Presentation of the ECFS book - Land Soil Resources and Food SecurityFAO
This Presentation was made during the second plennary meeting of the Eurasian soil partnership that took place in Izmir, Turkey from 16-18 June 2015. This presentation was made by PV Krasilnikov & MV Konyushkov, and it has the objective to present Land Resources and Food Security in Central Asia and Caucasus.
? FAO:
The document outlines common challenges that can undermine mentoring programs such as lack of commitment, unclear goals, and poor communication. It then provides recommendations for establishing an effective mentoring program including defining roles, monitoring progress, and continually improving the process. Finally, it discusses strategies for building support and demand for mentoring within an organization such as role modeling, recognition programs, and different types of mentoring relationships.
This document provides an analysis of the financial ratios of MASTEEL, a steel manufacturer in Malaysia, for the years 2012 and 2013. It calculates and compares key ratios such as return on equity, net profit margin, gross profit margin, and various expense ratios between the two years. Most ratios improved slightly from 2012 to 2013, indicating better profitability and expense control. However, working capital and total debt ratios increased, and the interest coverage ratio remained below the recommended minimum of 5 times.
A stupid superhero tries to save a woman being attacked but fails and gets beaten by the bad guys. Though he loses, onlookers learn from his sense of justice and bravery. The incident is filmed and uploaded to YouTube, where the superhero gains fans who are influenced to see him as a role model.
The document outlines common challenges that can undermine mentoring programs such as lack of commitment, unclear goals, and poor communication. It then provides recommendations for establishing an effective mentoring program including defining roles, monitoring progress, and continually improving the process. Finally, it discusses strategies for building support and demand for mentoring within an organization such as role modeling, recognition programs, and different types of mentoring relationships.
This document provides an analysis of the financial ratios of MASTEEL, a steel manufacturer in Malaysia, for the years 2012 and 2013. It calculates and compares key ratios such as return on equity, net profit margin, gross profit margin, and various expense ratios between the two years. Most ratios improved slightly from 2012 to 2013, indicating better profitability and expense control. However, working capital and total debt ratios increased, and the interest coverage ratio remained below the recommended minimum of 5 times.
A stupid superhero tries to save a woman being attacked but fails and gets beaten by the bad guys. Though he loses, onlookers learn from his sense of justice and bravery. The incident is filmed and uploaded to YouTube, where the superhero gains fans who are influenced to see him as a role model.
Unemployment benefits the essentials draft october 11 2010Charles Lenchner
This document provides information about unemployment insurance benefits. It discusses who is eligible for benefits, how benefits are determined and funded, and how the unemployment system changes during recessions. It also outlines the roles of the National Employment Law Project and in advocating for extended unemployment benefits during difficult economic times.
This document provides an overview of a survey conducted on millennials working in the municipal bond market. Key findings include that millennials highly value mentorship and career development opportunities. While many millennials hope to have long careers in public finance, tensions exist between younger and older professionals over issues like technology use, work-life balance, and compensation. The survey reveals areas of opportunity for bridging the generational divide within the industry.
The document summarizes leadership lessons shared by various world, business, and thought leaders at the World Business Forum and Retailing Summit. Some of the lessons discussed include leading change before having to, achieving success requires constant adaptation like surfing, inertia is the enemy of change, and the importance of developing talent on one's team.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan program tahunan mata pelajaran tematik untuk kelas 2 semester 1 SDN Gulangpongge 01. Program tersebut mencakup 6 standar kompetensi yaitu PKn, IPS, IPA, Matematika, Bahasa Indonesia, dan Seni Budaya yang akan dicapai melalui beberapa tema seperti diri sendiri, peristiwa, hiburan, lingkungan, dan kesehatan.
The document discusses land degradation and soil security in Eurasia. While Northern Eurasia was previously considered stable, soil degradation is active in Russia, driven by natural and socioeconomic factors like water erosion, salinity, stoniness, desertification, and low organic carbon content. The costs of land degradation in Russia from 2002-2010 were estimated at $189 billion annually or 16% of GDP. Taking action to address degradation costs $694 billion over 6 years but inaction costs $1.69 trillion. Addressing degradation requires improved management practices, education, investment, research, and information to establish the economic value of soils and ecosystem services.
This document summarizes a study that evaluated the costs of action versus inaction for land degradation in the Azov district of Russia. It used the total economic value approach to estimate the value of ecosystem services for orchards and cropland. Based on surveys of ecosystem service coefficients from Russia and China, the total economic value of orchards was estimated to range from $1681 to $8004 per hectare, compared to $550 for cropland. Factoring in establishment and maintenance costs of restoring orchards, the cost of action over 20 years was estimated to be lower than the cost of inaction due to land degradation in all scenarios except when using market prices for orchards.
1. Agriculture in Germany has negatively impacted the environment, especially through water pollution from nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus and from pesticides. Nitrogen surpluses on farms have declined but remain an issue.
2. German and EU policies have aimed to reduce agriculture's impacts on soil and water through various policy tools, like taxes, subsidies, and regulations. Legislation sets standards for issues like manure spreading and animal densities.
3. Detection of pollutants in water has improved, finding issues that were previously unnoticed. Over a third of water samples had nitrate levels under recommended limits, but some areas had concentrations exceeding drinking water standards due to intensive agriculture.
This document analyzes 179 field studies from 37 countries that examined the relationship between soil erosion and agricultural productivity. It finds that soil erosion negatively impacts crop yields, but the severity of impact varies significantly depending on factors like crop type, location, soil type, and land management practices. Studies using measurements of past erosion generally found smaller yield losses per unit of soil loss than studies examining the effects of present erosion, possibly because present erosion studies also captured the effects of variable management practices. The analysis calculates absolute and relative yield losses for major crops in different regions and soil types to assess the global impact of erosion on productivity. It concludes that inappropriate land management can greatly amplify the effects of erosion on yields.