Teknologi, Selvbetjening, Online, Fremtid, Hva skjer? - eForvaltningskonefera...Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseTeknologi, Selvbetjening, Online, Fremtid, Hva skjer?
IKT møter nettbransjen – en stjernesmell eller et hav av muligheter?Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseAvsluttningsforedrag på Smartgridkonferansen 2014
The Next Digital Winners?Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseSo what's up in the future, we know a lot about up coming tech & we also know we don't know whats going to kick the next ass. We do know there's a question into if the next big thing(s) to focus on anonymous vs anonymous-ish…as a growing factor?
Digital Winners 2014: Torgeir Waterhouse IKT NorwayTelenor GroupDigital Winners 2014: Torgeir Waterhouse IKT Norway.
Part of the session "The Digital Tomorrow".
Personvern - hvor setter vi grensene? / Making Waves Breakfast ClubTorgeir Andrew WaterhouseOm hvordan vi identifiserer, lager & utvikler grensene for personvern
Betyr dette slutten for piratkopiering på nett?Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseKabelNorge kongressen 2013 - Regjeringen har lagt frem forslag til ny åndsverkslov. Er det slik reguleringeller andre faktorer som vil skape marked for innholdstjenester.
Internet of What? Oslo business region - startup dayTorgeir Andrew WaterhouseInternet of What? Some thought on the internet of things, og everything, of humans etc... at Oslo Business Regions Startup Day on the internet of things
Hva skal til for å bli en ledende bredbåndsnasjon?Torgeir Andrew Waterhouseto focus & enable or not to focus, that’s the question...
...or how to briefly address a broadband nation...
Foredrag på TEK.no konferansen 2014
So your company is using data in Norway? What's in it for you?Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseBreakfast seminar: Personal Information data within a test data perspektive
So your company is using data in Norway? What's in it for you?
Will the new regulation benefit you, your customers, the government or the lawyers?
We've had the assumption that Norwegian companies have an edge in the marketplace with the Norwegian privacy regulation, what now?
Personal Data and Privacy - Opportuneties and Challenges in Smart Homes and C...Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseTalk on Smart Home, Smart City & Smart Body with a view at privacy at the first Nordic Edge Expo conference in Stavanger in 2015
Det er noe på internett vi ikke liker! - Registrarkonferansen 2015Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseThere's something online someone doesn't like or want to be there!
What do we do, what do our regulators, the NGOs and special interest groups do?
Who's to look out for the free, open & democratic Internett - and what is the Internett really?
Change - when everything changes we must change education and learning!Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseA quick, somewhat Pecha Kucha-ish, talk about how change needs to come to how we handle education & learning and include coding and gaming.
DrugInfo seminar: Opioids and related harms in Aboriginal AustraliaAustralian Drug FoundationPresentation by Peter Waples-Crowe to DrugInfo seminar: Heroin and other opioids, on 27 September 2011 in Melbourne Australia.
DrugInfo seminar: Responding to the needs of children and families experienci...Australian Drug FoundationPresentation given by Dr Stefan Gruenert, Chief Executive Officer, Odyssey House Victoria on 15 May, 2012.
The role of alcohol in crime and disorderAustralian Drug FoundationPeter Miller is affiliated with 5 organizations: School of Psychology at Deakin University, National Addiction Centre at Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, Commissioning Editor at Addiction, and National Drug Research Institute and Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Canada. The document contains statistics and discusses risk factors for disability-adjusted life years and trends in substance abuse among different age groups. It also examines policies and interventions for prevention and treatment of substance abuse disorders.
DrugInfo seminar: The Pharmacotherapy, Advocacy, Mediation and Support (PAMS)...Australian Drug FoundationPresentation by Sarah Lord to the DrugInfo seminar: Heroin and other opioids, 27 September 2011 in Melbourne, Australia.
Not for human consumption: new and emerging drugs in Australia - Stephen Brig...Australian Drug FoundationBy tweaking the molecular structure of banned chemicals, new drugs have been developed to circumvent the law. Despite little information about their toxicity, these new and emerging drugs have been sold online and in Australian adult stores. They are typically professionally packaged and labeled as ‘not for human consumption’. This presentation aims to provide participants with a brief overview of the context within which this phenomenon has developed and the types of products that have been available in Australia. This is a rapidly shifting market – each time one of these new drugs is banned, it seems like two more drugs emerge to replace it. As such, the limitations of legislative responses will be explored and alternative policy options considered. The presentation will also explore the need for better monitoring systems that are able to help us remain abreast of the rapid changes in the market.
Alcohol and other drug related crime and disorderAustralian Drug FoundationThe City of Port Phillip has developed an Alcohol Action Plan to address alcohol-related harm through developing policy, strengthening partnerships, and advocacy. The plan involves gathering data, consulting residents and traders, liaising with agencies and police, and working with departments across the city on issues like events, licensing, transport, and services. The challenges for local governments include balancing different stakeholder needs, measuring impact, supporting effective long-term solutions, and managing costs related to alcohol in their communities.
Internet og things meetup OsloTorgeir Andrew Waterhousemøtet mellom politkk, marked & tinfoil hats... og litt om hvorfor internet of things er viktig for samfunnet og noen verdier som utfordres og må ivaretas når vi utivkler nye tjenester
Teknologi 2015 - hva skjer egentlig?Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseWhat's going on with technology, or what's happens when people & society meets new technology and the possibilities it provides?
do believe the hype…!
Wearables - do believe the hype!Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseKroppsnær teknologi og flyvende objekter –– og hvilke utfordringer dette skaper for personvernet
En av de nye megatrendene ser ut til å bli kroppsnær teknologi, der vi er koblet på nett gjennom klokker, briller, joggesko og klær. Mobil helseteknologi inkluderes i det norske helsevesenet og mobiltelefonen gjør at vi kan lokaliseres hover enn vi går. I denne sesjonen gis en teknologisk oppdatering, og vi spør hvordan dette utfordrer personvernet.
Overvåkning er et stort gode?Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseOvervåkning er et stort gode, eller trenger vi AMS til smarte hjem og alt connected…?
Om overvåkning, AMS, internet of everything
Presentasjon fra TEK.no konferansen mai 2015.
Internet of What? Oslo business region - startup dayTorgeir Andrew WaterhouseInternet of What? Some thought on the internet of things, og everything, of humans etc... at Oslo Business Regions Startup Day on the internet of things
Hva skal til for å bli en ledende bredbåndsnasjon?Torgeir Andrew Waterhouseto focus & enable or not to focus, that’s the question...
...or how to briefly address a broadband nation...
Foredrag på TEK.no konferansen 2014
So your company is using data in Norway? What's in it for you?Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseBreakfast seminar: Personal Information data within a test data perspektive
So your company is using data in Norway? What's in it for you?
Will the new regulation benefit you, your customers, the government or the lawyers?
We've had the assumption that Norwegian companies have an edge in the marketplace with the Norwegian privacy regulation, what now?
Personal Data and Privacy - Opportuneties and Challenges in Smart Homes and C...Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseTalk on Smart Home, Smart City & Smart Body with a view at privacy at the first Nordic Edge Expo conference in Stavanger in 2015
Det er noe på internett vi ikke liker! - Registrarkonferansen 2015Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseThere's something online someone doesn't like or want to be there!
What do we do, what do our regulators, the NGOs and special interest groups do?
Who's to look out for the free, open & democratic Internett - and what is the Internett really?
Change - when everything changes we must change education and learning!Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseA quick, somewhat Pecha Kucha-ish, talk about how change needs to come to how we handle education & learning and include coding and gaming.
DrugInfo seminar: Opioids and related harms in Aboriginal AustraliaAustralian Drug FoundationPresentation by Peter Waples-Crowe to DrugInfo seminar: Heroin and other opioids, on 27 September 2011 in Melbourne Australia.
DrugInfo seminar: Responding to the needs of children and families experienci...Australian Drug FoundationPresentation given by Dr Stefan Gruenert, Chief Executive Officer, Odyssey House Victoria on 15 May, 2012.
The role of alcohol in crime and disorderAustralian Drug FoundationPeter Miller is affiliated with 5 organizations: School of Psychology at Deakin University, National Addiction Centre at Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, Commissioning Editor at Addiction, and National Drug Research Institute and Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Canada. The document contains statistics and discusses risk factors for disability-adjusted life years and trends in substance abuse among different age groups. It also examines policies and interventions for prevention and treatment of substance abuse disorders.
DrugInfo seminar: The Pharmacotherapy, Advocacy, Mediation and Support (PAMS)...Australian Drug FoundationPresentation by Sarah Lord to the DrugInfo seminar: Heroin and other opioids, 27 September 2011 in Melbourne, Australia.
Not for human consumption: new and emerging drugs in Australia - Stephen Brig...Australian Drug FoundationBy tweaking the molecular structure of banned chemicals, new drugs have been developed to circumvent the law. Despite little information about their toxicity, these new and emerging drugs have been sold online and in Australian adult stores. They are typically professionally packaged and labeled as ‘not for human consumption’. This presentation aims to provide participants with a brief overview of the context within which this phenomenon has developed and the types of products that have been available in Australia. This is a rapidly shifting market – each time one of these new drugs is banned, it seems like two more drugs emerge to replace it. As such, the limitations of legislative responses will be explored and alternative policy options considered. The presentation will also explore the need for better monitoring systems that are able to help us remain abreast of the rapid changes in the market.
Alcohol and other drug related crime and disorderAustralian Drug FoundationThe City of Port Phillip has developed an Alcohol Action Plan to address alcohol-related harm through developing policy, strengthening partnerships, and advocacy. The plan involves gathering data, consulting residents and traders, liaising with agencies and police, and working with departments across the city on issues like events, licensing, transport, and services. The challenges for local governments include balancing different stakeholder needs, measuring impact, supporting effective long-term solutions, and managing costs related to alcohol in their communities.
Internet og things meetup OsloTorgeir Andrew Waterhousemøtet mellom politkk, marked & tinfoil hats... og litt om hvorfor internet of things er viktig for samfunnet og noen verdier som utfordres og må ivaretas når vi utivkler nye tjenester
Teknologi 2015 - hva skjer egentlig?Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseWhat's going on with technology, or what's happens when people & society meets new technology and the possibilities it provides?
do believe the hype…!
Wearables - do believe the hype!Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseKroppsnær teknologi og flyvende objekter –– og hvilke utfordringer dette skaper for personvernet
En av de nye megatrendene ser ut til å bli kroppsnær teknologi, der vi er koblet på nett gjennom klokker, briller, joggesko og klær. Mobil helseteknologi inkluderes i det norske helsevesenet og mobiltelefonen gjør at vi kan lokaliseres hover enn vi går. I denne sesjonen gis en teknologisk oppdatering, og vi spør hvordan dette utfordrer personvernet.
Overvåkning er et stort gode?Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseOvervåkning er et stort gode, eller trenger vi AMS til smarte hjem og alt connected…?
Om overvåkning, AMS, internet of everything
Presentasjon fra TEK.no konferansen mai 2015.
Norsk bredbåndspolitikk – hinder for digitalverdiskaping?Torgeir Andrew Waterhouseom digitutvalget & nou 2013:2 på NUF – Mobil Agenda arrangerer fagseminar: Smarttelefoner og nettbrett - hvordan forbedre brukeropplevelsen og anvendeligheten?
hei FINN.no - hva skjer, internett og sånt...Torgeir Andrew Waterhousetanker om internett, hvorfor det er viktig og merge av muligheter, mennesker & teknologi...
Teknologi- og samfunnstrender som vil påvirke oss - til Software 2016Simen SommerfeldtMine tanker om hvordan bedrifter og samfunnet blir berørt av Tingenes internett, big data, AI, roboter, (nye regler om) Personvern og Kundens tidsalder.
Læring i et digitalt samfunn (Utdanningskonferansen, Bergen, 31.01.2014)Torgeir Andrew WaterhouseLæring i et digitalt samfunn
Læring hvor som helst, når som helst og med hvem som helst?
31. januar 2014 - Vilvite, Bergen Vitensenter
Læring i et digitalt samfunn v/ Torgeir Waterhouse, IKT Norge
Læring i et digitalt samfunn handler om å være digitalt tilstede og ikke minst forstå hvordan digitaliseringen påvirker og legger føringer for elevenes hverdag. Hvordan kan skolen tilpasses og spille på de digitale mulighetene og utfordringene dette bringer med seg?
Til FpU Fremtidskonferanse: Trender som vil påvirke oss i fremtiden, og hvorf...Simen SommerfeldtLitt ammunisjon til unge politikere: Hvordan argumentere for en god sak!
Offentlig sektor mot 2020Nino Lo CascioDrivere og trender som påvirker utnyttelsen av IT innen offentlig sektor mot år 2020.
Presentasjoner for kunder høst 2010.
Mediekurs informia del 2Knut AandalMediekurs for reiselivet i Akershus. Informias presentasjon del 2. Kurset ble arrangert av Agro Utvikling, Visit Romerike og Visit Follo.