PlanEgoistic CindrelaPakistan Unilever's product mix across its brands can be analyzed based on four key dimensions - width, length, depth and consistency. The width refers to the number of product lines, with Unilever having multiple lines like personal care, food, home care etc. The length is the number of items within each line - Lux soap comes in over 10 variants. Depth means the versions of each product - Pepsodent toothpaste has different flavors. Consistency is how related the lines are in use or distribution - all Unilever brands are consumer products sold through same channels. Some key Unilever brands in Pakistan, their products and features are then outlined.
Novice's and Expert's Mental Model of Interacting with RouterYian LuRouter, the silent box, is the main gateway of our home network. Basically, router provides home users stable wireless internet. If the user specialized at networking techniques, he or she can manage the home network quality, and implement some IoT scenarios. This study tries to learn from the expert users' knowledge, and understand the novices' learning gaps. Then, I apply the research insights into design guidelines.
Civil Site Engineer - Shafeek Abdul SalamShafeek Abdul SalamShafeek Abdul Salam has over 10 years of experience as a civil site engineer in India and Saudi Arabia. He has extensive experience managing diverse civil engineering projects from design through implementation. Some of the projects he has worked on include residential, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure projects. He is proficient in AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, and has strong communication, organization, and problem-solving skills.
Ways to Support Blessings in a BackpackRobert P. GivensIn his professional life, Robert P. Givens leads as president of RPG Consulting, LLC. Robert P. Givens also takes an active role in his community as a contributor to Blessings in a Backpack and other non-profit organizations.
The deadliest lung cancer on women and preventive methodslee shinThe document discusses lung cancer in women. It notes that women are more prone to lung cancer than men in a proportion of 1:5. The main causes of lung cancer in women are smoking, air pollution, radon exposure, genetics, workplace hazards, secondhand smoke, and the presence of estrogen. Estrogen can catalyze the faster growth of lung cancer in women. The most common types of lung cancer for women are adenocarcinoma and bronchiovascular cancer. Preventive methods include avoiding tobacco, limiting secondhand smoke exposure, and eating a diet high in phytoestrogens.
The Top Restaurants in Austin49ThingstoDoThe document provides a list and descriptions of the top 15 restaurants in Austin, Texas. It discusses the variety of cuisines available, including Tex-Mex, barbecue, sushi, pizza, and farm-to-table options. Several of the restaurants highlighted are considered among the best in their type of cuisine, such as Uchi for sushi and Franklin Barbecue for barbecue. Many of the restaurants focus on using high-quality, local ingredients.
DISCOVERY OF RANKING FRAUD FOR MOBILE APPSnexgentechnologyNexgen Technology Address:
Nexgen Technology
No :66,4th cross,Venkata nagar,
Email Id:
Mobile: 9751442511,9791938249
Telephone: 0413-2211159.
NEXGEN TECHNOLOGY as an efficient Software Training Center located at Pondicherry with IT Training on IEEE Projects in Android,IEEE IT B.Tech Student Projects, Android Projects Training with Placements Pondicherry, IEEE projects in pondicherry, final IEEE Projects in Pondicherry , MCA, BTech, BCA Projects in Pondicherry, Bulk IEEE PROJECTS IN Pondicherry.So far we have reached almost all engineering colleges located in Pondicherry and around 90km
Хосписы. Сборник материалов Фонд ВераВ сборнике собраны справочная информация о том, что такое паллиативная помощь, хосписы, как они возникли, как организованы и как функционируют в настоящее время.
Также в сборнике содержатся материалы для родственников и близких пациента.
CV - Xannelle NortjeXannelle NortjeXannelle Nortje has over 20 years of experience in healthcare administration. She has held roles as a claims assessor, call center agent, team leader, and operational manager. Her most recent role is as Operational Manager for International SOS, where she manages MedFit operations and service delivery in accordance with client contracts. She has extensive experience in managing teams, reporting, quality assurance, and resolving escalated queries.
sociolagyAdeel IftikharThis presentation provides an overview of several religions including Sikhism, Voodooism, Satanism, and Buddhism. It defines religion and discusses the main types. Sikhism is described as monotheistic and founded in 15th century India, emphasizing equality. Voodooism involves worship of spirits and loa through rituals like animal sacrifice. Satanism admires Satan as a role model. Buddhism follows the teachings of Gautama Buddha and believes in eliminating suffering through renouncing craving and ignorance, as explained by the four noble truths. The presentation emphasizes focusing on serving humanity rather than religious differences.
Top 8 school supervisor resume samplestonychoper3705This document provides an overview of resume formats and samples for a school supervisor position. It includes summaries of 8 common resume types: chronological, functional, curriculum vitae, combination, targeted, professional, new graduate, and executive. It also lists additional resources on resume writing, cover letters, interview questions, and other job search tools located at
04. Беларусь ва ўмовах рэфармавання. Грамадска палітычнае жыццё БССР ў другой...AnastasiyaFБеларусь ва ўмовах рэфармавання. Грамадска палітычнае жыццё БССР ў другой палове 1950-х - першай палове 1960-х
Ways to Support Blessings in a BackpackRobert P. GivensIn his professional life, Robert P. Givens leads as president of RPG Consulting, LLC. Robert P. Givens also takes an active role in his community as a contributor to Blessings in a Backpack and other non-profit organizations.
The deadliest lung cancer on women and preventive methodslee shinThe document discusses lung cancer in women. It notes that women are more prone to lung cancer than men in a proportion of 1:5. The main causes of lung cancer in women are smoking, air pollution, radon exposure, genetics, workplace hazards, secondhand smoke, and the presence of estrogen. Estrogen can catalyze the faster growth of lung cancer in women. The most common types of lung cancer for women are adenocarcinoma and bronchiovascular cancer. Preventive methods include avoiding tobacco, limiting secondhand smoke exposure, and eating a diet high in phytoestrogens.
The Top Restaurants in Austin49ThingstoDoThe document provides a list and descriptions of the top 15 restaurants in Austin, Texas. It discusses the variety of cuisines available, including Tex-Mex, barbecue, sushi, pizza, and farm-to-table options. Several of the restaurants highlighted are considered among the best in their type of cuisine, such as Uchi for sushi and Franklin Barbecue for barbecue. Many of the restaurants focus on using high-quality, local ingredients.
DISCOVERY OF RANKING FRAUD FOR MOBILE APPSnexgentechnologyNexgen Technology Address:
Nexgen Technology
No :66,4th cross,Venkata nagar,
Email Id:
Mobile: 9751442511,9791938249
Telephone: 0413-2211159.
NEXGEN TECHNOLOGY as an efficient Software Training Center located at Pondicherry with IT Training on IEEE Projects in Android,IEEE IT B.Tech Student Projects, Android Projects Training with Placements Pondicherry, IEEE projects in pondicherry, final IEEE Projects in Pondicherry , MCA, BTech, BCA Projects in Pondicherry, Bulk IEEE PROJECTS IN Pondicherry.So far we have reached almost all engineering colleges located in Pondicherry and around 90km
Хосписы. Сборник материалов Фонд ВераВ сборнике собраны справочная информация о том, что такое паллиативная помощь, хосписы, как они возникли, как организованы и как функционируют в настоящее время.
Также в сборнике содержатся материалы для родственников и близких пациента.
CV - Xannelle NortjeXannelle NortjeXannelle Nortje has over 20 years of experience in healthcare administration. She has held roles as a claims assessor, call center agent, team leader, and operational manager. Her most recent role is as Operational Manager for International SOS, where she manages MedFit operations and service delivery in accordance with client contracts. She has extensive experience in managing teams, reporting, quality assurance, and resolving escalated queries.
sociolagyAdeel IftikharThis presentation provides an overview of several religions including Sikhism, Voodooism, Satanism, and Buddhism. It defines religion and discusses the main types. Sikhism is described as monotheistic and founded in 15th century India, emphasizing equality. Voodooism involves worship of spirits and loa through rituals like animal sacrifice. Satanism admires Satan as a role model. Buddhism follows the teachings of Gautama Buddha and believes in eliminating suffering through renouncing craving and ignorance, as explained by the four noble truths. The presentation emphasizes focusing on serving humanity rather than religious differences.
Top 8 school supervisor resume samplestonychoper3705This document provides an overview of resume formats and samples for a school supervisor position. It includes summaries of 8 common resume types: chronological, functional, curriculum vitae, combination, targeted, professional, new graduate, and executive. It also lists additional resources on resume writing, cover letters, interview questions, and other job search tools located at
04. Беларусь ва ўмовах рэфармавання. Грамадска палітычнае жыццё БССР ў другой...AnastasiyaFБеларусь ва ўмовах рэфармавання. Грамадска палітычнае жыццё БССР ў другой палове 1950-х - першай палове 1960-х
2. Заданне для дэтэктыва
Зыходныя дадзеныя:
• Імя: Марыя Адольфаўна Шаціла;
• Нарадзілася ў веруючай сям’і на
пачатку 1920-х гг.
• Нарадзілася ў СССР, у
павеце, правяла там дзяцінства.
• З 1930 г. пра яе нічога не вядома.
Наступныя звесткі пра яе з’яўляюцца ў
1943 г., у газеце “Праўда”
Паўночнага краю СССР.
• У 1950-х вярнулася
на Беларусь.
4. БССР у пачатку 1920-х гг.
16.01.1921 г. – Дагавор аб
ваенным і гаспадарчым
саюзе паміж БССР і
14-18.12.1922 г. – IV
Усебеларускі з’езд
Саветаў: рашэнне аб
стварэнні СССР.
30.12.1922 г. – стварэнне
5. БССР у складзе СССР
У ЦВК СССР – 7 беларусаў. Адзін са старшынь
ЦВК СССР – Аляксандр Чарвякоў.
9. Узбуйненні
1924 г. – першае
ўзбуйненне: 15
Віцебскай і
1926 г. – другое
Гомельскі і
Рэчыцкі паветы.
11. Трэба расследаваць
2. Ці адбываліся падчас яе дзяцінства ў
краіне нейкія падзеі, што маглі
паспрыяць яе знікненню?
12. Амністыя
11 ліпеня 1923 г. –
амністыя членам
1925 г. – рада БНР абвясціла
аб самароспуску. Частка
рады не згадзілася з гэтым.
14. Незадаволенасць Саветамі
1924 г. – толькі 35,4% насельніцтва прыйшлі
на выбары ў Саветы.
Шляхі пераадолення праблемы:
• Камісіі і дэпутацкія групы;
• Прафсаюзы;
• Асавіяхім, таварыствы па аказанні дапамогі
вёсцы і г.д.
19. Пашпарты
1932-1933 г. – уведзены
Пашпарты атрымалі:
• Гараджане;
• Жыхары саўгасаў;
• Жыхары памежжа;
• Супрацоўнікі МТС і г.д.
20. Органы цэнтральнай улады БССР па
канстытуцыі 1937 г.
Вярхоўны суд + Асобыя нарады, “тройкі”
Савет Народных Камісараў
Вярхоўны Савет БССР і ЦВК БССР
22. Мясцовыя органы ўлады і
грамадскія арганізацыі
Органы ўлады:
• Мясцовыя Саветы;
• Іх выканкамы;
• Мясцовыя суды.
Іх дзейнасць абмежавана ў асноўным
ідэалагічнымі, эканамічнымі і культурнымі
Грамадскія арганізацыі:
•Іншыя арганізацыі.
25. Барацьба супраць веруючых
• 1929 г. – Беларускі
• 1929 г. – Першы
Усебеларускі з’езд
• З 1500 праваслаўных
храмаў у пачатку
1920-х не засталося
ніводнага ў канцы
Сталін: “Да 1 мая 1937 г. на ўсёй тэрыторыі СССР
павінны забыць імя Бога”.
26. Дайце адказ
3. Што за падзеі маглі адбывацца ў
1930-х, якія б садзейнічалі
раптоўнаму знікненню М. А. Шаціла?
29. Палітычныя рэпрэсіі
• 1920-я – 1950-я;
• Каля 250 тысяч ахвяр
на Беларусі;
• Толькі ў Курапатах –
30 тысяч
• У 1950-1990-я гг. –
160 тысяч
30. Рысы таталітарнай сістэмы
1. Аднапартыйная сістэма.
2. Зрошчванне дзяржаўнага і партыйнага апарата.
3. Дырэктыўнае планаванне эканомікі,
сацыяльнай сферы, культуры. Дамінаванне
дзяржаўнай уласнасці.
4. Адсутнасць капіталістычных класаў.
5. Моцная палітычная ўлада, шырокая сацыяльная
6. Рост агульнаадукацыйнага ўзроўню народа.
7. Панаванне марксісцка-ленінскай ідэалогіі.