CV Waqas JavedMuhammad Waqas JavedMuhammad Waqas Javed is seeking a challenging position to enhance his 2+ years of experience in sales, with a focus on FMCG products. He currently works as an SD Supervisor for Procter & Gamble, leading a team and responsible for sales targets. Previously, he was a Sales Officer for Pepsi-Cola International, managing distributors and retailers to maximize sales volume and market share. He holds an MBA in Marketing and B.Sc. in Economics and Math from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
Escuela de medicinaAleri14La Facultad de Salud Pública de la ESPOCH tiene la visión de ser una institución líder en docencia e investigación reconocida a nivel nacional e internacional que garantice la formación profesional y generación de ciencia para el desarrollo humano. Su misión es formar profesionales e investigadores competentes para contribuir al desarrollo sustentable del país.
Propuesta de intervenciónREGINALDO MAGAÑAProyecto de intervención de protección civil en el Municipio de Tamazula de Gordiano, basado en un enfoque de Seguridad CIudadana.
RDAP 16 Poster: Connecting Social and Health Sciences Data – This Librarian’s...ASIS&TThis librarian works at the University of Chicago's John Crerar Library, providing science research services. Some key services implemented include systematic reviews, data management plans, research impact metrics, and compliance with public access policies. The librarian collaborates with various departments on campus, including the Institute for Translational Medicine and the Center for Health and the Social Sciences. Professional development activities have included teaching a data management curriculum to librarians and providing ORCID support to biological scientists. The goal is to identify and strengthen research services for faculty, students, and staff across the sciences.
Krasilnikov global soil securityLandDegradationThe document discusses land degradation and soil security in Eurasia. While Northern Eurasia was previously considered stable, soil degradation is active in Russia, driven by natural and socioeconomic factors like water erosion, salinity, stoniness, desertification, and low organic carbon content. The costs of land degradation in Russia from 2002-2010 were estimated at $189 billion annually or 16% of GDP. Taking action to address degradation costs $694 billion over 6 years but inaction costs $1.69 trillion. Addressing degradation requires improved management practices, education, investment, research, and information to establish the economic value of soils and ecosystem services.
StrokobLandDegradationThis document summarizes a study that evaluated the costs of action versus inaction for land degradation in the Azov district of Russia. It used the total economic value approach to estimate the value of ecosystem services for orchards and cropland. Based on surveys of ecosystem service coefficients from Russia and China, the total economic value of orchards was estimated to range from $1681 to $8004 per hectare, compared to $550 for cropland. Factoring in establishment and maintenance costs of restoring orchards, the cost of action over 20 years was estimated to be lower than the cost of inaction due to land degradation in all scenarios except when using market prices for orchards.
CV Waqas JavedMuhammad Waqas JavedMuhammad Waqas Javed is seeking a challenging position to enhance his 2+ years of experience in sales, with a focus on FMCG products. He currently works as an SD Supervisor for Procter & Gamble, leading a team and responsible for sales targets. Previously, he was a Sales Officer for Pepsi-Cola International, managing distributors and retailers to maximize sales volume and market share. He holds an MBA in Marketing and B.Sc. in Economics and Math from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
Escuela de medicinaAleri14La Facultad de Salud Pública de la ESPOCH tiene la visión de ser una institución líder en docencia e investigación reconocida a nivel nacional e internacional que garantice la formación profesional y generación de ciencia para el desarrollo humano. Su misión es formar profesionales e investigadores competentes para contribuir al desarrollo sustentable del país.
Propuesta de intervenciónREGINALDO MAGAÑAProyecto de intervención de protección civil en el Municipio de Tamazula de Gordiano, basado en un enfoque de Seguridad CIudadana.
RDAP 16 Poster: Connecting Social and Health Sciences Data – This Librarian’s...ASIS&TThis librarian works at the University of Chicago's John Crerar Library, providing science research services. Some key services implemented include systematic reviews, data management plans, research impact metrics, and compliance with public access policies. The librarian collaborates with various departments on campus, including the Institute for Translational Medicine and the Center for Health and the Social Sciences. Professional development activities have included teaching a data management curriculum to librarians and providing ORCID support to biological scientists. The goal is to identify and strengthen research services for faculty, students, and staff across the sciences.
Krasilnikov global soil securityLandDegradationThe document discusses land degradation and soil security in Eurasia. While Northern Eurasia was previously considered stable, soil degradation is active in Russia, driven by natural and socioeconomic factors like water erosion, salinity, stoniness, desertification, and low organic carbon content. The costs of land degradation in Russia from 2002-2010 were estimated at $189 billion annually or 16% of GDP. Taking action to address degradation costs $694 billion over 6 years but inaction costs $1.69 trillion. Addressing degradation requires improved management practices, education, investment, research, and information to establish the economic value of soils and ecosystem services.
StrokobLandDegradationThis document summarizes a study that evaluated the costs of action versus inaction for land degradation in the Azov district of Russia. It used the total economic value approach to estimate the value of ecosystem services for orchards and cropland. Based on surveys of ecosystem service coefficients from Russia and China, the total economic value of orchards was estimated to range from $1681 to $8004 per hectare, compared to $550 for cropland. Factoring in establishment and maintenance costs of restoring orchards, the cost of action over 20 years was estimated to be lower than the cost of inaction due to land degradation in all scenarios except when using market prices for orchards.
Vol vi-weingartenLandDegradation1. Agriculture in Germany has negatively impacted the environment, especially through water pollution from nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus and from pesticides. Nitrogen surpluses on farms have declined but remain an issue.
2. German and EU policies have aimed to reduce agriculture's impacts on soil and water through various policy tools, like taxes, subsidies, and regulations. Legislation sets standards for issues like manure spreading and animal densities.
3. Detection of pollutants in water has improved, finding issues that were previously unnoticed. Over a third of water samples had nitrate levels under recommended limits, but some areas had concentrations exceeding drinking water standards due to intensive agriculture.
The global impact of soilLandDegradationThis document analyzes 179 field studies from 37 countries that examined the relationship between soil erosion and agricultural productivity. It finds that soil erosion negatively impacts crop yields, but the severity of impact varies significantly depending on factors like crop type, location, soil type, and land management practices. Studies using measurements of past erosion generally found smaller yield losses per unit of soil loss than studies examining the effects of present erosion, possibly because present erosion studies also captured the effects of variable management practices. The analysis calculates absolute and relative yield losses for major crops in different regions and soil types to assess the global impact of erosion on productivity. It concludes that inappropriate land management can greatly amplify the effects of erosion on yields.
Oliver kirui eld ppt - 20141204LandDegradation- Land degradation is a serious problem across Eastern Africa, with over 20% of land degraded in Kenya and Ethiopia, over 40% in Malawi, and over 50% in Tanzania according to NDVI decline measures. Major drivers of degradation include expansion of cropland and unsustainable agricultural practices.
- Adoption of sustainable land management practices is low, ranging from 68% of plots in Malawi to 85% in Ethiopia and Tanzania. Use of multiple practices is also limited.
- Logit, multivariate probit, and Poisson regression models find that factors like temperature, rainfall, elevation, soil type, household demographics, education, land tenure, extension access, and credit access influence adoption and intensity
Dubovyk defense zef_04122014_eldLandDegradationThis study analyzed land degradation of irrigated cropland in northern Uzbekistan using satellite remote sensing at multiple scales. At the regional scale, 23% (94,835 ha) of irrigated cropland showed degradation trends over time. Finer scale mapping using Landsat imagery found 18% (52,938 ha) of fields had decreased vegetation cover between 1998 and 2009, including 17% that became fallow. The results were 93% consistent between scales and can inform policies for rehabilitating degraded fields through sustainable land use practices. Further validation is needed to refine the approaches.
Document new es accountingLandDegradationThis document discusses key challenges in developing ecosystem accounts that integrate ecosystem services and capital into national accounts. It identifies four main challenges: 1) defining ecosystem services in an accounting context, 2) allocating services to institutional sectors, 3) treating ecosystem degradation and rehabilitation, and 4) valuing services consistently with national accounting principles. The document analyzes different perspectives on these challenges and proposes a consistent conceptual approach to address them, including recognizing that ecosystems are influenced by humans and recording some services as contributions by private landowners or a new "Ecosystems" sector.
1. Протокол № __1___
От __07.10.2014_г.
Заседание лаборатории экономики деградации земель.
Председатель: Макаров О.А.
Секретарь: Бондаренко Е.В.
Присутствовали: Шоба С.А., Макаров О.А., Красильников П.В., Молчанов Э.Н., Яковлев
А.С., Савин И.Ю., Киселев С.В., Строков А.С., Сорокин А.С., Жоголев А.В.,
Шишконакова Е.А.
1. Слушали:
Шоба С.А. – сообщение по теме «Перспективы развития эколого-экономической
оценки деградации земель на факультете почвоведения МГУ».
Макаров О.А. – Необходимо учесть имеющийся опыт эколого-экономических
исследований на факультете.
Киселев С.В. – Необходимо теснее взаимодействовать с Экономическим
факультетом и Аграрным Центром МГУ.
2. Слушали:
Яковлев А.С. – доклад по теме «Общая идеология работ по гранту «Контроль
деградации земель в Евразийском регионе»».
Макаров О.А. – Необходимо в ближайшее время разработать четкий алгоритм
эколого-эконмической оценки деградации земель объектов исследования.
Красильников П.В. – Как планируется использовать методику Й. фон Брауна?
3. Слушали:
Макаров О.А. - Доклад по теме «Индивидуальные планы работы сотрудников
Лаборатории экономики деградации земель и членов ВТК в 2014 г.»
1. Действовать согласно ТЗ гранта.
2. Разработать алгоритм эколого-экономической оценки деградации земель с учетом
существующего опыта эколого-экономических исследований в МГУ имени М.В.
3. Утвердить индивидуальные планы работы сотрудников Лаборатории экономики
деградации земель и членов ВТК в 2014 г.
Председатель ______________ Макаров О.А.
(подпись) (Ф.И.О.)
Секретарь _____________ _ Карпухин М.М.
(подпись) (Ф.И.О.)