Sosiaalisen median tiedottajakurssin IV (Otavan Opisto) n辰ytt旦ty旦 Ev辰it辰 opis...Pauliina M辰kel辰
Sosiaalisen median tiedottajakurssin IV (Otavan Opisto) n辰ytt旦ty旦 11.6.2011 otsikolla Ev辰it辰 opiskeluun, hankety旦h旦n ja yritt辰jyyteen, esitet辰辰n #SomeTime2011-tapahtumassa
The human resources division would be responsible for interviewing potential employees and asking questions about their interests, qualifications, motivations, and thoughts about the business. The responsibilities of running the company would be divided amongst partners, with one focusing on sales, one on design, one handling customer service and questions, one analyzing competitors, one managing finances, and one developing new products. After-sales service would include fixing or replacing products for one year, regular checkups, simple explanations of services, and discounts on new purchases for previous customers. To study the local market, the business would advertise catchy slogans and product features, investigate competitors through customer surveys, and use competitor information to improve their own business without directly copying others.
The document outlines best teaching practices to improve classroom discipline, including alternatives to suspension, pre-emptive measures, teacher support programs, nutrition programs, detention, assemblies, and supervision. It specifically discusses Ms. Garcia and Ms. Zepeda's use of CHAMPs (a classroom management method) which includes clear expectations, attention signals, and behavior monitoring charts. The document emphasizes establishing routines, positive reinforcement, clear communication with parents, and treating students with respect.
Sosiaalisen median tiedottajakurssin IV (Otavan Opisto) n辰ytt旦ty旦 Ev辰it辰 opis...Pauliina M辰kel辰
Sosiaalisen median tiedottajakurssin IV (Otavan Opisto) n辰ytt旦ty旦 11.6.2011 otsikolla Ev辰it辰 opiskeluun, hankety旦h旦n ja yritt辰jyyteen, esitet辰辰n #SomeTime2011-tapahtumassa
The human resources division would be responsible for interviewing potential employees and asking questions about their interests, qualifications, motivations, and thoughts about the business. The responsibilities of running the company would be divided amongst partners, with one focusing on sales, one on design, one handling customer service and questions, one analyzing competitors, one managing finances, and one developing new products. After-sales service would include fixing or replacing products for one year, regular checkups, simple explanations of services, and discounts on new purchases for previous customers. To study the local market, the business would advertise catchy slogans and product features, investigate competitors through customer surveys, and use competitor information to improve their own business without directly copying others.
The document outlines best teaching practices to improve classroom discipline, including alternatives to suspension, pre-emptive measures, teacher support programs, nutrition programs, detention, assemblies, and supervision. It specifically discusses Ms. Garcia and Ms. Zepeda's use of CHAMPs (a classroom management method) which includes clear expectations, attention signals, and behavior monitoring charts. The document emphasizes establishing routines, positive reinforcement, clear communication with parents, and treating students with respect.
Legal Viewpoint: Case Studies of VI in MassachusettsEDR
This document summarizes a presentation on environmental due diligence and risk allocation given by Seth D. Jaffe. It discusses how vapor intrusion issues can impact due diligence for real estate transactions and influence risk allocation between buyers and sellers. Recent changes by Massachusetts regulators have introduced more uncertainty around achieving closure for sites with vapor intrusion concerns, disincentivizing property transfers. Common techniques for allocating environmental risks between parties are described, but addressing long-term vapor intrusion issues poses new challenges to negotiating deals.
Run your business by the numbers fred shilmoverbullhornlive
1) ShoreTel's Cloud Division introduced analytics company InsightSquared and recruiting software company HireMinds to discuss running a business by the numbers.
2) InsightSquared discussed the importance of visualizing, personalizing, and taking action on analytics data in order to improve business performance.
3) HireMinds saw improvements in key metrics like presentations, sendouts, interviews, and revenue after implementing InsightSquared's analytics software to gain better transparency into their recruiting data.
This document provides an overview of key project management concepts including:
- The Project Management Office (PMO) and Project Management System (PMS) and their roles in managing projects.
- The five process groups (initiating, planning, executing, controlling, closing) and nine knowledge areas that are used to manage projects.
- The individual project management processes that are applied within each process group to generate outputs and move the project forward.
- How the process groups interact and are linked by inputs and outputs between processes.
- Examples of common inputs like organizational process assets and enterprise environmental factors that influence project processes.
- A process chart that maps the project management processes.
This document discusses various topics related to corporate law including:
1) How corporations are regulated in Australia by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).
2) The different models of corporate theory including managerialist, agency, team production, communitarian, and entity models.
3) Key aspects of partnerships including the definition under the Partnership Act, characteristics of partnerships, and liability in contracts, torts, and criminal law.
4) The process of incorporating a company under the Corporations Act including choosing a registration type as either a public or proprietary company.
How the Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 impacted the IRS collections and procedures: Enforcement & Collection, CDP notice requirements, filing of CDP request, CDP hearings, appeals, tax court review, equivalent hearings, and emergency appeal,
Oph Sosiaalinen Median Oppimisen Ja Ohjauksen TukenaSanna Brauer
Sanna Brauerin ja Mervi Janssonin esitys Opetushallituksen Aalloilla ammatillista vetovoimaa, vaikuttavuutta ja verkostoja- laivaseminaarissa ammatillisen perus- ja lis辰koulutuksen kehitt辰jille 2010.
Sosiaalinen media ja muut digitaaliset v辰lineet oppimisen tukena 11.11.2016Opinlakeus
Kooste oppimisen tukemiseen soveltuvista sosiaalisen median palveluista ja muista digitaalisista v辰lineist辰 ja palveluista.
Aineisto on muokattu Matleena Laakson alkupe辰risaineistojen pohjalta 2. asteen opettajien koulutusp辰iv辰辰n Etel辰-Pohjanmaan Opistolle 11.11.2016.
Tutustu Matleenan aineistoihin:
This document summarizes a presentation on digital open badge-driven learning for developing teacher competencies. It discusses:
1) The use of digital badges to recognize competencies gained through various formal, non-formal, and informal learning experiences.
2) An example program in Finland that has issued over 23,000 badges to teachers for online professional development.
3) Key factors for successful digital badge programs including visualization of competencies, validation of various types of learning, and gamification to motivate participation.
Osuvat taidot - valtakunnallinen osaamismerkist旦 - ja kriteeritSanna Brauer
Ty旦el辰m辰n muutos on jatkuvaa - millaista ammatillista osaamista koulutuksen tulisi tuottaa?
Digiosaamisen merkitys kasvaa, mutta miten sanoitamme sen osaamis- ja ammattitaitovaatimuksiksi?
Mit辰 muutos tarkoittaa turvallisuuden, ty旦el辰m辰n perustaitojen, hyvinvoinnin ja eri alojen n辰k旦kulmasta?
Opetushallitus, Osuvat taidot -hanke ja Ty旦el辰m辰 ja teknologia -hanke j辰rjest辰v辰t yhteisty旦ss辰 ty旦pajan 14.1.2020.
This document discusses the identification and recognition of desired competences in digital open badge-driven learning. It presents a project called WORKPEDA that aims to develop work-integrated pedagogy in higher education by bringing the working life perspective more strongly into education. The project seeks to identify what competences students and working life expect from education to help develop curriculum. Digital open badges can help visualize the gap between existing and desired competences and guide learners' development. The document discusses using a badge-constellation to describe different professions, competencies, and learning paths. It provides examples of how badges include identifiers, assessments of competencies, and evidence to describe skills in a trustworthy, updatable way.
This document discusses digital open badges and their use in education. It provides examples of how digital badges have been implemented in various educational programs and teacher training initiatives in Finland to recognize competencies and encourage learning. Badges are assessed based on detailed criteria and can recognize skills obtained through formal, non-formal, and informal learning. Effective badge design considers factors like motivation, gamification, and triggers for learning. Research is exploring how learners experience competence-based assessment and scaffolding in digital badge-driven learning processes.
The document discusses teachers' badges and developing a national digital badges system in Finland. It provides details on vocational teacher education requirements in Finland and discusses using digital badges to recognize teachers' professional competencies. It also outlines the goals of creating a shared national digital badges system, including establishing common standards, criteria, and quality assurance models. The system would issue badges for digital competencies and provide guidelines for its expansion and management on a national level.
ePIC theoretical Theoretical Framework of Digital Open Badge-Driven LearningSanna Brauer
This document discusses digital open badge-driven learning and its theoretical framework. It begins with an introduction to Sanna Brauer, a PhD researcher, and discusses several key areas:
1) Conceptualizing digital open badge-driven learning as a competence-based learning process using badges to identify skills.
2) How motivation, gamification, and triggers support this learning process.
3) Profiling different types of learners who earn badges.
4) How digital badges can support emerging learning ecosystems.
5. Ty旦v辰lineet:
Doodle - Diigo
Alussa oli... Google Docs - TokBox
kuin vierasta Blogit - Wikit - Twitter
kielt辰? Facebookissa puolet suomalaisista
Adobe Connect
Jaiku - Qaiku - Skype
Matka s辰hk旦postista Second Lifeen?
6. Sitten l旦ytyi ERILAISIA
oppijoita ja opettajia
Erilaisia materiaaleja
Erilaisia polkuja
Erilaisia tapoja jakaa aineistoja
Vaihtoehtoisia tapoja ohjata ja
Etk旦 auttaa vois,
mulla asiaa ois?
Jarmo SaloSanna Hannu Korkala
7 03/29/11 ja Brauer
8. Ei virheit辰, vain tekoja?
Kuva: P辰ivi Aarreniemi-Jokipelto 2010. Sosiaalinen media ja verkostoituminen
Sosiaalisen median v辰lineiden avulla toteutettu yksil旦llinen ja yhteis旦llinen
toiminta verkkopainotteisessa opettajankoulutuksessa
8 03/29/11 Sanna Brauer
11. Tietoyhteiskunnan
edellytt辰辰 luovaa,
kriittist辰 ja
mediataitoa sek辰
TIEKE tietoyhteiskunnan kehitt辰miskeskus ry
Opiskelijat ty旦skentelem辰辰n Tiedonv辰litys ja yhteis旦旦n kuuluvuuden
tulevaisuuden ty旦kaluilla tunne
Madaltunut vuorovaikutuskynnys V辰lineiden maksuttomuus ja
Tavoitettavuus - kaikki ovat samalla
foorumilla L辰pin辰kyvyys, palautteen saaminen,
Verkostoituminen, kaksisuuntainen
viestint辰 Innovatiivisuuden edist辰minen
Hiljaisen tiedon dokumentointi
Parempi ja nopeampi informaation
13. Uudenlainen yhteis旦llisyys
on touhua ja tekemist辰
Yhteis旦llisyys - yksil旦llisyys
Yhteis旦t muodostuvat sinne
miss辰 on sopivasti julkinen,
mutta riitt辰v辰n yksityinen tila
keskusteluun ja kohtaamiseen
Millainen on opettajan julkinen
14. Joukossa luovuuskin
Yhteis旦t muodostuvat
ihmisten keskin辰isist辰
K辰yt辰nteet ja
vuorovaikutuksen tavat
tuottavat yhteis旦lle
Yhteis旦t voimaantuvat
samankaltaisuudesta ja
yhteisist辰 kiinnostuksen
Eeva Pilke: Joukossa luovuuskin tiivistyy, uudenlainen yhteis旦llisyys - haaste ja mahdollisuus
15. Vapaaehtoisuus ja
Vapaus oppia itse
valitulla tavalla ja
Sukset ois mutta porkat
Mist辰 se latu l辰htee?
19. Usually people are just
learning from each other
Interact and Create Dialogue
Use Cultural Boundaries as a Point of
28. Opettajan opas on yksinkertainen:
Yhteis- AKTIIVISUUS -toimin-
29. Miten?
Verkostok辰til旦inti辰 ja netti- Johonkin liittyminen,
innostamista =
yhteis旦managerit? kuuluminen, hyv辰ksytyksi
tuleminen, osallistuminen ja
Palveluissa valmiina uuden
vaikuttaminen ovat yksil旦n
sis辰辰ntulijan toimintaa tukevia
ratkaisuja: LinkedIn, Facebook, kehitykselle olennaisen t辰rkeit辰
Buzz, Qaiku, Twitter, YouTube
asioita. R. Jauhiainen &
Sis辰辰ntulo nettin辰kyv辰ksi, M. Eskola Ryhm辰ilmi旦 1994.
mutta miten p辰辰see sis辰piiriin?
Anne Rongas http://www.mahdollista.鍖/2010/10/03/sisapiirilaiset-ja-nettiverkostojen-katilointi/
32. Miten arjen jakaminen ja oman osaamisen
tagittaminen netiss辰 voivat auttaa solmimaan
uusia yhteyksi辰?
L旦ydy! Br辰nd辰辰 itsesi verkossa
Onko sinulla edellytykset
luoda ammatillinen
Testi: http://www.loydy.鍖/