RDAP 16 Poster: Data Management Training ClearinghouseASIS&T
Research Data Access and Preservation Summit, 2016
Atlanta, GA
May 4-7, 2016
Poster session (Wednesday, May 4)
JC Nelson, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, USGS
Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Knowledge Motifs, LLC
Tamar Norkin, Core Science Analytics, Synthesis & Libraries, USGS
Amber Budden, DataONE
Sophie Hou, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Shelley Knuth, University of Colorado Boulder
Erin Robinson, Foundation of Earth Science / ESIP Federation
David Bassendine, Blue Dot Lab
In our project we proposed the idea to overcome the problems normally faced at bus stand and bus stops. The key technology of this project is automation of public vehicle system. The design of this project is vehicle positioning system based on arm a combination of ZIGBEE and RFID technologies can upload the information of the vehicle such as number of the vehicle and time to reach at several stations, arrival of vehicle to center in time, to make it convenient to control the traffic and waiting for public transportation. The main objective of this project is to provide the passengers with real time information about public transport services at different locations with remotely managed electronic real time information displays.
This document outlines a strategic communications plan for the Massanutten Regional Library (MRL) to address issues related to lack of resources, competition for patrons' attention, and need to better tailor programming. It identifies key publics and conducts a SWOT analysis. Goals are to increase awareness of MRL's educational resources, strengthen community relationships, and improve library resources. Strategies include building alliances, engaging audiences, and generating publicity. Tactics will be implemented over 4 months, with evaluation to assess progress on goals.
This document provides background information and a plot summary of Jane Austen's famous novel Pride and Prejudice. It describes how Austen wrote the novel between 1796-1797 and it was first published in 1813. The core theme is about the emotions and marriages among the landed gentry in late 18th century and early 19th century England. It then summarizes the plot, including the characters like Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, as well as the themes of pride, prejudice and social class that drive the story.
RDAP 16 Poster: Collaborating to Create a Culture of Data StewardshipASIS&T
Research Data Access and Preservation Summit, 2016
Atlanta, GA
May 4-7, 2016
Poster session (Wednesday, May 4)
Vicky Steeves, New York University
Kevin Read, New York University
Drew Gordon, New York University (Databrary)
This document provides a summary of news from Community Partners in Action (CPA). It recognizes Matthew Rosado and Diane Geschimsky as Employee and Leader of the Quarter. It also acknowledges other nominees. It discusses CPA staff receiving statewide quality assurance awards and programs doing volunteer work in the community. It highlights new staff appointments and those celebrating long service at CPA. It provides information on upcoming events. In under 3 sentences, it summarizes employee recognition, staff changes and promotions, program activities and volunteer work in the community, and upcoming agency events.
This document outlines Megan O'Shea's research and design process for developing an app. It describes her concept for an app that would sync a group's schedules, notify them of shared free times, and allow them to add events and see who wants to join. It provides details on the proposed sections and functionality, including adding schedules, checking in to events, viewing local activities, and accessible free dates. Wireframes and user scenarios are presented to visualize the design. Research on existing group scheduling and calendar apps is also included to inform the new app's development.
El documento presenta la l¨ªnea de tiempo de una persona desde su nacimiento en 1997 hasta el a?o 2015, destacando eventos importantes como el nacimiento de su hermano en 1998, el fallecimiento de su abuela en 2002, su bautizo y primer a?ito en 2007, su graduaci¨®n de primaria en 2008, y viajes a Cali para celebraciones familiares o por problemas m¨¦dicos en 2009, 2011 y 2014, as¨ª como el ingreso a la instituci¨®n educativa Francisco Jos¨¦ de Caldas y su promoci¨®n al grado 11 all¨ª en 2015.
Influencia de las redes sociales en el rendimiento acad¨¦micoTracey Yang
Este documento presenta un estudio sobre la influencia de las redes sociales en el rendimiento acad¨¦mico de los estudiantes de la Universidad Jos¨¦ Cecilio del Valle (UJCV). El objetivo general es analizar c¨®mo afectan las redes sociales al rendimiento, mientras que los objetivos espec¨ªficos incluyen identificar factores que impulsan su popularidad, ventajas de su uso y tiempo que los estudiantes pasan en ellas. La investigaci¨®n se basa en una encuesta a estudiantes de la UJCV y busca determinar si el uso de redes
Manuten??o Aula 22 cuidados na instalacao eletricaMarcos Basilio
O documento discute os cuidados necess¨¢rios com a instala??o el¨¦trica para proteger computadores, incluindo usar filtro de linha para ru¨ªdos, estabilizador de tens?o para varia??es e No-Break para continuidade do fornecimento durante quedas de energia.
El documento describe c¨®mo el territorio es fundamental para el desarrollo. Se define el territorio como el conjunto de actores, agentes, organizaci¨®n social, cultura e instituciones que habitan un espacio geogr¨¢fico, junto con el medio ambiente. El desarrollo requiere territorializarse para hacerse real y ofrecer opciones de vida a los pobladores. El enfoque territorial integra las diferentes dimensiones del desarrollo - institucional, cultural, pol¨ªtico, econ¨®mico, ambiental y social - en un ¨¢mbito territorial espec¨ªfico.
This methodological note provides a conceptual and accounting framework for compiling, processing, and presenting the operations of entities belonging to different institutional levels of the non-financial public sector at the territorial level in Colombia. It details how the Banco de la Rep¨²blica collects budget execution data and financial statements from a representative sample of departments and municipalities to account for their revenues based on collections and expenditures based on disbursements and commitments. The purpose is to orient the economic interpretation of statistics on the finances of the non-financial public sector at the territorial level.
The document discusses how doing good and having a positive social impact has become increasingly important to brands, consumers, and popular culture. It notes that major brands are seeing that sustainable and socially conscious products are growing faster than their other lines. The document also explores some of the key drivers behind this trend, including new expectations from millennials and Gen Z, the disruption of traditional advertising models, and a crisis of meaningfulness felt in the marketing industry. It profiles several brands and organizations that have pioneered new business models harnessing culture and commerce to drive social good.
Este documento presenta el plan anual de educaci¨®n f¨ªsica para el segundo grado de secundaria en el distrito de San Mart¨ªn, Picota. Se detalla la informaci¨®n del colegio, los est¨¢ndares y competencias a desarrollar, as¨ª como las unidades did¨¢cticas planificadas para el a?o, las cuales buscan mejorar problemas de indisciplina y malos h¨¢bitos mediante la pr¨¢ctica de actividad f¨ªsica. El objetivo es que los estudiantes fortalezcan su cuerpo y valores a trav¨¦s del deporte y estilos de vida saludables.
RDAP 16 Poster: Data Management Training ClearinghouseASIS&T
Research Data Access and Preservation Summit, 2016
Atlanta, GA
May 4-7, 2016
Poster session (Wednesday, May 4)
JC Nelson, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, USGS
Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Knowledge Motifs, LLC
Tamar Norkin, Core Science Analytics, Synthesis & Libraries, USGS
Amber Budden, DataONE
Sophie Hou, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Shelley Knuth, University of Colorado Boulder
Erin Robinson, Foundation of Earth Science / ESIP Federation
David Bassendine, Blue Dot Lab
In our project we proposed the idea to overcome the problems normally faced at bus stand and bus stops. The key technology of this project is automation of public vehicle system. The design of this project is vehicle positioning system based on arm a combination of ZIGBEE and RFID technologies can upload the information of the vehicle such as number of the vehicle and time to reach at several stations, arrival of vehicle to center in time, to make it convenient to control the traffic and waiting for public transportation. The main objective of this project is to provide the passengers with real time information about public transport services at different locations with remotely managed electronic real time information displays.
This document outlines a strategic communications plan for the Massanutten Regional Library (MRL) to address issues related to lack of resources, competition for patrons' attention, and need to better tailor programming. It identifies key publics and conducts a SWOT analysis. Goals are to increase awareness of MRL's educational resources, strengthen community relationships, and improve library resources. Strategies include building alliances, engaging audiences, and generating publicity. Tactics will be implemented over 4 months, with evaluation to assess progress on goals.
This document provides background information and a plot summary of Jane Austen's famous novel Pride and Prejudice. It describes how Austen wrote the novel between 1796-1797 and it was first published in 1813. The core theme is about the emotions and marriages among the landed gentry in late 18th century and early 19th century England. It then summarizes the plot, including the characters like Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, as well as the themes of pride, prejudice and social class that drive the story.
RDAP 16 Poster: Collaborating to Create a Culture of Data StewardshipASIS&T
Research Data Access and Preservation Summit, 2016
Atlanta, GA
May 4-7, 2016
Poster session (Wednesday, May 4)
Vicky Steeves, New York University
Kevin Read, New York University
Drew Gordon, New York University (Databrary)
This document provides a summary of news from Community Partners in Action (CPA). It recognizes Matthew Rosado and Diane Geschimsky as Employee and Leader of the Quarter. It also acknowledges other nominees. It discusses CPA staff receiving statewide quality assurance awards and programs doing volunteer work in the community. It highlights new staff appointments and those celebrating long service at CPA. It provides information on upcoming events. In under 3 sentences, it summarizes employee recognition, staff changes and promotions, program activities and volunteer work in the community, and upcoming agency events.
This document outlines Megan O'Shea's research and design process for developing an app. It describes her concept for an app that would sync a group's schedules, notify them of shared free times, and allow them to add events and see who wants to join. It provides details on the proposed sections and functionality, including adding schedules, checking in to events, viewing local activities, and accessible free dates. Wireframes and user scenarios are presented to visualize the design. Research on existing group scheduling and calendar apps is also included to inform the new app's development.
El documento presenta la l¨ªnea de tiempo de una persona desde su nacimiento en 1997 hasta el a?o 2015, destacando eventos importantes como el nacimiento de su hermano en 1998, el fallecimiento de su abuela en 2002, su bautizo y primer a?ito en 2007, su graduaci¨®n de primaria en 2008, y viajes a Cali para celebraciones familiares o por problemas m¨¦dicos en 2009, 2011 y 2014, as¨ª como el ingreso a la instituci¨®n educativa Francisco Jos¨¦ de Caldas y su promoci¨®n al grado 11 all¨ª en 2015.
Influencia de las redes sociales en el rendimiento acad¨¦micoTracey Yang
Este documento presenta un estudio sobre la influencia de las redes sociales en el rendimiento acad¨¦mico de los estudiantes de la Universidad Jos¨¦ Cecilio del Valle (UJCV). El objetivo general es analizar c¨®mo afectan las redes sociales al rendimiento, mientras que los objetivos espec¨ªficos incluyen identificar factores que impulsan su popularidad, ventajas de su uso y tiempo que los estudiantes pasan en ellas. La investigaci¨®n se basa en una encuesta a estudiantes de la UJCV y busca determinar si el uso de redes
Manuten??o Aula 22 cuidados na instalacao eletricaMarcos Basilio
O documento discute os cuidados necess¨¢rios com a instala??o el¨¦trica para proteger computadores, incluindo usar filtro de linha para ru¨ªdos, estabilizador de tens?o para varia??es e No-Break para continuidade do fornecimento durante quedas de energia.
El documento describe c¨®mo el territorio es fundamental para el desarrollo. Se define el territorio como el conjunto de actores, agentes, organizaci¨®n social, cultura e instituciones que habitan un espacio geogr¨¢fico, junto con el medio ambiente. El desarrollo requiere territorializarse para hacerse real y ofrecer opciones de vida a los pobladores. El enfoque territorial integra las diferentes dimensiones del desarrollo - institucional, cultural, pol¨ªtico, econ¨®mico, ambiental y social - en un ¨¢mbito territorial espec¨ªfico.
This methodological note provides a conceptual and accounting framework for compiling, processing, and presenting the operations of entities belonging to different institutional levels of the non-financial public sector at the territorial level in Colombia. It details how the Banco de la Rep¨²blica collects budget execution data and financial statements from a representative sample of departments and municipalities to account for their revenues based on collections and expenditures based on disbursements and commitments. The purpose is to orient the economic interpretation of statistics on the finances of the non-financial public sector at the territorial level.
The document discusses how doing good and having a positive social impact has become increasingly important to brands, consumers, and popular culture. It notes that major brands are seeing that sustainable and socially conscious products are growing faster than their other lines. The document also explores some of the key drivers behind this trend, including new expectations from millennials and Gen Z, the disruption of traditional advertising models, and a crisis of meaningfulness felt in the marketing industry. It profiles several brands and organizations that have pioneered new business models harnessing culture and commerce to drive social good.
Este documento presenta el plan anual de educaci¨®n f¨ªsica para el segundo grado de secundaria en el distrito de San Mart¨ªn, Picota. Se detalla la informaci¨®n del colegio, los est¨¢ndares y competencias a desarrollar, as¨ª como las unidades did¨¢cticas planificadas para el a?o, las cuales buscan mejorar problemas de indisciplina y malos h¨¢bitos mediante la pr¨¢ctica de actividad f¨ªsica. El objetivo es que los estudiantes fortalezcan su cuerpo y valores a trav¨¦s del deporte y estilos de vida saludables.
The document discusses land degradation and soil security in Eurasia. While Northern Eurasia was previously considered stable, soil degradation is active in Russia, driven by natural and socioeconomic factors like water erosion, salinity, stoniness, desertification, and low organic carbon content. The costs of land degradation in Russia from 2002-2010 were estimated at $189 billion annually or 16% of GDP. Taking action to address degradation costs $694 billion over 6 years but inaction costs $1.69 trillion. Addressing degradation requires improved management practices, education, investment, research, and information to establish the economic value of soils and ecosystem services.
This document summarizes a study that evaluated the costs of action versus inaction for land degradation in the Azov district of Russia. It used the total economic value approach to estimate the value of ecosystem services for orchards and cropland. Based on surveys of ecosystem service coefficients from Russia and China, the total economic value of orchards was estimated to range from $1681 to $8004 per hectare, compared to $550 for cropland. Factoring in establishment and maintenance costs of restoring orchards, the cost of action over 20 years was estimated to be lower than the cost of inaction due to land degradation in all scenarios except when using market prices for orchards.
1. Agriculture in Germany has negatively impacted the environment, especially through water pollution from nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus and from pesticides. Nitrogen surpluses on farms have declined but remain an issue.
2. German and EU policies have aimed to reduce agriculture's impacts on soil and water through various policy tools, like taxes, subsidies, and regulations. Legislation sets standards for issues like manure spreading and animal densities.
3. Detection of pollutants in water has improved, finding issues that were previously unnoticed. Over a third of water samples had nitrate levels under recommended limits, but some areas had concentrations exceeding drinking water standards due to intensive agriculture.
This document analyzes 179 field studies from 37 countries that examined the relationship between soil erosion and agricultural productivity. It finds that soil erosion negatively impacts crop yields, but the severity of impact varies significantly depending on factors like crop type, location, soil type, and land management practices. Studies using measurements of past erosion generally found smaller yield losses per unit of soil loss than studies examining the effects of present erosion, possibly because present erosion studies also captured the effects of variable management practices. The analysis calculates absolute and relative yield losses for major crops in different regions and soil types to assess the global impact of erosion on productivity. It concludes that inappropriate land management can greatly amplify the effects of erosion on yields.
- Land degradation is a serious problem across Eastern Africa, with over 20% of land degraded in Kenya and Ethiopia, over 40% in Malawi, and over 50% in Tanzania according to NDVI decline measures. Major drivers of degradation include expansion of cropland and unsustainable agricultural practices.
- Adoption of sustainable land management practices is low, ranging from 68% of plots in Malawi to 85% in Ethiopia and Tanzania. Use of multiple practices is also limited.
- Logit, multivariate probit, and Poisson regression models find that factors like temperature, rainfall, elevation, soil type, household demographics, education, land tenure, extension access, and credit access influence adoption and intensity
This study analyzed land degradation of irrigated cropland in northern Uzbekistan using satellite remote sensing at multiple scales. At the regional scale, 23% (94,835 ha) of irrigated cropland showed degradation trends over time. Finer scale mapping using Landsat imagery found 18% (52,938 ha) of fields had decreased vegetation cover between 1998 and 2009, including 17% that became fallow. The results were 93% consistent between scales and can inform policies for rehabilitating degraded fields through sustainable land use practices. Further validation is needed to refine the approaches.