The document discusses the importance of employee development for organizational commitment, engagement, and retention. It outlines opportunities for development at work, including job rotations abroad, tuition reimbursement, and mentorship programs. The document argues that focusing on strengths over weaknesses through opportunities like global job rotations can build positive characteristics that are rewarding for both the organization and employees. Peer-to-peer mentoring offers cross-development that research shows improves retention, partnerships, and advancement.
The opening slide starts with 'I am not anti-Microsoft. Microsoft is anti-me. 際際滷 Share has omitted a section of the slide for some reason.
The presentation discusses the importance of using Open Source Software in education.
This document discusses the implications of neuroscience research on metaphor for e-learning. It finds that mirror neurons activate both motor and language areas of the brain, allowing metaphors to embody meaning through physical experience. Effective e-learning may incorporate movement, hands-on activities, and physical manipulation to more fully engage both brain hemispheres. Work-based learning is given as an example that mirrors the brain's use of metaphor through detailed projects and reflective thinking.
The document discusses calculating features of circles such as circumference, arc length, and number of revolutions of a wheel on a journey. It provides formulas for circumference (C=πd), arc length (Arc=Angle/360 x Circumference), and number of revolutions (Revolutions=Journey Distance/Circumference). Examples of using the formulas to calculate circumference, arc length, and number of revolutions are given for circles with different diameters and journey distances.
The document discusses the importance of employee development for organizational commitment, engagement, and retention. It outlines opportunities for development at work, including job rotations abroad, tuition reimbursement, and mentorship programs. The document argues that focusing on strengths over weaknesses through opportunities like global job rotations can build positive characteristics that are rewarding for both the organization and employees. Peer-to-peer mentoring offers cross-development that research shows improves retention, partnerships, and advancement.
The opening slide starts with 'I am not anti-Microsoft. Microsoft is anti-me. 際際滷 Share has omitted a section of the slide for some reason.
The presentation discusses the importance of using Open Source Software in education.
This document discusses the implications of neuroscience research on metaphor for e-learning. It finds that mirror neurons activate both motor and language areas of the brain, allowing metaphors to embody meaning through physical experience. Effective e-learning may incorporate movement, hands-on activities, and physical manipulation to more fully engage both brain hemispheres. Work-based learning is given as an example that mirrors the brain's use of metaphor through detailed projects and reflective thinking.
The document discusses calculating features of circles such as circumference, arc length, and number of revolutions of a wheel on a journey. It provides formulas for circumference (C=πd), arc length (Arc=Angle/360 x Circumference), and number of revolutions (Revolutions=Journey Distance/Circumference). Examples of using the formulas to calculate circumference, arc length, and number of revolutions are given for circles with different diameters and journey distances.
Algumas diretrizes para tornar nosso produto f│cil de ser utilizado sem cair na armadilha do que └ ┏bvio para quem tem a concep??o do produto versus o conceito de ┏bvio para o cliente.
El documento resume las principales reglas del f┣tbol, incluyendo el n┣mero de jugadores por equipo, las
dimensiones del campo de juego, la duraci┏n de los partidos y m└todos de desempate, faltas y mala conducta,
y la regla del fuera de juego.
Este art┴culo describe los esfuerzos del gobierno brasile?o para mejorar la educaci┏n p┣blica a trav└s de varias iniciativas, incluida la ampliaci┏n de la jornada escolar y el aumento de los salarios de los maestros. El objetivo final es mejorar los resultados educativos y la calidad de vida de los estudiantes brasile?os.
A Pullmantur come?ou operando circuitos tur┴sticos na Espanha e expandiu para cruzeiros e voos charter internacionais. Em 2011, a empresa anunciou a cria??o de uma sucursal no Brasil para fortalecer sua presen?a no mercado de cruzeiros.
O documento descreve a evolu??o da comunica??o humana do anal┏gico para o digital ao longo dos anos, com o surgimento de novas tecnologias como email, IRC, messenger, blogs e Twitter. Tamb└m discute as caracter┴sticas das m┴dias digitais, incluindo seu car│ter interativo e personalizado, e fornece estat┴sticas sobre o uso da internet no Brasil e no mundo.
Este documento describe las funciones del planteamiento del problema de investigaci┏n. Explica que el planteamiento del problema relaciona el tema de investigaci┏n con un │rea espec┴fica, justifica la necesidad de realizar la investigaci┏n, y define los prop┏sitos de la investigaci┏n. Tambi└n describe c┏mo la delimitaci┏n del problema conduce a un enfoque claro y preciso del │rea de inter└s, define los objetivos de la investigaci┏n, y ayuda a elegir el t┴tulo del estudio. Adem│s, explica que la formulaci┏n del problema define las preguntas de investigaci┏n que deben responderse y
A aula de campo estudou fundamentos b│sicos de geologia. Os acad┷micos de geografia da UAB/UNB analisaram rochas sedimentares em um mirante e visitaram as cachoeiras do Roncador e Taquaru?u. Eles tamb└m estudaram solos e tiveram um momento para repor energias no Balne│rio Natureza.