappa degli sforzi dei componenti strutturali del rullo in diverse condizioni di carico.
Evaluation, using FEM analysis, of stresses distribution within the
structural components of a roller under different load conditions.
10. Valori di eccentricit¨¤ (TIR) e di indicatore di massima pendenza (MIS) in funzione dell¡¯angolo di
rotazione del rullo.
Total Indicated Run-out (TIR) and Maximum Indicator Slope (MIS) as a function of roller rotating
Rulmeca oggi:
la Tecnologia.
Analisi del processo di imbutitura per la produzione di testate rullo mediante diagramma
di limite di deformazione del materiale.
Analysis of the metal forming process using
the forming limit diagram.
Rulmeca today:
Le tecnologie prodotte dal Gruppo Rulmeca sono considerate, in tutto il mondo, il riferimento qualitativo del settore. Un
risultato frutto di un costante impegno di sviluppo, accompagnato da processi di produzione perfezionati direttamente in
azienda. Alla iniziale produzione rivolta alla realizzazione di rulli
pesanti per il trasporto di metalli sfusi, si ¨¨ andata aggiungendo una sempre maggiore capacit¨¤ di diversificare l¡¯offerta, per
fornire risposte efficaci in molteplici settori industriali e logistici.
The Rulmeca Group today masters a wide array of
Technologies aimed at improving both our products and
the industrial manufacturing processes we utilize at our
consolidati per
income per
oggi: le
Essere partner per Rulmeca significa prima di
tutto saper offrire la consulenza pi¨´ efficace per
risolvere nel modo migliore le esigenze del Cliente. Le superiori prestazioni dei prodotti Rulmeca
sono frutto di un¡¯ingegnerizzazione dell¡¯offerta che
considera tutti gli aspetti di ottimizzazione di un
impianto. Questo significa offrire al Cliente i percorsi tecnici e di fattibilit¨¤ grazie ai quali potr¨¤ avere maggiori rendimenti e rientrare pi¨´ velocemente
today: The
Being a partner for Rulmeca means first of all
to be able to provide more effective counseling to solve in the best way the Customer¡¯s
needs. The superior performance of the Rulmeca products is the result of a supply engineering that considers all aspects of optimization of a plant. This means offering to
the customer the technical and feasibility
pathways through which he can reach faster
return on his investment.
12. Culture diverse, valori comuni.
Un¡¯azienda italiana nel mondo.
Rulmeca ¨¨ a tutti gli effetti un Gruppo internazionale sulla base della configurazione e della localizzazione
delle imprese che fanno parte del suo organigramma. Alle prime acquisizioni in Venezuela e Portogallo agli
inizi degli anni Ottanta, ha fatto seguito quella del Gruppo tedesco Precismeca nel 2000, realt¨¤ con sedi e
stabilimenti anche in Francia e Canada. L¡¯espansione ¨¨ diventata ancora pi¨´ vasta con l¡¯acquisto delle aziende Bulk del Gruppo Interroll, presente oltre che in Germania anche in Gran Bretagna, in Spagna, in Thailandia
ed in Russia. Uno sviluppo che ha portato a moltiplicare le potenzialit¨¤ anche nel settore dei mototamburi,
avvenuto puntando sempre sulla qualit¨¤ e sulla valorizzazione delle risorse umane, al di l¨¤ delle nazioni e delle
location produttive. Nel 2004 Rulli Rulmeca ha aperto societ¨¤ commerciali in Danimarca e negli Stati Uniti,
mentre nel 2006 ha acquisito la societ¨¤ sudafricana Melco. Di grande rilevanza ¨¨ infine il processo di espansione in Cina, nuovo cuore dell¡¯economia mondiale, che ha visto nel 2007, in coincidenza con le celebrazioni
per il quarantacinquesimo di fondazione della societ¨¤ Rulli Rulmeca, aprire un proprio stabilimento a Tianjin.
Le ultime societ¨¤ commerciali aperte nel corso del 2011 sono in Indonesia e Australia.
Different cultures, common values.
An Italian Company in the world.
The presence of our sister companies in many countries makes of Rulmeca a truly International Group. The
first acquisitions in Venezuela and Portugal in the early eighties, were followed by the takeovers of the Precismeca Group in 2000 with manufacturing plants in Germany, France and Canada. The expansion became
even wider with the acquisition of the Bulk Business Unit from the Interroll Group with manufacturing units in
Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Thailand and branch office in Russia. Along with a wider international presence
with this latter development the Rulmeca Group acquired the knowhow for the manufacturing of the motorized pulleys thus significantly broadening our product offer. In 2004 Rulmeca opened Trading Companies in
Denmark and the United States, while in 2006 the South African Company Melco became member of our
Group giving it a strong presence in one of the most important mining markets of the world. Of great importance is finally the process of expansion in China, the new heart of the world economy, which saw Rulmeca in
2007, opening its own factory in Tianjin. Trading units have recently been established in Turkey, Australia, Indonesia. All along this process of internationalization Rulmeca focused on promoting our human resources recognizing the value of individual contribution in the countries and the diverse cultures we have come to know.
13. Identit¨¤ originaria del Gruppo,
centro propulsivo delle strategie e
dell¡¯innovazione, oggi come 50 anni fa,
la realt¨¤ italiana del Gruppo Rulmeca
unisce la volont¨¤ di mantenersi fedeli
alle proprie origini e affermare le miglior
capacit¨¤ del made in Italy di muoversi con
successo sui mercati internazionali.
Original identity of the Group, heartland
of the strategies and innovation, today
as 50 years ago, the reality of the Italian
Group Rulmeca combines a willingness to
remain faithful to its origins and affirm
the best capacity of the ¡°made in Italy¡± to
move successfully on the International
14. Da sinistra/From left: Fabio Ghisalberti, Bruna Ghisalberti, Emilio Moreschi, Marco Ghisalberti.
15. Da sinistra/From left: Fabio Ghisalberti, Emilio Moreschi, Marco Ghisalberti, Carsten Spanggaard.
20. Due realt¨¤ industriali autonome
e allo stesso tempo sinergiche,
per consolidare senza soste
un posizionamento di mercato e
un¡¯autorevolezza che fa di Rulmeca la
realt¨¤ industriale leader di settore in
una nazione dove il comparto estrattivo
ha un ruolo determinante per storia,
numeri, importanza socio-economica.
Two industrial autonomous and at the
same time synergic realities, aimed at
consolidating their market positioning and
the authority that gives Rulmeca a leading
role in our sector of activity in a country
where mining has a crucial role for
history, numbers, and the socio-economic
1. Lipsia
2. Aschersleben
27. Mercato emergente per definizione,
vera e propria guida dell¡¯espansione
economica internazionale, la Cina ¨¨
per Rulmeca una realt¨¤ strategica e in
continua espansione, sulla base di un
mercato interno che da solo ha numeri
e potenzialit¨¤ di grandezza mondiale.
The emerging market, by definition, real
guide to the international economic
expansion, China is for Rulmeca a
strategic and continuously growing
reality, based on a market that on its own
has numbers and magnitude potential
known worldwide.
Secondo da sinistra/second from left Mr.Goh, sesto da sinistra/sixth from left Mr.Seng,
secondo da destra/second from right Mr.Sombath
34. Facendo tesoro delle risorse e delle
potenzialit¨¤ di Precismeca, azienda tedesca
con una radicata presenza al servizio
dell¡¯industria estrattiva canadese, il
Gruppo Rulmeca ¨¨ riferimento guida
per innovazione e qualit¨¤ in un mercato
esigente, competitivo, particolarmente
attento all¡¯innovazione frutto della
ricerca applicata.
Thanks to the reputation and skills of
Precismeca Canada, originally member of
the German Precismeca Group, servicing
the Canadian mining industry, the Rulmeca
Group is a reference guide for innovation
and quality in a demanding and competitive
market, particularly concerned with product
36. Primo da sinistra/firsth from left Mr.Joe Hartney, terzo da sinistra/third from left Mr Todd Mason,
quinto da sinistra/fifth from left Mr.Steven Bezuidenhout
41. Un mercato che sta dando a Rulmeca
grandi soddisfazioni. Una sede operativa
che espande la sua azione a buona parte
del continente Africano, partecipando
direttamente all¡¯evoluzione e al
progresso dell¡¯intero settore
estrattivo, ottimizzando le dinamiche
di movimentazione nell¡¯interesse delle
imprese e della qualit¨¤ del lavoro.
A market that is giving great satisfaction
to Rulmeca. Melco: an operational
headquarters that expands its action in
most of the African continent, by directly
participating in the development and
progress of the entire mining sector.
42. Gavin Hall,
Craig Warmback,
Carsten Spanggaard,
Malcolm Elston,
Danie O¡¯Connell
Emilio Moreschi,
Mel Cohen,
Roy Cohen
Mel Cohen,
Derek Cohen,
Roy Cohen
Malcolm Elston,
Craig Warmback,
Pako Petlane,
Danie O¡¯Connell,
Gavin Hall,
Carsten Spanggaard,
Derek Cohen
48. Rulmeca Holding SPA - ITALY
Precismeca Rulmeca Group - CANADA
Rulmeca GmbH (Lipsia e Aschersleben) - Germany
Rulli Rulmeca s.p.a - ITALY
Rulmeca Espana S.L.U - SPAIN
Rulmeca Ltd - UK
Industrias Rulmeca S.A - VENEZUELA
Rulmeca AS - DENMARK
Rulmeca OY - Finland
PR?CISM?CA Equipements de Manutention - FRANCE
Rulmeca AS - SWEDEN
Rulmeca Ta??ma Aksamlar? - TURKEY
Melco LLC USA / Rulmeca Corporation USA
Rulmeca Holding viene costituita il 1¡ã Gennaio 2012 ed ha al suo interno le
persone che sono di supporto e controllo alle societ¨¤ del Gruppo, nelle
funzioni di: Ricerca e sviluppo, Corporate Communication, Marketing, Finance
Controlling, Acquisti, Tecnico, IT, vENDITE ecC...
Rulmeca Holding was founded on the 1st of January 2012 and involves people who
are supporting and controlling the Group¡¯s Companies in the functions of: Research
and Development, Corporate Communications, Marketing, Finance, Controlling,
Purchasing, Technical, IT, Sales eTC...
50. Tony Hooker,
Robert Wilson,
Roy Ball,
Brian Barclay
Doug McIntyre,
Bob Prentice,
Brian Hollowell
Pedro Franco ? PORTUGAL
Jean-Marie Bodo ? FRANCE
Mike Gawinski
Mark Robinson
Rulmeca Melco
Omer Sezner
Rulmeca TuRKEY
Kari Puhakka
Rulmeca Finland
Henrik anderson ? sWEDEN
Suwarno Kie ? Rulmeca Indonesia
Rulmeca Corporation ? Wilmington, USA